#and they don't let him out of theirs rly . they were all terrified of losing him
quirkle2 · 2 years
WAILS,,,,, IF UR SURE ,, i do indeed have so many Thoughts
small warning for minor slime rancher 2 spoilers, mainly areas of the map, but also some new slimes !
at first i thought of wars and ledge having a ranch alone (slime rancher 2 conservatory) and the others having their own little ranches close by and they visit each other often ! but then i thought abt them all just living ranch au style in one place,,, i'm leanin more toward them all living together on one ranch now honestly
whatever the case, i think legend would love the far far range. i think all of them would, but legend fuckin loves exploring every little nook and cranny, wild and hyrule too, and i think they'd all go on little adventures and scout missions, searching for anything new, mapping out new places they find. legend would think all of the areas in both games r just so so fuckign Pretty
two of legend's favorite places to hang out is the big tree in the conservatory, and the big blue and pink tree in the middle of starlight strand. both trees r big and beautiful and twisting and i think he'd Love to climb up there and draw in his maps and sketchbooks, watchin the slimes bounce around
wars' favorite place to hang out is ember valley, atop any of the large rock pillars that loom over everything else. he uses his jetpack to get up there when he needs a couple hours to himself, brings a book or two with him, and simply lies in the grass on top and reads. his quiet places r usually slime-free as well—even though he loves slimes and thinks they're adorable, even a rancher gets tired and wants to be completely alone from time to time—so he typically picks someplace that's high and out of the way, where he can't hear any slimes or can't get attacked by tarr
wars' Other favorite spot is actually directly next to slimes, but it's wars' second favorite of the little guys—puddle slimes :) once again in ember valley, in that little pond down at the south end that pours waterfalls down to the pond below. that spot is So quiet and nice, and wars actually Loves the sounds puddle slimes make, and the sounds of the waterfalls r calming to him. sometimes he reads there and even falls asleep
wars likes taking pictures. legend likes drawing. sometimes they play a silly little game where legend hands him a landscape he drew and he has to try and find that spot on the far far range and take a picture of that exact place and perspective. in exchange, wars gives him pictures he's taken and legend gets to draw more landscapes with the pics as references
wars and wind have given all their bee drones nicknames. they have also decorated them w fashion pods and wars' favorite one is barry the bastard, who wears big circular glasses and sometimes glitches out and flies directly into walls (wars pets him and coos at him and fixes his trajectory like he is an actual being w feelings and not a robot made to finish tasks. he loves him very much)
^ i like to think there is a way to manually pilot the bee drones somehow (phone app,,,) and wars likes to annoy legend while he's sitting up in the tree drawing maps n shit. buzzes around him and presses the button that makes the bee flip and make funny little noises. legend hates him (legend loves him and thinks it's funny) (wars sometimes brings him snacks w the bee drones randomly . there's text that replaces the drone's face that says "snack break <3")
legend's favorite slime is the ringtail. he thinks it's cute and loves when their faces get all mischievous. what r they up to...............
wars' favorite is the flutter slime :) he thinks they're Beautiful, especially when sunlight shines through them and brightens their colors. he loves those things (they have a few flutter slimes flying around the conservatory purely because wars likes watching them fly and imabout to cry over that)
wind's favorite is the boom slime; he thinks they're funny. four really likes the batty slimes. sky adores the mosaics. time rly likes mochi's quicksilver slimes. hyrule likes the honey ones. twi adores tabby and hunter slimes, thinks they're cute and have done nothing wrong ever in their lives. wild likes the cotton slimes, and also the fire ones cuz he thinks they're cool
AND ALSO........ wars' scars in that drawing. >:) (warning from here on out for a bit of graphic injury, being eaten alive just a little bit, and generally just,, me yanking the innocence out of this game w my teeth)
i like to think of tarr slimes as Actually Really Dangerous and instead of just calmly vaccing them against ur nozzle and launching them into the sea, they're a lot more difficult to deal with in this world. firstly, they seem to be .... Meltier than other slimes, so i think vaccing them up against ur nozzle and them Staying Together is nearly impossible. they'd simply melt to the ground or Around ur vacpack and if everything goes right for them, they could just grab ur vacpack away and Eat You.
rly the only surefire way to get rid of them is to splash them w water, of course, but if u Don't have a water source ? ur,, in trouble
in sr2, it's a Lot more difficult to find water sources, mostly because the slime sea is no longer a viable source to vac up. and at some point, wars had run out of water in his reserve tank, had witnessed a tarr outbreak right next to him and Well .
they'd grabbed at him, at his face, at his arm and side, and started eating at his flesh. the only reason he got away was because legend had been just a field over, heard the screams, and had water in his reserve. legend definitely saved his life
tarr actually eats u alive in this world. it clings to skin and dissolves muscle and bone, and of course, the more it eats, the more it multiplies. tarr had been crawling and clinging to wars' skin all over his right side and if legend hadn't had a few splashes left in his tank, it would've simply continued and eaten him whole
the effects of tarr made him very sick for a long time (to the point where the others feared they'd still lose him), and it took months to get back on his feet and recovery fully. he still has scars along the parts where he was grabbed and dissolved, black and inky, and if the light shines on them just right, u can see an array of rainbowy colors, much like the tarr look
after that, time doesn't let them leave the ranch without a full water reserve in their vacpacks.
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