#and you actually feel like you're LIVING again instead of mechanically following through on duties you've assigned yourself and clung to
sybbi · 10 months
I see people on tesblr just posting/creating their own rarepairs so fuck it. Erandur/Gelebor.
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taaboh · 2 years
Back at this again cause this got me curious on what you think. Plus, I was thinking about this as of late and you're the only other person I know who is an active Yagami rper.
Anyways, what is your thoughts / HCs that led Yagami to be a detective? Out of all the occupations he could go for, why a detective? Did your Yagami get inspired to be one or did he come up with it on the spot and winged it from there?
so we know that yagamo's a huge nerd-- he's into reading fiction books, and he actually keeps up with mystery novels here and there. it isn't the primary reason he decides to be a detective, but i like to think that's part of what made him remember "oh, right, such an occupation exists."
but for my interpretation of yagamo who suffers from permanent "nobody tells me where to go" syndrome, being a private investigator allows him these things:
HE'S HIS OWN BOSS!! he was grateful for genda law office, of course, but both shintani and gendasensei himself were liable to tell him to back off once he "wrapped up" a case as a lawyer, especially if yagamo tried to step out of line in a defence attorney's duties in the event his client was guilty
he gets to help the people of kamurocho!! he jokingly says that if kamurocho wasn't such a dangerous place, he wouldn't have much business, but you can tell that he really does care for everyone and hopes for their safety, even those he doesn't know personally. "detective" is a fancy title, but taka runs an anything agency more than a detective agency at this point just because he’ll do anything for anyone who needs help
being a lawyer, he's definitely had run ins with detectives or hired some himself. i can also 100% see him, in the event of hiring someone he didn't approve of, thinking about how cases could've been investigated better because he's a perfectionist snob like that. but again, he wouldn't be allowed to investigate further really without being judged for it
following the death of emi terasawa, he feels personally responsible for not seeing the signs or investigating them. at the time he feels like it's his fault for not recognising everything about shinpei okubo, who he believed to be guilty. i imagine that after his period of depression (which isn't very long, since taka eventually goes to his coping mechanism of Always Having Something to Do), he decides he never wants to go through that again and that he will first and foremost dedicate himself to finding the truth. he trusts his hunches the same way, of course, but he'll never come to "proper" decisions until he's properly investigated everything
it’s not even JUST emi-- there’s the way that his parents were murdered in vigilante justice because the prosecution failed to present a case to convict the defendant. despite taka wanting to honour his birth father through becoming a lawyer just like him, even at age 15 he was made aware of the limitations in defending people. the only difference in the shinpei okubo case is that this time it happened to him. if cases were investigated properly and all the evidence-- all the truth-- was brought out, then juries could come up with the fairest decision possible. but you need a good detective for that
i feel like at the beginning of judgment, taka wasn’t particularly attached to being a detective. he was going through with his decision, of course, but he only really realised how much the job mattered to him towards the end. “if i never pursued these truths, justice couldn’t have been served for the people that died and no longer have a voice”. and the importance of the truth isn’t limited to the main story too-- in the sidecases, for example, finding a cat allows the legacy of a dead crime boss to live on honourably instead of being used for selfishness. which hits harder after everything that happens to matsugane
i don’t think he was FULLY dedicated to being a lawyer. i feel like a lot of it was just him being fifteen and making a promise to matsugane because of the guilt of his parents dying and the lack of closure he had with all that. i feel like choosing to be a detective and choosing to follow through with it were his first major personal decisions for himself, and when he commits to it by the end of judgment he’s reached a point in his life where he finds fulfilment in what he does
so to answer the last question, i think becoming a detective was a mix of winging it and thinking about it. like he thought “oh, if i was a detective, i could have investigated these cases more”, and out of guilt he decided to just go on and pursue it. but as he goes through the motions and starts to do the work, he falls in love with it along the way and decides this is how he wants to spend the rest of his life, as long as he’s allowed to do it. as opposed to it being a decision brought about by guilt and fear, it becomes a decision made out of pride and joy. he loves this. he isn’t going to be doing anything else, because being a detective allows him to be his truest self and follow his personal code without anyone allowed to say anything about it.
hope this made sense 🤡
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