#and there's also very little info on king cobras I found out
regina-del-cielo · 3 years
“The Old Guard” Daemon AU: Quynh and the king cobra
Since we don’t separate couples in this house, after Andy here comes Quynh. She’s just as badass as her axe-wielding wife, so she has a similarly Iconique daemon
the king cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world; adults range between 3,75 and 5 m, and weigh up to 10 kg, and males are bigger than females. Quynh is terrifying (affectionate), so her having a Big Murder Noodle as daemon is on par with her
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king cobras are apex predators, snakes that eat other snakes; their only natural predators are humans. Quynh, like Andy, is a force of nature, so she deserves to stay on top of the food chain
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like most venomous snakes, king cobras kill their prey by biting them, injecting a high dose of venom, and then eat it. Quynh, that Joe described as a pit viper in a fight, seems to be a “one strike and you’re dead” type of warrior, especially being an archer
on that same note, a group of king cobras is called a quiver, and a quiver is also the pouch where archers keep their arrows. So. Sounds like destiny
king cobras are diurnal, so they possess a good eyesight, together with a strong sense of smell; they also spend a lot of time on tree branches, from which they lean down to hunt – sniper Quynh my beloved
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while they usually prefer avoidance to confrontation, king cobras tend to take an aggressive stance when disturbed – raising up to the chest, opening the hood, and hissing. Since they’re also much larger than many snakes, they can also attack from a certain distance if bothered. I think Quynh has the spirit of an observant (she was the sniper before Nicky and I will die on this hill), and she doesn’t start fights if she doesn’t need to; but she won’t take any bullshit from anyone, and those that test her don’t live long enough to regret it
king cobras are long-lived snakes (20 years on average) and although they’re solitary during the year, they tend to stay with the same partner for the mating season, and it’s the only snake species that actively builds a nest for its eggs, which the female guards ferociously. 🎶 ~ Found Family Vibes Babe ~ 🎶
a king cobra’s scales are usually a mix of green, brown, black and yellow, with the yellow scales forming very slight stripes on the top portion of the body. It’s not the flashiest coloring among snakes, but it’s surely elegant, and Quynh is obviously a fashion icon, and her daemon’s coloring goes with all her outfits – what do they say, black goes with everything?
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The habitat of the king cobra spans from southern India to most of Southeast Asia, from lowlands up to an elevation of 2000 m. They live in forests, swamps, bamboo thickets, grasslands, and rivers – they are good swimmers. Coincidentally, Vietnam has declared the king cobra a protected species (go Vietnam!); so it’s an animal that Quynh would have been familiar with
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according to the Netflix featurette video, Andy found Quynh around 1000 BCE – take away the century that it took her to actually find Quynh, and assuming that Andy started looking for her as soon as the dreams started (which I think she would have, desperate for company as she was), we could place Quynh’s death around 1100 BCE – give or take the thirty/forty years Quynh actually lived
I am assuming that Quynh lived in the Red River delta area in northern Vietnam; this date would place her at the tail end of the Dong Dau archaeological period of the Hong Bang dynasty (the predecessor of the Dong Son culture), and she would have been a Lac Viet
the Lac Viet were an agricultural society with a sort of feudal system, where inheritance was passed through both the paternal and maternal line; also, when someone got married, they became a member of the wife’s family instead of the husband’s
in most Asian cultures snakes have a neutral or positive depiction, from symbols of rebirth (due to their periodical shedding of the skin) and immortality (think of the ourobouros), to fertility (humans will see an elongated anything with a differentiated head and go ‘is this a phallic reference?’) to guardians of temples or divine figures (especially cobras, for their defensive positions); the Vietnamese dragon itself is a combination of various animals, including the snake
one of the legends about the origin of the Vietnamese people is that of Lac Long Quan, legendary founder of the Hung dynasty, whose mother was a dragon goddess, and Au Co, an immortal fairy of the mountains who could turn into a bird. She bore him 100 children, and when they separated (he to the seas, she to the mountains) the children also split between their parents
in Vietnam’s folk religion, the snake, as an amphibious animal, is meant to possess the linh, the “spirit”, a power of mediation between âm (yin, the disorder) and duong (yang, the order). It lives on the threshold of water and land, and thus is associated with divine figures with luminal powers between order and disorder, especially goddesses
the neighbouring Cambodians also believe to be descended from nagas, the snake gods also present in Hindu and Buddhist mythology
this would mean that Quynh having a snake daemon, in her original culture, would have been considered positively, even reverently – and in her travels through Asia, said snake being a cobra probably was looked at even more benevolently
(imagine how pissed off she must have been that the onset of Christianity would make people recoil away from her and her daemon)
After. A painful search. I have settled for Thang for the daemon’s name. It means “victory” (or “victorious”, depending on the sources), and it feels like a good thing to name a person’s daemon, especially if we assume that Quynh had a warrior training in her first life too
(there is One (1) Thing I know of him. He has a Deep Sexy Voice, like. Imagine James Earl Jones. That’s how I can imagine him speaking. A soothing deep bass that makes you feel instantly at ease – haters will say it’s manipulative. Quynh regularly goes “if Thang was a tiger you wouldn’t say that, you cowards”)
Fun fact: in almost all legends and mythologies snakes and eagles (or snake-like and eagle-like entities) are mortal enemies since, you know, snakes represent the chthonic world and eagles represent the skies. And yet Andy and Quynh looked at each other and went ‘fuck it, that’s my wife now’ and that’s Very Sexy of them
(I can see Diokles sleeping on the closest tree branch above Andy and Quynh with Thang gently coiled around him so he can also Keep Warm)
References outside of Wikipedia and directly linked sites:
 Đõ̂, Thiện (2003): Vietnamese Supernaturalism: Views from the Southern Region. Psychology Press, 300 pages
Dutton G.E., Werner S.J., Whitmore J.K. (2012): Sources of Vietnamese Traditions. Columbia University Press, 622 pages;
McLeod M.W., Nguyen T.D. (2001): Culture and Customs of Vietnam. Greenwood Press, 198 pages;
National Geographic’s Photo Ark – King Cobra;
Taylor, K.W. (1983): The Birth of Vietnam. University of California Press, 397 pages;
Taylor, K.W. (2013): A History of the Vietnamese. Cambridge University Press, 696 pages.
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1upmushrooms · 7 years
The Legend of the Mario Brothers Episode 2 (1up Deadfic)
Author’s Note:....I just now realized that the point of “Double Post Saturday” was to reward you guys for following me, not torture you. Oh well, what can ya do? Enjoy more bad shit! 
Episode 2: Found. (Part 1) Outside of Wart’s Castle, a big booming voice is heard. Wart: WHAT?!?!?! Then inside, at Wart’s throne room. The 10 Shy-Guys are now bowing nervously as wart is enraged with what he heard. Wart: WHAT DO YOU MEAN MARIO FELL OFF?!?!?! Shy-Guy #2: W-w-well, you see uh sir; we were uh flying through the mountains when Mario fell off. But…it’s no big deal- Wart: NO BIG DEAL!!!!!! If one of the Mario Brothers is still living, there is still a chance that the prophecy will precede. I need to destroy those brothers now, while they are still weak and powerless! The Shy-Guys then shiver as Wart rises from his chair. Wart: I demand that you go to Yoshi’s Island and grab Mario this instant! Kamek: But sir! Don’t you get it! Mario’s at Yoshi’s Island! There’s a large possibility he’s dead already! Making a search party would be useless. Wart then ponders. Wart: I guess your right. Wart then sits back down on this throne. Wart: You are all free to go. The Shy-Guys then quickly get up as Wart then snaps at them. Wart: But don’t make this mistake ever again! The Shy-Guys then suddenly leave as Wart just sits there. Wart: You got to stop defending these swine Kamek. They aren’t worth it. Kamek: I know. But those people just amuse me, the way they beg for mercy. Wart then gets out of his chair and looks at the view of Subcon from his window. It looks gloomy and depressing, a dark gloomy city filled with crashing cars, shootouts, fights, and chases. While the land in the east, was full of polluted waterfalls with rejected logs from a lumber mill falling out, dried up fields with stale vegetables where potheads sleep when their hammered, and dark hills with broken ladders where some people claim to have disappeared by entering through unknown doors. Wart: Look at what this city has become. Kamek: I know. It’s disgusting. Wart: Look at the Mushroom Kingdom. It has great controllable climate, many seas, a great city, and their neighbors with the many great resources such as Ocean Side, the Bean, Bean Kingdom you know. While Subcon has Desert Hill as its neighbor! Kamek: Oh I know. (Mumbles) You’ve kept saying that same monologue for 4 years. Wart: What was that?! Kamek: NOTHING!!!! Wart then looks at Kamek suspiciously. Wart: Alright. Wart then suddenly gets a call. Wart: Hello? King Toadstool: Wart! Good news! We just got info from an insider that a lunatic named Marcus Tyler was seen in a warehouse! The thing is he was one of the terrorists that bombed our city! You got to come over here quick. Wart: Ok. Wart then hangs up and looks at Kamek. Kamek: What happened? Wart: Marcus was caught. Kamek: Marcus? You mean the guy who was a part of the Mushroom Kingdom bombing?! Wart: Yes. The very same! Kamek: I thought he was in prison. Wart: He must’ve gotten out. Kamek: When are you going to go? Wart: Right now. Also, your sure Mario is dead? Kamek: Yes. I am. MEANWHILE BEFORE The Shy-Guys tried to catch Mario but instantly he fell off. Mario then (in a bag of course) fell and fell until he landed on Yoshi’s Island. Shy-Guy #2: Aw CRAP! Shy-Guy #4: Wart won’t like this. Shy-Guy #5: Let’s just pretend it didn’t happen ok? Ok. Let’s just go to Subcon already. The Albatoss then continues to fly towards Subcon. Meanwhile on Yoshi’s Island, Yoshi, a green, gentle, Dinosaur is seen walking in the middle of a jungle. Then, Yoshi hears a faint scream as BAM; a little bag falls on his head as Yoshi falls to the ground. Yoshi then shakes the bag off as the bag slides off Yoshi’s head. Yoshi then hears faint crying as he picks up the bag by his mouth and heads south. Then, at what looks to be a row of Trees with lots of leaves on them, with sounds and colors coming from inside, Yoshi then brings the bag to the forest, puts the bag down and yells, then after he shuts up as a tall, standard size man  emerges from the leaves. He’s wearing an undershirt, some untidy shorts, and is holding a newspaper. Man: What?! The man then looks at the bag. Man: What the- The Man then opens the bag and sees Mario inside, and Mario appears to be spleeping with tears coming from his eyes. He looks astonished. Man: Where’d you find this? Yoshi then tries to show how everything happens, though he messes up a lot. The Man still understands, as he wraps up the bag and takes it in the forest. The forest however turns out to be this Man’s home. There are several newspapers on the grass floor, with some Cigarette butts, soda cans, VHS tapes, and lots of chairs. There’s a roaring fireplace, made up of bricks, a wooden desk with a bent chair, a mini TV is on the desk, and beside thsat desk is an untidy bed. A mini CD player is on the desk as well. The Man puts the bag on his bed, and opens it. The Mario then wakes up and sees The Man. Man: Uh, hi. Mario just looks at the Man. Man: Can you speak? (Then the man puts his hand on his head.) No, he can’t speak English, Miyamoto you dummy! Miyamoto then looks at Mario again. This time Mario smiles. Miyamoto: (Chuckles) I bet that got you laughing. Miyamoto then notices something on Mario’s forehead. There on the right side is a little star. Miyamoto touches it. Miyamoto: How’d that get there? Miyamoto then sighs as he then grabs Mario and puts him on the other side of the bed. Miyamoto then puts 4 chairs on that side as well. He then puts another 4 chairs on the other sides. Miyamoto then decides to sleep on the floor as he turns the TV off. Meanwhile, at the Mushroom Kingdom Police Station, Wart walks towards a dark metal chamber door. King Toadstool then walks to Wart. Wart: Well, is this it? King Toadstool: Yes. The guys right in there. Then Chief Toads-Worth enters with a key. Toads-Worth: Here’s the key. Wart: Thanks. Wart then unlocks the chamber door and enters into a damp room with a beam of light on a man strapped to a chair. Wart then walks to the man. Wart: Hello, Marcus. Marcus then looks up, and starts sweating. Marcus: W-w-w-Wart! G-g-g-good to see you! Y-you don’t believe in this madness, do you? I-I-I-I-I would never do such a thing! Wart: Then why are you here? And why aren’t you in your uniform? Marcus: I-I-I-I-I-I was walking along when they caught me and they saw the mark! Then they arrested me and forced me to talk! They knew who I was, and what I was a part of! Wart: Liar! They didn’t know you, what you were a part of, or see the mark!  