#and thus haven't really thought of drawing anything until today lol
fumiko-matsubara ยท 9 months
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Lead Guitarist-kun! ๐ŸŽธ
For this month's issue, Kunugigaoka's Gossip Magazine chose to feature the mysterious guitarist 'RYUU' from the light music club, who had finally given us a name after almost three years and had even agreed for a photo!
Very little is known about him, as he is nowhere to be found in school despite the solid proof that he is still a student there, that there is only so much this magazine could speculate based on the sightings of him. Just who is he and how is he able to keep his existence a secret for so long?
There are only a limited number of physical copies printed for this month, with available stocks found at the Newspaper Clubroom. A digital copy of the magazine can be purchased from the school's official website half the price.
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jaderimehardt ยท 6 months
I have been super MIA for months now, I know, and I apologize! Its been a mesh of things keeping me away.
#1 Holidays, #2 Getting sick (yuck), #3 Game Events, #4 Temperature - Honestly I didn't think this would be a thing until it became a thing, y'know?
So resin doesn't cure optimally unless it's in 70-72 degree climates and I was working with it in my garage typically around 80-90 degrees, which was fine.
Sometimes I'd notice it get issues when I'd work with it around 95-100 and I'd be like okay~ not today, lol ๐Ÿ˜…. That didn't bother me, those days were too hot anyways.
I'm on the west coast. We didn't get ideal 70 degree days. It dipped quickly from 80 degree days to 60 degree days (too cold for resin) in like, a matter of days maybe weeks.
I've been trying to research if a curing machine would fix it but I'm just finding a whole lot of "some curing machines are designed to cure at room temperature blah blah" and "heat can be added via curing ovens, radiant heat, expoxy curing blankets". Yeah okay thanks google AI ๐Ÿ™„ /s
It's something I need to either look into a lot more or just wait until the weather gets warmer.
In the meantime, I can either draw more stuff for my RedBubble (which I'm not happy with at all), + deal with the holidays- which is what I've been doing (dealing with the holidays).
I may also just start drawing and make this a seasonal thing? Resin in the summer and drawing in the winter? Ping Pong back n forth? I'm trying to figure things out.
I was also bouncing the idea around of bringing the resin into the house but we don't keep the house above 70 degrees either, lol. I know people will think we're crazy for that. We keep the house between 62-68 degrees. Just barely missing that 70 mark. And then I don't know if the room I'd work with the resin in, would get proper ventilation cause I'd have to open a window, thus making it colder inside ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ (because it's around 50 degrees outside, and still only Fall).
There has to be a solution here ๐Ÿซ . And it may be the seasonal ping ponging. Because I don't have a shop up yet so it's not like this is a 'business' yet for this to be a dire need or anything.
Sorry for the rambling, just thought I'd drop an update ๐Ÿ˜…
Last night and today I've been working on a couple of Emojis for Discord- as in a literal two.
I haven't drawn anything in 10 months, and I've never drawn this character before so I'm really out of my element with this. And we know emojis are something I mostly do for fun that I do to improve myself, so go easy on me when I post them ๐Ÿ˜….
Originally I wanted to make 4 but the inexperience of never drawing him before and having not drawn in so long, paired with having an event tomorrow... had to trim it to just the 2. It's better than none I guess. I want to say maybe more in the future but don't hold me to that; I get weird especially when people hold me to expectations ๐Ÿซฃ
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