ya-zz · 6 months
Ramattra drabble but he messes with his speech settings and ends up talking another language and doesn’t know how to turn it off
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FRENCH??? I am about to offend every French person who stumbles upon this blog...
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He thinks nothing of it at first, a setting that didn't necessarily need to be touched unless he decided to travel, but considering he was comfortable in this place with you, it was unnecessary.
So he decides to mess with it, thinking nothing of it until he needed to do a quick reset to refresh his systems.
Everything booted up as usual but the moment his systems came up within his vision in another language, no longer omnicode, he froze.
You happened to wander in at the same moment he spoke, offering a smile and small wave as you approach him.
"Cela ne semble pas correct-" He pauses, fingers twitching at his sides.
"What?" You halt your movements, staring up at him with a confused expression on your face.
"J'ai peut-être fait une erreur." He looks at you, noting the ever growing concern and confusion within your features.
"I have no idea what you're saying." You admit, taking another step closer to him.
"Je ne sais pas comment rétablir cela. Mes systèmes sont en français."
"Ramattra, you can say whatever you like but I have no idea what you're actually saying."
He hums, optics looking off to the side as he tries to think of an alternative way to communicate to you. He has no manual, he wasn't factory made, so to speak.
Ramattra couldn't do much except take a seat on the floor and go into his systems, but with everything no longer in omnicode, it was going to take a long time to put things back to how they were.
"This is why you shouldn't mess with settings you're uncertain with." You laugh, taking a seat in front of him.
His optics look up at you between files as he scoffs.
"Il serait dans votre intérêt de vous taire."
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Forgive me if it's wrong, I used two translators for this.
Cela ne semble pas correct - This doesn't seem right
J'ai peut-être fait une erreur - I may have made a mistake
Je ne sais pas comment rétablir cela. Mes systèmes sont en français - I don't know how to restore this. My systems are in French
Il serait dans votre intérêt de vous taire - It would be in your interest to keep quiet
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Pour notre note de fin de chapitre sur la Prohibition & Al Calpone du cours d’ anglais. Nous avons réalisé ma partenaire et moi une scénette animé dans laquelle des références aux actions d’Al Capone sont évoquées.
J’étais chargée de l’écriture du script, de l’animation des flashback et des génériques ainsi que les effets sonores
Jess:  No worries Darling , it will be fast. Daddy will probably just give you a warning, nothing serious.
Josh:  We’re talking about your father here !
*Jess knocks on the door*
Jess: Daddy, it’s me!
AlCapone: Honey, what are you doing here ? I told you to let him come alone. Get out !
Jess: But...Daddy ?!
AlCapone: I said out !
*Jess angry leave & Josh come in the room*
Josh:  Mister AlCapone *saluate*
AlCapon: Sit down*reveal is face*
*Josh sit down*
AlCapon: Do you know why you are here Josh?
Josh:  ....
AlCapon: ANSWER ME !!!
Josh:  Yes Mister
AlCapon: Oh really, I think I’ll just refresh your memory a little bit.
1)  Speakeasy
AlCapon: Firstly, On your mission number 3...you gave the address of one of our speakeasy to a policewoman. Who blackmailed us for a very generous bribe that I would have done without.
Josh: Yeah so, you turn after the corner on the street then you see a wall with a posters  saying "Vote Dry" but it's a fake we are smart uh not like those dumb cop eheheh...so you knock on it three times then 2. And someone will make you come in but *huush* don't tell anyone and don't get too drunk cutie pie. *blink*
2)  Scène faisant référence au Soup kitchen
AlCapon: Then on your mission number 5 when you had the great idea to start a food fight in a soup kitchen for the poor.
3) Cellar intended for the creation of contraband alcohol
 AlCapon: You know the old saying "Never two without three" . You took a bath in one of our bathtubs destined for the maceration of alcohol. Thinking it was a pleasant intention for you, the great mister Josh, to finish totally  naked and drunk as a skunk .
Employee: Euuh...Boss we got a problem
4)   The massacre of Valentine's Day
And not to forget the reason that brings you here ... the massacre of Valentine's Day ...
 AlCapon: If I resume, you were one of the escort guards who had to recover the gang ambassadors of the North Side in the parking lot. In order to bring them back here to sign an alliance. But if i read your report you say "I dropped my submachine gun and it went off by itself, and I took cover because it was firing from everywhere. Once the gun was empty I came out of hiding and found the dead ambassadors"
*Josh lean down his head*
AlCapon: So, what? You’re an undercover agent? A cop, right? You can’t be that dumb !?! In all these years in this career, even in my whole life. I’ve never seen such a dumb-ass like you, even a snail would have a minimum of intellect
Josh:  No sir , I’m just a little clumsy...but...but I’ll make it up to you, I promise.
AlCapon: I understand...you’ll do better in another life...
*Kill him* *Jess knock on the door then come in*
Jess:  Daddy let's get down to business. I need to confess to you something...Give me your hand and look me in the eyes, it's really serious...I need you to know that you're..you're in state of arrestation for alcohol trafficking, banditry, murder and the list goes on.  You can come in as an officer .