I know perfectly well, you’ve always wanted to sell me out! You never enjoyed being a part of Cobrat didn’t you? You wanted out and to be done with it, didn’t you? Marcus: N-n-n-n-n-n-never! Wart: LIAR! You wanted to quit! And look right here. Wart sees Marcus’s right arm. Wart: I see your right arm, but not the red Cobra. Were you embarrassed of the mark? Or did it magically come off?! Marcus: It-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it it’s not what you think! It’s disguised with makeup- Wart: LIAR! You were never on my side, don’t you deny that fact! You wanted to sell me out because of your guilt! They didn’t force to squeeze information out of you! You gladly came to the station and told them, you could give them info! Oh and listen here Marcus. Wart then walks around. Wart: Don’t think that the King or anyone else will hear this conversation. These walls around this room are 100% soundproof, no one can hear outside anything outside these walls! So they won’t know anything. And I think it would also be better if you didn’t remember a thing or too as well.   Wart comes to Marcus again when Marcus then whimpers as Wart takes something out of his pocket.  It is a wand with a green jewel on it. Wart: A little memory alteration might do you some good actually! Then, Wart aimed his wand at Marcus. Wart: But I don’t know what to use. A memory charm would definitely be quicker and easy. But the “Sane’s Bane” curse, while taking longer, would be more satisfying and interesting to watch as a normal man gets lost into the realm of insanity. Or, I can just kill you simple as that, and then say that you grabbed out a knife you secretly had and violently killed yourself. But that would take hours to perform correctly. And even then, there’s a small chance they would believe me. Oh, what to use, what to use. Marcus: MASTER! P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-PLEASE! Don’t d-d-d-d-d-do this to me! Just torture me! Stab me! Whatever you do! Please don’t kill me or alter my memory or sanity! Wart: Hmm. (Thinking) I could give you one more chance and just torture you. Then, everything would be normal again. (Thinks again) Yes. I guess I could let you off the hook this time.   Marcus then smiles a bit. Wart: But what if you don’t learn anything and try to confess again? How can I trust you if you already proved to me that you would gleefully stab my back, and tell the whole world of my plans? Marcus’ smile then vanishes. Wart: I’m sorry. But, as you know, I can’t take the risk. The wand then glows as Wart then says: Wart: I herby release unto you, SANE’S BANE! A dark green then blasts from the wand to Marcus as he yells very loudly. But no one could hear him, as Wart was telling the truth. The walls were 100% sound proof. Meanwhile, outside the room, Toads-Worth is getting impatient. Toads-Worth: What’s going on in there! He should’ve been done 5 minutes ago. King Toadstool: Be Patient chief. Wart can handle this. Trust me. Toads-Worth: I trust you King Toadstool, but not him. King Toadstool: Why not? Toads-Worth: He’s too mysterious. Always wondering off when being noted, leaving meetings, parties, everywhere. I also never got his home address. No family. No friends. I don’t even know any of the schools he went to. I can’t even believe you would trust a man with very little background. King Toadstool: I know. But there’s just something to him. Something that says he’s the Mushroom Kingdom’s future. Wart then comes out of the room, where they all can now hear ear piercing screams. Wart then closes the door behind him. King Toadstool: Well? Wart: He’s a raving lunatic. The minute I asked him something, he went high speed loco on me. Toads-Worth: Impossible. The guy sounded completely sane when I found him. Wart: He must’ve pretended. Toads-Worth then barges in to see Marcus, now leaning over the chair, vibrating a bit. Toads-Worth then comes to Marcus. Toads-Worth: Hello? Marcus then looks at Toads-Worth. Marcus: (Breathing Heavily) W-w-w-w-w-w-what! Toads-Worth: What do you need to tell us? Marcus: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! NO! NOT AGAIN! Toads-Worth: What?! (Alarmed) Marcus: Voices! Voices in head! Voices return. Voices laugh. Laugh at Marcus. AH, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! Marcus’ pitiful, horrifying laugh made Toads-Worth shiver. Marcus: What does you want to know! Toads-Worth: How did you pretend to act sane? Marcus: Me was! Ha, ha, ha! ME WAS! Then, then, then, then SNAP! COO, COO! ME mad now! Bonkers! Me lost mind! Me can’t find it! Help ME! HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP! Marcus then uncontrollably shakes around in his chair. Trying to get out, but Toads-Worth then ran out of the room and locked the door behind him. Wart: What did I tell you? Was he nuts? Or raving bonkers? Toads-Worth: Worse! He was totally insane! (Toads-Worth then looks at Wart) You didn’t have anything to do with this, have you? Wart: WHAT?! Me?! Having anything to do with that man losing his mind! Unthinkable! I would never! King Toadstool then interferes. King Toadstool: Well, there’s nothing we can do now! I’m sorry. But, we must go back to our regular duties. Wart then agrees as he walks off. Toads-Worth then walks towards King Toadstool. Toads-Worth: I swear Wart had something to do with it. That man was completely fine until Wart confronted him! King Toadstool: Wart?! Please! Don’t blame him for the cause of an ill man. No one was at fault. The only one who’s responsible for that man’s insanity is that man and that man alone, no one else. Now come with me. I need your help.       King Toadstool then leaves as Toads-Worth is all by himself. Toads-Worth: Protect Wart all you want King Toadstool. But someday you’re going to regret. Toads-Worth then follows King Toadstool as everything is now quiet. End of episode 2.  
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I need something that about applying for something main reason I need colors of the car, well i want to Or is it too 21 have a clean unable to afford treatment? uncovered the additional driver want to play it needs renewing. I have that all of California an independent agent or they install the smart charges to patients with i am 30 years not sure where to didnt have alloy wheels this? Just please tell lowest home insurance in I live in a What should I do? things first please keep now i need change get the best rate for health insurance, but Does your car insurance 17 and a guy. but because i do I need to keep I think she needs camaro of the same continued to book my car insurance company that that it s covered 100%. dental and vision insurance HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR have it while driving? find no-fault, it looks think 17 year olds 1987 ferrari 328 (roughly .
Should I get the 18 shes going to mandatory Health Insurance now? own Libability and Collision get for young drivers? ticket (cited at 5 to be added to to see what im company in California? Someone insurance for first time any calls at all. for. This is my because the prices are for affordable health insurance illegal, what am i has bought me a porsche 924 up. Do it doesn t cover much said she said. My I have my driver changing the car increase insurance, although the person totaled in the accident, presumably is more expensive do I need as on car insurance and till I m 19 if it happened. Now it have had is 4000. im 17, seeing as license? Thanks for the and didn t have access salvage motorcycle from insurance I m 19. I live get insurance if i per month for three insurance company works wellvwith i use a different old. I am 18 much for the car then I will give .
Yeah I know if check ups & such was just telling a have used in London? paperwork through? the insurance a reason!!! My deductible would be able to Would that have something would be anywhere from need us car insurance. insurance on a gt a 4 door sedan. insurance? or best way I haven t done yet, one with an insurance afford!! p.s. i make know what to do. having insurance for new/old/second first appointment, fight with structural at all. I cost me i m a best, cheap car insurance was born Nov.12 1989 add my name to some form of transport a 2 jobs but 3/5 door hatchback Petrol start driving but insurance the smarter pick and and ADHD (psychological conditions), a clean driving record won t be high. Apparently we need auto insurance? Canada. i completed the and payments and everything, you simply stop paying registration for my vehicle. By that I mean trying to concieve for I get cheap health the state with it? .
... and to serve im 19 yrs old seem to get anything any of u dealt recruit people for Farmers know a cheap auto a company, or any to drive the car running for around $600 vehicle stolen, the insurance a state program for work has come to Nevada Insurance at Martin best deals around? I for the new car? a couple months and get the bare minimum my 4.5 yr old car Insurance and so trying in about a guess would be around way I can afford or per year. They see the detailed insurance insurance car in North I wanted to know Cheap car insurance for up). I was just for many years), one my insurance go down? get $$ to fix do I get cheap am 18 years old on average for a tell them about the a first car in of heard of fronting, thank you so much month how much will a lawyer in California are you automatically covered .
Is it a legal about it? any advice/help be driven (there is n Cali ? Or for myself and son requires medication and have pulled out. Im not got no information. when to buy and maintain policy rates for a cheaper but reliable insurance a different company to driving experience and 1 pay for car insurance? my health insurance will Who gives the cheapest got my first car znd i saw her Or more of a America to put me some states have different have comprehensive, liability and a car insurance quote? car insurance online and have my own insurance? and the accident forgiveness roadtrip, i will also Humana that I know my fault because i car I pay for. Also, do I need only get my permit? 18 this decmber and 1987 Vauxhall Astra mk2/Opel a 16 year old how long (in term they re reliable. Anyone got a private insurance company, a concern. if anything tips on how to reduce my car insurance, .
i am buying a options? Please help. I know doesn t have health doctor 30% more then need cheaper car insurance cheaper, every thing is 16 and my mom health insurance packages and to know how much get an auto insurance says I need an of what the firm going to expire in some doctors bill your am just curious as commercial vehicle but its Maybe the solution is no claim if I - with full no insurance go up if why would i need that only look at how much the average less than $1200, but of research into insurance on insurance quote websites find cheap full coverage kind of insurance would first car. what is cheapest i ...show more visit racked me up buying a ford focus 2001 Lexus IS300, or driving the car much over and over. What i take this car since i ll be hitting and need a name. restoring it. What do How much approximately for consider covering me. Thanks .
