#and when charley dies he can't admit she's gone
little-alien-duck · 2 years
thinking about how when the doctor says goodbye to sarah jane in the hand of fear instead of actually saying goodbye he says “until we meet again” and in the last when charley is dead and he’s saying goodbye to her the last thing he says is “until we meet again.” having Thoughts about this one.  
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lucy-268 · 3 years
Greetings! Bree here, making the rounds with my Newlyweds Game for my favorite ships lol. So basically, these are a few questions for Charley, Ethan, and both. You have to answer them as each respective character :D
For Both:
Who is their embarrassing crush?
Who's the better kisser?
Who is the tidiest?
Who is the best cook?
Who is most likely to deal with a spider?
For Charley:
Ethan is planning his ideal vacation. Where would he take you? What would you do?
What is the thing he would most likely go viral for on the internet?
What is his favorite thing about himself?
What has been your favorite kiss with him?
What is Ethan's favorite thing that you wear?
For Ethan:
Out of all of her family members, who do you get along the best with and why?
What is her biggest pet peeve?
What do you remember the most about the first time you met her?
How does Charley like her coffee or tea? Do you agree? (lol we stan a coffee purist)
What is your favorite gift that Charley gave you?
Kinda like the newlywed game except just the questions. We don't cross check their answers lol. Can't wait to see what they reply. If this wasn't too annoying, I can send you some for Maggie and Ethan, I mean Bryce lol
For Both:
Charley: Alyssa Milano. He says that Tobias liked to watch Charmed when they were roommates (she rolls her eyes at this). Ethan: Charley doesn’t have an embarrassing crush. She owns it proudly. And it’s Robert Downey Jr.
Charley: Ethan. (He doesn't disagree.)
Charley: Ethan is tidier. Ethan: I am.
Charley: Ethan is better. Ethan: Charley is pretty good herself. Charley: We do love to cook together. Ethan: We do.
Charley: Ethan. But I will if he isn’t around.
For Charley:
He likes opera and I like everything. We would go to Rome and see La Traviata at Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. I’ve always wanted to go to the Colosseum. And food, of course. Then onto London, since that is my dream trip. We would take a tour of the tower of London. After a visit at the London Aquarium, a ride on the London Eye! Oh, and he’ll take me to afternoon tea at the Savoy.
The reason we know that he tore the president of the AMA apart at a conference because it did go viral. (leaning in to whisper, and of course that photo of him from his first triathalon.)
He prides himself on taking care of himself and that he’s still fit with his busy schedule.
All of them. But really, the night after the party when he said he loved me when we got back to his apartment. We didn’t sleep much that night.
In private, he likes when I wear an old t-shirt of his from Hopkins. For a night out, he likes me in bright colors. I wore this on our first official date.
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For Ethan:
Her dad. I’ve never met either her dad or brother in person, but I called her dad when she was hospitalized after the attack, while she was admitted and every few days until she came back to work. Her dad appreciated that because Charley kept saying that she was fine. She told me that, too. She wasn’t.
She has a few. She hates it when people she doesn’t know well stand too close and it’s worse if they touch her. Actually, I don’t like that when others do that either. One of the new interns tried to hug her last week. She also hates men who are mansplainers.
I remember her hand shaking when she had to perform a thoracotomy before she’d even gone to orientation. But she did it. And I feel bad to this day for criticizing her slow examination and scalpel technique. After all, most interns couldn’t do that their first day. But she wasn’t most interns.
(Ethan shudders with this question.) I drink my coffee black. She drinks hot coffee with cream and that is acceptable. She drinks iced coffee (ICED! it should be HOT!) with cream and sugar. Tea with honey and lemon is great to drink when one is sick, but she drinks it more often than coffee and she adds milk and stevia to it.
I have season tickets to the opera, but I told her I played the cello when I was younger. For my last birthday, Charley took me to dinner at a new restaurant and then we went to the Boston Symphony.
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