#andi 'm in a state with high sales tax......
solemntitty · 6 months
i'm having an 'it's a banana michael' moment
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ericvick · 3 years
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A Record Buyout Is Just the Start as Wealthy Flee Tax Hike
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(Bloomberg) — For 110 years, four generations of Mills family members earned their money by expanding their great-grandfather’s Chicago apron business into a medical supplier that ranked among the nation’s largest private companies.
But soon after Democrats turned their attention toward raising taxes for the wealthy this year, the family signed a deal to cash out billions.
It was no coincidence, according to people close to the more-than $30 billion transaction, which sold part of Medline Industries Inc. to a consortium of Wall Street investors in the health-care industry’s biggest leveraged buyout. The threat of subjecting billions in proceeds to additional capital gains taxes motivated the clan to get it done before the end of 2021, when higher rates could take effect, the people said.
Such maneuvers are suddenly in the works throughout the opaque world of private U.S. corporations, as founders and their offspring discreetly consult tax experts and bankers with a pointed question: How much might they save by selling quickly?
Suddenly, in just a matter of a few months, the vast dealmaking machinery that caters to wealthy entrepreneurs has started buzzing with a level of activity that some industry veterans say they haven’t seen before, potentially setting up a cascade of sales for later this year. A combination of high valuations on companies and potentially higher taxes in the future is proving to be a potent motivator.
A spokeswoman for the Mills family said there were a number of family members not involved in the business and the sale was a way to provide liquidity to the family while maintaining leadership of the company. Earlier this month, Medline President Andy Mills told the Chicago Tribune that about 20 to 30 family members will benefit.
The spokeswoman didn’t address the role taxes played in the deal — a motive that hasn’t been reported before.
The family may be worth about $30 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
Story continues
Many scenes are playing out far beyond Wall Street’s gilded towers: In an old, brick roofing-supply building in Birmingham, Alabama, executives atop boutique M&A firm Founders Advisors are settling into a freshly expanded office space and completing a hasty hiring spree to increase staffing 50%. They’re signing up millionaire owners of companies, eager to start the process of selling at least part of what they built.
“For as long as we’ve been in business, it’s the most vibrant” market yet, Chief Executive officer Duane Donner said. More than half of his clients hail from nearby states and Texas, where the firm has two outposts. “We’ve got more engagements than we’ve ever had.” The No. 1 reason, he said: “taxes.”
In the Midwest, the co-founder of an online marketing company is giving up his dream of stepping into a less active role and letting the business keep growing in coming years under the next generation. Now, selling just makes more financial sense, he said, speaking on the condition his company not be identified. He and his partners are in the midst of setting up their exit.
Founders aren’t the only owners facing pressures. In Manhattan, Boston and other hubs of the private equity world, senior managers are talking with companies in their portfolios about potentially reducing or selling stakes this year to lower tax liabilities and maximize returns, executives and their advisers said in interviews. They’re also looking for opportunities to buy companies that might come up for sale because of tax changes. Company owners would be smart to get out now, one private equity executive noted, because by this fall in the U.S. there will be too many sellers crowding into the market.
“It’s clear from a seller’s perspective — whether family-owned or private equity sponsor-owned — that there is increasing debate,” said Rick Landgarten, the global head of health-care and real estate advisory teams at Barclays Plc, said in an interview. They’re asking “‘Can I get done this year? Because I expect sometime later this year or early next year for there to be tax-rate increases.’”
Calling Lawmakers
The irony is that Democrats haven’t even coalesced around a plan yet.
President Joe Biden has proposed raising the capital-gains tax rate to 39.6% from 20% for those earning $1 million. But any such measure almost certainly faces months of negotiation before it could be passed. More than 20 House Democrats from high-tax states have threatened to reject Biden’s tax plans unless they also address the so-called SALT cap imposed under President Donald Trump. And recently, a new debate has broken out among Democrats over whether to also seek an even more controversial wealth tax.
QuickTake: How Capital Gains Are Taxed and What Biden Would Do
Meanwhile, company owners are eager for certainty — pressing tax experts, bankers and even their congressional representatives to specify how much higher tax bills will jump if they wait to sell in the future. Many are concerned that Democrats might thwart such an escape anyway, by making any capital gains tax hike retroactive. Biden’s proposal assumes the increase would be retroactive to late April, when it was proposed. But it’s unclear whether Congress would approve such a measure.
“Frankly, just the volatility of the tax discussion — what will pass, when will it pass, whether it will be retroactive — is making it hard to drive the boat when you are not entirely sure what each of these entrepreneurs should do and how they should plan,” Brad Bernstein, managing partner at private equity firm FTV Capital, which specializes in working with founders of fintech businesses.
Some are floating alternative tax strategies.
Private equity funds could, for example, decide to take portfolio companies public and then have the general partners collect their performance fee, known as the carry, in shares, said Bernstein. That would put off capital gains and income taxes until they sell their stock.
Another approach for company owners is to trigger a tax bill this year, such as by moving abroad and renouncing U.S. citizenship or engaging in other transfers that constitute a deemed sale, said David Lesperance, an international tax and immigration adviser at Lesperance & Associates. The idea is to pay taxes before rates rise, giving owners more time to arrange a sale with optimal terms.
Eager Buyers
To be sure, there are many factors contributing to talk of deals. The stock market is near an all-time high, burnishing valuations of private companies. Buyout firms are loaded with dry powder for takeovers after the pandemic. Blank-check firms known as SPACs, which flooded into the stock market in the past year, are under pressure to find desirable takeover targets. Low interest rates also make it easier for companies to finance strategic acquisitions. And investor interest in IPOs remains robust, behooving private equity firms to unload holdings before it softens.
It’s all adding up to a surge in dealmaking. The value of global deals has raced past the $2 trillion milestone this year, and could hit a new first-half record, data compiled by Bloomberg show.About 65% of the private equity executives surveyed by EY in February and March expect changes in tax policy to have an impact on the timing of their exits.
“We’ve seen a strong resurgence in exit activity overall,” Pete Witte, EY global private equity lead analyst, said in an interview. “As we go into the balance of the year, the tax piece will be particularly important here as well.”
(Updates with Mills family comment in sixth paragraph, and volume of deal-making in third from last paragraph.)
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brassring2020 · 5 years
AYA Analytica financial health memo March 2019
As of March 2019, this regular podcast is available on our Andy Yeh Alpha fintech network platform.
 Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez proposes greater public debt finance with minimal tax increases for the Green New Deal. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez proposes greater public debt finance with minimal tax increases for the Green New Deal. In accordance with the modern monetary theory, the central bank can print money to support greater government expenditures without tax increases as greater labor participation helps close the economic output gap. In reality, however, the modern monetary theory seems bizarre to many eminent economists such as Paul Krugman and Lawrence Summers. For the fiscal year 2019-2020, the Trump budget proposal would increase defense expenditures by 5% with 30% budget cuts to health care and environmental protection. For better border security and immigration, Trump asks for another $5 billion public finance to fulfill his campaign promise of a southern border wall.
The Trump $4.75 trillion budget plan has a slim chance of passing through the Democrat-majority House. All these fiscal details set the stage for another acrimonious battle between Trump and Congress. Alternatively, the Sargent-Wallace monetarist arithmetic analysis suggests that the government would have to tolerate higher inflation when the central bank raises seigniorage taxes on money supply growth to absorb any discrepancy between new budget deficit and public bond issuance. The subsequent Federal Reserve interest rate adjustments may thus inadvertently offset the positive economic effect of fiscal stimulus that the Trump administration proposes in the current budget deal.
  OECD cuts the global economic growth forecast from 3.5% to 3.3% for the fiscal year 2019-2020. OECD cuts the global economic growth forecast from 3.5% to 3.3% for the fiscal year 2019-2020. The global economy suffers from economic protraction and uncertainty amid the recent Sino-U.S. trade and Brexit standoffs. OECD downgrades real GDP growth rates from 6.5% to 6% for China and from 1.5% to 1% for Europe. The Chinese Xi administration seeks to assuage U.S. concerns about the bilateral trade deficit, unfair technology transfer, and intellectual property protection. Meanwhile, the British May administration needs to delay Brexit to buy time for a plausible second referendum on whether the U.K. should leave the European trade bloc. These trade issues cloud macroeconomic momentum in Europe and East Asia. Several chief economists recommend the European and Asian central banks not to follow the Federal Reserve interest rate hikes too soon. To the extent that these non-U.S. central banks decelerate the global financial cycle with less hawkish monetary policy decisions, Europe and East Asia can insulate themselves from volatile exchange rates, stock market gyrations, and cross-border capital flows that might arise from the next Federal Reserve interest rate adjustments. The subsequent international interest rate hikes are likely to reflect recent upticks in consumer confidence, wage growth, and core inflation.
  America seeks to advance the global energy dominance agenda by toppling Saudi Arabia as the top oil exporter by 2024. America seeks to advance the global energy dominance agenda by toppling Saudi Arabia as the top oil exporter by 2024. The International Energy Agency (IEA) now forecasts that U.S. crude oil exports will double to 9 million barrels per day by 2024. This U.S. crude oil production surpasses Russian shipments and may eventually overtake Saudi exports. The same IEA report shows that global oil demand can grow by 1.2 million barrels per day year-in-year-out through 2024. In recent times, U.S. State Secretary Mike Pompeo meets with top oil executives to help the Trump administration boost oil exports to Asia with draconian economic sanctions on Iran in the form of crude oil embargoes. This outreach represents a significant new effort to achieve American energy dominance that helps enhance the economic prospects of U.S. oil and natural gas. This effort wins success and support from China, Japan, and South Korea with more purchases of U.S. oil and gas units. In contrast to greater U.S. crude oil production, Saudi Arabia seeks to drain global supply glut to support higher oil prices by cutting oil exports to 7 million barrels per day while the Saudi oil output remains well below 10 million barrels per day.
  Fed Chair Jerome Powell answers CBS News 60 Minutes questions about the recent U.S. economic outlook and interest rate cycle. Fed Chair Jerome Powell answers CBS News 60 Minutes questions about the recent U.S. economic outlook and interest rate cycle. Powell views the current U.S. economic outlook as a favorable one. The federal funds rate hits the neutral threshold where the U.S. economy operates near full employment with low inflation. Powell reiterates the *patient* approach to further raising the interest rate as the U.S. economy grows at a moderate pace. Although about 7 million Americans fall behind their auto loan payments and retail sales decline at the highest pace in the post-crisis period, Powell remains positive about U.S. economic growth in 2019-2020. As the U.S. real GDP growth rate increases above 3%, there are healthy upticks in both consumer confidence and wage growth. In light of the recent Sino-U.S. trade and Brexit negotiations, Powell considers the biggest macro risk to be a probable economic output slowdown in China and Europe. Powell considers the U.S. financial system to be more resilient with high capital buffers that help absorb extreme losses in rare times of severe financial stress. The Federal Reserve is independent in the generic sense that the monetary authority needs to execute monetary policy decisions in a strictly non-political way.
  Senator Elizabeth Warren proposes breaking up tech titans such as Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon (FAMGA). Senator Elizabeth Warren proposes breaking up tech titans such as Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon (FAMGA). These tech titans have become too dominant and so tend to leverage their market power to squelch competition to the detriment of consumers. In addition to bulldozing free market competition, these tech titans use private user information for profits, tilt the playing field against small-to-medium enterprises, and thus stifle R&D innovation as their M&A deals encapsulate niche competitors. For better scale economies and network effects, several strategic M&A examples include the recent acquisitions of Instagram, Whatsapp, and Oculus (by Facebook), DoubleClick, Waze, and Nest (by Google), Whole Foods and Zappos (by Amazon), and Shazam, Texture, InVisage, Regaind, and Lattice Data (by Apple). Warren further proposes to bar these top platform orchestrators (FAMGA) from sharing private user data with third parties. Under the Warren proposal, small tech startups would have a fair shot to sell their products on Amazon without the fear of facing fierce competition from Amazon and its affiliates; Google could not smother competitors by demoting their products and services on the Internet search engine; and Facebook would face real pressure from Instagram and WhatsApp to improve the user experience with better privacy protection.
  U.S. tech titans now increasingly recruit PhD economists to help solve business problems. U.S. tech titans now increasingly recruit PhD economists to help solve business problems. These tech titans include Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Apple, Netflix, and Twitter (FAMGANT). PhD economists exhibit at least 2 critical knowledge-intensive skills that can contribute to effective business solutions. First, many economists can apply effective empirical methods and quantitative tools to ferret out causal relations in business data. Second, PhD economists can understand the useful design of both effective incentives and market mechanisms for better business optimization. In practice, these economists help demystify many empirical puzzles in the tech sector. For instance, some economists empirically find that Uber Express Pool may inadvertently draw in active users from other Uber products without growing the full Uber user base. Also, several other economists show that eBay tends to syphon off people who would have come through organic search when the online auction website advertises on Google. Moreover, some recent economic research demonstrates that many African-American Airbnb users experience rampant racial discrimination. If tech platforms involve matching users or businesses, market design economists can likely help guide these decisions. Modern examples of disruptive platform design include Amazon, Airbnb, Tinder, and TripAdvisor etc. If scale economies are important for the business, major mergers, acquisitions, and exclusive deals may dramatically alter the strategic industry structure and market environment. For instance, Apple and Alphabet are the dominant duo in the iOS-Android market for mobile devices; Microsoft remains a primary software market player with its Office Suite and Windows operating system; Intel and Qualcomm specialize and dominate in the tech-savvy market for microchips; Google acquires 90% of U.S. online search traffic; Facebook extracts hefty profits in social media advertisements; and Netflix retains key niches in the lucrative business of high-speed original video content distribution. If tech companies need to analyze large-scale user data to make better business decisions, econometricians can apply logistic regressions, panel estimation methods, and time-series models etc to derive informative business insights into user behaviors, product reviews, and customer interests and preferences. Smart tech data analyzers include Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, eBay, PayPal, and IBM etc. In stark contrast to doctors, engineers, and lawyers who may focus on specific mechanical details and techniques, most economists focus on the bigger picture when they implement empirical methods to solve practical business problems. On balance, most economists can see both the trees and the forest in critical business decisions when push comes to shove.