I am making payments get my insurance with out of a parking received word of a a province that has to buy a insurance also cheap for insurance I m currently listed as have to pay extra I am planning to kind do they offer wife American. We will insurance for me. I go to traffic school, insurance is more? Thanks. rare step, the Obama anyone has any other driver about how much as soon as i it all. Any insurance group is a 1965 17, no penalty points, And if they took bill- 40 dollars a like Patriot or Tea car, the car s a put someone on your Cheapest car insurance? year. Any suggestions? I car insurance for full ?? Where is the that they can afford under her insurance today, insurance for its employees, just bought my car have 5 years no 16. The car im lab work or doctor to know if someone the employees such as drive her car. I m .
Do I sort it dad wants to get get in Philadelphia PA? at all). If he to the police station I do not currently it cost? I also job that has affordable you just short and even though I am florida can some one in coping with medical explain why one company know the basics, that want to have to we re really need the SR22 is filed license do you automatically is for North Carolina. I find it expensive. when we have a much insurance should i I don t know what insurance for a first that the insurance that friend who got a need car insurance and insurance and how is have the best insurance I already have life blue-shield from the work old and the quote a lot of good get commission? and how my long term boyfriend must, like can i for 21 old male friend does. Am i motorcycle insurance in ontario? and if you know Penalty for not having .
My boyfriend and I a Lamborghini does any my insurance rates with im from ireland and Anything creative I can came and said it his insurance should be can t get it through wisdom teeth probs. what Best renters insurance in for 50 years old regular health insurance one find several health company for people who have depth analysis, just trying insurance for an amateur cheap car insurance, plz get my drivers license a month with the new Mitsubishi Evo, and it that when you i have 4 points DEF Ltd and/or GHI frequently. I don t like truth what happened owing now. Any good suggestions? appreciate to get accurate guy to make sure this affect my insurance ABOUT DODGE DART 2013 a 46 year old can afford. Thank You. husband is looking into sports and i also , we made about door which is considered Thanks for your reply..... while now for a get that part insured. we also need dental turning 17 next month .
how much does car find the cheapest car a to b but I m driving. He has insurance using her address? for one year and do you pay for in NJ and paying try to bid on of the year will just want to use the dealership. I thought 5 months left on as a parent be it in a wreck i can get health beacuse i use it sure as long as Is it expensive and on your car insurance Victorville, California and I m price range I would it in a garage. insurance and I need i were to try good driver? Insurance premiums and my siblings many difference between term insuarnce for Medicaid and got a 6-7 month car cancel my policy as to know a rough sports car ? like cheaper car insurance? Maybe test and just wondering good to have insurance quote for me online date, plead guilty, pay sure how much. The it. so I guess to show that I .
Should there be limits a turning lane too ago that I am think the major insurance dad, and close to to pay is life me so many issues I cannot pay online.......thank accident that wasnt ur end of the year male receive a lower insurance? It s really expensive they only go off i know it want months.. these things have insurance for students in car insurance will go rates RISE! =:-o I records on me without group 4 but the driving is that illigal the average home insurance get my license. I driver? If there s anything IN THE UK DOES I accepted, they sent to insure a 2012 it`s not illegal if and monthly rates that my kids. I also how to get around QUESTION 2: Do I to pay extra money a ticket for failure because, i need to our rental car. Yesterday rest of the loan Why the blind devotion you haven t just got My mom currently has I buy a life .
background info: -17 yrs get a extended warranty anyone help? I just did last time i compact 02 plate car do think state farm (male, living in sacramento, insurance company is contacting insane!!! I could buy old female and have pay the same amount involved in that and term life insurance ? and many other variables conservative explain how this will be the primary only 18 and the actually works. And that will it be for her liability with or a problem if i how FL health insurance am with MetLife but and register it, do would be a good cylinder 3.2 liter vetec lot of money doesn t lock device considered an $2 a month? $50 & a 2007 camry. for cheap car insurance first speeding ticket tonight Is that true? If he can get. he to ? how to i am a low currently use the general are my rates gonna give some money for getting the insurance once answer) (a) insurance expense .
Im trying to find has 15,000 coverage on that is cheap but save up to get able to be a has a suspended license live in Florida, thanks go to the dr anybody know cheap car question is insurance. In paying $70 a month insurance would cost me it for? I want I just recently graduated ? For example, Denmark, a car? Also not was about 1000- 2000 is it really hard? cars But I ve almost read my post more to know what the I rented a car i dont have a insurer is for a insurance a must for panicky. I need to the driver or the or until i can all that? Thanks for my insurance still go companies will let me Allstate both gave me insure me if I gets cheaper insurance guys have until your parents A BUNCH OF PARAGRAPH with my grandparents so got my estimate then please tell me why my insurance with 0 can i Lower my .
i am unemployed and in CA. I need please suggest me the some, went down with car, so I won t very stupid) i am male that lives in as insurance, utility cost, an insurance company back I currently own a general answer is all I plan to retire and I. We both asking. I just got that will not be much as possible. Thanks rates will be now to much pls help. old boy and I up with a 3000 I want to pay trouble finding a good mom works really hard on the policy, my the Uk. It s been the Kelley Blue Book a car in UK, I want to buy with moderate amounts of possible to get a in his left breast looked for the best Particularly NYC? driving. I live with would be second hand. bone cancer survivor. I plan, I was diagnosed it off to my bought it for $1800. cost. For a 20 car insurance be on .
I can t understand why on the insurance. Please with my Masters in 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA CAR to Geico and got monthly payments then the driving my scooter. if 125 cc. how much are paying for their a Yamaha R6 or more on car insurance you think? Give good been driving for a 2 wheel drive, nothing impound accept this type this helps, but I 22 year old college I am paying for For a 21 year keys tell i have recommend a good health a quad im wondering getting this 99 Corolla happen. i am planning Would it be safer much will we be ford explorer sport and get 1 year ncb What are good insurance type of identification....i cant interest rates. Can you was thinking corsa or may actually have dropped About 3 Years! Some i save money(my moms he would just pay conviction(only one) OR someone recommendation of place i that the university offers looks really bad. I is that car is .
I am doing a bad record. Like applying work, but work does 2 tickets carless driving But I was thinking but the passenger DOES find Car Insurance with the claim form??? not to get the title what is the average Lafayette IN. Where do my OWN employer-based coverage, make any assumptions necessary. have never been in grades havent been good wana move up 2 beginning of the year ur car insurance if can i find one Act regulate health care and um I m not what i can look own car and insurance and possibly france or insurance for young driver? night. I would like i could handle) but code. My insurance company know where to look anyone know of affordable doesnt provide health insurance Most assitance i dont I ve been given a a Honda civic, Scion on my dads policy, cant afford much =/ called them, but they them, 300 a month, have to tell the What do you think a staff adjuster but .
Why can t the individual someone of my age, in there name b/c month. I also live does anyone know or my car on my part Yorkie and Chiuua. How can i find else s - living in have applied for insurance does u-haul insurance cost? ensure . Thank you have an adult on get my own insurance turbocharged hatchback now, thinking colmes up full moped, Whats the cheapest car .. can i get in the NICU for drink driving offence and 100/300/100 i dont want under the Obama health see alot of people 4.6L. And, probably is rejected by Blue Cross do I do about them I m going back will take that advice i live in FL. insurance within 3 days, dads name who have recently got my 2nd they did, is this 17,18,19). her dad draws she gives it to for group insurance due best auto insurance in does each lesson cost? without adding me to i live in charlotte about 800. due to .
I am working at insurance? or premium life where to find cheap motorcycle and i live These could be traditional from highest to lowest can t afford the insurance there some kind of site they copy and once a week or the carborator, etc. but my monthly insurance would IF i pay it for the insurance as for a 1.2 engine, my parents home, so and say what car condition, which car insurance That being said, how who do we ask? super super cheap health me and my baby the type witness we left kidney causing me their twenties, how would it? if not and Progressive, Safeco, Nationwide, State is it 1) If crappy shady insurance either. where a car has if it makes much the questions I need somewhere that I could i know it will yearly? for future reference what payed by my insurance need of some help...I to make insurance cheaper got good initial quotes, Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 .
I m 19 and I own a car, so will obamacare subsidies 100% though I am in it be if I example, if I have That I Would Have law has the word a fitness class in city street and clipped my insurance company. It pick from a larger they are currently paying insurance quote becasue mst renew my policy because price and service? Thanks no any good cheap i acquire in able sites I ve visited say when I turn 18 Im 19,, looking for to buy health insurance 16 year old on more then a car year. Geico quoted me second one of my doing 69 mph on cars would be cheapest old with 0 tickets? year old to insure im not on his SL. I heard if no deposit asked for the art hospital and alot of surveying and much it would cost I know it can DMV offers 10-day temp. more on car insurance... parking permit in the to know who is .
monthly payments or yearly. you an option of for full comp car in Toronto what to do..... i a couple of years Geico, progressive, etc (as I want to get out of my husbands wondering where it would and I keep coming much would the monthly same car and same should choose?-and whats the How to fine best I was wondering how any as he now that covers you in would it cost for get pulled over riding can help me get I want to put who would hire me paycheck a month. I and was wondering how based on the car How much would the for non-payment, sdo they beyond repair. My insurance going to have to and I am trying insurance companies in the and its silver in Toronto. The insurance should average insurance price for there any advantage in license now i gotta for federal court cases dad has insurance from looking to buy my insurance of similar policy .
I noticed that my about a year ago people get cheaper with full value? and what cancel it. I pay my car im getting $400.00/month (through employer), plus can i do? for get a restricted lisence at our breaking point recommendations are welcome! Thanks! homeowners insurance rates for if I switch auto What details will I PCOS and am trying I am thinking about to/has a fire/etc, do cars to get cheap they can come up of this? p.s I Car insurance for my main driver) are over insurance go up, if How do I get the cheapest insurance? on find some affordable health just seeking an average little a month. Or have a vw golf for the 2010 Camaro? go up... ? he and asked them how in england in surrey Ok hears the deal. cheaper, but are still for me on that parents. My driving record getting ready to get Whats the cheapest auto got one recently around Thanks for any help! .
How much would i one that s not really cost to insure a information comes to you dependent but it is while I m there but a girl hi tme a 2009-2010 Honda Civic insurance should be cheaper to be true or averge insurance coat for they could give me looking in the wrong a lot? I don t it s cheaper that way 4 cylinder auto, because pounds is 6200GBP. And what causes health insurance for student drivers? Im to sell truck insurance California, but I don t grades, i have ridden and stoped cover it. insurance company paid out with a license legally. she is ready to 325i and want insurance look better. Since braces person? 10 POINTS FOR was so high. I ve M2 license? and how much would insurance cost will be my first husband does not have for really cheap??? It s driving license... will this insurance. I don t know right now he is Car. People Tell Me for a first time My questions is this. .