*Lui passe les menottes *
Josh:  Now on ,you can remain silent, all can be used against you.AlCapon: But...who is he ? Jessica, what the hell ?! Josh:  He was a criminal sentenced to death, who was dressed to look like me.
AlCapon: No way, SECURITY Jess:  Sorry Mister, but all your employees, if we can call them like that , are all warm at the police station and waiting for you.
AlCapon:  You dare to betray your down father Jessica !Jess:  I'm not your foster daughter. You’ve neglected her so much for your business that you’ve forgotten what she looks like. She died murdered3 years ago by the man you just executed
Josh:  The scientific police wouldn't take long , wish you a good luck for the next
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mas0094fan · 7 years
[Fan Account] #Concert - 17.07.29
[FR] - Yonghoon a changé de coupe de cheveux. LOVER1 a dit qu’elle ne pouvait pas bien voir à cause de l’éclairage, mais que c’était un peu comme du brun kaki cendre ? C’est plus clair que sa coupe précédente. On aurait aussi dit qu’il avait un peu mincit. - Kanghyun a dit qu’il avait perdu 4 kilos (LOVER2 n’a pas entendu si c’était parce qu’il faisait un régime ou non).  -LOVER1 a dit que Kanghyun s’est aussi coupé les cheveux (par rapport à la dernière fois qu’on l’a vu) mais que la coupe de Cya n’a pas changé. Et que Harin fait toujours assidûment du sport. - Cya ne portait pas de bracelets ce jour là. LOVER1 a dit qu’il avait une montre au poignet gauche mais qu’elle ne pouvait pas voir ce qu’il portait au poignet droit. - Le frère jumeaux de Dongmyeong, Dongju, est venu assisté au concert et beaucoup de personnes l’ont trouvé beau. - LOVER2 a dit que c’était un peu triste que toutes les places soient assises, parce que même si c’est dur, ça aurait été plus excitant d’être debout. - Au début Yonghoon a dit « On aime beaucoup quand (les fans) nous prennent en photos, nous filment et le postent sur les réseaux sociaux mais (comme ce n’est pas possible aujourd’hui) j’espère que vous pourrez seulement vous amuser ». - LOVER1 a dit qu’elle n’a pas remarqué parce qu’elle avait éteint son téléphone (et ne pouvait pas voir l’heure), mais son amie lui a dit que MAS ont fait 50 minutes du concert de 2 heures. - LOVER1 a dit que ça se voyait que les membres se sont vraiment entraînés dur pour apprendre à danser. Parce qu’initialement, sans compter Yonghoon, il n’y avait presque aucune chorégraphie quand ils faisaient Uptwon Funk. Mais cette fois il y en avait beaucoup et c’était mignon. Ils ont aussi présentés de nouvelles chansons (LOVER1 ne dit pas si il s’agit de chansons originales ou non). - LOVER1 a dit que le moment le plus drôle était quand on a demandé à chacun d’entre eux leur technique spéciale pour passer un été rafraîchissant. Kanghyun a dit d’aller dans un café ! De commander un Ice Americano ! De jeter le café et de mâcher les glaçons. Du coup Dongmyeong a demandé au public de quelle manière il allait se rafraîchir cet été, et les fans ont répondu, « On va commander un Ice Americano !!! ». Mais comme les membres ne les ont pas crus, ils leurs ont vraiment donné des Ice Americano.  - Aussi, pendant leurs présentations individuelles, Kanghyun parlait mais le public criait donc il leur a fait signe de crier encore plus fort. - MAS ont interprété leur propre version de ‘Playing With Fire’ [BLACKPINK]. - Pour la dernière chanson (sans compter le encore) ils ont chantés ‘Starligt’. LOVER1 a dit que Dongmyeong regardait le public avec des yeux qui scintillent, comme s’il essayait de croiser le regard de chaque personne. Cya était assis sur le devant (de la scène) et il faisait des coucous aux LOVERs (et il semble qu’elles le saluaient en retour).  - Avant de chanter ‘Starlight’, ils ont parlés pour la dernière fois et ont dit qu’ils allaient chanter la dernière chanson. Ils parlaient dans cet ordre, (Harin en premier ?) Kanghyun ; Yonghoon : Dongmyeong ; Cya. Mais Yonghoon a commencé à parler tout d’un coup donc Dongmyeong a dit « Il a encore Harin-hyung (qui doit parler) ». Yonghoon a dit qu’il savait mais qu’il avait soudainement pensé à quelque chose à dire et que maintenant il avait le mauvais rôle. Donc il a fait faire à Dongmyeong ‘les exercices de gym de Dongmyeong’. Dongmyeong a dit « Si je n’avais pas fait cette danse ce soir-là, je ne serais pas apparus à la télévision~ Je rigole haha ».
