#and this isn't mentioning Sejanus you little shit
flibo23 · 6 months
Many people have said many things about Coriolanus Snow and how awful he is, but I just finished the book and I'M STUNNED
Like he "ran away" with Lucy Gray for what, four hours, and the second he found the weapon that would incriminate him he says fuck this shit, I'm out of here. Not a second of doubt, not a moment where he considered going with her anyway. This dude walked in the rain for a hour and he was ready to return. I would say he's spoiled but he was broke as shit for most of his life. The way he loved her was always... self centered and possessive (how insecure can you be) but I MEAN
Oh Lucy Gray, you put up with him even too much
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slutforsnow · 4 months
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Chapter 10 :3
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY POOKIES <3 this is my Valentine's day gift to you all since I've been sick for the past 2 days :3
TW/CW: briefly talking about what Festus did to Sunni
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“Oh my fucking God, I can't escape him!!” Sunni sighed out, exasperated. The group had stopped by the best restaurant/karaoke place in District 2 for dinner and Sunni had gone to place everyone's orders, despite her childhood friends arguing that they'd do it. She had simply snuck away to place everyone's orders with a shit-eating grin on her face.
“Escape who?” Nero asked, flipping his jacket hood up, with a curious look.
“Please don't tell me it's Festus,” Sejanus begged, looking at Sunni who took her seat in between Nero and Coryo. Nero was on the end, then Sunni, Coryo, Sejanus, Vivian, Dele, Nataila,Viktor and then finally Demitri.
“That's exactly who it is,” She replied, smoothing out her dress as she noticed how it rode up her thigh. She wasn't looking for the wrong kind of attention.
“Alright, that's it, I'm killing him,” Coryo announced, standing up, only for Sunni and Sejanus to pull him back to his seat.
“No! No, no, no, Coryo,” The two protested, bringing him back down. Sunni, deciding to put him in a mild state of shock, sat on Coryo's lap to keep him down. Coryo stiffened and sat up straight, not moving a muscle. He was grateful he had his curls so the others didn't see how red his ears became at her spur-of-moment decision.
‘Well that calmed him down-’ Sejanus thought, mildly surprised to see Sunni being so bold. Coryo barely listened to him anyway and the way Sunni managed to keep him in place and not get arrested made Sej quite impressed. Though he didn't like the method, it seemed to work. He'd talk to Sunni about it later, as to not make the evening awkward.
Swallowing, Coryo pulled out his phone to distract himself and from the blood rushing to his head and praying Sunni didn't feel it. He didn't want her to think of him as weird for getting hard in a setting like this. What would she think of him? Would she cut him off like how Tigris did to Grandma'am’s overwatered roses? Sharply and without hesitancy? He wouldn't have that—not when he was getting close so making her his sunflower.
He decided to focus on making that photo Sej had sent him as his lock screen and photoshop some of the pictures from the protective stalking he and Sej had done to be him and Sunni instead of Festus and Sunni.
“So… what's bad about this Festus guy?” Viv asked slowly to alleviate the tension that had fallen around the booth the group had been seated at.
“So, he's my ex. He drugged and humiliated me at a party the Saturday after midterms were over for believing that he actually loved me,” Sunni explained, leaning into Coryo's chest holding his free hand around her waist to massage the tension out of his hand as her other hand gently spun the rings that added elegance to his otherwise bony hands.
“HE WHAT?!” The group, aside from Coryo and Sej, shouted, making Nero wince in pain.
“Ow,” He grumbled, turning his hearing aids down somewhat.
“Sorry, Nero,” the others said, feeling bad for causing him pain; despite being an otherwise loud group, they did try to keep their surprise low for him so it didn't fuck with his hearing aids.
“It's fine, but Sunni why isn't he arrested?” He asked, waving off the others’ concern.
“No proof or anything to prove it was him; it'd be my word against his, not to mention Sej and Coryo would only have their words against Festus too,” She answered, gently squeezing Coryo's hand which had tightened around her waist. She gently rubbed his knuckles, hoping that would calm him down a little bit.
“Yeah, and Festus’ parents have way more money than ours cause we're only just barely above the minimum amount to be living in the Capitol. If we lost, we would've probably been sent to a lower District like 10 or 11,” Sejanus added, noticing how Coryo mildly squirmed at the talk of money. Biting the inside of his cheek, Sej decided to change the subject. “But enough about that, how did you all meet Sunni?”
“Seventh grade, golf club,” Nero said simply. “And she was only one with a dyed yellow streak in her hair.”