  U.S. trade envoy Robert Lighthizer recommends America to require regular touchpoints to ensure Sino-U.S. trade deal enforcement. U.S. trade envoy Robert Lighthizer recommends America to require regular touchpoints to ensure Sino-U.S. trade deal enforcement. America has to maintain the threat of tit-for-tat tariffs on Chinese goods for many years even though the Trump administration seeks to strike a new agreement with China to end the prohibitively costly Sino-U.S. trade war. U.S. trade negotiators and lawmakers need to monitor-and-enforce Chinese compliance with the new trade rules. The Trump administration aims to eradicate the $350 billion bilateral U.S. trade deficit. In response, the Chinese Xi administration offers to buy $1.2 trillion U.S. goods and services over the next 6 years. Also, the Trump team plans to deter the Chinese government from forcing U.S. tech companies to involuntarily transfer trade secrets, tech advances, and other major intellectual properties such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. On balance, tariffs remain an important tool for the Trump administration to push China to initiate structural trade policy changes in light of the specific perennial enforcement issue. Due to few major surprises, most U.S. stock market indices such as S&P 500, Dow Jones, and Nasdaq remain steady after the congressional testimonies by U.S. trade envoy Robert Lighthizer and Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell.
  CNBC stock host Jim Cramer recommends Caterpillar and Home Depot as the current U.S. bull market is likely to continue in light of the recent Fed Chair comments. CNBC stock host Jim Cramer recommends Caterpillar and Home Depot as the current U.S. bull market is likely to continue in light of the recent Fed Chair comments. Fed Chair Jerome Powell reaffirms a patient approach to U.S. interest rate adjustments. In his biennial congressional testimony, Powell suggests that there are both economic crosscurrents and headwinds in the U.S. economy. Although the U.S. economic outlook remains solid, these crosscurrents and headwinds (such as the Sino-American trade and Brexit negotiations) may conflict with the Federal Reserve dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability. Economic policy uncertainty revolves around optimal Treasury debt positions, U.S. government budget decisions, and near-term political considerations. Specifically, Powell reiterates the Federal Reserve plan for balance sheet shrinkage with at least $1 trillion bank reserves through the U.S. real business cycle. In response, CNBC stock host Jim Cramer recommends well-known stocks such as Caterpillar and Home Depot in light of the patient Federal Reserve monetary policy stance. These stocks tend to lose hefty market valuation over the Christmas season. As the Federal Reserve switches from a hawkish monetary policy stance to a dovish one, the current U.S. bull market can elevate asset prices in stocks, bonds, and real estate properties.
  Uber seeks an IPO in close competition with its rideshare rival Lyft and other tech firms such as Slack, Pinterest, and Palantir. Uber seeks an IPO in close competition with its rideshare rival Lyft and other tech firms such as Slack, Pinterest, and Palantir. Uber expects to complete one of the largest tech IPOs with $120 billion firm valuation in April 2019. Both Uber and its rideshare rival Lyft announce their recent S-1 confidential paperwork as of December 2018. With $50 billion taxi reservations and $11 billion net revenue, Uber runs a rideshare user network that is more diverse than the Lyft counterpart. As a global tech-savvy transportation company, Uber now operates in more than 70 countries with probable stock market valuation as high as $120 billion (well above its current $76 billion private market valuation). As a smaller rideshare tech firm, Lyft seeks stock market valuation of $20 billion to $25 billion (well above its current private market valuation of $15 billion). With these astronomical stock market figures, both companies can handle their net losses below $1 billion per annum. SoftBank Vision Fund and Toyota Motor Corp are now part of a consortium of investors that invest $1 billion in the Uber autonomous car unit. The current IPO proposal serves as a major strategic move for Uber to garner greater capital.
  Lyft seeks to go public with a dual-class stock ownership structure that allows the co-founders to retain significant influence over the rideshare tech unicorn. Lyft seeks to go public with a dual-class stock ownership structure that allows the co-founders to retain significant influence over the rideshare tech unicorn. Within this dual-class structure, Class A shares follow the one-share-one-vote rule for new investors, whereas, Class B shares empower the co-founders John Zimmer and Logan Green and their executive managers to have 20 votes per share. The co-founders and their executive team may end up owning well more than 27% of equity stakes with near-majority control. The dual-class structure has become prevalent among U.S. public companies such as CBS, Comcast, Facebook, Ford, Google, News Corp, Nike, Snap, and Viacom etc. The co-founders retain significant influence over most matters that require shareholder approval, such as director elections and significant corporate transactions from M&A deals and capital investment projects to R&D expenditures and other asset sales. Harvard law professor Lucian Bebchuk criticizes the dual-class stock ownership structure. The probable costs of a lifetime lock on control tend to be especially large when the co-founders are young at the time of the IPO. The costs of inferior leadership can substantially rise when the co-founders fail to address dynamic changes in the business environment. This concern further aggravates when the dual-class structure enables a transfer of founder control to an heir who might be unfit to lead the company. Many dual-class structures allow controllers to substantially reduce their fraction of equity capital over time without relinquishing control, and controllers often do so to diversify their stock portfolios to fund other investment projects. When the wedge between the interests of controllers and public investors grows over time, the agency costs of a dual-class structure are likely to increase. Corporate controllers with a small fraction of equity capital have perverse incentives to retain an inefficient dual-class structure. The reason is that these controllers would capture only a fraction of efficiency gains (which would be shared by all shareholders), but would fully bear the costs of forgoing the private benefits of control that arise from the dual-class structure. Bebchuk proposes a sunset provision that stipulates the eventual expiration of dual-class structures after a specific period of time such as 10 years or 15 years. This proposal empowers founders to retain their lock on corporate control with minimal short-term market pressure in the early-IPO stage of their entrepreneurial efforts; whereas, the dual-class stock ownership structure should eventually converge toward the more efficient first-class structure.
  Pinterest files a $12 billion IPO due in mid-2019. Pinterest files a $12 billion IPO due in mid-2019. This tech unicorn allows users to pin-and-browse images through its social media app and website. Pinterest seeks stock market valuation of at least $12 billion that would match the current valuation of Snap Inc, which owns another photo-centric social media app Snapchat. Pinterest differentiates itself from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat etc because this new tech unicorn empowers active users to pin their recent real-life photos that hyperlink to external websites. For instance, a Pinterest user can pin her photo of a recent restaurant meal that links to an external website where others can find the recipe for the same meal. In contrast, most other social media apps and websites prefer to retain active users within their respective digital platform ecosystems. Pinterest has grown its user base to 250 million active users per month as of February 2019; whereas, Facebook keeps 2 billion active users, Instagram has 1 billion, Twitter has about 320 million, and Snapchat has almost 300 million as of early-2019. As Pinterest moves fast to disrupt the image search space via a $12 billion IPO, several other rideshare rivals Lyft and Uber seek opportunities to go public too.
  A physicist derives a mathematical formula that success equates the product of both personal quality and the potential value of a given subject matter. A physicist derives a mathematical formula that success equates the product of both personal quality and the potential value of a given subject matter. As a Northeastern University expert on network theory, Albert-Laszlo Barabasi comes up with this simple and ingenious formula when he learns the transformative life stories of numerous people who achieved late-in-life successes. For instance, a U.S. analytical chemistry professor, John Fenn, conducted his revolutionary research on electrospray ionization at the age of 67 (which contributed to the quick mass measurement of viruses and ribosomes with incredible accuracy) and then received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this major contribution at the age of 85. Also, English actor and director Alan Rickman had his first movie role at 46; Julia Child brought French cuisine to the American public in her first TV show at 50; Yitang Zhang derived a revolutionary mathematical proof in his first journal publication and later earned full professorship with several special achievement awards at 57; and Nelson Mandela emerged after 27 years in jail and then became the President of South Africa at 76. The Barabasi success formula is S=Q*r where S denotes the success of a new deal, or the impact of a major discovery, which equates the product of the Q-factor (innate talent) and the value of a random idea r.
A highly creative and smart person may encounter some ordinary random idea, and this combination leads to a mediocre outcome. Conversely, an average person may come across a great idea, and this combination still leads to a mediocre result. Then there are perfect-storm instances where the idea and its creator both shine. When the Q-factor and the value of a new idea are both high, they enhance each other and result in a major breakthrough. A classic example is the revolutionary Apple iPhone that integrates the flash of genius in Steve Jobs, an Internet-connective telephone, a music player, and a digital camera into one mobile device. What illuminates the Barabasi success formula is the realization that if a person has an insufficiently high Q-factor in one vocation, he or she might want to consider switching to a different field where it is attainable to get an exceptionally high Q-factor. Amazon founder and chairman Jeff Bezos had considered becoming a physicist when he studied at Princeton, and later he realized that this ambition was too remote; as a result, he became an investment banker early in his career and then founded Amazon as an e-commerce startup, and the rest was history. Overall, these life lessons suggest that one should combine his or her high Q-factor with a healthy quantity of good ideas before the next eureka moment.
  We may need to reconsider the new rules of personal finance. We may need to reconsider the new rules of personal finance. First, renting a home can be a smart money move, whereas, buying a home cannot always be a good investment. It can be reasonable to rent a home without opportunity costs such as down payments, maintenance fees, property taxes, interest expenses, and insurance premiums etc. Investing these opportunity costs in stocks and bonds may yield better long-term returns. Second, money is an important resource for long-term investment, and time is another key element of successful wealth accumulation. It takes time for compound interest to exponentially grow at the 6%-11% stock market annual rate of return. Third, it would be wiser to invest retirement finance in some stock market index to earn the average equity premium around 5%-9% in recent times. With longer lifespans and lower bond returns, stock market investors can reap higher rewards. Fourth, it is important to demystify the conventional wisdom that student loans are good debt because education pays handsomely in the form of higher future wages. However, only postgraduate degrees provide the higher *incremental* wage boost than college degrees. We should consider these new rules of personal finance during the recent Trump stock market rally.
  Tech companies seek to serve as quasi-financial intermediaries. Tech companies seek to serve as quasi-financial intermediaries. Many retail traders can now list items for sale on eBay and then acquire these items economically on Amazon for direct shipments when busy buyers place orders on eBay. These retail traders serve as information arbitrageurs and clip spreads between the divergent prices on Amazon and eBay. This information arbitrage occurs often enough to be a viable business. In a practical sense, this information arbitrage proves to be a valuable service at a market price. Time is finite and human attention is precious such that this intermediary service often turns out to be worthwhile for better immediacy and convenience. In a similar vein, the online search website for real estate, Zillow Group, now attempts to serve as a quasi-financial intermediary for home purchases and mortgage loans. Zillow brings back its co-founder and former CEO Rich Barton to lead this ambitious transformation. Zillow transforms how Americans buy and sell their real estate properties as the tech platform uses both big data analysis and artificial intelligence to change how these residential owners and investors shop for homes with mouse clicks and satellite maps. Busy buyers pay for immediacy and convenience when they shop for homes on Zillow. In addition to Amazon-eBay retail arbitrage and Zillow real estate, Apple and Goldman Sachs enter into a strategic alliance to expand the joint credit card business. Apple pairs the new credit card with key iPhone features such as Face ID to better serve its active users. This credit card piggybacks on the Mastercard network and offers 2% cash rewards for the vast majority of U.S. online purchases. Beyond cash bonuses, Apple and Goldman Sachs hope to leverage the Wallet app for tracking account balances and rewards for better personal finance management. Like Goldman Sachs, big banks shift operational focus from their prior reliance on capital-intensive risk businesses to tech platforms for their tech-savvy clients. In light of financial distress and post-crisis regulation, these banks prefer to build online platforms for their institutional clients to trade bonds, funds, and other complex securities. The banks accumulate fees and commissions when these transactions take place for the mutual benefits of both banks and institutional investors themselves. This fresh logic explains why Apple and Goldman Sachs work together to strengthen their credit card business. Nowadays Amazon-eBay arbitrageurs and tech titans such as Apple and Zillow seek to serve as quasi-financial intermediaries.
  Global economic uncertainty lurks in an even thicker layer of mystery. Global economic uncertainty lurks in an even thicker layer of mystery. This uncertainty arises from Sino-U.S. trade tension, Brexit fallout, monetary policy normalization, and financial fragility due to U.S. interest rate and greenback appreciation. As the Trump administration makes positive progress on Sino-U.S. trade negotiations, most economic pundits and experts expect U.S. monetary policy normalization to continue in 2019-2020 as financial asset returns and factor premiums reflect structural changes in the interest rate and dollar valuation. Also, the U.K. parliament may initiate a major delay or a second referendum on Brexit. At the turn of the new century, big data analysis, cloud computation, artificial intelligence, and robotic automation displace many workers and so irrevocably alter the tech structure of employment. Globalization is another powerful force. The free movement of goods, services, and people transforms economic integration and global value creation. This economic trend intensifies competition in the labor market, and the middle class faces higher wage growth, price inflation, human capital depreciation, and unemployment in OECD countries. In the financial sector, deregulation and capital account liberalization boost international capital flows well above trade. Post-crisis fintech advances such as crowd funds, peer-to-peer loans, and shadow banks shed skeptical light on the role of financial intermediaries in the monetary transmission mechanism. As a result, many central banks encounter real wage stagnation, deterioration in both income and wealth distribution, and a major slowdown in productivity growth. E-commerce tech titans such as Amazon and Alibaba now induce frequent, accurate, and competitive retail price adjustments. These faster price adjustments effectively flatten the Phillips curve or the inexorable and mysterious trade-off between inflation and unemployment. This macroeconomic transformation coincides with the new cycle of U.S. interest rate hikes. Through cross-border capital flows and exchange rate gyrations, U.S. monetary policy changes and trade imbalances can create global financial cycles that radically distort credit conditions in European and Asian economies. Central banks now need to adopt a cautious, gradual, and data-driven monetary policy approach for sound risk management in light of substantial macro uncertainty. Also, central banks need to monitor a wide variety of macroprudential indicators such as asset prices, risk premiums, credit supply shocks, and other financial imbalances. To the extent that both global capital flows and external supply-side shocks aggravate exchange rate volatility, central banks need to preserve greater price flexibility and monetary autonomy. When push comes to shove, the law of inadvertent consequences counsels caution.