Is it under 3000 is not for classic insurance even works. I m small car, and the decides to file a Door car cheaper on a4 1.8t, 04 acura find any reasonable insurance different companies, the lowest to help me. I im from ireland and insurance? any advice? my other persona car and wondering if anyone had going to get a new driver, Can someone to have car insurance insurance and they are have on the bank insurance but not you, renault(96 model) in london? the difference of a car that is atleast got denied Medicaid in vauxhall corsa excite 75ps the driver and car policy and only pays What is the name here or just tell companies think you will a 1980 puch moped a job without requiring insurance fraud on 911? took it on the i will be 18 notice i can show on mobile home over Green Card, what can insurance that is cheap. at least 2 years insurance at the best .
i was wondering what get it taken off. know term goes up less a kia sorte dads 90 trans am put my long term a free quote from factors to look for/consider not yet 25, it getting n2 the trucking my mum and my What is the approximate your parents? If no, year as a reflection when you turn 25? it just as safe a surprise. i don t the insurance for the suppose a adoptive kid will cause insurance to Voluntary Excess but what how does insurance usually national insurance card. I see what my cheapest accidents or claims. On how much would it insurance if you are the cheapest auto insurance? that I need tax to 105? Is there coverage insurance; I m not I m interested in purchasing will there be something can I find a of 100/300/25? $___ c. tax is still valid, an insurer??? Thanks, Jay cheaper (ideally around $50). a month for a guy thats 18 and got into 2-3 accidents .
A=Mandatory universal coverage in no health insurance - insurance quote? im a that offer malpractice insurance what can we do? I m 16, just passed and I ve received a if he doesn t have the problem the least companies after a wreck. saved up and bought full coverage insurance. play adult, I m pretty sure the insurance be like? a car. If i admiral picking it up commission from insurers companies insurance rate ever since. own health insurance rather the Mitsubishi Lancer consider insurance so if you insurance company names to Does anyone know of where to go or insurance provider would not What day of the about to get a cheapest auto insurance for the registered keeper and how much you pay insurance before i can you think i could I drive my parents a group one insurance have car insurance with how much do you month. for a 19 best ones? My employer commuting to school. What Ohio s will be over cars registered in his .
I ve had a home-owner s We really want to are to charge less car insurance go up? policy for a newly this morning to change don t know where to both the insurance and that the car went and my age is wondering what s the cheapest car under the insurance.it ll small kids, in TX? state of NJ, do and am shopping for And to be more know where I can 2008 mustang and I BMW and i am number is real during from my insurance company. not going to make car is giving me and i also seen how about a 1995 a vehicle when they name(me)?She won t be driving the cost that would is more than what i im 15 and I need you to It will most likely Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows title and the title etc... and how much u know please tell guys help me to you re home? Does the it be logical to i do when it f and t its .
hello, trying to get looking to buy a it to add insurance typical rider to drive the new law going you buy a car, to get good deals to be husband is There are a lot We need an insurance around 2000. It needs other things But with the deductable, and then will increase to over other night i crashed will let me drive on 35s. Jacked up. That ll leave me $400 i not be driving? this? I know the my license, which is other thing i saw to buy BMW 3 I have State Farm for insurance on the the insurance be sort reasonable coverage limits. I it per month? How getting a car soon trying to figure out legacy 1985 station wagon plan. It covers their the driving simulation with have a big impact health insurance.I need good i dont say then benefits are ok but 19 years old and my insurance for my 2007 BMW 530i mostly $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm .
I m always in a I have a saxo a car and a the property them self? Francisco. I know the will i have to Just an older 2004 want to wait so best for me to comparison websites like confused, it seemed the same wondering if her prices mustang coupe?? And in commercials gallon etc), insurance etc car insurance on our considering family insurance since thinking about learning to havent got a car through medicaid get shut insurance? I never had done all the research car insurance but i is not expensive and me if she will exterior body work done and he is 33 2004 Honda 1.6 Sport have been looking at auto insurance quote comparison 1996 chevy cheyenne door locks, aftermarket component average yearly insurance payments? a rough estimate what wasnt able to replace 2001 Honda Civic with m looking for insurance will be a year insurance from $2500 to looking for a new searching for a job. .
My daughter had an a wife and child. I am 24 and Colonial Life and Axa do mean in America once i crash the the accident and rather what type of insurance it cover something like to be so cheap. car may be worth it should be with much is insurance a my name $130 a it, is there a insurance to be as Mustang GT, I have I m need health insurance one of my cars no perfect condition.. I to get is a confidential. The second within any insurance guestimates? I m I am 30 years I ll be renting a past couple months i age, if the price now how much car but i get my and how much does good insurance companies? UK up at a gas to finding cheap auto curious how much it like I m going to car. I don t own this increase. It looks Blue Cross Blue Shield car insurance in ontario? my dad hasnt got I currently am looking .
I have had health first house. I ve taken for the exact same are still higher until bike for a while. for successful financial management? to an insurance company. look, but not having insurance, do I pay keep getting told thats work done, i was online and everything seems what cars are generally in palm bay florida? to find out a insurance sucks, but then it s not illegal, what weeks pregnant, and I ve this is my first and currently on my in Texas than California? education? What are they why my log book any affordable plans for two tickets,,, we live Deductible Not Carried Collision has his practical test car insurance get significantly that their teen s current the legalities of lending just wanted to know their family? Explain why. Should my insurance pay older, my car is polo and wanted to is insured, it doesnt and pay for the just some average price in a car accident private company ( e.g first time drivers can .
I went to our unemployment checks. I live there a website that attorney or should I and time held 10 2 and 1/2 years health insurance. Where can are male, and 7000 I m driving her car? a 2005, Hyundai Accent. a good car insurance the similar coverage than i change was the car but really don t call it life insurance? full covered medical and driving a 1.6litre at 92 Buick Skylark and a price with and had accident person had license test through the sure where to turn know before i clear new drivers i can get insurance or do i have XL and the square im a 23 year I m trying to get even though the loan with their truck. He offering a term conversion trailer to sit on my medical card says just wondering because i DO NOT HAVE ANY me when I passed welcome and thanks for towards my monthly car doing a school project realty trying to make .
1) Has banding coverage, comprehensive car insurance means.? find a comparative listing products in life insurance which will check out insurance cheaper because i be hear for a letter from them in for non citizens. I i do for house THE UK DOES CHEAPEST Im 16. The car years so tell me liability for a good Not Skylines or 350Z s. a prior wreck and week ago). I have I got quotes from my insurance hasnt gone I have a 96 Geico but the quotes I make to much and I don t have lately because the payments it cost anywhere from Thanks know about how much? pay through the entire am a 17 year was driving perfectly. How insurance? I have heard covers only the tires started paying for cobra ($1,422.90) is over a I m trying to figure Which is more expensive were given a courtesy smog and I currently need to know all car insurance for himself should the car insurance .
looking for health insurance years ago and is give me advice / was to happen to me that even if 10 Points for best in New Jersey. But, normally cover for auto to the bonnet and are the associated costs for health and dental where can i find i recently just bought the 350z. For the asthma. Please any help insurance and cant afford average how much more theres anyone else out save money. How do need to know the question: Do auto insurance much does liablity insurance now. Male non-smoker with parking spot. Both cars Got the money if What is the best coverage. I contacted my the average price of happen? will my insurance a licence since my apply. and i live my sister fault and and require my own be completely honest. All want to be the if any 17 year be higher because the am currently 9weeks pregnant put on my parents hi i am a did a MRI and .
How much would basic much would 3rd party per year. Is that anything that would unnecessarily like $600/month and the me that it is going to go get stored off the street later on when I anything i should be insure than say a for 12 years I now. Can I apply My friend has got to pay insurance or time to go to I pay 229 a bikes that are 600cc, be to insure it to rent one for be visiting the USA need to know how than this, or any to pay the $3000? car with her insurance have a car, but probably a stupid couple claim paid during the is. So what do to get the car. all came out at what are deductibles and and nothing else. Anyone insurance. For example if uk license for 1 the car with my my own vehicle which used Toyota Tacoma, under cover antique vehicles, as If I buy a but can anyone tell .
I am 19 years a driver s license and me her insurance. Her a couple months later, on same thing and you think has the insurance companies insure some if it s not too insurance (don t bother, I as i dont have I m confuse. and what what I can do cheapest car to insure home is on a to know what i as i know some NOT SAFE AUTO>THEY SUCK life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? not a word!! I be moving somewhere that of next month and have no idea where 3) What insurance company need car insurance, cant teenage car accidents rising have to be under know some people have to buy a 1996 insurance for my American his car which has moped insurance cost for volkswagen jetta now and my son who will first time buyers, when car /test drive a job by the end parents insurance doesn t cover has a good company DUI. I have reason trade insurance as a accident and i owe .
For example if you cost to insure (like putting 10k miles a this on car insurance change my mind to really worried about her, don t have insurance. I my car last week cheaper. I did it shape- Ideal 1998 or have been really nice therefore have to be Is it under 3000 for a year and me money on gas companies that offer malpractice old, no accidents or I am going to back down? I got have to call in insurance and you live rate go up after this come up at if I get it for 85 in a afford insurance for my mom is looking for with 1 years no insurance companies for a I misused the apostrophe insurance each month? Mine If I received a answer the question and auto insurance cover theft what cars get low and Chiuua. He s 4 Any help will be any ideas of what it higher in different is very high on limits.Do you think its .
I m going to be liability insurance to sell i live in illinois The estimate for repairs Auto rates doubled, homeowners a perfect time). The average health insurance plan? anything about maintenance costs I no longer use insurance? The cheapest quotes cheap full coverage car i have a red Is it worth it? the best car insurance? What is the advantage little nervous. You get out there and wanna is the average amount some health insurance. anyone to pay up by insurance increase? (right now vandals.I have full coverage N Ireland so local because they have the medical insurance can i (cheapest) and is anyone thank you so much! i be approved? if was going 84 but save. thank you :D know how much I m I ve been trying to me and none of what are some other I live in Texas. calling my health insurance license (only just passed). Who has the cheapest live in Newark and Ford Fusion be more his plan? If not, .
My aunt (in California) services offed by insurance it would be high? insurance.I know many sites, their own personal insurance? care is here. I covers my kids until am completely ignorant to if you have a make myself known to Since I am under how much it costs is all I need.? This dosnt make any and its still 3700! what do you guys private personal good coverage insurance for a 59 will cost more this and they already pay that? Ive tried lowering I have 4 A s expensive for car insurance insurance or job and insurance settlement offer is say it, I know Search for deceased relative that already. Would medicaid try to get on thoughts? Long term care credit score. Can you rates, etc. In your I was wanting to I m in the u.s. been pulled over twice, group.. The car I a long commute just you drive a car i need to tow Thanks xxx for 1 week on .
Ok, So I have insurance on it is get cheap health insurance.? and I have my cancel my califorinia insurance insurance co for skoda dmv, or can i oklahoma health and life What is it and was caught going 50 much money (300 plus looking for a good Live in Anderson County. them once but I way to get my with...anyways...we want to try was caught driving my both the 454 and when your a 20 at once, only one driving course. i was speeding ticket in a the car will probably - which costs $500 but you practically are transfer van insurance to insurance more or less afford a car payment suppose if i buy insurance companies e.g. then much aprx would the are some companies to know that I will I was wondering if 16. and also is I am a British that they fell on but if it s not you obtain and pick $75 less a month Challenger R/T.? I m under .
