#and/or fluffy kazurei
If you know Japanese, as a treat, Toshiyuki Toyonaga and Kouki Uchiyama previewed their version of Durdn’s “My Plan” today on their almost weekly “Buddy Daddies” Onsen internet radio. I listen to it every week but I nary understand a thing except for a few words that I recognise. I just want to listen to their voices. 🥺
You can listen to them singing around 19:52 time mark.
It is so cute!!! And their laughter is so infectious, especially Tosshi’s.
They talk about the episodes and their characters. Last week they entertained letters from viewers.
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the-music-maniac · 1 year
random rant incoming
Y'know, while I think the ship of Kazurei is absolutely adorable, I'm also perfectly happy with Kazuki and Rei being purely friends, cause tbh I love the idea of platonic love and unconventional families and two het men not being absolutely terrified of being conceived as gay with that no homo shit because they don't see it as an issue, and just raising a child together with a friend - we need more media representation of platonic love and unconventional families and they're so adorable and I love how the show depicts them already -
The homophobic people I've been seeing online going "oh thank god they're not gay, NOW I can watch it" or just refusing to watch it because they STILL think two totally platonic guy best friends raising a kid together is too "gay"????  It's pissing me off. Enough that I want to ship them even harder out of spite - draw a shit ton of Kazurei fanart and make their eyes bleed. I already liked this ship, it's fucking adorable, but my shipping was also 100% casual. Not ride or die. I would be perfectly happy with them as platonic best friends raising an adorable 4 year old. But damn is that petty side of me taking over now.
I understand if people are tired of media putting too much importance on romantic relationships and not enough on platonic, it's an exasperation I totally understand and definitely feel as well. And of course you don't need to watch media that you aren't interested in, and I 100% understand if people just straight up don't like Kazuki and Rei together as anything but platonic because they don't think it fits! All of that is so valid. But I think it's the entitlement in these specific comments that piss me off. The implication of there being too much lgbtq+ rep nowadays, of all of it being too loud, oh no I can't get away from it, oh no, must you turn every single character gay??? You can't see a single straight person on tv! We aren't able to ignore your existence anymore, oh the humanity!  
I hate to break it to these dumbasses, but the internet has been shipping canonically platonic characters together since the beginning of the internet. The only difference is that they don't have any complaints about it if it's a platonic guy and girl friendship that’s being shipped romantically. It's just interesting how they only start finding an issue with romantic relationships overshadowing platonic ones when it's two people of the same gender. And the nature of these types of complaints piss me off because despite how much better lgbtq+ rep has gotten over the years, we are still so far from having enough rep in media. So many people have grown up with heteronormativity shoved so far down their throats (me included) that they didn't even realize what their sexuality was until adulthood! I can't even watch an insta reel of a guy and girl being best friends without the entire comments section talking about how they're secretly in love with each other! People look at me and their automatic reaction is always that I must only like the opposite gender, and if I happen to want to go on a date with a girl in public instead of a guy there will always that part of me that screams unsafe unsafe unsafe. And people can't even handle the existence of a cute little anime about two PLATONIC guy best friends raising a kid, or the existence of a fucking ship that isn't hurting anyone???? Give me a goddamned break
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frankenjoly · 1 year
kazurei + prom-posal
Miri and Kazuki had been exchanging whispers and giggles for the past few minutes, and pretending he wasn’t noticing had become more and more difficult to do as time passed. Not like Rei was mad, though, but mainly just curious. Luckily, said curiosity was going to be satisfied soon enough.
“So.” As if someone had activated a button, Kazuki moved towards him, quickly and somewhat nervous; easily noticeable in general and definitely by his partner of over ten years now. “Remember when Miri had this prom-like dance they do at school, and we talked about how none of us had ever gotten to do something like that?”
“Yeah.” Simple answer, but it was crystal clear there was no need for more. Besides, before he could even ask why, Rei saw Miri pressing a button on her phone in his peripheral vision and some upbeat song started playing.
“Alright!” Kazuki then knelt before him, rummaging through a small box under the tea table by the sofa, before taking out a cardboard sign. “We’re gonna have prom just for us. And I’d love it if you were my date.” Needless to say, in the card there was written ‘WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH ME’, all in rainbow letters.
“Do I really have to answer?” Rei instantly answered, with a big smirk all over his face.
“Duh, yeah. Miri-chan and I didn’t spend time and effort planning this for nothing.”
“I’d love that, Kazuki.” His smirk turned into a full-fledged smile. “Isn’t it obvious?”
(Also on ao3.)
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zsbrainrot · 11 months
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Some fluffy Kazurei as requested by the poll I made the other day ❤️💙.
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theearlgreymage · 9 months
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How in the world is it Sunday already? This past week has absolutely flown by.
It's been a chaotic week - which is normal for me at this point. But I have been able to work on a single little side project. Just something a little fluffy for a friend that's been relaxing after some very long work days. It will hopefully be posted in it's entirety later this week, and then I hope to get back on schedule with all my SnowBaz WIPs.