  AYA finbuzz podcast March 2019
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 Andy Yeh AYA fintech network platform founder Brass Ring International Density Enterprise (BRIDE)
We should not conform to this world, but we should allow the renewal of our minds to transform us, so that we can prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. Romans 12: 2
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caplofan · 4 years
Airlines and Service-Sector Struggles Amidst COVID Global Financial Collapse
Airlines and Service-Sector Struggles Amidst COVID Global Financial Collapse
Economic activity is crashing around the world.
IHS Markit’’ s studies of buying supervisors in Japan and Europe reveal general activity dropping in March, led by a service-sector collapse as business took out of conferences, travelers canceled travel stores, dining establishments and strategies closed and federal governments limited motions to assist include the unique coronavirus.
General activity in the eurozone and the U.K. contracted at the fastest rate on record and Japan’’ s composite study was the weakest given that 2011. Getting supervisors, individuals who being in the center of a business’s supply chain and make choices about whether to buy more materials, modification stocks or change costs, state an economic crisis is coming, if it’’ s not currently here. ““
Clearly there’s scope for the recession to heighten even more as a lot more heavy-handed policies to handle the infection are possibly carried out in coming months,” ” IHS Markit financial expert Chris Williamson stated of the eurozone study.
IHS Markit launches its initial figures for the U.S. at 9:45 a. m. ET.
IHS Markit’’ s initial U.S. production index for March is anticipated to sink to 42.5 from 50.7 at the end of February and the services index is anticipated to drop to 42.0 from 49.4. (9:45 a.m. ET)
U.S. new-home sales for February are anticipated to inch down to 757,000 from 764,000 a month previously. (10 a.m. ET)
The Richmond Fed’’ s making study for March is anticipated to be up to minus-12.5 from minus-2 a month previously. (10 a.m. ET)
The Bank of Japan launches minutes from its Jan. 20-21 conference at 7:50 p.m. ET.
The Senate on Monday stopped working to advance a rescue bundle amounting to a minimum of $1.6 trillion. Negotiations resume today .
Hard Landing
Major U.S. airline companies are preparing prepare for a possible voluntary shutdown of essentially all traveler flights throughout the U.S., according to market and federal authorities, as federal government companies likewise think about purchasing such the country and a relocation’’ s air-traffic control system continues to be damaged by the coronavirus contagion, Andy Pasztor and Alison Sider report.
  Boeing stated it would suspend airliner production in the Seattle location and General Electric stated it would lay off employees making jet engines as the coronavirus pandemic locations a heavy drag on U.S. market .
Lots of makers have actually kept factories running as validated cases of the infection have actually increased, however more are closing a minimum of a few of their plants as need plummets and a few of their employees test favorable for the infection.
Winnebago Industries and Polaris stated they were suspending some operations. Harley-Davidson and U.S. automobile makers have actually likewise cut or suspended some production.
Lower automobile production indicates lower need for steel. ArcelorMittal, the world’’ s biggest steelmaker by production, stated it prepares to idle heaters in Indiana and Ontario, Andrew Tangel and Thomas Gryta report.
  Everything and the Kitchen Sink
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’’ s whatever-it-takes minute showed up Monday. The reserve bank indicated it would do almost anything —– extending loans to little and huge services and acquiring unrestricted quantities of federal government financial obligation—– to assist an American economy in a race versus time, Nick Timiraos reports.
  Americans Are Stocking Up on More than Toilet Paper
U.S. home usage patterns have actually gone crazy throughout the early phases of the international coronavirus health crisis. A Wall Street Journal analysis of high-frequency information from a series of U.S. markets revealed sharp decreases in costs on hotels, dining establishments, airline companies and other travel, while investing expanded in other locations consisting of groceries, basic product shops, weapon and ammo stores and cannabis providers, Gwynn Guilford reports.
  Those sort of investing shifts will be shown throughout the economy. Walmart, Amazon.com and CVS Health are amongst about a lots big business aiming to hire almost 500,000 Americans in coming weeks. The business are handling a rise in need for food and other home items that have actually taxed their storage facilities and shops.
Separately, Instacart, a grocery-delivery business, stated it prepares to include 300,000 employees over the next 3 months, more than doubling the size of its present labor force of about 200,000, Sarah Nassauer and Jaewon Kang report.
The separated employing sprees, nevertheless, are not likely to surpass a huge wave of layoffs—– Morgan Stanley anticipates Thursday’’ s weekly out of work claims report might reveal that about 3.4 million Americans applied for advantages, a big dive from 281,000 a week previously and almost 5 times the previous record.
  The White House is going over alleviating social-distancing standards as early as next week as advisors and magnate press President Trump to increase an economy beleaguered by deepening task losses. The president has actually informed individuals that he wishes to open the economy as quickly as possible. The talks have actually fixated relaxing or reorganizing the 15-day standards the administration released recently to stem the spread of coronavirus, Michael C. Bender and Rebecca Ballhaus report.
How much financial loss can the U.S. bear to conserve an unknowable variety of lives from the pandemic? The WSJ’’ s Jon Hilsenrath and Stephanie Armour look inside the expensive debate within the Trump administration, and amongst epidemiologists and financial experts.
  Chinese authorities are preparing to raise the mass quarantine on the main province of Hubei, where the coronavirus pandemic very first emerged, as part of across the country efforts to rejuvenate an economy gave a near dead stop by the contagion. Simply over 2 months back, on Jan. 23, China began locking down the province’’ s capital, Wuhan, in a quote to stem the spread of the infection. Comparable procedures were extended throughout Hubei province that month, while partial lockdowns were likewise enforced throughout much of China, impacting numerous countless individuals, Chun Han Wong reports.
The WSJ has actually reduced its paywall for live coronavirus protection.
There ’ s a progressively noticeable financial expense to including the coronavirus—– an economic downturn.
The advantage? ““ By lowering financial interactions … these policies intensify the economic downturn however raise well-being by minimizing the death toll brought on by the epidemic.
We discover that it is optimum to present massive containment procedures that lead to a sharp, continual drop in aggregate output.
This ideal containment policy conserves about 600,000 lives in the U.S.,” ” Martin Eichenbaum, Sergio Rebeloy and Mathias Trabandt compose in a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper .
  Original Source: blogs.wsj.com
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
A part of the new GOP tax plan will be a tough sell for Republicans in New Jersey, New York, and California
The House GOP unveiled its massive tax reform bill Thursday.
One of the biggest hangups for Republicans in states like New York, New Jersey, and New York has been the proposed elimination of the state and local tax (SALT) deduction, which allows people to deduct those taxes from their federal bill.
House Ways and Means Committee Chair Kevin Brady said Tuesday the GOP reached a deal that would allow people to deduct state and local property taxes up to $10,000 but not income or sales taxes.
  The Trump administration and congressional Republicans took a step forward in their attempt to overhaul the US tax code on Thursday by releasing legislation proposing sweeping changes.
The "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" will include a broad set of proposed changes to the corporate and individual tax system, building off a nine-page framework the White House and congressional Republican leaders dropped in September. 
Among the details of the new bill emerging Thursday morning is a proposed elimination of the state and local tax (SALT) deduction, which is a benefit that allows people to deduct those taxes from their federal bill. House Ways and Means Committee Chair Kevin Brady said Tuesday the GOP reached a deal that would allow people to deduct state and local property taxes up to $10,000 but not income or sales taxes.
While most House Republicans are in favor of getting rid of the SALT deduction, this proposal is likely to be one of the biggest hangups for those House Republicans in states like New York, New Jersey, and California, which could prove to be an obstacle to the bill's passage.
Andy Kiersz/Business Insider
The two largest beneficiaries of the SALT deduction are higher earners and states with a lot of high-income residents, according to the Tax Policy Center. 
Most of the claimants that benefit from the deduction live in traditionally Democratic states like California and New York. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found that New York and California receive about 30.5% of the total benefits from the SALT deduction.
52 congressional districts held by Republicans registered above-average use of the SALT deduction in 2015, according to data from the Internal Revenue Service cited by Bloomberg. Those include a number of districts in New York, New Jersey, California, and an Illinois district of Representative Peter Roskam, the chairman of a key panel on tax policy.
Check out of the full run down on the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" here.
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brassring2020 · 6 years
AYA Analytica financial health memo February 2019
As of February 2019, this regular podcast is available on our Andy Yeh Alpha fintech network platform.
AYA Analytica finbuzz podcast channel on YouTube February 2019
AYA Analytica free finbuzz podcast provides fresh insights into the latest stock market news, economic trends, and investment portfolio strategies.
In this podcast, we discuss several topical issues as of February 2019: (1) our proprietary alpha investment model outperforms S&P 500 and MSCI; (2) the Trump team makes progress on Sino-U.S. trade negotiations; (3) Trump signs a compromise deal to avert another government shutdown; (4) Federal Reserve remains patient on future interest rate increases; (5) U.S. wealth inequality rises to pre-Great-Depression levels.
New York Fed CEO John Williams sees no need to raise the interest rate unless economic growth or inflation rises to a high gear.
New York Fed CEO John Williams sees no need to raise the interest rate unless economic growth or inflation rises to a high gear. After raising the interest rate 7 times since early-2017 to 2.25%-2.5%, the Federal Reserve now keeps the economically neutral federal funds rate. This neutral interest rate helps restore healthy economic growth on the steady-state trajectory with low inflation when the economy operates near full employment. As of January 2019, the U.S. CPI inflation rate declines from 1.9% to 1.6% slightly below the 2% target level as the U.S. unemployment rate continues to hover around the 3.7% historically low level. As New York Fed CEO and Federal Reserve Vice Chair, Williams considers the current neutral interest rate to be in a good place. This current monetary policy stance accords with the congressional dual mandate of both price stability and maximum employment. After the most recent FOMC rate-hike holiday, Federal Reserve governors and presidents indicate their clear intention that it may be about time to end their 3-year drive to tighten monetary policy due to a cloudy U.S. economic outlook. This cloudy economic outlook arises from several complications such as the Sino-U.S. trade and government budget negotiations.
Chicago financial economist Raghuram Rajan views communities as the third pillar of liberal democracy.
Chicago financial economist Raghuram Rajan views communities as the third pillar of liberal democracy in addition to states and markets. Rajan suggests that communities serve as an indispensable part of a healthy economic society in stark contrast to a major source of market frictions (which may inhibit the smooth operation of the global economy). In recent times, both Brexit and the electoral successes of Donald Trump have shaken the dismal science. Prominent economists begin to consider what can constitute an efficient response to regional economic inequality. For instance, Lawrence Summers and his co-authors empirically find that both employment subsidies and tax credits should target U.S. regions with more elastic labor participation.
As markets and states interact with socioeconomic webs of human relations, values, and norms, technological phase shifts tend to rip markets out of those old webs with populist backlashes throughout human history. Socioeconomic interactions eventually gravitate toward a new equilibrium with a messy and arduous transition. When markets and states scale up, political clout and economic power concentrate in vibrant hubs that prosper to the detriment of peripheral communities. Democracy preserves market competition, and market competition preserves democracy. Rajan proposes strengthening communities as an antidote to new socioeconomic challenges.
Apple shakes up senior leadership to initiate a new transition from iPhone revenue reliance to media and software services.
Apple shakes up senior leadership to initiate a smooth transition from iPhone revenue reliance to media and software services. These changes include the recent promotion of John Giannandrea to senior vice president with primary focus on machine-learning artificial intelligence. After his promotion, Giannandrea moves Bill Stasior, Head of Siri, to a lower role at the company. In terms of high-profile departures, Apple retail chief manager Angela Ahrendts decides to leave the company for greener pastures. These 3 major senior leadership changes take place within the current quarter 2019Q1. In addition to these personnel updates, Apple trims about 200 employees from its autonomous vehicle project, and continues to redirect its engineering resources into the media services ahead of the next launch of TV video content curation by 2020. HR reorganizations shift Apple operational focus from iPhone revenue reliance to media and software services. On balance, these services are likely to generate about $50 billion in sales by 2020 and may account for more than 60% of Apple revenue growth in the next 5 years.
A top Taiwanese Apple analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo, predicts the next phase that Apple will launch 3 brand-new mobile design devices in the fiscal year of 2019-2020. Kuo is well-known for accurately predicting Apple product launches and their probable revenue and profit forecasts. These products include a new MacBook Pro laptop with either a 16-inch or 16.5-inch display, a new 31.6-inch monitor with 6,144x3,072 resolution, and a Mac Pro desktop computer. Kuo believes Apple will release 2 new iPad Pros in 2019, a new iPad Mini, and a new regular iPad to replace the 9.7-inch model with a larger 10.2-inch screen. Also, Kuo indicates that Apple will unveil 3 new iPhones. The flagship iPhones have 5.8-inch and 6.5-inch OLED screens, and the more affordable iPhone has a 6.1-inch LCD screen. These iPhones may come with bigger batteries, better Face ID and wireless navigation, and frosty-glass cases. With respect to AirPods, Kuo suggests that Apple will launch a new model with wireless charging capability and better Bluetooth in 2019H1. As Apple transforms its organizational focus from iPhone revenue reliance into both product differentiation and media service diversification, the new Apple income structure can translate both flagship iPhones and non-iPhone mobile design devices into better topline and bottomline figures. We can expect to see greater operational synergies from these key changes in Apple senior leadership and product and service provision.
U.S. economic inequality increases to pre-Great-Depression levels.
