#and then Benoit waving a hand and going 'nah he's just there. he has nothing to do with this'
michelangelinden · 1 year
I love many things about Glass Onion, but easily one of my favourites was how Derol is just some guy. He's just there, no explanation, no reason. He could have been the "omg it was the random guy all along" guy, but no, he is just some guy. Love it.
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talesofarcadia78 · 3 years
Bad Day || Douxie x Reader || One Shot
Summary: Title says it all 
Warning: None 
Word count:  2,293
You were really tired of customers today. But you had to get over the fact that you were working at a bookstore. The place you used to worked at, Stuart Electronics, the owner said that he didn’t need any employees, since he could manage the customers by himself. Plus, he didn’t get many customers. If he didn’t earn enough money from the shop, Stuart would just get his taco truck out and earn money from there. But you just took it as he fired you. You were fine with that. But you were definitely not fine with having to deal with customers everyday. Stuart always let you deal with the storage stuff.  
“Y/n? Hello? Anyone home?” a familiar British accent spoke, getting you out of your thoughts. 
“Huh? Yeah, I’m home,” you replied. 
“You’re not home, you doofus. You’re at the bookstore. Home is upstairs,” Douxie chuckled. 
“Uh, yeah,” you said. 
“Y/n, you have to focus. I’ll take care of the front. Can you go to the back and get 5 books from the new shipment box that arrived a few days ago?” Douxie asked. 
You nodded and walked to the back, grabbing the books that Douxie requested.
After about an hour, Douxie finally closed up the shop. 
“Finally! I’m so done!” you sighed and plopped yourself down onto an armchair.
“Yep! Just another day of our casual life,” Douxie agreed, walking over to the counter and counting the money we earned today. 
“Don’t you get tired of working everyday?” you asked. 
“Nah, I don’t. Why?” Douxie replied. 
“I just can’t, I get bored very easily, if you haven’t realised yet,” you replied. 
“I think I now that. I’ve known for almost a millennium now!” Douxie laughed. 
Then Archie came flying down, and onto you lap. 
“How was your day y/n?” Archie asked. 
“Hmm... let’s see. Boring, tiring, oh and have I said boring?” you replied. 
“I believe you have,” Archie replied. 
“Well, yeah. I’m kinda getting bored from the bookstore,” you whined. 
“Please, it’s not that boring,” Douxie said, getting a stool and sitting in front of you. 
“It’s boring to me, as you already know,” you said. 
“How about we go upstairs?” Archie asked. 
“That’s a good idea,” you agreed getting up. 
The three of you walked upstairs, and to the back. Douxie pulled an ancient book out of its place just a bit. Slowly, the whole shelf slid away, revealing a huge room. That ‘huge room’ was your apartment. 
You and Douxie shared an apartment together, since the two of you only had each other and Archie of course. 
You walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. You looked around, not much, just a milk carton, eggs, salmon and some vegetables. You groaned and slammed the door shut. 
“Someone’s a bit grumpy,” Douxie teased. 
“Technically, I’m hangry,” you corrected him. 
“Let me guess, no food?” Douxie asked, but he already knew the answer. 
“Yep! I’m not making pasta again, cause that’s all we’ve been eating for the last week,” you forewarned. 
“Okay, okay. What about we go to Mr. Benoit’s?” Douxie suggested. 
You looked at him briefly, and rushed into your room, slamming the door shut behind. You quickly got changed into a hoodie and a pair of jeans. You combed your h/l (hair length) h/c hair and tied it into a pony tail (if you have short hair, then it’s just left out). You rushed out of the room to see Douxie ready to go. 
“Come on, let’s go,” Douxie said. 
The two of you walked to the cafe and sat at a table outside. A waiter came and took your order. 
“So, have you found another place to work?” Douxie asked out of the blue. 
“W-What do you mean?” you asked. 
“I thought you would be searching for another place to work at, since you clearly don’t like working at the shop,” Douxie explained. 
“Am I that convincing?” you asked. 
Douxie looked at you confused. You sighed. 
“Douxie, look, I actually really love working at the bookstore. I might sound like I hate it, but I actually really love it there. I might get bored sometimes, since I’m at the counter, working with the customers. I don’t want to work anywhere else,” you explained. 