Shout-Out's and Hello's to those who have been tagging me this past week!! @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @cutestkilla @wellbelesbian @aristocratic-otter @hushed-chorus @j-nipper-95 @confused-bi-queer @ileadacharmedlife
A Small One-Shot in Softness
(What oh what fandom am I writing for today? Is it SnowBaz? Eruri? KazuRei? FirstPrince? I shall make you all wait and see.)
[redacted] nodded, feeling the way the motion of his head brushed [redacted] nose against his hairline. Angling his body in [redacted] hold was easy - one of the advantages to his smaller build. No words needed to be exchanged as [redacted] bumped their noses together. Lips brushing softly.  One soft kiss from [redacted] was reciprocated by one from [redacted]. Little things. Nothing more than chaste pecks at first. Each one lasted a half second longer than the previous until their lips fused together and drew in the other. [redacted] brought a hand up to cup the side of [redacted] neck. Thumbing at his pulse absently, causing [redacted] to melt further into [redacted]. [redacted] lips were as soft as the marshmallows that [redacted] enjoyed in his childhood. Warm and supple beneath his tongue, and an utter temptation for him to sink his teeth into - chewing at the delicate flesh with a growing fever. 
Happy Sunday and Tags to All of the Amazingly Talented Folks below the Cut 😘
@artsyunderstudy @bazzybelle @bookish-bogwitch @captain-aralias @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @ebbpettier @erzbethluna @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @foolofabookwyrm-activated @gekkoinapeartree @henreyettah @ic3-que3n @ivelovedhimthroughworse @ionlydrinkhotwater @johnwgrey @krisrix @larkral @letraspal @martsonmars @moodandmist @mostlymaudlin @onepintobean @palimpsessed @prettylightsbigcity @raenestee @shrekgogurt @skeedelvee @stardustasincocaine @stitchyqueer @tea-brigade @theimpossibledemon @thewholelemon @whogaveyoupermission @yellobb
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asdfghjkdfgh · 1 year
30 Days of Buddy Daddies: Day 12 &13 Favorite Quote & Fanfics
Day 12:
So my favorite dialogue so far has to be Rei's monologue to his father. I feel like it perfectly encompasses his journey going from someone indifferent with no real concept of love to knowing familial love through the warmth Miri and Kazuki bring to his life. My favorite quote from his monologue has to be:
" Miri, Kazuki, and I share a bond stronger than blood"
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As someone who did not have the best family growing up and eventually found a sense of warmth through my friendships, this quote just resonated with me so much. And it was just beautifully said because there is validity in finding and choosing your family!!!
Day 13: Favorite Fanfics
Honestly, I'm a sucker for fluff (sorry to y'all folks that like angst or explicit fics). So most of my recs will reflect such, also I do most of my reading on A03!
Domestic Bliss for Buddies (fanfic collection) by bbfeelings : OMG idk what else to say but these fics are so soft!!! Like if I am feeling down these fics will have me cheered up they're so wholesome, highly recommend especially for my fellow kazurei enjoyers.
found by player_tag: Gamer Rei!!! Youtube Chef Kazuki!!!!! Like, name a better duo! If you love this dynamic highly recommend it. Also, the fan's commentary in the story is such a good comedic touch!
The Papa Rei Observation Journal: This one is so cute too! I just love this concept of Kazuki keeping a journal it's so canon. This fic is primarily Kazurei focused but there are some fluffy family moments ofc! (also disclaimer this is not a finished fic, but I enjoy rereading the chapter posted regardless)
Well that's it for days 12 &13, I will be posting my days 10 & 11 post late, I am taking a little longer since I actually wanted to finish it before posting 😭. Sorry for the delay!
As always credits to @yuraamar for this 30-day challenge (perdón por el desorden)
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bbfeelings · 1 year
this isn’t really related to any of the kazuki week prompts, just a little fic idea i had in my head for the longest and i’m dying to share it with somebody because i can’t write.
Karin is getting married an invites Kazuki and his family to attend her wedding. The whole fic is basically just Miri (who’s like 5-10 years old) asking why Kazurei isnt married and how they should get married because she would make the best flower girl and Kazurei being embarrassed because now the idea of getting married is all they can think about but not exactly possible. During the bouquet toss Karen throws the bouquet too hard and it flies over the girls waiting to snatch it and accidentally ends up in Rei’s hands as he’s trying everything at the food table. In my head this would be a Kazurei getting together fic, but it works as an established relationship if you want.
Thank you Anon for this lovely idea! You got me researching (French) weddings for the past two hours. I absolutely loved the bit where the bouquet lands on a unsuspecting Rei! I have the whole scene playing out in my mind… it’ll be so fluffy and sweet, and they’re all gonna have a blast.
I’m very excited! Stay tuned for the coming week Anon!
