#and yeah I've been having a fine day. mostly chilling and rereading keeper
…I can’t believe twilight managed to have just of a creative solution as the Kane chronicles did for solving their love triangle (Twilight with Renesme, the Kane chronicles with having one of the guys host the other guy (who’s a god) in his body and them both dating the girl).
So, about imprinting on your mate. What would happen if the imprint died? Would the werewolf go insane?
Also, what do the other characters thinks both Renesme? Does Bella’s dad know about her being a vampire now? (Isn’t Charlie a cop or something?$
I am so lost as to who everyone is besides like the ones you explained and I am so confused that I can’t even begin to have questions. Thanks for giving me more knowledge about twilight then I ever thought I would have /lh /hj
Hope that you are having a good day, and are at least getting some amusement by my lack of knowledge about Twilight
Smeyer sure did do something, that's for sure! Something definitely happened! Also I don't remember much about the Kane chronicles (it's been a few years), but I remember glossing over that when it happened. But now looking back WOW that was wild. two love interests? combine them into one (1) person
As for what happens in the imprintee dies, it would be extremely emotionally distressing and painful--as is any death. But there's nothing specific that would happen to the werewolf different from any other loss. They'd be miserable and grieving, and probably would never be the same. The one difference is that wolf packs have telepathic connections, and they aren't in control of them. It's a constant, complete sharing of thoughts with everyone in your pack when you're in wolf form--no privacy. So not only would the affected wolf be suffering, but so would everyone else because they'd be exposed to that mentally. Also, since killing the imprintee of another wolf is against their most sacred law, the two wolves would fight to the death should the law be broken (the one who killed/helped kill them and the one whose imprintee was killed).
And all the other characters love Renesmee! She's adored by the Cullen family and Charlie (I can't remember if Renee knows about Renesmee atm, but she'd also love her), and practically everyone who meets her falls in love with her and adores her. In book 4 they collect a couple dozen other vampires to witness Renesmee aging and serve as witness against the Volturi (vampire royalty who enforce the laws, eg those about immortal vampires and were coming to punish the Cullens), and like all of them just think she's the sweetest thing. The only people who aren't sold are the other wolves. Jacob's unique because he's imprinted on her, and Seth (one of Jacob's pack, he's the fandom's cinnamon roll) has no problem with her or vampires. But Leah (the other person in Jacob's pack, Seth's sister, the only female werewolf currently) is not happy about it, but respects Jacob just enough as her alpha to not fight it. But the other pack, Sam's (Jacob's former pack before he and the others broke off), doesn't really like it at all. They just can't do anything about it without breaking their sacred law, and Sam (the other pack's alpha) has less authority than Jacob, because Jacob's genetically more alpha than him.
As for Charlie (who is the Chief of Police in Forks), he doesn't know the specifics, he just knows that something's up. He saw Bella post transformation, and went "hey how about you don't tell me what's going on" and so they didn't. He's content to know she's safe and happy after confirming she knew everything she was getting herself into from the beginning, and would rather not deal with all the supernatural and just turn a blind eye to that. He's just glad he still has Bella in his life (they were planning to leave forever to protect him), even if he's not the biggest fan of her choice of partner. He also knows there's something up with Jacob (he got naked and shifted in front of him), but has also requested to Not Know Any More About That Thanks.
I think it's funny that you say you know have more twilight knowledge than you ever though you'd have, but there's so so much I'm omitting and not even getting into rn. I am having fun with your lack of knowledge!! I love reciting the story to people :)
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