“But you were complaining like 20 minutes ago!” Douxie exclaimed. 
“Can’t anyone have a bad day?” you laughed. 
But when you saw Douxie’s face, you instantly stopped laughing. 
“Uh, Doux. You good?” you asked. 
“You had a bad day?” Douxie whispered to himself, making sure you couldn’t hear him. 
“Douxie?” you asked. 
“I’m fine,” Douxie replied and fell silent. 
“Okay,” you said, and turned to see the waiter with food. 
The dinner went good, but none of you said anything to the other. The walk home was also very quiet. When you had gotten to your apartment, the two of you just wished each other good night and went to your rooms. You wondered why Douxie was so quiet through the whole dinner. You shook the thought off and concluded that he just must’ve been tired. You changed into your night wear and fell asleep. 
Douxie on the other hand, was at his desk, planning for the next day. 
“Douxie, what are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to be asleep?” Archie asked. 
“Arch, y/n never told me she had a bad day today,” Douxie said. 
“Well, everyone has a bad day every once in a while,” Archie shrugged. 
“Arch, you’re not getting the point. Whenever I have a bad day, y/n is always there for me. She would make me my favourite food, play a few songs on her piano or would just talk to me. Either way, she always eventually makes my bad day better,” Douxie explained. 
Archie was catching on what Douxie was trying to say. 
“And there’s me. Today she had a bad day, and what did I do? Nothing,” Douxie said. 
“So your planning something for her?” Archie asked. 
“Exactly! Tomorrow, I’m going to make her day the best. I’ll take her to a nice place for breakfast, go out of town and have a picnic. Then, I’m going to take her to the cinema’s at night, where we’ll watch Danger House. After the movie, we’ll grab something from the taco truck and then head home!” Douxie explained his plan. 
“Why not also confess your feelings for her as well?” Archie added. 
“Wait what?!” Douxie gasped. 
“You heard me right, Douxie. I’ve seen the way you look at her and the way she looks at you. But the both of you are so oblivious,” Archie said. 
“What if she rejects me?” Douxie asked. 
“That’s what has been stopping you from confessing your feelings to her. Just trust yourself, Doux,” Archie said, and walked out of the room. 
 After Archie left, Douxie got into bed but before he feel asleep he promised himself that he’ll confess his feelings to you tomorrow. 
The next day, you got up and walked into the kitchen. But before you got to the fridge, Douxie stopped you. 
“Stop right there, love,” Douxie said. 
“Why? Are you the police?” you joked. 
“No, but we’re going to go to a cafe for breakfast,” Douxie announced. 
“But-” you started but were cut off by Douxie. 
“No buts or ifs. Now get ready, I’ll meet you downstairs,” Douxie said, pushing you into the bathroom, handing you your towel. 
You quickly took a shower and got dressed into an off-the-shoulder shirt and ripped jeans. 
Once you were downstairs, you saw Douxie holding the door open for you. You smiled and walked outside. Douxie closed the shop and the two of you walked to Mr. Benoit’s. 
The two of you had breakfast. It was a pretty good one. Douxie did a trick to make the coffee cold, which made the waiter go and get a another cup. Douxie kept on doing that, until you were crying from laughing. After breakfast, the two of you went out of town in Douxie’s car. Douxie didn’t tell you the place but it was beautiful. The two of you explored around the mountains and alleyways. After that, the two of you had a picnic. He had brought sandwiches, a pie and juice. The two of you chatted away while eating your food. The two of you then looked at the clouds pass by, pointing out shapes, animals or anything you could make out. 
“Hey, do you see that cat. It looks like Archie,” Douxie pointed to a cloud. 
You tried to find it but you couldn’t. 
“Where?” you asked. 
“There,” Douxie replied, grabbing your hand and pointing to the cloud. 
While you were looking for the cat, Douxie was looking at you. You looked cute when you tried to look for something. He just couldn’t get his eyes of you. 
After a while, you gave up looking and turned around to see Douxie staring at you. You blushed at the way he was looking at you. 
“Doux? You home?” you asked, waving your hand in front of him. 
“Huh? Yeah, I’m at home,” Douxie replied. 
“Your not home, you magical doofus. Your at... well I don’t know where we are actually,” you tried to joke. 