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karlyboyyy · 1 year
Once again, I have thought of another idea for an angsty & fluffy KazuRei drawing. It keeps playing out in my mind, and I’m like “YEAH I wanna see that!” But as soon as I sat down to map it out, I immediately zoned out and couldn’t focus on it because I knew it was going to take forever. So I think I’m gonna write it out, as like a genuine fic. Because I can do that while curled up in bed 😬 I even created an AO3 account, so I may try my luck with uploading it there!
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‘Kill the longing, close the wound’
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Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial with the prompt #FFF255 In the Heart
Fandom: Buddy Daddies
Pairing: Kazuki Kurusu/Rei Suwa, Kazurei
Word Count: 605
Warning: Not so fluffy, a bit angsty, written during the first scenes of Episode 11 : Everyone Will Be Hypocrites
“I'll never know which way to flow/Set a course that I don't know.” (“Everything Flows,” Teenage Fanclub)
WHEN Kazuki took the last batch of what he owned from the loft already prepared at the foyer, he realised that Rei was not in. There was, however, a note on the dining table.
“Give me some more time,” it said. Kazuki rolled his eyes and shook his head. He angrily crumpled the paper and discarded it to the next waste bin which was at the kitchen. He missed the target. Kazuki walked on and didn’t bother to pick it up.
He headed back again to his old room to check if he forgot something, just in case, like the rest of his collection of crime fiction that he kept underneath his bed, and the empty vintage American gin bottles he got as birthday presents. For the last time, he savoured the moment to take one last look at the place he once called home for almost three and a half years, which was now devoid of his computers, clothes and other paraphernalia.
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And the kitchen? It was his favourite place in the apartment. He ran his fingers onto the tabletop, glanced at the tidied jars and the cans of spices. Until his sight fell on the bottles of Balsamico and olive oil that one of them forgot to bring back to the cupboards. It irritated him that none of them bothered, i.e. leaving the condiments stay untouched since Miri had lived with her mother. Come to think of it this used to be his kingdom once, but he felt hollow now more than ever.
He let out a sigh he was keeping for so long. When he closed the door of the apartment it felt final and infallible that he never looked back. The action pierced his heart.
Time to move forward, Kazuki.
The Comedian knew the way to the Fairy Lips by heart. He knew it even if his eyes were closed. He could tell the alleyways and pinpoint the correct shield. This was where he always went whenever his heart was heavy, full of sorrow. Just like tonight.
“Well, well, look who’s here? The Comedian is here, Carol, ready to make us laugh,” the violet-haired Dorothy told her girlfriend.
“What can we do for you today, Kazu-kun? Didn’t it work out with your new love?” Dorothy’s punches went straight to his guts.
“Kazu-kun, we miss your jokes! We haven’t seen you in a long time,” Carol quipped, grabbing his arm, kissing his cheeks.
After Rei had decided that they had to go their separate ways, he was without anchor. Miri pointed them to the right direction of their relationship and most of all, held them together like a glue. First it was Yuzu, then Miri was gone. Now Rei too.
He was heartbroken, but what could he do? He was used to it. He was used to people “abandoning” him. Intentional or otherwise. The sound of a rush-hour traffic in downtown Fukuoka couldn’t assuage the pain he was feeling inside.
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Truth to tell it baffled him the moment Rei decided it was better for them to be separated after being partners for less than four years. And in order to save face, he told Rei that he could keep his loft by himself. Besides, the apartment was too big for one person.
But the younger man was insistent on giving him a parting gift: his ST Dupont lighter and a promise that he would abandon smoking forever. It remained to be seen if he would keep it and Kazuki would pretend that he never cared.
Note: June used to be a month for Kazureiweek. So I am reliving it bc I miss it. Also, I’ve been meaning to write a story during the Episode 11 era. I’ve been thinking of other possibilities if things turn out differently: if the situation wouldn’t be resolved during the second balcony scene.
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yukinokoe · 1 year
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frankenjoly · 1 year
Fluffy prompts compilation
Based on this post.
fukumori + wearing each other’s clothes
fukumori + taking care of an animal
sskk + sleeping in the same bed for the first time
ranposano + one year anniversary
ranpoe + “if we both want to fit, we’ll have to cuddle”
fukumori + you’re my new pillow
chuuatsu + sleeping in the same bed for the first time
chuusano + making pancakes
tachigin + birthday
ranposano + messing around in ikea
kunikidazai + painting together
sskk + “if we both want to fit, we’ll have to cuddle”
fukumori + comfort food
chuuranposano + “this is my favorite place in the whole world”
yosano & poe + wearing each other’s clothes
ranposano + pillowfort (& pillow fight)
bramcraft + “this is my favorite place in the whole world”
sigzai + drive in movie
fyolai + carnival/fair
siglai + beach day
galahyde + taking care of each other while sick
baristahyde + regular at a coffee shop
kazurei + prom-posal
sherliam + making each other dinner
jealuc + “i want to stay up with you”
momo/noritoshi + prom-posal
junkmetra + prom-posal
ray/emma/norman + crying during a movie
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