“Cafeteria, eighth grade. I was a new student,” Viv replied, shrugging softly.
“Dele, Demitri, Vik, and I met her in a Freshmen arts class where we learned that if you give her a brush, she gets so focused and-”
“Hey-! Hey, hey, hey, no no no don't expose my secrets!!” Sunni's cheeks had turned bright red when she realized where Nat was going with that. Sej and Coryo didn't know that yet and she wanted to keep it that way.
“What? You mean to tell us that you haven't told them!?” Maxima inquired, raising an eyebrow.
“Told us what?” Coryo asked, putting his phone in his pocket, having finally calmed himself down. Sure, Sunni wasn't the first person to sit on his lap, but this was the first time someone did it to calm him down.
“Maxie, no-!!”
“Maxie yes! Sunni paints realism! Mainly sunflower fields!” They replied, beaming as 2 waiters brought over the group's dinner. Sunni noticed Coryo's attention was immediately grabbed by the smell of food, and she slid off his lap, sitting back between him and Nero as the group sorted everyone's dinner and drinks.
Almost 2 hours later, the group had learned a lot about each other and seemingly grew closer. Except for Nero and Coryo.
Anytime Nero spoke, Coryo would send death glares to him and would tightened his grip around Sunni. Sejanus didn't think much of it as he knew his friend was just being protective of Sunni. Did he find it odd Coryo was protecting her from her own friends? Yes. Was he going to judge him out loud? No, as Sejanus have a desire to live.
By the time everyone paid and was heading back to the hotel and their own homes, Coryo was carrying Sunni on his back as he and Sej made their way back to the hotel, due to Sunni being too tired to walk all the way back herself (and she fell asleep just before they got to the hotel).
By the time the boys got back to their room, after they tucked Sunni in bed, Sejanus passed out on his bed. Coryo went into the hotel room's shower and turned on the hot water. He exhaled shakily and stared at the tent in his pants.
How the hell did Sunni not notice it when she was sitting on his lap?
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Around 5am the next day, Coryo was wide awake and scrolling on his phone. He had barely gotten any sleep, so he wasn't in a good mood already. Sighing, he went to text Sunni and frowned seeing her text back so quickly.
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Sunni jumped a little hearing a knock at her door and slowly came out of her bed. She opened the door and giggled a little, feeling Coryo wrap his arms around her waist. He didn't give her a minute to process what was happening as he scooped her up, making her wrap her legs around his waist and tighten her grip around his neck.
“Cori!!” She squealed out as he shut the door behind him.
“Hm? Yes, Sunshine?” He murmured, looking up at her.
“This isnt gonna make me not ask you what's bothering you,” She laughed out, pushing his curls out of his face.
“But it sure as hell will distract you,” He replied, sitting on her bed, letting her sit on his lap.
“Uh-huh, sure, but quick thing, why are you so cold? You feel like ice,” She inquired with a small frown.
“‘M always cold,” He answered simply, burying his face into the crook of her neck.
“Well, guess what? Cuddling with me means you're gonna be warm,” Sunni told him, playfully pushing him to lay down. Grabbing her blanket, she draped it over herself and him, snuggling him.
Blushing furiously, Coriolanus was grateful that the hotel room was almost pitch black. Pulling her closer to him, he ran his fingers through her hair. He didn't think one person could be so soft and comforting like Sunni was. She was warm, sweet, cuddly, and… non-judgmental. Something Coryo wasn't entirely used to. Sure, Sejanus wasn't judgemental and was nice, Tigris was warm, and Grandma'am was kindhearted but those were the people who he let into his heart. Sunni was different; she dug her way into his heart and refuses to leave. But Coryo didn't mind. He actually liked it for once.
“Gonna tell me what's bothering you now, Cori?” She whispered.
“Asshole.” Coryo could only laugh. He knew she didn't mean it. She didn't say ‘asshole’ in a condescending way or shove him away. She was teasing him. He had to admit it, to himself at least, he loved it.
"You know you love me," He shot back with a smirk and chuckling as she sat up a tad to see his face as best as she could.
"Cause you're the best," She told him. Coryo felt his ego expand and rubbed her back, soaking up her warmth.
"Mm, nah, you are," He replied, pulling her back down him to keep her close to him.
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing @poppyflower-22 @kuromismom7 @xjinnix @flw3rrr @plathsotherib @beaphobia @valeskafics @aoi-targaryen @elayasversion @dianaaxoxo
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