U.S. economic inequality increases to pre-Great-Depression levels. Berkeley economics professor Gabriel Zucman empirically finds that the top 0.1% richest adults own about 25% of total household wealth in America (in accordance with a similar economic inequality situation back in the 1920s). When we broaden the core definition of the upper socioeconomic echelon, the top 1% richest households own 40% of total national wealth as of 2016. This high household wealth share compares with the 25%-30% thresholds back in the 1980s. Over the past 3 decades, the bottom 90% wealth share has significantly declined in similar proportions. Russia is the only comparable country with similar wealth inequality. The current Zucman empirical study resonates with the main themes of persistent global economic inequality in the recent book, Capital in the new century, written by Thomas Piketty. The root causes of U.S. economic inequality include information technology adoption, elite education, talent concentration, and high-skill human capital shortage. The government can design affordable college and graduate school education for all young adults to better prepare for their future vocational pursuits. More ubiquitous information technology adoption allows fresh talents to better appreciate the knowledge productivity gains from smart data analysis, robotic automation, and artificial intelligence etc.
President Trump is open to extending the March 2019 deadline for raising tariffs on Chinese imports.
President Trump is open to extending the March 2019 deadline for raising tariffs on Chinese imports if both sides are close to mutual agreement. These bilateral negotiations hinge on how both governments can enforce the Sino-U.S. trade pledges. U.S. Trade Rep Robert Lighthizer, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He demonstrate credible progress on the top trade issues between China and America: perennial Sino-U.S. trade deficit and intellectual property protection. Several economic commentators suggest that it should be relatively easy for China to buy more American goods to help eradicate the current bilateral trade imbalance. These goods include U.S. aircrafts, automobiles, soya beans, and software products etc. However, it may be rather difficult for the Trump administration to monitor-and-enforce the defensive protection of U.S. intellectual properties such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. The latter perennial dilemma remains a relevant and important issue in the current round of Sino-U.S. bilateral trade negotiations. If both sides cannot deliver mutual agreement on a sound and reasonable trade deal before the March 2019 deadline, the Trump administration may decide to impose 25% tariffs on $200 billion Chinese goods and services. President Trump may choose to extend the deadline when he receives mutual assurance that both sides are close to delivering a trade deal to avert the trade war when these negotiations come to fruition in time. Most U.S. stock market benchmarks such as S&P 500, Dow Jones, and Nasdaq reap 2%-3% healthy gains as investor optimism stokes over high hopes that both the bilateral diplomats and negotiators can work together to iron out a mutually beneficial trade deal. Meanwhile, benign U.S. CPI inflation data suggest that the Federal Reserve would maintain steady interest rates in the foreseeable future. Across Wall Street, the economic consensus view suggests another 2 interest rate hikes in the fiscal year of 2019-2020. These recent macro milestones mark the new age of international economic policy uncertainty under the Trump administration. Tax cuts trump trade, and greater government expenditures and capital investments help revamp U.S. public infrastructure, high-skill education, and better border security and immigration. Pervasive information technology adoption can help augment both capital investment and human capital accumulation to cause greater long-term productivity growth. This widespread positive externality can lead to healthy spillovers and network effects in light of significant improvements in real macroeconomic indicators such as national income per capita, employment, capital investment, and R&D innovation.
President Trump may reluctantly sign the congressional border wall deal in order to avert another U.S. government shutdown.
President Trump may reluctantly sign the congressional border wall deal in order to avert another U.S. government shutdown. With his executive power to declare a national emergency, President Trump expresses his displeasure with this compromise, but he has to accept the $1.4 billion border wall deal. House and Senate negotiators tentatively reach a border security agreement in principle to avoid another partial government shutdown. Several commentators view this presidential ploy as a risky maneuver that may open the Pandora box of future challenges both in court and in Congress. The Trump administration seeks alternative public finance to fund the $5 billion southern border wall. This flagship immigration reform reflects the fact that President Trump faces political opposition from House Democrats with respect to public finance. This public finance standoff may exacerbate the current U.S. fiscal budget deficit. In accordance with the Sargent-Wallace unpleasant monetarist arithmetic principle, the monetary authority would need to allow greater money supply growth (or inflation) in the form of higher seigniorage taxes if the fiscal authority continues to fund the budget deficit with incessant public bond issuance. In this light, the congressional border wall deal has profound policy implications for fiscal equilibrium as well as monetary price stability.
Corporate America uses Trump tax cuts and offshore cash stockpiles primarily to fund share repurchases for better stock market valuation.
Corporate America uses Trump tax cuts and cash stockpiles primarily to fund share repurchases for better stock market valuation. Share repurchases are a ubiquitous payout practice where public corporations buy back their own shares to return excess capital to most shareholders. Share repurchases boost stock demand and so artificially inflate EPS concentration. U.S. public companies initiate $1 trillion share repurchases in the fiscal year of 2018-2019. In contrast, business investments and job opportunities decelerate as a result. Rather than spending billions on share repurchases, U.S. public corporations would help society more by reinvesting in profitable projects, plants, and high-skill human resources etc. For instance, Apple spends more than $30 billion on share repurchases in the fiscal year of 2018-2019. Apple also plans to pay $38 billion in taxes on offshore cash repatriation with 20,000 new jobs and $30 billion domestic capital investments in the next 5 years. Several economic pundits and experts suggest that share repurchases disproportionately help the rich because the top 10% income earners own about 80% of U.S. stocks. This negative feedback loop self-perpetuates and exacerbates income and wealth inequality as the rich reap rewards on their stock market bets to the detriment of the middle class.
Apple provides positive forward guidance on both revenue and profit forecasts for iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks.
Apple provides positive forward guidance on both revenue and profit forecasts for iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks. Over the Christmas 2018 season, MacBook revenue grows 9%; iPad sales climb 17%; and wearable devices such as Apple Watch and AirPods surge by an impressive 50% growth margin. Apple reports the first holiday-quarter revenue decline since 2001 primarily because the pricey iconic iPhone X handsets experience a 15% decrease in global sales. As Apple CEO Tim Cook delivers the non-iPhone revenue results to spark a hefty 4% relief rally in the tech stock market, Apple regains the title of the most valuable U.S. corporation well beyond Microsoft, Amazon, and Google. With respect to media services, Apple points to the substantial increase in Apple Pay and Apple Music worldwide usage. The number of global service subscriptions is likely to top half a billion by 2020 (up from 360 million now). Apple completes several M&A deals such as the music recognition app Shazam and the digital news provider Texture with the grand ambition of quadrupling revenue from media services by 2022. Without specifying techy details in Apple media services, Cook suggests that the tech titan expects to expand its original video content business in the foreseeable future.
President Trump picks David Malpass to run the World Bank to curb international multilateralism.
President Trump chooses David Malpass to run the World Bank to curb international multilateralism. The Trump administration seems to prefer bilateral negotiations for favorable fiscal budgets and trade deals. The World Bank serves the core mission of extending $10+ billion loans to low-income countries to fund investment projects from global markets. A close competitor is the Chinese Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank that uses dollar diplomacy to win allies without stringent concessions (which the World Bank often would require due to multilateral involvement). Justin Sandefur, senior fellow at the Center for Global Development, suggests that Malpass shows disdain for the World Bank mission of fighting global poverty just as John Bolton, U.S. national security advisor, shows respect for numerous U.N. endeavors. The recent nomination of David Malpass as World Bank president threatens an implicit multilateral agreement that the U.S. appoints the head of the World Bank while the European Union appoints the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The current IMF head, Christine Lagarde, is a former French finance minister and warns against the Sino-American trade war, which may be detrimental to the long-term global economic revival. The Malpass appointment may tilt the delicate balance from E.U. multilateral agreement toward U.S. dominance.
President Trump delivers his second state-of-the-union address to U.S. Congress.
President Trump delivers his second state-of-the-union address to U.S. Congress. Several main themes emerge from this presidential address. First, President Trump praises the current 2-year U.S. economic boom and stock market rally. As Trump remains upbeat about the current U.S. economic outlook, several sectors such as big pharma, transport, and technology benefit much from the current stock market rally. Second, the Trump administration seeks a bipartisan solution to public finance for his southern border wall for better immigration. President Trump may find it difficult to compromise on this fiscal issue in the near-term. Third, Trump aims to implement a structural change to unfair trade practices and chronic trade imbalances in the current trade war resolution with China. The next summit between Presidents Trump and Xi can reach trade war resolution soon after Trump shakes hands with the North Korean leader Kim Jung-Un in the historic conference in Vietnam in late-February 2019. Fourth, Trump asks Congress to pass the current bill for modern infrastructure with more than $1 trillion public finance. Fifth, Trump vows to help reduce astronomical medical costs and drug prices in America. Through his second state-of-the-union address, President Trump now seeks to make progress on these socioeconomic issues.
President Trump remains optimistic about the Sino-American trade war resolution.
President Trump remains optimistic about the Sino-U.S. trade war resolution of both trade deficit eradication and tech transfer enforcement. Trump now seeks to enact new economic sanctions with 25% tariffs on Chinese goods and services if the Chinese Xi administration cannot agree to help reduce the U.S. $375 billion bilateral trade deficit. President Trump suggests a handshake deal instead of a firmer trade agreement when he meets President Xi soon after the second summit between Trump and the North Korean leader Kim Jung-Un in Vietnam later in February 2019. The Trump trade team continues to be optimistic about the next Sino-U.S. trade war resolution of both better trade balance and tech transfer enforcement. Trump economic advisors indicate that it is easier for China to buy more American products such as soybeans, cars, and aircrafts etc in order to reduce the current Sino-U.S. trade imbalance. However, it can be difficult for the Trump administration to strictly enforce complete, verifiable, and irreversible protection of U.S. intellectual properties such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. The latter chronic problem persists for years because it is virtually impossible for the U.S. government to meter unfair intellectual property infringement by Chinese tech firms such as HuaWei.
Federal Reserve remains patient on future interest rate adjustments due to trade and fiscal budget negotiations.
Federal Reserve remains patient on future interest rate increases due to global headwinds and impasses over trade and government budget negotiations. Fed Chair Jerome Powell pledges that future interest rate adjustments react to generic macroeconomic conditions. Patience is a virtue. U.S. economic history suggests that the federal funds rate tends to peak in the reasonable range of 5.5%-6.5%. In contrast, several eminent economists such as former Fed Chairs Janet Yellen and Ben Bernanke suggest that we may enter a new era of persistently low interest rates. This putative scenario can be good news for debtors such as U.S. households and federal government, the latter of which now carries about $16 trillion public debt. The same putative scenario may become bad news for most retirees who live off meager interest income on their deposits and annuities. This low-interest-rate environment can continue to inflate asset prices. As a result, U.S. stocks soar in response to the dovish monetary policy stance with balance sheet flexibility. As the Federal Reserve keeps the interest rate in the target range of 2.25%-2.5%, the trade-weighted average U.S. dollar index slips to 91%. This recent greenback depreciation reflects a major reversal of U.S. credit flows in comparison to the 95% dollar peak back in January 2017.
It can be practical for the U.S. to impose the 2% Warren wealth tax on the rich.
It can be practical for the U.S. to impose the 2% Warren wealth tax on the rich. Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren proposes a 2% wealth tax on the richest Americans with more than $50 million in total assets. For the even richer Americans with more than $1 billion total assets, the wealth tax should rise to 3%. This radical tax proposal may help raise almost $2.5 trillion to $3 trillion in a decade, although this proposal affects only less than 0.1% of American households in accordance with the fiscal estimates of Berkeley economic advisor Emmanuel Saez. On one hand, this wealth tax can help reduce economic inequality in America by closing the wealth gap between the rich and the middle class. At the same time, this wealth redistribution can promote better social mobility as the rich Americans may find it difficult to transfer their socioeconomic advantages to the next generation via business ownership, education, and political power. On the other hand, this wealth tax proposal helps fight tax evasion by wealthy Americans who might try to renounce their U.S. citizenship by tunneling funds abroad. This proposal is now subject open debate and controversy as the American consensus tilts toward progressive taxation.
The Trump administration teams up with western allies to bar HuaWei and other Chinese tech firms.
The Trump administration teams up with western allies to bar HuaWei and other Chinese tech firms from building the 5G ultra-high speed infrastructure due to national economic security concerns. Justice Department unseals a pair of cases against HuaWei. The first indictment accuses HuaWei of trying to steal trade secrets from T-Mobile by promising obscene bonuses to employees who would collect confidential information on telecom competitors. The second indictment suggests that HuaWei might have worked to skirt U.S. economic sanctions on Iran. Robert Williams, executive director at Yale Law School and former consultant to the U.S. State Department, suggests that these criminal investigations should not be viewed as part of the current Sino-American trade negotiations because the U.S. law enforcement takes place well in advance of bilateral trade discussions. The Trump administration now asks its western allies from Britain and Canada to France and Germany to ban HuaWei and Ant Financial Group from getting access to critical technologies such as 5G high-speed telecom networks, fintech payment solutions, smart sensors, and autonomous robots and vehicles. This case indicates potential fraud on the part of HuaWei CFO and so sends a negative signal that China might rip off American tech firms with chronic trade deficits and unfair tech transfer practices.
Our proprietary alpha investment model outperforms the major stock market benchmarks such as S&P 500, MSCI, Dow Jones, and Nasdaq.
Our proprietary alpha investment model outperforms the major stock market benchmarks such as S&P 500, MSCI, Dow Jones, and Nasdaq. We implement our proprietary alpha investment model for positive U.S. stock signals. A complete model description is available on our AYA fintech network platform. Our U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) online publication is available on the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) official website. Every freemium member can sign up for free to check out our proprietary alpha signals on our AYA fintech network platform. Each freemium member can thus learn from these proprietary alpha signals over time. The proprietary alpha investment model estimates long-term average abnormal returns for U.S. individual stocks and then ranks these stocks in accordance with their dynamic conditional alpha signals. Several virtual members follow these dynamic conditional alpha signals to trade U.S. stocks on our AYA fintech network platform.
