#and then FINALLY i got into the group after maniac and. don't regret it. they're fun
kashilascorner · 2 years
Lee Know of Stray Kids is SO handsome. Doll level of pretty, he looks like he was made on purpose
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October 29th, 2287
I woke up at 4 o'clock this morning and couldn't fall back asleep. I laid in bed for about 45 minutes before I finally gave in and got up. I'll just have to get used to not sleeping as much anymore. Codsworth managed to get electricity running throughout some of the houses so I woke up to coffee at least. It's hard being around him, he reminds me of what was taken from me. But I truly am grateful he's still here.
Jake finally woke up around 7am. He cooked himself some sort of meat. I didn't ask what it was, I assume there's not many deer left around here so I didn't want to know right now. He was ready to go at 8 o'clock, so we headed out shortly after that.
I could hear gunshots not even 1 minute after we passed the Red Rocket. My heart was racing and I was beginning to regret offering a hand to this stranger. I served a few years in the military before I got pregnant with Shaun, but I was stealth ops. I've killed people, but I've never been shot at. I wasn't afraid... I... I just haven't dealt with this sort of thing in over 6 years, or about 216 years I guess.
15 minutes of walking towards Concord and that feeling of dread finally passed as Main Street came into my sights. There were people everywhere in the streets. They wore painted metal armor, and horrific face paint. I turned to Jake and told him I was going to situate myself on the nearest rooftop. I had grabbed my old sniper from my floor safe. I had cleaned it and I was ready for this.
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Almost 45 minutes of constant gunfire and things were finally quiet. After clearing Main Street of these maniacs that everyone is calling raiders, we had made our way inside the museum. I was out of my comfort zone in there as I was fighting face to face with these people, but we finally made it to the top floor. I met a group of people, one of their names was Preston, Preston Garvey, who introduced himself as a "Minuteman". That was an odd bit of information to take, I guess we're moving backwards in time. The man that was introduced as Sturges explained that there was an old suit of Power Armor inside the vertibird that had crashed through the roof. Not really my style, Nate was always the one who went in hard and heavy. Nate... Oh how I miss you dearly...
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I did end up doing what Sturges recommended. I suited up, grabbed the mini gun and gave those bastards hell. All was going pretty smoothly, or so I thought. That was until a fucking giant lizard? A GIANT LIZARD?! I really had no words when that beast came through the sewer tunnels and let out a terrifying roar. Apparently they're called Deathclaws. What a lovely name. I was pleased to hear that you don't run into them very often, though that didn't make me feel any better if I'm being completely honest. Even knowing there was a small chance I'd run into one of them again had me feeling sick to my stomach. I've never seen anything like it. If I wasn't scared of the world I was thrown into before, then I definitely am now.
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I needed a moment to collect myself after all of that. I stepped out of the power armor and just collapsed to the ground. I could tell I'd have bruises tomorrow, but I wasn't hurt much other than that. It was my mind that was in pain. There was so much to process in just a short amount of time and I couldn't handle it in that moment. I cried. I cried hard until there was a hand on my shoulder. I didn't even look at who it was at first. I grabbed their hand and they crouched down with me and I lunged into their arms. I cried even harder and they rubbed my back and just let me release my feelings. I managed to pull myself to together and finally pull back to see who had came to me. It was Jake. He smiled at me, and I wiped my tears away, thanking him as I did so. He asked me if I was alright and I told him that I was. I told him I was just overwhelmed. He told me he understood, and helped pull me to my feet. "It's a lot to take in darlin', but you were amazing back there." It really is comforting to know that there are good people here.
Shortly after my little breakdown I finally went back inside the museum to check on the settlers. They were in awe with what had just happened and they thanked me 10 times over. Preston tried to offer me... bottle caps? I don't know what the hell he expected me to do with them, but I refused his offer. Apparently bottle caps are this New World's currency. Either way, I didn't do it for the money. He apologized as if he had offended me, but I told him not to worry about it and that I was just glad he and his companions were alright. They said they were planning to go to a place called "Sanctuary" before they had been trapped in Concord. I told them that I used to live there before the war. All eyes were on me then. I probably should start keeping that bit of information to myself.
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Preston questioned me about my pre-war life the entire walk back to Sanctuary. I answered what I could, but I was starting to get tired of talking about it. I didn't want to seem rude as it makes sense that he would want to ask all these questions. They're just difficult to answer. Not that I don't know the answers, just... well, you know.
After we made it back to Sanctuary I told the group of people that I was going to rest up for the night. Codsworth let me know that he had gone and fixed the water to Sanctuary while I was gone, he told me I deserved to be able to take nice showers whenever I wanted too. I really do love that robot with my whole heart. I went straight to my so-called-home after telling everyone good night and took a shower. The water wasn't very hot but I am not going to complain. It felt great to be in there. I'm sure the soap is long passed it's throw out date but I used it nonetheless. I should head on to bed now though. It's just passed 10 o'clock and I need to try and get as much sleep as I can if I plan to delve deeper into the Commonwealth in the next couple of days. So, goodnight.
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