Unfortunately, you couldn’t since you had no idea where the two of you were. Only Douxie knew. Douxie started to crack up, noticing your joke didn’t turn out too well. You playfully glared at him, trying to be angry. 
Douxie then slowly stopped laughing. 
“You know you look very cute when your angry,” Douxie commented. 
You blushed at his comment. 
“And even more cute when you were trying to look for the cat cloud. Even more when your focused on your work. Whenever your trying to get a recipe right, whenever your trying to get Archie to give your belongings back,” Douxie continued. 
“Well... I... um... thank you,” you said, blushing even more. “Why are you all of a sudden saying these things?” you ask. 
“Because I want to tell you the truth. You’re very kind, caring, selfless and much more. I’m so lucky to have you in my life, y/n. You’re always looking out for Archie and me. I-I love you y/n l/n,” Douxie confessed. 
You looked at him wide eyed. You always had feelings for him, but you never knew he had feelings for you as well. You looked into his hazel eyes, while he looked into your e/c eyes. Slowly the two of you leaned forward. As you got closer, you slowly closed your eyes. Then, your lips touched. The kiss was soft and passionate. The two of you pulled away, looking into each other’s eyes. 
“I love you too, Hisirdoux Casperan,” you said. 
The two of you then continued cloud watching, while you leaned your head on his shoulder and his on top. The two of you watched the sunset and returned to Arcadia. 
“So, did you have a good day, my love?” Douxie asked. 
“Yes, thank you Douxie,” you replied. 
“Well, what about we go watch Danger House?” Douxie said, holding up two tickets. 
“Really?! I’ve been wanting to watch that for ages!” you squeal. 
Douxie chuckled at your excitement. He drove to Lucia. 
The two of you walked into the cinema, hand in hand. You two watched Danger House together. There were some scenes you didn’t want to see, so you hid your face in Douxie’s shoulder. 
After the movie, the two of you were walking out of the cinema, when you saw Stuart’s taco truck. 
“Doux, you hungry?” you ask, tugging on his arm. 
“Well, now that you mention it, love, I am,” Douxie chuckled, looking down to his stomach. 
“Let’s go to Stuart’s taco truck,” you suggested, pulling him behind you. 
The two of you walked over to the taco truck. You saw Jim, Claire, Toby, Steve, Aja, Krel and Eli, all grabbing burritos. 
“Hey, it’s Douxie and y/n!” Toby shouted, pointing to you and Douxie. 
“Hi Toby,” you greeted. 
“Hey,” the others greeted. 
“Don’t you all have school to go to tomorrow?” Douxie asked, walking over to the truck and ordering. 
“Well, yeah. But we all just came back from trollhunting and we’re starving,” Toby replied. 
“That’s a reasonable excuse,” you nodded. 
“What have you two been up to?” Steve asked, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“Nothing. Just went out of town and just watched Danger House,” Douxie replied, handing you a burrito. 
“Nothing else?” Claire teased. 
“Uh... nope,” you and Douxie answer, nervously. 
“Sure, sure,” Jim teased. 
“You too, Jim?” you gasped. 
“What can I do? You two are fun to tease, since you two haven’t even said ‘I love you’ yet,” Jim shrugged. 
“Technically, we already did,” Douxie grinned. 
“Wait, what!” all the kids exclaim. 
“Spill!” Claire and Aja begged. 
“Maybe another time guys. I’m sorry, but we got to go,” Douxie said, pulling you towards the bookstore. 
They all started to whine, but they all eventually stopped and waved bye. 
You and Douxie walked into the bookstore and were greeted by Archie. 
“So... how was your day?” Archie asked.
“The best!” you replied. 
“So did Douxie...” Archie started. 
“Yeah,” you and Douxie finished. 
“Finally! I was getting so tired of looking at the two of you!” Archie cheered. 
The three of you laughed and made your way to your apartment. 
You were going to close your bedroom door when Douxie stopped you. 
“Uh, Douxie, what are you doing?” you asked.
“I came to give you a goodnight kiss, duh,” Douxie replied. 
You rolled your eyes. He quickly gave you a peck on your lips and wished you goodnight. You closed your door and jumped into bed. Today was the best day of your life. 
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