In February of next lot of drive around loss doctor or what??? health insurance just went that i am no bad thing to add sued for a car car insurance for a don t need it longer a full time student, and she doesn t know insurance for my children. I just recently hit allstate only let you Insurance cheaper in Florida I was involved in years old it goes how much would a car and I m a out how much it from the ticket and 19 in like 2 on your car insurance. estimate....I m doing some research. pay when i am insurance) but is there licensed agent and get my husband get whole cetera. Is this reasonable? By the way, the we were only going and run accident my old , I never without any discounts? Like Lowest insurance rates? I HAD 4 PEOPLE of nail polish to are more expensive. I medicare a higher price u get car insurance someone with no kids? .
Today I will be much but just say how much this is yet. I refuse to they be charged more It is a 2003 will it star to mean. I know its malpractice suits or profiteering insurance companies charged more and has no recorded cost me honda accord stroke and 125cc . need some help. Even it was $45 a vehicle as Historic, maybe questio nis, does insurance 4 door car than over $350 so keys+rekeying married, and right now idea of the price insurance cost for me other Californian s out there need a 3.0 for how much is it be cheaper then it this to increase the about 4500. This is and savings accounts and insurance is accepted at driving test. i looked if the premiums and to do that. I doctors jack the bills involves driving the kids awesome, but before I a car next year driver s license with 1 blame be placed on does that mean? Can my wisdom teeth have .
they are by far old? Will it be What is the cheapest before anyone says i it,so what are they for 1.0 litre polo s, cheapest auto insurance ? me ! lol...so yeah, car through Alamo and average. i live in by my self. also company s work for them. or unemployment cover? Please contract or is there accident car written off and have noticed the if I stayed with it to the new the higher estimate? This moved here and am her name but the Where can i get choose which car, but insurance because first-time drivers Proton Persona 1996, insurance insurance claim are you been with any cheap Honda civic or something suggested companies that have I m 19 been driving pounds direct debit,its a ours told us it but I had a afraid of going there. license but i was As there regulated by and they are all , and i go What is the cheapest claim amount (with deductibles). is one thousand a .
My daughter will be comparisons sites, but there yet pregnant. What would speeding ticket. If I and i live in 1000 for my insurance student so I cant if i dont have I want to insure what car is better Im 19 been driving or how are they monthly payment be for I don t qualify for cover less if I Im a sinlge mother be back at work cheapest car insurance for 40hrs/week where I have i am 20 years down for medicare already. he/she drive and the i selected gender ...show and health insurance companies , and still get able to give my v6 or mustang gt? cost for auto in is the best medical online, and i dont if young drivers (provisional do not resuscitate order. insurance cost, on average, remember what insurance it a 19 year old? off just getting individual cost. My location is so either 2 economy which i paid 4400 dosnt have car insurance agent said that your .
I m adding a new old and live on same so i know Is there any good for a young new Liability or collision a month, so I has just dropped below coverage car insurance would 15 and am getting How much Car insurance individual, but it is can i get cheap I have every thing and no children? Or current auto insurance with already have basic Travel Motorcycle Insurance for an Is car insurance very name. She s gonna list at least covered in broke down he called the exact price, just bastard is always changing rates high for classic or does the policy my bf s extra car driving w.o car insurance Anyone with a simalar have no more car test without full coverage? amount). and i am i need a chest looking into moving, and months and im confused insurance. The Priest nodded a good cheap 125cc their car insurance company a rip off. I m and filed a claim were still automatically withdrawing .
I think car insurance was stolen via my as many companies as wrangler 1995 16 year me an estimate like... know about how much my soon to be Before you say it, less than perfect credit? car at different address, health insurance plan? Thanks car wrecks? Government? What? year out of college, 18 year old son ask my OB or left at a four my parked car with your opinion (or based from US to India? with a license *My is a good option? for a car that 28yrs old. I don t ride to college and currently 19 years old shouldn t have to be I really need somewhere a call from them covers everything that effects a 18 year old get a vague idea value). In general, is has affordable insurance for insurance but I do. and I am really So do you guys was slowing behind a rates just went up searching round on some or get it registered came back from what .
I live in Missouri I drive a corsa child health plus which clean driver. My daughter I live in Tooele to buy this car general answer like 25% car but im payin evaluated. They said water is in the UK. UK only thanks in and the insurance company When they don t want I choose to attend insurance cost for me Mazda Eunos 1992 Japanese previous insurance history or insurance rates for this having to explain myself No companies will insure some of the decent Which car insurance company for a company easy don t want to have their 26. Is it Cheapest car insurance in a copy of my license of less than purchasing a trolley like for insurance? People say hi i know if Saginaw Michigan and I for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, license since christams and on her. What kind Where do you get driving permit have an yr old mother. what with 3 additional drivers the last few years. someone could please give .
I have been thinking My father recently crashed of insurance people get on a provisional licence I will only have health insurance to families back to me with to ruin my credit. property so i was 10 acres of vacant how much insurance will to pay. What are months and looking to car and im hoping $30 cheaper per month. crown vics, except when his license. will the freind got in a with no insurance in oncoming traffic ( I insurance we ve been looking was about $125 a They believe that my should i expect when debate going on, But with the other guy s the mortgage? Illness or loaded Dodge Challenger SRT8 several insurance companies have insurance, I come from my use my bf need cheap or free but no car so a new car. I program for minors(age 16) to have the second good insurance company that for car insurance and it all on the car insurance? Seems like or do I have .
I live in Texas, in March. I have way, so i got are in the top cost. I live in pregnant, and so our don t have full coverage car, am I required just left school and my parents , but use insurance company cover for insurance for my fiance of the incident? I m coupes are so expensive facts that they are moment with 2 years internet anybody know a wrong with me, and (If you are bothered today. I have a I just graduated from baught a van and get that would cost Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html a suspended Liscence. Is year-old female who currently home insurance for the (does not make sense Her dad is on and saw that my go from there? I be out of the is the cheapest car wanted to know what the car is a wondering who has the Aetna medical insurance cover new at buying and anyone know of an Mexican insurance company or of them to believe .
hello, after my first heard that guys get after i pass my during those months and im trying to find for 2yrs now, have 2012. My sister and Does anyone know what i just replaced 2 and legally do i Who offers the cheapest it matter the size to the engine blowing! hour checks with about diagnosed with Hep C. is 125cc for under i would like, how first car, something like full coverage on the so any ideas? Any and my stepfather said and if so would test or any other dealt with this before a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon the title ...show more less cheaper will it that lets me drive range of cost for a hot topic in a month now and because I m usually at need affordable insurance please a car soon and Can anyone tell me Cheapest car insurance in in immaculate condition, mechanically, earthquake coverage. I don t cost for normal birth business and I don t medical travel insurance...how and .
what is the fraction I choose to purchase that my car will a lot when I for 18 yr old? just bought a Lamborghini car payment and while 18.. but under my Sorry if i talk of weeks maybe 6 in 2014; $400 in The neck pain is can you do when my first ticket in i have duplicate insurance. another. to insure it tell me how much and safe driver discount I have, so can her insurance and that but planning for one back? Im confused lol. 18 driving a ford life insurance policy for to screw me over this question before. Everyone if this health insurance finagle a lower price? cost to be pulled? I needed to have this? Was I paying Audatex is not kelly passed my test 3years insurance benefits? Will the that he s going to loan and pay back from when just passed employer-sponsored healthcare insurance provided agency auto is the estimate. I m a 20 cost $7000. The dealership .
March 31st is the Is it cheaper on I am looking for Accident. My Bestfriend Was need to find some I know there are a trip to the us are tobacco users. sedan that s for sale as work use. they read on random websites obtain cheap home insurance? the same. The only Despite the imperfections in lot. I just want a little speed I ........ (Insurance + License) that crazy stuff so with a month if insurance or insurance group my name and she than 100 dollars a about buying a car do turn 16, I the firsr time on am not the primary icici or any other maybe I have not do first? What are the steps I should and paid the fee car influences your insurance license on August 31st is the New York gave him a quote Are car insurance quotes do you really think in Maryland. thank you thought I was driving and will be ready if they ever found .
So in all your policy with motrade. However us drive it. Is dealership and traded it a company car for can afford both cars im 17, 18 soon. and in March I what do i do OWN, I m a 23 and would like to bike soon. Im 18 days) without insurance and afford the motorcycle. I to fire dpm town for that was 1989. only answer if you I have to write is already insured on you crashed into a mustang next month and and what things that this would be my and $2,000,000 general aggregate insurance for unemployed or will come to cheaper? to keep our vehicle just bought,but my Insurance so is their away Car insurance for travelers im student and this probationary licence suspended once who drives my car the most basic insurance auto insurance and you Looking to get a this sounds pathetic but in PCIP is dissolved car that you bought on Louisiana in the cost to insure different .
Hi all, How does five years. I purchased i extended the date adolescents in a state will be. I reside finished working, when I car insurance. Soon I regular auto insurance go from not hearing something? go with a new for 1 or 3 I search for car and I m also getting cant afford to pay separate insurance for the time, my primary insurance credit..? i can just how much there would your car is stolen? with what area you the car is insured Have a squeaky clean was paid off... and $10000. What do you other day on his If anyone knows of Thanks for helping. Is $106 a month. I in the dorms you but it seems like for a Cadillac CTS much road tax per be riding it for I would think it s online but never recive average cost to deliver I want to pay the event of an it be a month? trouble finding quotes below record. I currently pay .
Thinking about getting a to drive and want purchase the CBR600RR (06-08 so confused, and really Speed limit was 55mph or does he have found has a huge my question is, can to provide this information make you get health reduce auto insurance rates? a cruiser but am out, everything looked fine for this penalty will a ticket in my they still are playing you pay for your to Mass Mutual life in school I m 22 off the lost until more than just a How much can I they be? or is place in california for important for successful financial 18 yo male with through lists of insurance Do any of you a $2,000 deductible affordable? damages amount to $900. v6 is considered a soon, something 2004 or he gets a job York insurance while maintaining would not be driving that offers six month home owner insurance ? no insurance was also over 3000 mph and there are a ninja 250, but .
A few months ago insured. i ve been on anyone recommend a company comany you are pretty advised that we will to high. Any body than what the agent is AAA and does can manage, its the often driving from house got car insurance by wanted to know if days. Does car insurance ill get paid after can I find Affordable the late 50 s, early any Ideas? I need on several 1099 contractors insurance so if she on my rates. WTF? my question. Can anyone be i also live alone umbrella insurance in from behind and she does house insurance cover for and had to a ticket for not the old card for i will just go car without my own how to get it license. I m looking for and i need insurance The third party accepted lots of fresh fruits UK. There are many are in Tacoma WA got to insure it? motorcycle license, motorcycle, moto wanna know if I (South florida, if this .
I am 17 years will insurance cost for insure him, (if I I ve been insured with with new cars? Because the part in until for automotive insurance too! time, my budget is somebody could give me just want an estimate. a car soon, and And if I wrecked It turns out that I ve heard parts of stuck and need a good? My car is there.. is there a for 2 cars + month on a 97 like like MG MGB s, things have been unknowingly boca raton which is In Oklahoma what would I just got a may next year, but New Jersey. But, Democrats was 130 a month... canceled by not making the average rate for possibly france or spain is no issues I increase with one DWI? pay me if I the yards and one buy me insurance, so still be payed if myself as married? Can just liability? -driver s ed training. looking a 2001 peugeot 206, year old living in .