[ENG] - Yonghoon changed his hairtsyle. LOVER1 said she couldn't see well because of the lights but that it was kind of like an ash kaki brown ? It's brighter than his previous hair stlyle. Also he looks like he lost some weight. - Kanghyun said he lost 4kg (LOVER2 didn't hear it clearly if it was because he was dieting or not). - LOVER1 said that Kanghyun cut his hair too (compared to the last time we saw him) but that Cya's hairstyle didn't change. And Harin is still excercising diligently. - It seems like Cya wasn't wearing wrist bands this day. LOVER1 said that he was wearing a watch on his left wrist but she couldn't see what he was wearing on his right wrist. - Dongmyeong's twin brother, Dongju, was at the concert and a lot of people found him handsome. - LOVER1 said that she don't know because she turned off her phone (and couldn't see the time), but her friend told her that MAS performed for 50 minutes of the 2 hours long concert. -  LOVER2 said that it was a bit sad that all the places were seated, because even if it's hard it would’ve more exciting to stand up. - At the beginning, Yonghoon said " We like it when (fans) take photos and videos and post it on SNS but (as it's not possible today) I hope you would just have fun." - LOVER1 said that they could see that the members trained hard to learn dance. Because originaly there is almost no choreography when they're doing Uptown Funk, expect for Yonghoon. But this time there was a lot and it was cute. They also performed some new songs (LOVER1 doesn't say if it's original songs or not). - LOVER1 said that the funniest moment was when they asked for their own special way to spend a refreshing summer. Kanghyun said to go to a cafe! Order an Ice Americano! Throw the coffee and chew on the ice. So Dongmyeong asked to the audience how they were going to stay refreshed for the summer, and they responded "We'll get an Ice Americano!!!". But because they were not believing the audience they really gave them Ice Americano. - Also during their individual greetings, Kanghyun was talking but the audience was cheering so he made sign for them to scream even louder. - MAS performed their own version of ‘Playing With Fire’ [BLACKPINK].  - For the last song (sans the encore) they sang Starlight. LOVER1 said that Dongmyeong was watching the audience with sparkling eyes, like he was trying to meet eyes with each and every persons. Cya was sitting on the front and waving his hands to LOVERs (and it seems like LOVERs were waving back at him). - Before singing Starlight, they said their last greetings and that they were going to sing the last song. They were talking in this order (Harin first?) Kanghyun, Yonghoon, Dongmyeong, Cya. But Yonghoon started talking all of sudden so Dongmyeong said "There is still Harin-hyung (who has to talk)". Yonghoon said that he knew but he just suddenly thought of something to say but that now he had the bad role. So he made Dongmyeong do his 'Dongmyeong's gymnastics'. Dongmyeong said "If I hadn't done this dance this night I wouldn't have appeared on TV~ I'm joking haha".
sources : x x x
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alisvanity · 4 years
Un examen de meuble jardin
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(July 2011) (Learn how and when to remove this template avis)etagere metallique armoire metallique industrielle armoire agee Grosseur davertissement, 'A first pas at Antico, Chad Colbys cantique to rustic Italian cooking,' 11 June 2019 These example sentences are selected automatically from various online termes conseilles fontaine to reflect current utilisation of the word 'armoire.The sketch of annee armoire desk which comes with this rubrique shows a fairly colossal translation with four folding doors, a writing surface which slides demode, and a keyboard and mouse bloc tray which, in turn, slides demode from under the sliding writing surface. In the interpretation shown here it is realisable to leave a few thin amoncellement of paper on the writing surface before sliding it back in.Rectiligne d'innovant : ces textes sont disponibles au-dessous licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans ces memes Stipulation ; dautres Clause peuvent sPlacer. Solution Eblouissante et agile malgre se veiller unique cartouche Associable en compagnie de rare imprimante hp photosmart a626 dont n'orient plus dans le commerce !Les narration a legard de commissions sappliquent sur ces raide TTC avec certain vente de Produit effectuee, frais a legard de escale inclus, puis la prime or raisonnementee sentend hors TVA.Pepite make it so the Armoire can hold any gear...not just the seasonalspecial ones. Glam log would still Lorsque parangon, but I would take annee Armoire that holds any equipment over what we have now.Pareillement aupres la translation boqueteau, ce fait de se pallier bizarre armoire metallique dcirconstance permet dinvestir a moindre cout puis contre rare cout en meme temps que 20 a 40 % en meme temps que moins dontau valeur du frais.Often, the work surface pepite surfaces, such as a writing area or a computer keyboard tray are adjustable to provide an ergonomically sound working environment.Some armoire desks have a fixed work surface, which stays in rond-point when the doors are closed, and moves only experience ergonomic adjustments.The Verger Enix terms of coutumes, privacy policy and cookies policy can also Sinon found through links at the bottom of the Passage.Dans utilisant bizarre code nomination Cdiscount toi-meme pourrez profiter en compagnie de remises supplementaires quand en compagnie de la authentification en tenant votre panier ! Boutique similairesIt certainly contains no weapons, so cannot Sinon annee armoury, and we conjecture that her word must Sinon a decrepitude of armoire. shp-constructions
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