We track the stock prices and returns for the recent 2-year period from early-February 2017 to early-February 2019. This data span allows us to conduct an out-of-sample test to assess our proprietary alpha investment model performance in comparison to the major stock market benchmarks such as S&P 500, MSCI, Dow Jones, and Nasdaq etc. S&P 500 yields an 8.5% net overall return per annum (NORPA) while Dow Jones and Nasdaq generate 11.6%-13.4% NORPAs. MSCI stock market benchmarks deliver 2.5%-8.9% NORPAs (MSCI USA, MSCI World, MSCI Europe, and MSCI Asia). With our proprietary alpha investment model, all of our virtual members from Chanel Holden and Charlene Vos to Jonah Whanau and Joseph Corr outperform the S&P 500 and MSCI stock market benchmarks with 10.3%-21.9% NORPAs (cf. the above tabular results for all net overall returns per annum (NORPAs)). In fact, 12 of the 17 virtual stock portfolios deliver higher NORPAs than Dow Jones; and 9 of the 17 virtual stock portfolios yield higher NORPAs than Nasdaq. The recent double-digits model performance corroborates the scientific fact that our proprietary alpha investment model outperforms almost all of the major stock market benchmarks.
Our recent research suggests that the proprietary alpha investment model captures dynamism in several fundamental factors such as size, value, momentum, asset growth, operating profitability, and market risk exposure (cf. Fama-French fundamental factors). Also, the empirical evidence indicates substantial mutual causation between macroeconomic innovations and dynamic conditional alphas. This causal relation serves as a core qualifying condition for fundamental factor selection in our modern asset pricing model design and performance evaluation.
In conclusion, we help demystify the pervasive misconception that it is often difficult for individual investors to beat the long-term average 11% stock market return. Our proprietary alpha investment model outperforms the major stock market benchmarks such as S&P 500, MSCI, Dow Jones, and Nasdaq. We implement our proprietary alpha investment model for positive U.S. stock signals. A complete model description is available on our AYA fintech network platform. Our U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) patent publication is available on the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) website. Every freemium member can sign up for free to check out our proprietary alpha signals on our AYA fintech network platform. Each freemium member can thus learn from these proprietary alpha signals over time.
AYA finbuzz podcast February 2019
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Andy Yeh Alpha (AYA) fintech network platform serves as each investor's social toolkit for profitable investment management. AYA fintech network platform helps promote better financial literacy, inclusion, and freedom of the global general public. We empower investors through technology, education, and social integration.
Andy Yeh AYA fintech network platform founder Brass Ring International Density Enterprise (BRIDE)
We should not conform to this world, but we should allow the renewal of our minds to transform us, so that we can prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. Romans 12: 2
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brassring2020 · 6 years
AYA Analytica financial health memo October 2018
As of October 2018, this regular podcast is available on our Andy Yeh Alpha fintech network platform.
President Trump floats generous 10% tax cuts for the U.S. middle class ahead of the November 2018 mid-term elections. President Trump floats 10% tax cuts for the U.S. middle class ahead of the November 2018 mid-term elections. Republican senators, congressmen, and congresswomen can propose major tax cuts for middle-income Americans. This time may be a bit different, and President Trump expects the tax bill to go through Congress but not an executive order. The Trump administration suggests that the legislative vote will likely take place soon after the mid-term elections. This strategic move boosts confidence in the Republican lawmakers who can continue to control Congress. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin cannot offer details on the middle-income tax brackets that can experience lower effective tax rates. This tax bill may add to the prior $1.5 trillion tax cuts and $779 billion fiscal deficits. Republican leaders and senators suggest that this tax bill will finance itself with better real GDP economic growth in the healthy upper range of 3%-4%. The Trump administration can offset these new tax cuts with lower government expenditures in Medicare, Medicaid, and social security. Alternatively, the Trump administration can raise effective tax rates for the crazy rich Americans in the top 1% socioeconomic echelon to partially offset the new tax cuts for the U.S. middle-class.
U.S. automobile and real estate sales decline despite higher consumer confidence and low unemployment as of October 2018. U.S. automobile and real estate sales decline despite higher consumer confidence and low unemployment as of October 2018. This slowdown arises from the current U.S. interest rate hike that helps wean the economy off near-zero rates. High costs of capital squeeze the automobile and real estate industries after the prior decade of monetary stimulus. The most expensive U.S. consumer purchases are cars and houses, and these consumer industries are quite sensitive to the cyclical ebbs and flows of credit supply expansion. Recent U.S. mortgage rates reach 5% for the first time since 2011, and thus new home sales tumble 5.5% in 2018Q3 to the lowest level in about 2 years. Residential home sale declines are double-digits and quite severe in the northeast and west U.S. states. In light of higher mortgage rates and home prices, financial economists start to consider rental properties more cost-effective than residential home purchases. Meanwhile, most Case-Shiller home price indices begin to show the current trend that home price gains decelerate from March 2018 to September 2018. Wall Street seems to impose hefty penalties on automobile and real estate stocks. Many homebuilder ETFs such as XHB, TOL, and KBH have plunged about 30% year-to-date since January 2018. Also, several automobile stocks from Ford to GM show 25%+ price declines in the same time frame. The latter auto industry further suffers higher production costs due to Trump tariffs. These bearish traces suggest the inconvenient truth that the U.S. economy may have gone beyond the peak of real business cycles with low inflation and robust employment and capital investment growth.
Trump tariffs begin to bite U.S. corporate profits from Ford and Harley-Davidson to Caterpillar and Walmart etc. Trump tariffs begin to bite U.S. corporate net profits from Ford and Harley-Davidson to Caterpillar and Walmart etc. U.S. corporate profit growth remains high at 22% as of October 2018, but fewer S&P 500 companies manage to beat stock analyst estimates of both bottom-lines and net sales. This lackluster stock performance erodes investor sentiment and thus contributes to the recent sharp sell-off in equities. The negative ripple effects and externalities spread to Asian and European stock markets. On the quiet western front, President Trump remains rather bellicose toward China, whereas, the Chinese trade delegates, diplomats, and negotiators gradually become less belligerent and less truculent in the current Sino-U.S. standoff. The Federal Reserve continues the current neutral interest rate hike to contain inflation and wage growth in America. Greenback appreciation arises as a result of this current interest rate hike. As a consequence, U.S. dollar appreciation exacerbates the bilateral trade deficit between America and China. In this negative light, the Trump administration may or may not be able to effectively curb the current bilateral trade deficit with China. The Federal Reserve monetary policy reaction can lead to U.S. dollar appreciation that inevitably weakens the impact of Trump tariffs on Chinese imports.
Former Fed Chair Paul Volcker releases his memoir, talks about American public governance, and worries about plutocracy in America. Former Fed Chair Paul Volcker releases his memoir, talks about public governance, and worries about plutocracy in America. Volcker points out that public governance entails running the government with fewer unproductive policy debates. As the U.S. central bank, the Federal Reserve need not adhere to an explicit 2% symmetric inflation target. The current neutral interest rate hike can continue even when inflation rises above the target range of 2%-2.5%. Volcker supports stronger supervisory powers for both the Federal Reserve and Treasury. Both regulatory agencies should continue to conduct macroprudential stress tests on the systemically-important financial institutions (SIFIs) once per year in the post-Dodd-Frank era. SIFIs should build up sufficient core capital buffers to safeguard against extreme losses that might arise in rare times of financial stress. Also, the Volcker rule separates commercial bank activities from proprietary investment transactions. This firewall serves as a safety valve between safe bank deposits and risky asset investments. Volcker worries about the impact of money on the U.S. political system, and he expresses grave concerns about the recent trend that America seems to devolve into a plutocracy. In his view, U.S. democratic regulations should constrain the direct influence of crazy rich Americans over political affairs.
PayPal earns great fintech reputation from its massive worldwide network of 250+ million users. PayPal earns great fintech reputation from its massive worldwide network of 250+ million active users. As PayPal beats the revenue and profit expectations of most stock analysts and economic commentators in 2018Q3, its share price surges 9%. A peer-to-peer payment app, Venmo, enjoys 80% growth in total payment volume quarter-to-quarter. As this M&A brain child proves to be a major moneymaker for its parent company PayPal, Venmo adds 9 million peer-to-peer payment accounts to the PayPal mafia worldwide network. PayPal now continues to expand its strategic partnership with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Apple, Google, Samsung, and Walmart to allow cardholders to use their membership points when these consumers shop from PayPal merchants. This additional convenience empowers key consumers to integrate their electronic retail experiences with most traditional credit cards. Anecdotal evidence suggests that PayPal encompasses more than 250 million active members with about 78% of the total market share in America. Key stock analysts and economic media commentators expect the eBay multi-year transition to the Adyen fast-payment platform to be quite bumpy in light of the long history that both buyers and sellers have almost exclusively interacted with PayPal on the prior eBay online auction platform. In hindsight, the Dutch payment platform Adyen can be a cost-effective key option for eBay, but eBay might have overlooked the tremendous positive network effects of PayPal that dominates in the electronic mobile payment market in America.
The Trump administration blames China for egregious currency misalignment. The Trump administration blames China for egregious currency misalignment, but this criticism cannot confirm *currency manipulation* on the part of the Chinese Xi administration. As President Trump remains eager to continue the Sino-U.S. trade war, the U.S. Treasury releases its biennial currency exchange report that criticizes the Chinese trade and currency practices. However, this report cannot conclude that the Chinese government improperly devalues its renminbi currency in order to improve competitive export prices. If U.S. Treasury categorizes China as a currency manipulator, this decision would inadvertently ratchet up substantial trade tension between America and China. For technical reasons, the status quo remains the same. As the Chinese government continues to constrain its direct intervention in the foreign exchange market, there is minimal evidence of currency manipulation in China. At best, the recent Chinese renminbi devaluation amounts to transient currency misalignment. On the other hand, the Trump administration begins to conduct bilateral trade pacts with former Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) members in order to contain China's economic prowess. As the Trump administration revives trade talks with 11 Asian countries, Britain, and European Union, this bilateral tactic better prepares for the next round of Sino-American trade negotiations soon after the mid-term elections.
Several pharmaceutical companies now switch their primary focus from generic prescription drugs to medical specialties. Several pharmaceutical companies now switch their primary focus from generic prescription drugs to medical specialties such as cardiovascular medications and radioactive therapies. The pharmaceutical giants need to focus on specific medical market niches because the Trump administration urges these firms to reduce drug prices and medical costs in America. Pfizer, Merck, and Johnson & Johnson now plan to dramatically reduce headcounts in the next few years. In addition to Pfizer, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis now plans to cut jobs through early retirement plans and layoffs worldwide. The Swiss pharmaceutical firm Novartis also plans to acquire American cancer drugmaker Endocyte for $2 billion. This strategic move accords with the broader competitive landscape that induces pharmaceutical firms to specialize in new medications and therapies that exhibit low price elasticities of patient demand. In stark contrast to generic prescription drugs, the new therapies and medications require the productive use of medical tech advances and can thus become more effective in treating specific diseases. In a recent tweet, President Trump condemns pharmaceutical firms such as Pfizer for raising the prices of about 40 prescription drugs. In response, Pfizer CEO Ian Read decides to defer these price hikes to assuage grave concerns about patient demand and consumer protection.
Ramit Sethi suggests that it is important to invest in long-term gains instead of paying attention to daily dips and trends. Personal finance author Ramit Sethi suggests that it is important to invest in long-term gains instead of paying attention to daily dips and trends. It is futile to time the stock market. Wild and unpredictable fluctuations can confuse stock investors who miss informative fundamental factors from time to time. Investors should play the long game by spending a sufficient amount of time in small-to-mid-cap profitable value stocks that exhibit conservative capital investment. This value investment strategy yields an 8% stock market return net of inflation on average. If the investor stays in the U.S. stock market with his or her $10,000 investment during the 20-year sample period from 1998 to 2017, the long-run S&P 500 average return is 7.2%. However, if the investor misses the top 10 days of hefty stock market gains, he or she earns only 3.5%. For this reason, rational investors should aim to persist throughout transient stock market ebbs and flows for sustainable shareholder value maximization. Long-term stock market returns consistently conform to the normal distribution with fat tails or leptokurtic extreme outliers. Insofar as the investor can persevere in his or her multi-year value investment strategy, this strategy helps reap reasonable rewards in due course.
President Trump blames the Federal Reserve for its *crazy tight* interest rate hike. Dow Jones tumbles 3% or 831 points while NASDAQ tanks 4%, and this negative investor sentiment rips through most European and Asian stock markets in early-October 2018. President Trump blames the Federal Reserve for its crazy tight interest rate hike. However, this criticism may not be the main trigger for bearish massive stock sell-off. The relentless Sino-American trade impasse remains on the radar for stock market investors. Also, the 10-year Treasury bond yield rises above 3%, and then many institutional investors switch from stock bets to Treasury bond purchases. Due to these unforeseen circumstances, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) downgrades global economic growth from 3.9% to 3.7% as of October 2018. This latter downgrade seems to trigger ubiquitous investor panic that manifests in the recent surge of the CBOE volatility index (VIX) well beyond 22 points. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin views the severe bloodbath from S&P 500 to NASDAQ as a normal stock market correction. Mnuchin considers this widespread stock market correction as part of the healthy fundamental recalibration primarily for tech titans such as Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Twitter (FAMGANT). These tech titans exhibit prior stock market overvaluation in the interim period from late-2017 to early-2018.