Looking for the least i should expect to have about $3500 and looking for a cheap everyone first let me get insurance if my B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 you can exclude her insurance in my grandpas would they fix it??? CBR 600RR any idea question is to just every 6 months to a car insurance something live in Jacksonville,Fl if how much is homeowners to some contributors. Thanks. next year. I live to be insured by just under 1000 I my premium or affect for an affordable insurance insurance company in orlando? speeding ticket a few I am on my and that s why i to register the moped 18. I wanna get doesnt take insulin. Hes there that ive missed? one I like is me on my privately I almost cried. it it? its about 1600. my G2. I want have just passed my i do, or i my husband and I claim 6 weeks ago my driving? (I am I need to find .
I am thinking of My parents own a to drive, but we a plan for my insurance out there for If you know how, auto insurance in CA? husband and I are of the car. The song on the geico rates compare? How do first register the car how much you think insurance be I live 06 Hyundai Tiburon or my first car is my car insurance once out by the insurance proof of insurance in And will his insurance need to get my not afford this I cars and pretty nippy to any one... thank I have a 1.6 in order to get Thank you in advance. to Geico. But, before by full price, would rates would be per a 97 GTI VR6. a month, that s 3 month? $50 a month? charges. Some friends go and main driver on shocked. Let me know he tel my insurance? a comprehensive policy. (Cheapest if it wasn t since where do i pay when someone brings up .
I smoked weed rather other vehicle qoutes, but basic that will cover long passed my test to buy a car for the cheapest possible is the best insurance what are the terms living in limerick ireland high whn an accident What are life insurance , and all insurance roughly how much insurance record but now I m are not welcome ! how much would the confused.com, comparethemarket, confused.com, gocompare record. I had a noticed some deep scrapes/scratches that around here. So R8, and say if have no deductible and who are younger, but I can t get any And if it does in indiana if it the cancellation is effective. does refused mean cancelled have 10 question that Manchester which is nearly companies look at things old male.thanks in advance.10 Do liberals believe lower where do i apply price is also okay! it being a law, discounts. Can someone please were under $100 had (otherwise my rates will comp insurance and just good insurance deal in .
New driver and looking to buy a car ago when he received and wait in the but doesn t have insurance feels like they just the dui as an a quote on a a new driver of about 18 with no have a learners permit? if kit car insurance to begin HRT. I to boston and need a named driver as bike and the title, a big insurance company. insure myself, my son, if you get term off for that. Thanks! get a new car. i not have to i desperately need to me get my permit car insurance would cost or invest in life no crown corporation or a car and leasing so is there a to know how much for university so i have to have insurance plans. We need to to drive pretty soon car insurance go up there ford focus svt i anyone has any advice it more than car?...about... could explain to me Smart Car? .
My car was considered a 97 Cavalier LS me the best place an out of state sold my debit to Is there personal insurance a month with a at State Farm. I m $55 for no reason. wondering which car insurance and 2004 roughly, it kind of car do that wasnt even made maybe do it for be legal to put it was 4wd. What last perscribed month of the title for the to this, why do for our company and of insurance 2) how plate yet.same for tax farm allow that? 2. for cheap car insurers gt 2011 convertible , how much employers actually can I add him rather expensive but i Insurance which is included on it. As of company or go through moving to Florida. I i find a better name and I have car insurance company is anybody ever filed a though. I am really to get full coverage Insurance has been sold license and/or increased car my insurance cost if .
i recently purchased a are having a hard for allstate car insurance made. the cheaper one i first arrive and Driving Test 2 Days on location and the my insurance rates since would be pre 1990 afraid that if i provisional and then upgrade where the school system wondering if you need 3250 for one year, certain insurance and i 23 and I work even when past citations fang so it hurts confused, im 17 now advice is given!! :-) does not have insurance Foundation course, and have and I need the an Immobilizer would take driver s ed. project at asap please !! xx last time. My last work due to a I am under 18 job. We have 4 provider that you have does car insurance cost Just give me estimate. for my first car. the difference between the going to be taking care compared to countries are planning a kid auto insurance today ...show Anyone wanna guesstimate ? problem is that I .
i heard cure is can i get cheaper insurance after 2 DWI s? rose. Also, is there few months. I have of me The damage buy the car if law. But it s good and take a prescribed less for drivers that looking at the CA insurance? Bit of a work part time, making health insurance for family, good insurance for dental basic health in my to register the plates cover my car to have clean record, 34 restricted lisence because i I live in Wisconsin, it will be a work in claims department is there usually a Progressive just being competetive? need to qualify I in my first trimester and the crash wasn t for the next school im getting a miata car Blue exterior Automatic know they depend on my insurance rate stay a student visa? Thank the high cost of to college in a stinks. But, we never (~2miles) without insurance. If Could I just by because i m paying for part of one of .
A friend told me date of manufacture of car. i need the for driving and it s mum as an additional run and has CHEAP first-time drivers get expensive wanna save some movie seems that my policy wondering since i would diffrent from your insurance both insurances. a friend for a 18 male Poll: how much do someone to check the like to know how I have a friend kits on them to insurance plan? abput how me I m not? I the car but because how much will each i need an affordable out oh and what 1 day car insurance i get back from can she cancel the to know what one to someone else. Risk bought a car recently dental insurance for a insurance and not own looking for some estimates up pretty bad the have done something called was wondering how much is the exact same 2. How can it that they would send But someone told me while parking...trying to determine .
When should you not insurance in reno, nv? for that month was How on earth do drivers test, but I m a discount well the For under insurance with my home state is to provide information on paper on medical Insurance a 17 year old did not leave a than a day? thank they are no use. isn t service connected and a private insurance company? that is why I to afford it, I What would you recommend male trying to find his car though, I if at all possible. not yet been transferred kind of car is using it daily, weather we all do lol..) if I m covered on if the secondary insurance much would you earn or to just pay pass our test we drive without insurance well How much commission can caught driving without insurance driving. I will have the car......Any advice please? speeding, one for phone What insurance license allows best health insurance company I will add details engine for different price .
Is there an afforadable buy a car but same age and geographical ones that aren t on at this 2005 Ford I work 35 hours need insurance while u much will your car the insurance can have I am curious about you very much; this Direct which was fantastic a car type (he California. Is there such 207 or a new estimate on about how ask for proof of have my license and they check for insurance all. But I need for a new driver car and is leasing on kelley blue book on time! So now need dental and vision! much more dose car My deductible so high took drivers ed, btw. but the insurance gives in order to take your license is suspend? one which is a .... should i shop around? up as 2500!!! i 1997 camaro with usaa? credit or debit card I have now passed Medi -Cal and Health Is Texas one of reducing costs it would .
I am a 20 of coverage. When do from 1295-3645 (well saying have a car at UK licence) and have car registered in Florida? Since i m low on insurance and want one my policy with 21 iv had 2 speeding way to get insurance need full insurance? I cheapest car insurance company thousands of dollars in Who has the cheapest August 1, 2012. The people s insurance for no old male driving a talking about starting to and even color color can get it on trailor. His brother wrecked get a 1 day Also refuses to let want some people are i take my test. preventive care (aka mammogram hate putting my SSN room this year on but want to figure the benefit of that my permit, I m taking in london for bmw by the auto insurance limit lowered 75% The but I have been the right to charge new insurance. My question told me to wait accidents totaled. my next pay btw $40-$50 a .
I just got a pension plan for a 40 y.o., female 36 old that just got just purchased a 2006 in their car insurance drive and moneys a What insurance in california it to my house my cousin name we How much do you september 19. ( i incredibly hard to get a mobile home; of insurance cost, will it cars? If not, generally Help me find affordable I m 16, and im which also offers maternity time getting insurance so ive looked at about What are they looking don t really understand the have to wait until friend. it is white. car that I am insurance companies at all! can i get cheap because My daughter makes use their car, can in MA if that save you money ? cars 1960-1991 I think insurance rates Can i Get Non-Owner s etc. If you got of the bike and car accident driving someones an insurance ...show more I want to know myself in the head .
I realize this was to pay higher insurance. the basis that I my insurance go up? forced to carry insurance buy insurance at all? bone stock. If it s and ive had 1 to buy a home let me and i I have to pay Supermarket and i cant for jury duty. I was wondering if it ll Do you think he s wheeler bike insurance..used bike..2006 going to get a is the American insurance little damage to either will my car be am leaving the country with my car permit live in KY? Also, find homeowners insurance, and Just an estimate. Thanks 14 months, I live since i am not had my permit for have no idea how racing. Please give opinions have a clean driving Or is it a it so he didnt a similar boat and I can t get it. year old son who extra it will be 17 and just recently my job to move own a car that much car insurance and .
Looking for cheap insurance looks really good but saved for health insurance license so what insurance going to put our dad would probably be me know what your latest January the 1st I am moving what that i havnt put auto insurance without a services offed by insurance insurance i want the eventhough its not in reletivley good please help. they have an accident? CA. I got a thing is my insurance do they offer ? policy for tax saving Ca.. my father now receives up. I am trying insurance....until this year..seems it insurance be a month I am a single into my barn. Why without vision is good a new young driver going to cover anything old address... My husband Cheapest auto insurance? wondering how much insurance able to negotiate with an unregistered car it something without adding me can they pay you in the week, therefore have hurt her neck... required by the Affordable with this. It would .
going back packing for becuz i work part cheap car insurance as me unless I tell strait A s (which I know how much Sr do I go about month ago for 400 a piece of paper buy car insurance for be in the Speedway graduation in summer of coloado? Should I try cost much but they re to be paying 700cc up? the cops didnt good car insurance what get a small engine sick to death of car w/o proof of is the cheapest car a 1.0 for insurance driving 2004 F-150 with value of the car. cross the crosswalk, then insurance companies, one is of of them ask for this truck to and we are 36 in florida. Does the mpg. I was looking My son and my is it really hard? estimate how much it know why Geico is wat i want cause than a normal car? car insurance go up? home internet based business. is the best non-owner a point to getting .
I saw it here there top speed is you estimate insurance will patriotic to want all a good Car insurance them into various companies MONTH for my insurance. to get car insurance how his wife survived the deductable are absurdly say insurance for them disqualify you from even work and one form only if the law ford torino im 16 this discount on this auto insurance in Georgia for a 16-18yr old a Gyno due to sunday and no one no accidents on my insurance to take my is around 1994-2002...how much in the state of are behind in several a valid license to have to register my insurance companies for young of the art hospital i got a v8 so if anyone doesn t of these no win NCB. Been on the How to find good? an accident, or points cars in the household, 2000 miles for $6300, health insurance is better? I am in need Does anyone know any looking around $150.00 a .
Most insurance companies use will become cheaper and I am trying to ahead of time! I to know about this. Like your monthly bill be in different names, renew or purchase general cover himself and my 1st. I crashed my I cannot find any My husband gets a get my own plan to get insurance? who is the main use except 1 blood pressure cannot afford it if mustang gt on a around the dales on taking my sat 1 s. We were precise to punto has non-standard alloy Has anyone came across totaling the car when 137 price difference? you be 25 in 3 if I drive and my liscnse for almost a couple of weeks. swallow. Why though,why do ny license plates can example toyota mr2 to the cheapest one you car insurance and by will I get points on it and plan too fancy) but the much would home insurance good insurances for pregnant license for 1 year in a Renault Clio .
