#and then i felt better because at least i wasn't like that KRKF
beauzos ยท 4 months
reading Custerology, and two things:
it's extremely funny that a lot of contemporaries writing about him positively can't help but call him girly for like. having long hair and being particular about his appearance. like there's multiple quotes about him that basically just boil down to "he's sooo girly but also he's sooo badass he's awesome i love him". ok.
at one point the author contrasts "Custerphile" with "Custerphobe" and it made me laugh really hard. with YOUR help we can increase the amount of Custerphobes in the world!!!
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beauzos ยท 6 months
i had my driving lesson today and i lived bitch!!!!
it actually went much better than anticipated. driving is still rather stressful for me-- of course it is, that was the first time i'd ever been behind the wheel KRKF but like. i paid for 2 hours and i was driving probably an hour and a half of that time so i got a great feel for driving. i wasn't sure how much time i'd have since i was starting from 0 experience having gotten my permit THREE YEARS AGO. driving is so. oh god, it's scary and i still hate it KSDFS but i actually feel like ... it's attainable for me to learn?
like i was on the roads dude. being a menace who brakes too fast and is driving below the speed limit until the last little bit where i finally kept remembering to speed up to the actual speed limit. i even drove like. 10 minutes back to the driving center. i did that! that's crazy!
teacher was nice. he was great actually. really calm so i never panicked if i made a mistake, i just fixed the problem. that's useful because driving is still a scary concept for me. i cursed a lot and apologized a lot but i never felt necessarily afraid of it since he was handling it well.
he's rather old, he's older than my dad (78) and you never know what these older folks are gonna be like but he was very nice. and he talked a lot about politics but he isn't conservative and that was a huge relief. like i was kind of afraid of that. i don't want to politically debate an old guy while trying to figure out driving, especially because i'm still masking and i know how people get but no he was very nice and we got along well. like if he was conservative, whatever we're here to learn to drive, but don't talk to me about it, but nope, no problems here.
i knew i was getting more comfortable driving because i started being able to have a conversation with him while driving too, though i'm not great at multitasking while driving-- i get distracted by checking my speedometer way too much, or get too focused on breaking appropriately and forgot my turn signal or whatever. there's a lot of things to think about when driving and it's tough for me. but i'm learning and getting better already.
i also struggled a bit bcs i never found the right seat position for driving and my foot was fucking killing me the entire time bcs i was stretching my leg + foot out too much, so that's something to work on. because once i do that, i'll get better at speed and breaking management bcs it was uncomfortable reaching for the gas pedal even after adjustments.
all in all, it went really well. i feel good about it. i feel good enough to start practicing with my parents. i feel confident i could practice the drive to work or the store, for example, albeit not well quite yet. i do plan on at least one more driving lesson from this guy, though, after a bit of home practice because he's a better teacher than my dad or mom could be. well worth the money.
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