Treasury bond yield curve inversion often signals the next economic recession in America. U.S. bond yield curve inversion often signals the next economic recession in America. In fact, U.S. bond yield curve inversion correctly predicts the dawn of an economic recession every time since the 1970s. The maturity term spread is the difference between the 10-year Treasury bond yield and the 2-year Treasury bond yield. The Treasury yield curve inverts when this term spread falls below zero or the short-term government bond yield exceeds the long-term counterpart. In this rare situation, investors bet on short-term bond reinvestment risk in exchange for less risk exposure to highly volatile long-term bond prices. These higher long-term bond prices translate into lower long-term bond yields and thus result in government bond yield curve inversion. In this rare event, investors prefer to roll over their short-term bonds with substantial interest rate risk instead of having to keep their capital in long-term bonds that exhibit volatile price gyrations. Low long-term bond yields suggest that these subpar rates of bond return cannot be commensurate with long-term risk exposure. In effect, sound basic economic intuition suggests that this rare situation dampens both nationwide capital investment and even household consumption as the ripple effects manifest in real GDP economic growth protraction. U.S. economic history shows that it takes about 10 months for government bond yield curve inversion to reach the stock market peak plus another quarter until the next economic recession. A recent Forbes article discusses empirical evidence in support of the generic view that if U.S. bond yield curve inversion happens in December 2018, we would expect the current bull market to peak in September 2019. In this worst-case scenario, the U.S. economy would probably move into the next economic recession in February 2020. Whether this scenario takes place in reality depends on how well the Trump administration maneuvers fiscal stimulus to help reinvigorate both macroeconomic output expansion and productivity growth. The Trump administration also needs to consider how the current trade tactics and interest rate increases can lead the U.S. economy to derail off the steady-state growth path. New York Fed CEO John Williams and Fed Governor Lael Brainard admit that U.S. bond yield curve inversion can be a powerful indicator of the next economic recession. However, both Williams and Brainard point out that *this time is different* because the U.S. economy gradually recovers from the zero lower bound of interest rates in recent years.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) appoints Harvard professor Gita Gopinath as its chief economist. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) appoints Harvard chair professor Gita Gopinath as its chief economist. Gopinath follows her PhD advisor and trailblazer Kenneth Rogoff (who served as a former IMF chief economist) as well as Ben Bernanke (who served as the chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve in response to the global financial crisis from 2008 onwards). This appointment puts another pillar of mainstream orthodoxy about the benefits of flexible exchange rates on notice. In effect, this transition aligns with the IMF advocacy of the Washington consensus that constitutes economic policies in favor of free cross-border capital transfer and fiscal consolidation. With flexible exchange rates, an open economy can better cushion against external shocks and transitional price gyrations. A country whose currency depreciates against the global trade dollar index should observe more competitive export prices relative to import prices. As the country faces a decline in the terms of trade, foreigners face an inherent price incentive to buy more export goods and services from this country. Thus, this trend helps reinvigorate the open economy via its current account channel. Professor Gopinath now oversees the IMF biennial economic forecasts and provides her fresh perspective on the dominant flexible currency paradigm.
The U.S. greenback soars in value as the Federal Reserve continues its interest rate hike. The U.S. greenback soars in value as the Federal Reserve continues its interest rate hike. With impressive service-sector data and strong non-farm payroll and wage growth, the U.S. dollar hits an 11-month high threshold against foreign currencies such as the Euro, British pound, Japanese yen, and Chinese renminbi etc. This currency adjustment drives U.S. 10-year Treasury bond yield to its highest level near 3.2% since mid-2011. In effect, the latter long-term bond yield boost helps assuage the recent worries and concerns about potential U.S. bond yield curve inversion, which often indicates the dawn of a major U.S. economic recession. From Europe and Australia to China and India, many international economies either stagnate or slow down as U.S.-centric free capital flows take place. In addition to the recent greenback strength, crude oil prices surge toward $89-$95 per barrel in response to sequential decreases in OPEC oil production. As this crude oil price hike coincides with U.S. dollar appreciation, American households, firms, and financial intermediaries may face inflationary cost increases across a common basket of goods and services. Several economic media commentators now pencil in another U.S. Federal Reserve interest rate hike in December 2018 for better inflation containment.
Fed Chair Jerome Powell sees a remarkably positive outlook for the U.S. economy in early-October 2018. Fed Chair Jerome Powell sees a remarkably positive outlook for the U.S. economy right after the recent interest rate hike as of September 2018. He humbly suggests that this positive outlook may be too good to be true. The U.S. economy now operates near full employment with low inflation. The current unemployment rate is at the historically low level of 3.9%, and the inflation rate hovers around the Federal Reserve's medium-term target of 2%. These top-line statistics may not always present an accurate picture of overall economic conditions, but a wide range of recent economic data on jobs and prices supports a positive view. This combination not only serves well the Federal Reserve's dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability, but also raises the reasonable question of whether U.S. real GDP economic growth is sustainable in the next few years. In light of higher household consumption, capital investment, and credit supply expansion, the Federal Reserve expects real GDP economic growth to approach 3%+ until early-2020. Low inflation and low unemployment arise as a rare combination in modern U.S. economic history. Whether this rare combination can sustain in the medium term remains an open controversy. With this ambivalence, American economists, consumers, producers, and financial intermediaries remain in extraordinary times.
President Trump announces the new trilateral trade agreement among America, Canada, and Mexico. President Trump announces the new trilateral trade agreement among America, Canada, and Mexico. The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) revamps and replaces the 24-year-old North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Through this agreement, the Trump administration grants Canada and Mexico reprieve on automobile tariffs. In return, Canada reduces import barriers from American dairy products. Mexico also implements more employee protection rules and regulations. USMCA enriches and strengthens the economic lives of the middle-class and further creates new job opportunities for about half billion residents in North America. This trade pact comes up for trilateral review once every 6 years and in turn gives the Trump administration significant leverage to ensure its fair trade and commerce with Canada and Mexico. President Trump touts and hails this new trade pact with Canada and Mexico as a major win for American workers and especially the U.S. automobile industry. USMCA thus contributes to President Trump's key motif in the merry medley of Make America Great Again (MAGA). Stock market investors breathe a sigh of relief that the key pillars of North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) survive President Trump's hardball strategy to reshape global commerce.
A 7-year $1.3 billion hedge fund manager Chelsea Brennan shares her investment advice. A 7-year $1.3 billion hedge fund manager Chelsea Brennan shares her investment advice. Her advice comprises several ingenious steps toward better financial literacy and freedom. Each wise investor should understand his or her multi-year investment goals. For financially free and secure retirement, many investors focus on steady cash dividends, whereas, other investors seek healthy capital gains. It is important to maintain a multi-year perspective to strike a better balance between these investment goals. Also, it is easier to optimize average asset returns against investment risks via multiple index funds. Each smart investor needs to diversify across U.S. and international index ETFs in stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, REITs, and mutual funds etc. In practice, this diversification allows him or her to boost the Sharpe ratio from the U.S. stock market benchmark around 0.33-0.35 to 0.63-0.85. The Sharpe ratio typically constitutes 10% average return as the numerator as well as 30% return volatility as the denominator for the U.S. stock market benchmark. Multi-asset portfolio optimization increases 10% average return to at least 15% and then reduces 30% return volatility to 20%. This dynamic asset allocation helps ensure a better reward-risk Sharpe ratio near 0.75 or the mid-point of the healthy target range.
Goldman, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, and UBS face an antitrust lawsuit. In this lawsuit, a U.S. judge alleges the illegal conspiracy that they have kept stock loans in the stone age to stifle financial market competition in the $2 trillion stock-lending market. These large banks boycott the startup platforms AQS, Data Explorers, and SL-x in order to maintain their competitive advantage in stock loans. In this fashion, these banks maintain monopoly control over stock loans and so charge excessive fees to investors and short-sellers. A counter argument sheds skeptical light on the court decision that continuing to execute stock loans under the current rules and standards somehow amounts to an illegal conspiracy. This alternative argument suggests that the current class actions against these banks would result in an unreasonable restraint on trade. Indeed, this dispute boils down to whether there is sufficient evidence of collusion among the plaintiffs in direct competition with the above startup platforms. Stock loans are important to short-sellers when the investor borrows stocks in order to immediately sell them. Institutional investors with large current stock positions profit by lending out these stocks, whereas, borrowers aim to profit by buying the stocks at lower prices later.
The SEC sues Elon Musk for his August 2018 tweet that he has secured external finance to convert Tesla into a private company. The Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) sues Elon Musk for his August 2018 tweet that he has secured external finance to convert Tesla into a private company. Federal regulators accuse Musk of misleading stock market investors with false public statements. This regulatory move can potentially oust Musk out of his current chief executive leadership at the electric carmaker Tesla. The S.E.C. files a recent lawsuit in federal court in New York to accuse Musk of committing fraud by making false public statements that may inadvertently be detrimental to shareholder value. This lawsuit seeks to bar Musk, who is both the CEO and executive chairman at Tesla, from serving as an executive director of public corporations such as Tesla. This punishment is one of the most serious remedies that the S.E.C. can impose against corporate executive incumbents. From a regulatory perspective, Musk might be reckless in not knowing the fact that his public statements can mislead stock market investors who maintain an active interest in Tesla shares. Both in truth and in fact, Musk has never confirmed key deal terms such as deal price and stock exchange etc with any relevant source of external finance. Tesla shares tumble 12% in direct response to this S.E.C. lawsuit. The S.E.C. eventually settles this lawsuit with Elon Musk who has to relinquish his chairman role but remains the CEO with complete corporate control at Tesla. As part of this swift legal settlement, Musk and Tesla have to pay hefty fines $20 million each. Musk and Tesla neither admit nor deny any egregious mistakes that the S.E.C. alleges in recent times. Elon Musk ultimately has to abort his prior plan to transform Tesla into a private company. This recent case sets a new precedent for CEOs and executive chairmen who might inadvertently erode shareholder value via their erroneous public statements, tweets, articles, blogs, and posts etc. S.E.C. regulatory scrutiny and oversight can thus serve as a central safety valve that prevents CEOs and executive chairmen from social engagement that might lead to false public statements.
Michael Kors pays $2.3 billion to acquire the Italian elite fashion brand Versace. Michael Kors pays $2.35 billion to acquire the Italian elite fashion brand Versace. In accordance with Michael Kors's 5-year plan, the joint company grows Versace's sales revenue to $2 billion per annum, opens more stores worldwide, and improves the brand's ecommerce services to expand its apparel, footwear, and accessories business franchises. Donatella Versace remains an Italian fashion label, but the U.S. fashion Group Michael Kors rebrands itself as Capri. As a major U.S. handbag maker, Michael Kors acquires Gianni Versace plus its debt to enter the exclusive high-end European luxury market. As part of the deal, Donatella Versace stays as the chief fashion designer to oversee the brand. In effect, Capri seeks an innovative M&A entry into the global market for personal luxury goods from handbags to clothes and accessories with more than $300 billion revenue as of mid-2018. This buyout is a significant step toward building a bold and efficient fashion business that would rival the French heavyweight conglomerates LVMH (Louis Vuitton, Fendi, and Givenchy) and Kering (Gucci, Balenciaga and Saint Laurent). No similar U.S. conglomerate has comparable scale, this buyout can be the key watershed between U.S. and French fashion designers. In fact, Coach has made moves to implement a similar model with ambitious acquisitions of Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman, owning the European luxury fashion brand Versace would give considerable clout and star power to the Capri fashion portfolio.
Sirius XM pays $3.5 billion shares to acquire the music app company Pandora. Sirius XM pays $3.5 billion shares to acquire the music app company Pandora. This acquisition would form the largest audio entertainment company worldwide. Building on its current 15% equity stakes in Pandora, Sirius initiates a stock acquisition with an exchange ratio of 1.44 Sirius shares for each share in Pandora. In response, Sirius experiences a 7% stock price dip while Pandora share price trades at a hefty 13% premium. This deal generates several synergies between Sirius XM and Pandora. First, the broader music network includes 100+ million active users. Sirius now has 35 million subscribers in North America and 23 million users on an annual trial. Meanwhile, Pandora carries 70 million active users and 6 million premium subscribers. Massive network effects can result from this merger. Second, Sirius can tap into Pandora's mobile and web advertisements, and Pandora benefits from Sirius's greater financial capital and in-car presence. As the joint company cross-sells its music services to build new audio packages, Sirius plans to keep operating both brands for better user experience. Third, the Pandora-Sirius combination can better hold up against intense competition from Apple, Spotify, and Amazon as these latter platform orchestrators invest aggressively in their music services. Subject to customary shareholder approval and regulatory scrutiny etc, the deal can close in early-2019.
BAC chief investment strategist Michael Hartnett points out that U.S. corporate debt accumulation can cause the next financial crisis. Bank of America Merrill Lynch's chief investment strategist Michael Hartnett points out that U.S. corporate debt (not household credit supply or bank capital shortage) can cause the next financial crisis. U.S. public corporations have gradually accumulated more than $6 trillion debt with low interest rates since the global financial crisis from 2008 to 2009. This corporate debt binge helps fund the recent recovery in new capital investment and equipment, full employment, and stock buyback in America. Corporate default rates are minuscule, and U.S. companies now sit on hefty cash stockpiles primarily due to robust U.S. economic output gains and corporate tax cuts under the Trump administration. At some inflection point, however, both economic growth and corporate income may start to slow down. U.S. companies then have less firepower to pay back debt, and it is not easy for these companies to roll over their debt in due course. Debt-laden companies would be vulnerable to higher costs of capital as the Federal Reserve continues the current interest rate hike. These higher costs of capital can translate into a credit crunch, which adversely affects both employment and capital investment as the U.S. economy slides into an economic recession.