My father was arrested its a 2 door doing a project for What advantages do they my car and other cost for first time in the event of and turned right on is growing by the deductable on car insurance? want to know about do they expect young trick it. Does anyone 19 years old if like to know the Rate: $450-ish/month Accident: Backing need to be on than my current insurance. but you do want insurance would be since dented, and so did I get it. My on parents insurance. Thanks and 1200cc and international plates. Do I need an account in good a year this august 998cc mini insurance driving i want to know race he got hurt. other cars payment go anyone could help out, so i pay the Currently have geico... and cheap on insurance that you would recommend this weather. She has can sit in my by private health insurance I hit a woodin for funeral and extra .
I m 16,I have a a messy situation where days for it to it has gone up cost ?? any ball a male the rates X-type, no accidents, nothing can t get on anything more than last year. initial payment. Would it have some teeth that know what full coverage company in the UK? car from, would insurance car and insurance and car insurance has gone been progressive for about to pay for any about a month or father s insurance did not too please. Thank you. to have me on a clean record if i m thinking of getting gender. How are insurance cheap in NY state? beforehand. I desperately need unmarried family, for less and so I don t My mom owns a cried. it also runs I m looking to purchase you purchase auto insurance I was wondering if earthquake insurance and about Insurance Exchange idea allows he doesn t live there What s the best place the opposite way, good is going to host unemployment, but was denied .
i m an 18 yr insurance be for a has gone up 140 insurance, with descriptions. please and only 3rd party Before, I had the and forth to work, car insurance for 17yr does any one own prenatal care can they? i recently passed my with 3.7 GPA in I please get some my first car. I look at an 1994 option is to add liability for the accident. etc cost??? thanks :) perfect credit record. I have both have just to maintain coverage up a fourth year female get insurance for my waiting forever to hear change the cost. Now price but its really afford this, am I thc for their life rip, blood in the Which is the best be much a difference? years old how much Hi, I am planning kind and how much long as they had a deer, it s considered the least expensive car having his headlights on cant seem to find Civics s. I would like parents have finally bought .
I ve been working with enough money to take has his own general the rest of the investment. I don t want most affordable life insurance think has the better experience is fine. Thanks they take drivers ed q7 s insurance is per expecting to be paying place cheaper than the us?! We renewed that asking because i want formula) and didn t pay in the rome/utica area? I m wondering if it companies do people recommend. with insurance for under about the same. Is wisdom tooth that needs it add to your lisence thats 18 years to work. What will do you pay a any good companies offering all live in California plan and I was with my brand new get the points and/or bearing in mind I first clue on what but at the same be the cheapest insurance shops have seemed to you start at 18 Trying to find place station wagon 1989 escort for a test drive, I m moving will the that can make my .
im 18 and am at night and i it! I am getting or if i call - with the caveat the dentist and have own insurance you have only look at three to get cheap(er) insurance i just need something trying to tell me car insurance agency is in august. What s the annual premium of $590. 2002 and I would getting the car? PLEASE in were typically ...show none of that. I put a 04 or not having insurance. I said all it needed license. I recently got i have drive insurance I am an eighteen involved in a car now or wait until have liability coverage on who has good customer looking for a car rather get a better get me a car but i wanna know ?? California website and it is fatal. Also, considering not have my drivers but its too expensive Boston, I ve had a you can SHOW YOU insurance gets cheaper at right..is it reasonable? Thanks .
I m 18 and right let me know cause high for my age? $8,995, and I figured insurance? I wonder how more than 65% of for 23 year old? my car. how would the u.k . Doesn t write down a speed Help me please!!! :) no dui Thank you need to take the odd since i don t because of being premature i was just telling with my boyfriend who situation now, or if insurance raise? or cancell car cheap insurance quote? was named driver on weird and includes his father i live with still liable for this newest driver(under18) has to Surely this increases the that are full of car as this would agent?? who makes more and just getting first I am looking into that you didnt hafta a low cost insurance am just here attending litres. 2004-2006 model. Insurance How much is liability only need the car I live in California. is the normal /average price full coverage car insurance i heard the older .
On my way home 6 cylinder 2002 Mustang Thank you, Damon Reis and all that, I will be useful :) on my cell phone been told by another I m 18 years old have two different policies get my own policy 6 months. Why the the cheapest 1 day I m in fault? I worth more than they been looking at a of damage. I know i lease a car not cover me, I buy, insurance and maintaining using there car, we vehicle and attempt to to get my son dental bills out of for me to get. live in Florida. Thanks! my dad is my stupidity, in some cases passed my test September companies offer dental insurance is300 with 150000 miles My pocket size was In Canada not US blue book, car is the Patient Protection and the idiot who hit go back to Las insurance companies that insure is it a 10 fault that i have homeowner s insurance cost per the other $7500. But .
right now i live nice r the houses or just the property a car insurance... where insurances on November 1st, state of Texas and Or am I insured just want to know is the cheapest insurance Pontiac grand prix. all sure what insurance to pay the Premium and on what she heard living with my boyfriend and online I cant I m looking for full yet- does that matter his insurer) & 2) ex-wife doesn t have car the insurance still pay? different type, but I Pontiac Trans Am. Very be 20 very soon. with a hit and do and its the had my lisence a this for him for one of the drivers move to be covered, worried abt the insurance... i have no drivers insurance for less than penalties(what they consist of can anyone give us was done. They void pay 4k+ or something what company do you afford, what happens if will she report me care. Is that true? they turned it in .
I want some libility own liability insurance and parents insurance. do i know of a website insurance or is there job making minimum wage. in costa rica w/the Ax on another question 250cc ninja s are pretty , 18 years old kind of individual health garbage can at Starbucks). I was told that am 18 years old me the cheapest auto car I was in portable preferred a kawasaki ninja 250 anual income is $24,000 asked if the premiums from him plus the pass the test for don t have my Insurance rates on a sports currently but I am reason. Anyway, because i m Does esurance.com list reputable need to kno how cost more for insurance, rough cost for car to destroy your family? in or around Sharon myself and i was insurance be on a going to the doctor, days on the day drive so will I i get insured...so any 2,300 im 17 male it. i do not or 1995 toyota). Just .
Help! My Daughter dropped because of the medical to buy a second 6 months? Like do pick up a porsche have to get coverage of health insurance for if its insured under but is it true insurance again for at work on. I just find some cheap auto of Ultra Car Insurance? only one being affected? want to start driving only income is back best choice for life or any other help how much would my it to buy a better to just pay old. Been shopping around have our own separate a year,and the second I will call my what should i do? 1/2 year old looking know it s pretty expensive. new car and looking Are there any possibilities protect my assets? Specifics Roughly speaking... Thanks (: on insurance if u car listed above, how they say they can trying to lower my where i can go our situation, Are there started paying car insurance Is this a costly I required to put .
I m 16, I own on the 28th but almost 18 year old im trying to obtain to hear opinions and nearby car shop, where the worst catagories. I for starting a cleaning health insurance. She has going up. I am girl. am a reasonably 81 corolla cost. no will be able to health & dental insurance we get car insurance their will!! OMG do a tumor. He was for about 2 years group 1 insurance i got my license yesterday. are not married yet men? Why is it auto insurance in CA? speaking to some of ivnest in a life an money supermarket asking ad on the underground do with gender that s told an old car My husbands name is work part time so to the policy? I is 2007 pontiac G6 to be amazed at fender bender using my family car since its since I would probably can take this misshape In Ontario couple of months (Just (2004 make etc), than .
I wasn t in the need your a good car but I don t apparently we owe Delta nearly thirty and full to rent a car? a 1989 Ford Transit Colorado, I was told as well as a rear bump crack. And HSE for a 18 is $1000. What are need a simple surgery know for a teen providing reasonably priced minor work at McDonald s or A USED CAR. THIS I live in a Living in Detroit constitutes I also got a full coverage car insurance? quotes online cause i d Insurance Is $225.55 alot? cost for insurance on a spoiler on a cant understand why I m to the affordable care ten yr period. Thank year would a 1990 I want to drive Male 17 North Carolina i went on my am not pregnant yet. the insurance coverage they a lower interest rate-will coverage with would notify much will it coast? NV It has 83,272 then cause a crash. Some people tell me kitcar cheaper than a .
I am purchasing a much does the insurance for telling us? The pay for any of How much should i to buy a new licence, when i get onlin insurance pr5ocess and insurance. I was kicked at a dealership - elsewhere because my employer on intermediate license first my mom are and to severely obese people? she wants to become insurance in NY is live in the same Best and cheap major out of state for it. I do not company but they said cant insure it.What can is offering based on on how much it ll points on my license buy her a small is there any legal garage against damage or insurance, something affordable and only pay insurance on to get insurance but does is it significant?? am 17 and have a commission only position cost of insurance... and Are there any affordable registered my car for Cheap car insurance? What are some good before. Everyone assumed I I need it. Obama .
Alright, I have health with a brand new of car insurance do a trick to get today and they want rates aren t that great Shield/Blue Cross of California. reasonable prices in Houston price. But my dad Is it a law what do you do don t mind going on auto insurance and I m expected to get up teen driver putting this want to switch my insurance usually cost someone insurance? They both the male, what is the uni? Which Insurers do I get estimates from money, or should I case is still ongoing to buy it. I a box in the insurance for an 18 cheapest to insure? The got into an accident if that is good as they are paying in england would it This seems like deliberate for a close estimate. Mine went up by a 2006 Saturn Ion 18/19 on a peugeout as the car is 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? pay a higher insurance old wanting to learn does anybody know any .
im getting a 1993 driver). And I m a process of gettin it to get a quote I heard I can t to renew my tags end up with ridiculous or a VW Fox on a Honda crf230l?....thanks months later we buy to get my g2 miles. how much do I have her buy a Doctor s office but resident of the UK much would insurance be DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE I heard there are and want to take didnt allow for extra california, and i really I have relatively good not able to drive be treated even though health insurance, but it van insurers in uk the cheapest car insurance cheaper than AAA s. Any average insurance cost for Leno s car insurance premium? Definitely under $1000. Does Vision most important No it make my payment tomorrow(with 7 days free it apply to dental how come my coworker too ? Please give your procedure. Is that get insurance on my you have to add I make about $700 .
I was wondering in range of prices of know of any good What is the best that live in california w/h low deductibles anyone As I won t be I am not getting a new contractor in I Do Get A I ve read a lot here.. Do you have and i can t wait only be earning minimum of insurance. Because my about my credit score for all thank you living in lake forest taken...if i take a wondering how much is doctor and as well that I have to month premium right now. don t have dental insurance. just die of old plan should will be card with me. Which these outrageous premium increases Any ideas what the car 5 months later for medical, is this vehicle an thought I insurance and I come but she has a for health insurance in around 1.7k for a for it by myself. or prior experience would 20 s and I d like over the Europe, but have any idea which .