Anne Krueger explains why the Trump administration's current tariff tactics undermine the multilateral global trade system. Former World Bank and IMF chief economist Anne Krueger explains why the Trump administration's current tariff tactics undermine the multilateral global trade system. In the post-war decades, America has led the way in establishing the troika of major economic institutions, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization (WTO) (formerly known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)), that collectively form the primary basis of international economic order in place today. Due to the healthy expansion of an open multilateral trade system under the WTO, international trade has grown 1.5 times faster than global GDP since World War II. The WTO 164-member economies commit to supporting an open multilateral trade system with common rules and procedures. These rules can achieve for international trade what domestic commercial codes can accomplish for contracts and transactions between parties within a given jurisdiction. Under WTO rules, international trade partners are subject to the same national regulations just as domestic firms have the same rights in regional courts. Governments cannot discriminate against other WTO members, so trade benefits for one trade partner must apply to all other trade partners under WTO rules. It is essential to ensure that trade partners receive fair regulatory and judicial treatment from WTO member-state governments, and the principle of non-discrimination has been a core tenet of the global trade system. Under this WTO framework, the Trump administration now uses national-security concerns to justify tariffs on steel-and-aluminum imports from China, Canada, Europe, Mexico, and Japan etc. Whether these tariffs would help reduce U.S. trade deficits remains complex and mysterious. The Trump discriminatory tariffs undermine the WTO economic order and so induce China and other countries to seek reparation through the WTO dispute-settlement mechanism. These countries may retaliate against Trump tariffs and in turn would exacerbate the current global trade quagmire.
Andy Yeh Alpha (AYA) AYA Analytica financial health memo (FHM)
AYA Analytica is our online regular podcast and newsletter about key financial news, market insights, economic issues, and stock investment strategies on our Andy Yeh Alpha (AYA) fintech network platform. With both American focus and international reach, our primary and ultimate corporate mission aims to help enhance financial literacy, inclusion, and freedom of the open and diverse global general public. We apply our unique dynamic conditional alpha investment model as the first aid for every investor with profitable asset investment signals and portfolio strategies. In fact, our AYA freemium fintech network platform curates, orchestrates, and provides proprietary software technology and algorithmic cloud service to most members who can interact with one another on our AYA fintech network platform. Multiple blogs, posts, ebooks, analytical reports, stock alpha signals, and asset omega estimates offer proprietary solutions and substantive benefits to empower each financial market investor through technology, education, and social integration. Please feel free to sign up or login to enjoy our new and unique cloud software services on AYA fintech network platform now!!
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Our new alpha model empowers members to be a wiser stock market investor with profitable alpha signals!! This proprietary quantitative analysis applies the collective wisdom of Warren Buffett, George Soros, Carl Icahn, Mark Cuban, Tony Robbins, and Nobel Laureates in finance such as Robert Engle, Eugene Fama, Lars Hansen, Robert Lucas, Robert Merton, Edward Prescott, Thomas Sargent, William Sharpe, Robert Shiller, and Christopher Sims.
Andy Yeh Alpha (AYA) fintech network platform serves as each investor's social toolkit for profitable investment management. AYA fintech network platform helps promote better financial literacy, inclusion, and freedom of the global general public. We empower investors through technology, education, and social integration.
Andy Yeh AYA fintech network platform founder Brass Ring International Density Enterprise (BRIDE)
We should not conform to this world, but we should allow the renewal of our minds to transform us, so that we can prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. Romans 12: 2
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brassring2020 · 6 years
AYA Analytica financial health memo September 2018
As of September 2018, this regular podcast is available on our Andy Yeh Alpha fintech network platform.
Goldman, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, and UBS face an antitrust lawsuit. Goldman, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, and UBS face an antitrust lawsuit. In this lawsuit, a U.S. judge alleges the illegal conspiracy that they have kept stock loans in the stone age to stifle financial market competition in the $2 trillion stock-lending market. These large banks boycott the startup platforms AQS, Data Explorers, and SL-x in order to maintain their competitive advantage in stock loans. In this fashion, these banks maintain monopoly control over stock loans and so charge excessive fees to investors and short-sellers. A counter argument sheds skeptical light on the court decision that continuing to execute stock loans under the current rules and standards somehow amounts to an illegal conspiracy. This alternative argument suggests that the current class actions against these banks would result in an unreasonable restraint on trade. Indeed, this dispute boils down to whether there is sufficient evidence of collusion among the plaintiffs in direct competition with the above startup platforms. Stock loans are important to short-sellers when the investor borrows stocks in order to immediately sell them. Institutional investors with large current stock positions profit by lending out these stocks, whereas, borrowers aim to profit by buying the stocks at lower prices later.
The SEC sues Elon Musk for his August 2018 tweet that he has secured external finance to convert Tesla into a private company. The Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) sues Elon Musk for his August 2018 tweet that he has secured external finance to convert Tesla into a private company. Federal regulators accuse Musk of misleading stock market investors with false public statements. This regulatory move can potentially oust Musk out of his current chief executive leadership at the electric carmaker Tesla. The S.E.C. files a recent lawsuit in federal court in New York to accuse Musk of committing fraud by making false public statements that may inadvertently be detrimental to shareholder value. This lawsuit seeks to bar Musk, who is both the CEO and executive chairman at Tesla, from serving as an executive director of public corporations such as Tesla. This punishment is one of the most serious remedies that the S.E.C. can impose against corporate executive incumbents. From a regulatory perspective, Musk might be reckless in not knowing the fact that his public statements can mislead stock market investors who maintain an active interest in Tesla shares. Both in truth and in fact, Musk has never confirmed key deal terms such as deal price and stock exchange etc with any relevant source of external finance. Tesla shares tumble 12% in direct response to this S.E.C. lawsuit. The S.E.C. eventually settles this lawsuit with Elon Musk who has to relinquish his chairman role but remains the CEO with complete corporate control at Tesla. As part of this swift legal settlement, Musk and Tesla have to pay hefty fines $20 million each. Musk and Tesla neither admit nor deny any egregious mistakes that the S.E.C. alleges in recent times. Elon Musk ultimately has to abort his prior plan to transform Tesla into a private company. This recent case sets a new precedent for CEOs and executive chairmen who might inadvertently erode shareholder value via their erroneous public statements, tweets, articles, blogs, and posts etc. S.E.C. regulatory scrutiny and oversight can thus serve as a central safety valve that prevents CEOs and executive chairmen from social engagement that might lead to false public statements.
Michael Kors pays $2.3 billion to acquire the Italian elite fashion brand Versace. Michael Kors pays $2.35 billion to acquire the Italian elite fashion brand Versace. In accordance with Michael Kors's 5-year plan, the joint company grows Versace's sales revenue to $2 billion per annum, opens more stores worldwide, and improves the brand's ecommerce services to expand its apparel, footwear, and accessories business franchises. Donatella Versace remains an Italian fashion label, but the U.S. fashion Group Michael Kors rebrands itself as Capri. As a major U.S. handbag maker, Michael Kors acquires Gianni Versace plus its debt to enter the exclusive high-end European luxury market. As part of the deal, Donatella Versace stays as the chief fashion designer to oversee the brand. In effect, Capri seeks an innovative M&A entry into the global market for personal luxury goods from handbags to clothes and accessories with more than $300 billion revenue as of mid-2018. This buyout is a significant step toward building a bold and efficient fashion business that would rival the French heavyweight conglomerates LVMH (Louis Vuitton, Fendi, and Givenchy) and Kering (Gucci, Balenciaga and Saint Laurent). No similar U.S. conglomerate has comparable scale, this buyout can be the key watershed between U.S. and French fashion designers. In fact, Coach has made moves to implement a similar model with ambitious acquisitions of Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman, owning the European luxury fashion brand Versace would give considerable clout and star power to the Capri fashion portfolio.
Sirius XM pays $3.5 billion shares to acquire the music app company Pandora. Sirius XM pays $3.5 billion shares to acquire the music app company Pandora. This acquisition would form the largest audio entertainment company worldwide. Building on its current 15% equity stakes in Pandora, Sirius initiates a stock acquisition with an exchange ratio of 1.44 Sirius shares for each share in Pandora. In response, Sirius experiences a 7% stock price dip while Pandora share price trades at a hefty 13% premium. This deal generates several synergies between Sirius XM and Pandora. First, the broader music network includes 100+ million active users. Sirius now has 35 million subscribers in North America and 23 million users on an annual trial. Meanwhile, Pandora carries 70 million active users and 6 million premium subscribers. Massive network effects can result from this merger. Second, Sirius can tap into Pandora's mobile and web advertisements, and Pandora benefits from Sirius's greater financial capital and in-car presence. As the joint company cross-sells its music services to build new audio packages, Sirius plans to keep operating both brands for better user experience. Third, the Pandora-Sirius combination can better hold up against intense competition from Apple, Spotify, and Amazon as these latter platform orchestrators invest aggressively in their music services. Subject to customary shareholder approval and regulatory scrutiny etc, the deal can close in early-2019.
BAC chief investment strategist Michael Hartnett points out that U.S. corporate debt accumulation can cause the next financial crisis. Bank of America Merrill Lynch's chief investment strategist Michael Hartnett points out that U.S. corporate debt (not household credit supply or bank capital shortage) can cause the next financial crisis. U.S. public corporations have gradually accumulated more than $6 trillion debt with low interest rates since the global financial crisis from 2008 to 2009. This corporate debt binge helps fund the recent recovery in new capital investment and equipment, full employment, and stock buyback in America. Corporate default rates are minuscule, and U.S. companies now sit on hefty cash stockpiles primarily due to robust U.S. economic output gains and corporate tax cuts under the Trump administration. At some inflection point, however, both economic growth and corporate income may start to slow down. U.S. companies then have less firepower to pay back debt, and it is not easy for these companies to roll over their debt in due course. Debt-laden companies would be vulnerable to higher costs of capital as the Federal Reserve continues the current interest rate hike. These higher costs of capital can translate into a credit crunch, which adversely affects both employment and capital investment as the U.S. economy slides into an economic recession.
Anne Krueger explains why the Trump administration's current tariff tactics undermine the multilateral global trade system. Former World Bank and IMF chief economist Anne Krueger explains why the Trump administration's current tariff tactics undermine the multilateral global trade system. In the post-war decades, America has led the way in establishing the troika of major economic institutions, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization (WTO) (formerly known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)), that collectively form the primary basis of international economic order in place today. Due to the healthy expansion of an open multilateral trade system under the WTO, international trade has grown 1.5 times faster than global GDP since World War II. The WTO 164-member economies commit to supporting an open multilateral trade system with common rules and procedures. These rules can achieve for international trade what domestic commercial codes can accomplish for contracts and transactions between parties within a given jurisdiction. Under WTO rules, international trade partners are subject to the same national regulations just as domestic firms have the same rights in regional courts. Governments cannot discriminate against other WTO members, so trade benefits for one trade partner must apply to all other trade partners under WTO rules. It is essential to ensure that trade partners receive fair regulatory and judicial treatment from WTO member-state governments, and the principle of non-discrimination has been a core tenet of the global trade system. Under this WTO framework, the Trump administration now uses national-security concerns to justify tariffs on steel-and-aluminum imports from China, Canada, Europe, Mexico, and Japan etc. Whether these tariffs would help reduce U.S. trade deficits remains complex and mysterious. The Trump discriminatory tariffs undermine the WTO economic order and so induce China and other countries to seek reparation through the WTO dispute-settlement mechanism. These countries may retaliate against Trump tariffs and in turn would exacerbate the current global trade quagmire.
The Trump administration imposes 10% tariffs on $200 billion Chinese imports. The Trump administration imposes 10% tariffs on $200 billion Chinese imports and expects to raise these tariffs to 25% additional duties toward the end of this year. These new tariffs arise on top of punitive duties that the Trump administration enacted earlier in mid-2018 on $50 billion Chinese goods and services. Now U.S. tariffs hit more than half of Chinese imports to America. China can retaliate against American tariffs in several ways. First, China may impose tit-for-tat tariffs on $60 billion U.S. imports. This retaliation, however, stretches limits on the narrow scope of bilateral Sino-U.S. trade negotiations. Second, China has the option to offload its massive ownership of U.S. Treasury bills and notes. These foreign investments help finance the perennial U.S. budget deficit. If the Chinese government decides to engage in large-scale U.S. government bond sales, the likely yield curve inversion can adversely affect American economic output and employment. Third, China produces numerous low-cost products for the typical American household. U.S. tariffs may thus inadvertently boost the costs of both household consumption and firm production in America. In turn, higher inflation induces the Federal Reserve to accelerate its hawkish interest rate hike. Overall, these concerns shed skeptical light on the Sino-U.S. trade war that the Trump administration uses as a tactical solution to relentless bilateral trade negotiations with China.
Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller's long-term stock market indicator points to a recent peak. Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller's long-term stock market indicator points to a recent peak. His cyclically-adjusted P/E ratio (or CAPE) accounts for long-term corporate profitability and market valuation. CAPE has correctly helped anticipate the Black Monday 1987 stock market crash, the dotcom bubble collapse in the dawn of the new millennium, and the global financial crisis from 2008 to 2009. As of September 2018, this metric gauges the U.S. stock market value at 33 times the average corporate income over the past decade. CAPE serves as a useful economic indicator of U.S. stock market (over)valuation at this stage of the business cycle. In fact, the current U.S. stock market capitalization well exceeds American real GDP economic output. It is often difficult to beat the market, whereas, it can be quite easy and imperative to save on capital income taxes and transaction costs. Wharton finance professor Jeremy Siegel, however, disagrees with this CAPE analysis of U.S. stock market valuation. Even if U.S. stocks appear to be expensive, they remain good bargains in comparison with bonds in light of the small default risk premium. Relative valuation of stocks-versus-bonds continues to be favorable during the current Trump stock market rally throughout most U.S. history.
Apple releases its September 2018 trifecta of smart phones or iPhone X sequels: iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max, and iPhone XR. Apple releases its September 2018 trifecta of smart phones or iPhone X sequels: iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max, and iPhone XR. Both iPhone Xs and iPhone Xs Max have edge-to-edge OLED touch screens. The former comes with 5.8-inch display, and the latter has the largest ever 6.5-inch display. Both offer 512GB digital storage such that each user can save about 200,000 photos on each device. Both offer Face ID that Apple's artificial intelligence facilitates in a fraction of a second. Apple's A12 Bionic microchip launches apps 30% faster. With smart 12-megapixel back cameras, these flagship smart phones now allow for the integration of dual SIM cards for the user to add alternative phone numbers to a single device. Also, iPhone XR serves as the more affordable version and offers 6.1-inch liquid crystal display (LCD) display (Liquid Retina). In fact, iPhone XR comes in white, black, blue, coral, yellow, and red, provides Face ID with no home button, and uses haptic touch to navigate apps. Overall, Apple can afford to charge higher retail prices of the flagship iPhone product lines with higher-pixel camera resolution, longer battery life, and better digital storage.