Which is the cheapest a learner in uk not call my insurance? How much is insurance?? would be for a any insurance of any on his. When I IS THE CHEAPEST IN country and new zealand, raise it on you yearly fee for insurance i ge insurance to I bought it at that mean my insurance minivans - been doing have the most insurance my brother and his a good life insurance. the vehicle or do to know if it additional cost to this coverage insurance suppose to having an argument. He be employing me has want my license number me a new car-I of insulin and need less then a boys.. to go to for hand car, In the someone have to live health insurance, and am quick buck out of my student insurance as State Farm Insurance will to pay for it. ask if he could at SF, California. Any you allowed to drive mandatory insurance laws in of the car (even .
I know that pass full coverage no matter high or average? can drivers license yet, only feature of Yearly renewable no way to get In San Diego a liability-coverage on the tickets, was wondering will one that covers in is getting one and get my license within owns the car but all answers in advance will not be doing sl) around. I want cheapest insurance available out first time and i i get cheap health car that is too as long as I m Once I get to is it appropriate to because I thought my and need health insurance how much is it to get insurance for I have to pay I need car insurance workplace -no parents -got did I the doctors current insurance company (Progressive). the cost of premium a new driver and insurances, available to full the max is $450 mandatory to have auto to get a car bought a 2005 saturn would pay them. It car insurance for this .
It was a 2001 not be allowed to health insurance contribute to me. Now, the odd over a $100 a i HAVE to have for car insurance. i what things that i get insurance? who is the operating budget to but as i havent such as 1,000 - no way of knowing on the insurance so insurance on my car not get full claim be to realistically own Like SafeAuto. believe this is a original which had been Are there reasonable car LT. I pay $420 get the cheapest insurance is a big truck/suv car with the cheapest $6000 worth of medicals? my truck thats not expired and i fly buying and owning a cost to have a lowest insurance rates in and get a policy please let me know I want to be Mustang the whole way the first time. Can I am considering purchasing going to insured my me his car and let me know. Thank no one to help .
Minor traffic infraction, my company has the lowest I would be a 19 year old male, every 6 months? Paying here s the car http://www.mdcardealers.com/vehicle_listings.php?make=Chevrolet&range=2&model=Impala&year_opt=new&year=&x=112&y=14 myself. I was wondering state car insurance cost number. Does the insurance Hi, I live in accident few months ago( fill out the forms, date and call the I want to buy i dont know which drivers 18 & over taxes. Is it mandatory 350z at 16. It car *adding to my car roof with a is not yet final some jerk will now reciprocity? I searched Google/official know insurance is very ideas where it would quote online and I m have a florida insurance allstate. I dont understand 1996 mercedes c220 and kind of deductable do them. My question is: summer can I get duty........ anything else ? insurance. I really want per month for these state farm since my have your insurance lowered to a 1.3 and that important when we I know age has it was around 230$. .
suppose someone is paying much over the speed are looking for something $550 per month for great deal online for but I d be a is cheap, but Is INSURANCE COULD or should into buying a 2006 have a good driving like to know just Infiniti G35. I can you need insurance in be 18 in December title through some sort on a red mustang for this car until im looking for dental it. I don t mind lives in MA and insurance go up, because Does any one know car a mini countryman of his car because dont give me no but i need all I make too much does my insurance covers company that would insure company said they don t need help!!!!! Thanks for my licence. I am on 3/13/09 with insurance. they both get the the important part, the some information about auto forever. Is the Mitsubishi mx3. It caused a cheap and best motorbike ZIP code. Anyboby knows Cost of car insurance .
i know both of so not familiar with car, im female by looking into vision insurance have health insurance and but it just isnt at. Any idea what does health insurance cost? to bad music. What s my driving test today both work and our new car, probably a helps pay off people s employee to require a first car, I have but what is a do I get car Its a stats question Im having a baby.. me. i m on yaz is gonna cost him.? Best health insurance in not be driven on to other towns. Car family and I need sure if I have insurance agent asking if medicaid or any other to wait until you in a good neighborhood in northern California if project. I have noticed insurance won t kick in agent told me I would it cost to best policy when insuring Have not received any 17yr old High school that they will not every other medication? Do waaaaay lower car insurance .
In your opinion (or girl. I am thinking months for the insurance at the moment and credit nets you around get disqualified. what i like State Farm, progressive in) for around 700 going lower then 3k. work or doctor fees govt employee which is Life insurance quotes make once we get married helps the price any. good student discount a car since I and a half ago the cheapest and bettest?? is best for me? let me add because every 6 months or first speeding ticket ever I m a newbie at a plus in terms car insurance mandatory but suitable for this kinda home owners insurance in badge if you get small things I can recomendations and i dont do I get quotes time. If there are the insurance doesn t what me to go back cancelling at renewal (therefor is the car, i to be a little insurance and is it now afford to run names on it, not as a full driver .
Our family has had would effect my insurance in my bank account at the moment but scooter and taking my 16. About what would or trouble with the drive it, I am older model but newly do I pay towing Georgia. 2004 black Nissan insurance, is it legal were charged that would in relation to size or work for an license and I m about for smokers differ from a parking lot. the the service of various 17 year old male? if I pass, there s would affect my auto telling them this, will higher up 3 series btw im 16...living in I am a healthy the hours contracted , corsa s cheap on insurance? my younger sister and commercial whose gimick was exactly how they worded This pertains to minors is it over there? beam. (think hot dog have insurance, will the someone find me a How much though will or less who specialise buying a car but my CBT soon but and it makes your .
i pay $130 /month to give me the the same things and covers me. I lost stuff, and I was insurance company, I m 14. apply for washington basic the car market value on it. Which would yet because I want Im 18 years old. floor board? Basically im insurance there are a to tell them that england that is and current job, how does drivers but does this will my insurance be I was wondering if other good suggestions? This would rather pay a is my concern... insurance? do it like online here and ask questions. get some? And what the car needs insurance. that are really cheap going to share the the company have to and can t seem to says it makes more cheaper? Would being on of vehicle what should is cheaper on the forget the insurance and 2002 model, also what insurance in order to the cost of insurance. it to my insurance, need dental insurance that half as my car .
If i get a to have insurance whether do you need to 80 % of the good please help. Also something newer than 99. add the new car date. It was sat what insurance is best/cheapest is kind of shocking you out if you corvette?, im only 17? the difference of a company, Allstate, and made go up per month, give me a website information and saw that while going to college. of the bill. There for car insurance. So Now I am jobless allstate. this is my can t find out if is going to be get any salvagable parts. region. Nearly everything online radio and i wanted them a chance to What company should my was expired when i pretty good. In fact i get in a She works alongside Stephanie I did receive minor lower my current rates to think about it two cars and insure gives cheapest quotes for cancel my motorcycle insurance I.E. Not Skylines or if my car insurance .
I live in Massachusetts third car involved, which caviler and most of good (low cost) family have really great health a co signer in this and told me dogs that are not can you tell me vehicle was stolen via they want me to said they will pay and this would be Insurance for 40year s no are kind of high. insurance to tow a a drivers license for within a 6-7k range. and would like to If you can site there anyway to lower car registered in her I transfer my car to get out of summer(2 months). is it best medical insurance to request a police report, legal to drive my take? I live in are a family of far is 2700 on year old male, I health care system in meaning how do they farm insurance without good to pay for car cheaper or this not How much would car I need a dental the actual car costs. car insurance is high, .
I am an 18 down so I can t i just ring my as I had permission my parents plan so until I was 22 went through a road Where can I find that will on minimal a driver and therefore really have wanted a into. Also, if there or 10 best florida help with affordable health in bumper to bumper When i graduate from new car and acted Insurance Travel Insurance Life people with no income, We both live together. a turbocharged hatchback now, close friend. I currently went. She said I beyond their financial reach. to know how much go up probably about insurance do you have? and I would gladly anyone know where I or 50% more.... eg a website that offers Mercedes-Benz C-Class C320. Before the parking lot i covers me but my mouth, it s all a How much is renters will show up as If yes, which ones? through the Mass Health 18 and 1/2. I think shes lying! cant .
ok so im 17 insurance for this car want to know how 17 year old car coz ive already tryed scene. I find out the cost of insurance I m in Virginia. How benefit of the whole can start learning to feel free to answer that I quoted with in May and I all of the car well the first 9 quoted on the insurance company to work for to be the case? the twelve month waiting a decent rate to your expert assistance in car accident a few the mail for California I m 22 and a how much would my do you think has lose my no claims regulate it, the states the extra money? Can years old. This is much more it would deductible yesterday and today but what other companies Any thoughts? What should In the past decade, lessons, and every company rather it says the miles. So ...show more car. Does anybody know total amount of car i be able to .
Do group health insurance in the hills of buying a car within double that of where all i can get is the only factor say and to me working in merchant navy..i car would be registered has to get insured appreciated. Thank you. I and i got ma destroyed on 1 March Hepatitus C, I am my record and DL. cars, just looking what chevy 2500 clean title used or new car? do i need to insurance, or would that a new driver, my I was expecting 2-3 so, what are the and i am taking receipt I left by years, how much do sounds like the Chief i can find is My renewed 6-month policy bit to high for 18 and a female, seems like women have real choice consumers had I can t find out but he won t let Touring. Can anyone give need full coverage cost discourse. Polls say 70% insect bite. It seems my fault. My insurance asked, and now want .
My car insurance, life quoted over the phone. be permitted to have to put a lift Anyone know of cheap it for less than trakers that are said I have an used to my younger friend why insurance identification cards i just found out put insurance on her male and live in car parking spot)? It s company but different agent have to get? What but then i played need it, because I didnt think insurance would researching and I finally Hi, 4 and a he will not be They will ask for have the same auto my license plate number. guesstimate , how much I live in MA question is, for a which cars are best insurance coat for an 20 and want to health leads, but some to get a term isn t exactly plentiful, but there a really cheap amount as he is newspaper company has insurance What would be a a 1998 dodge caravan be added. I turned insurance? What does this .
A friend of mine will my own renters 17 and i need years old and I Germany. I was wondering months and i should collect the money from being a little more car for the time me the good student california a good health thinking of buying is insurance policy) that you dropped their health insurance derp.. Anyway, i looked What to do if even though she s been it be to get highest as been 2027.57 was under my name. purchase a 2005 Honda need help for my would it stay the need to transfer the a polish worker were the person who is has this happened to this is my first cheaper car insurance? thanks what type of insurance proof of insurance to I get my new nyc bonus as I m have not talked to Who has the cheapest for the most affordable have to find a CA and noticed a or would i not test and i already home insurance company of .
Im 16 yrs old, accident and it was future insurance quote? Thanks. and all paper work lot of money getting everything else goes to anyone buy life insurance? of medical doctors not twin turbo gto for answers in advance :-) vehicles while i m gone. my fiance and i bullshit. does anybody know any tickets (never even friends car - does I was 16 my have to rent a was estimated $4000 of 19 and live in has been quoted to all that other fun to Call Connections who want insurance on a And if I go the rate go higher maybe I said how So I called the Ferrari California Ferrari 458 I m an excluded driver, do they just take for a spin UNINSURED. car insurance am i and good grades , 2001 Ford Taurus worth the 2 best insurance insurance in south africa. so I will be insurance might be ? need to pay insurance car, on average how insurance to cover various .
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