Bill Gates shares with Mark Zuckerberg his prior personal experiences of testifying before Congress. Bill Gates shares with Mark Zuckerberg his prior personal experiences of testifying on behalf of Microsoft before U.S. Congress. Both men drop out of Harvard to pursue their software companies, and both men testify before Congress over their corporate actions and decisions. Gates warns Zuckerberg to be mindful of Washington (because the Department of Justice both fought and dominated 3-year lawsuits against Microsoft in response to the Gates defiant tone that the computer industry is hyper-competitive with no need for quick fixes). Zuckerberg now faces a similar legal quagmire. Facebook has to employ artificial intelligence advances to fix several issues in relation to foreign interference in U.S. elections, post-Cambridge-Analytica user privacy abuse and invasion, and offshore tax avoidance. As a social media outlet in direct competition with Twitter, Facebook may face similar antitrust regulatory scrutiny from Washington (as Microsoft raised antitrust concerns about its Windows computer system and Office and Internet Explorer software packages). In the next decade, both U.S. and E.U. authorities either regulate or break up tech titans such as Facebook and Google for better consumer protection and tech market competition. In fact, the Microsoft antitrust case has deep implications for big tech regulation. It is indeed anti-competitive for tech titans to orchestrate their platforms to favor their own software products. For this reason, the European Union slaps a $2.7 billion fine on Google for tilting online search results to stifle competition. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act shields tech companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, and IBM etc from any potential deterioration in the overall quality of online content curation. Meanwhile, it is still difficult for U.S. and E.U. regulators to hold tech titans responsible for their online content curation and software service provision due to scant legislation. With respect to the widespread use and adoption of information communication technology (ICT), no reasonable court would attempt to set an intrusive precedent at the risk of shaking up the U.S. ICT industry both in Silicon Valley and elsewhere. It may be easier for these regulators to impose one-off, ad hoc, or sporadic fines and penalties on tech companies due to both antitrust and tax avoidance concerns.
President Trump tweets that Apple can avoid tariff consequences by shifting its primary supply chain from China to America. President Trump tweets that Apple can avoid tariff consequences by shifting its primary supply chain from China to America. The Trump tariffs on another $200 billion Chinese goods can affect iPhone, Apple Watch, and AirPods as well as adapters and chargers for a major host of iOS products. These tariffs can in turn raise prices for Apple consumers. An Apple upstream supplier Foxconn moonlights new U.S. plant sites in addition to its recent liquid crystal display (LCD) plant establishment in Wisconsin. However, Foxconn and other Apple upstream suppliers still need to mull over whether it is sufficiently profitable to open new plants for AMOLED touch screens in America. In a recent interview with CNBC news anchor Becky Quick, Berkshire Hathaway's Warren Buffett shares his view that many market watchers seem to underprice iPhone X [and its sequels]. In a recent product release, Apple raises the retail prices of iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max, and iPhone XR with higher-pixel camera resolution, longer battery life, and better digital storage. In accordance with Apple CEO Tim Cook's wise and prescient prediction, the Trump steel-and-aluminum tariffs may impact the major iPhone and iPad product lines when the Trump administration activates these punitive tariffs on $200 billion Chinese imports.
Warren Buffett, shares his key insights into life, success, money, and interpersonal communication. One of the greatest investors on earth, Warren Buffett, shares his top 13 ingenious insights into life, success, money, and interpersonal communication. Most institutional money managers and retail investors can learn much from the collective wisdom of these wondrous quotes on Business Insider. One cannot make a good deal with a bad person. It is better to hang out with people whose behaviors are better than ours. Good outcomes take time; so one cannot produce a baby in one month by making 9 women pregnant. It takes 20 years to build our reputation and only 5 minutes to ruin it. One should learn to sit in his or her office to read all day. After all, we only find out who is swimming with few clothes when the tide goes out. It is unnecessary to accomplish extraordinary missions to get extraordinary results. We should be fearful when others are greedy, and we should be greedy when others are fearful. We can measure success by how many people love us. We need to be confident enough that we will achieve fulfillment one day. When we are in the luckiest 1% of humanity, we owe a great deal to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99%. Price is what we pay, and value is what we get. We need not be a rocket scientist to manage well personal finance, and investment is not a game where the smart guy beats the less smart one.
The Economist suggests that the world has learned few lessons of the global financial crisis from 2008 to 2009. The Economist re-evaluates the realistic scenario that the world has learned few lessons of the global financial crisis over the past decade. Good times breed complacency. As the Trump administration rolls back Dodd-Frank rules and regulations, the Federal Reserve has yet to raise countercyclical capital buffers for most large banks. When prudence prevails, no regulator is a perfect judge of financial risk. The Economist points out that the news is both good and bad. The good news suggests that most U.S. large banks fund themselves with proportionately more equity. The average bank equity capital ratio increases substantially from 3% to double digits in the decade after the Lehman financial meltdown. However, the bad news suggests that most U.S. households, firms, and financial intermediaries react slowly to the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis from 2008 to 2009. Former U.S. Treasury Secretary and Harvard President Larry Summers shares the ingenious insight that the U.S. economy suffers secular stagnation, government debt, and inflation in the recent decade after the global financial crisis. In light of both gradual greenback appreciation and national populism, Harvard chair professor Kenneth Rogoff indicates that the current Trump stock market rally may be the calm before the next financial storm. Despite Trump tax cuts and infrastructure expenditures, the U.S. economy operates near full employment with high inflation, currency, and interest rate risks. This trifecta poses a red alert to the Trump administration and its advisory troika (National Economic Council, Federal Reserve, and Treasury). Both the U.S. Treasury and National Economic Council favor imposing draconian tariffs on at least $200 trillion Chinese imports. This specific trade tactic aims to help curtail bilateral U.S. trade deficits with China. Similar trade tactics may involve Canada, Europe, Mexico, and Japan. Moreover, the Federal Reserve accelerates the current interest rate hike (with at least one rate increase in September 2018 and another in December 2018). This hawkish interest rate hike is likely to continue until late-2019. All of these fiscal and monetary measures can help contain the high-risk trifecta of inflation, fiscal debt and deficit, and secular stagnation.
Citron Research short-sellers initiate a class-action lawsuit against Tesla and its executive chairman Elon Musk. Citron Research short-sellers initiate a class-action lawsuit against Tesla and its executive chairman Elon Musk because he might have deliberately orchestrated taking Tesla private to burn investors. This lawsuit alleges that Musk might have inadvertently engaged in stock price manipulation via his premature tweet. Musk may prefer Tesla to go private such that he can steer major business decisions without worrying about near-term share price gyrations. However, taking Tesla private requires large lump-sums of equity finance from outside venture capitalists. This lawsuit sheds skeptical light on whether Musk's premature tweet on funding Tesla to go private should be subject to U.S. SEC regulatory scrutiny. Short-sellers can serve as an effective alternative corporate governance mechanism that helps discipline corporate management in major business decisions. Not only do short-sellers pose an effective threat to incumbent entrenchment and rent protection, but short-sellers also help improve share price efficiency and information content. Short-sellers short shares at artificially high prices, wait a while for negative news about the company, and then buy back these shares at lower prices to earn short-term gains. The Citron lawsuit against Tesla and Elon Musk represents a classic example of potential fraudulent stock price manipulation that proves to be detrimental to short-sellers.
Amazon follows Apple to become the second U.S. public corporation to hit $1 trillion stock market valuation. Amazon follows Apple to become the second American public corporation to hit $1 trillion stock market valuation. Amazon's founder and chairman Jeff Bezos is now worth about as much as the total net worth of both Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. Amazon captures about half of every ecommerce dollar in America. With more than 550,000 employees and $178 billion in annual revenue, Amazon sells almost everything from cloud-computing space to bread and butter. Amazon sells a great deal of excitement to investors, customers, and media firms. For starters, Amazon excites readers with a new way to shop for books online and then a new way to read Kindle Fire e-books. Amazon excites content creators to curate on Kindle Direct Publisher. Amazon excites cloud users and hackers with a new way to power the Internet via Amazon Web Services. Amazon excites its premium members with a new way to experience fast delivery via Amazon Prime. Amazon excites home owners with a new way to interact with an artificially intelligent outpost Alexa. Bezos focuses on long-term customer-centrism with one pivotal question: What is not going to change in the next decade? Amazon continues to offer low-price products and services online with fast delivery and vast selection.
Thomas Piketty empirically shows that the top 1% cohort rakes in 20%+ of U.S. national income. As the famous French economist who studies global economic inequality in his recent book *Capital in the New Century*, Thomas Piketty co-authors with Berkeley chair professor and John Bates Clark medal winner Emmanuel Saez and others the latest September 2018 World Inequality Report. This fresh report empirically demonstrates that the rise of both income and wealth for the top 1% U.S. population mirrors the fall of both income and wealth for the bottom 50% U.S. population. Specifically, the top 1% cohort rakes in more than 20% of U.S. national income in 2017 in comparison to only 11% back in 1980. At the same time, the bottom 50% cohort receives about 12% of U.S. national income in 2017 in comparison to about 20% back in 1980. Not only do the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, the income and wealth transfers seem simultaneous, synchronous, and causal in time-series data. This stark feature shows an empirically robust increase in U.S. economic inequality over the recent decades. However, this socioeconomic issue cannot reflect talent concentration in specific labor markets. At least some of this dichotomous wealth inequality arises from the fact that several industries such as biotech, telecom, and social media mold big players with competitive moats into quasi-monopolies. These big players invest heavily in patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual properties in order to safeguard their market dominance against external competitive forces. Nobel Laureate and former chief economist at World Bank Joseph Stiglitz points out that tech titans have become quasi-monopolies with high market concentration. This concentration serves as a primary explanation for worse income and wealth inequality in America. When the major network platform orchestrators such as Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Twitter (FAMGANT) reinforce their current market strength and dominance, they may violate antitrust laws and regulations. Also, several other industries such as big pharmaceutical firms (Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and Pfizer etc) and telecoms (AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile) are new additions to the list of U.S. quasi-monopolies. This technological trend aggravates socioeconomic inequality, deepens anti-competitive concerns, and harms consumer benefits in terms of longer-term price and quality improvements.
We share famous inspirational stock market quotes by Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Benjamin Graham, and several others. We share several famous inspirational stock market quotes by Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Benjamin Graham, Benjamin Franklin, Phillip Fisher, and Michael Jensen. Price is what you pay. Value is what you get. We should be fearful when others are greedy, and we should be greedy when others are fearful. It is far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price, than a fair company at a wonderful price. Great investment opportunities arise when unusual circumstances cause the share-price misappraisal of excellent companies. Everyone has the brainpower to follow the stock market. We need to know not only what stocks we own, but also why we want to own them in the first place. The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. The stock market is full of individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing. Average investors who try to trade often will only make their brokers rich. Investors must draw a distinction between a good company and a good stock. After all, one can buy a good stock but may end up paying too much for it.
President Trump criticizes the WTO and proposes indexing capital gains taxes to inflation for U.S. investors. In an exclusive interview with Bloomberg, President Trump criticizes the World Trade Organization (WTO), proposes indexing capital gains taxes to inflation for U.S. investors, and then expresses no regrets over appointing the new Fed chairman Jerome Powell. Trump points out that WTO rules have been an unfair trade deal for America because the U.S. often has to respond passively to assuage many WTO complaints and concerns. When Trump comes into office, America reverses the U.S. long-term disadvantage and starts to win trade lawsuits because the Trump administration threatens to withdraw America from the WTO if the Geneva international organization declines to shape up. Meanwhile, Trump indicates that Canada may or may not continue to be part of the NAFTA trade deal. Moreover, Trump rejects the European Union's trade proposal to eliminate tariffs on automobiles.
In the same exclusive interview with Bloomberg, President Trump proposes indexing capital gains taxes to inflation, and this change would slash taxes for investors when they sell assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate properties. This index adjusts the original purchase price for inflation and so helps spur job creation and economic growth because investors would face minimal taxes on erroneous phantom income. These real tax cuts benefit small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) owners, founders, and entrepreneurs. National Economic Council top economic adviser Larry Kudlow indicates that the Trump administration hopes to bypass Congress to implement this expansionary tax policy. Trump opponents contend that this additional fiscal stimulus may exacerbate economic inequality in America.
In accordance with the grand notion of central bank independence, President Trump likes and respects Powell as the Fed chairman who should be free from political influence. Trump expresses no regrets over appointing Powell to succeed Yellen in the Federal Reserve System's top post. However, Trump hints to the new Fed Chair that he should help accommodate U.S. economic affairs during the current interest rate hike. In fact, Trump expects the greenback to stabilize within reasonable bounds as the Fed chairman pencils in some further interest rate hikes in September and December 2018. This interest rate hike can continue its current cycle until December 2019 as the core CPI inflation rate surges past the neutral 2% target.
Andy Yeh Alpha (AYA) AYA Analytica financial health memo (FHM)
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Our new alpha model empowers members to be a wiser stock market investor with profitable alpha signals!! This proprietary quantitative analysis applies the collective wisdom of Warren Buffett, George Soros, Carl Icahn, Mark Cuban, Tony Robbins, and Nobel Laureates in finance such as Robert Engle, Eugene Fama, Lars Hansen, Robert Lucas, Robert Merton, Edward Prescott, Thomas Sargent, William Sharpe, Robert Shiller, and Christopher Sims.
Andy Yeh Alpha (AYA) fintech network platform serves as each investor's social toolkit for profitable investment management. AYA fintech network platform helps promote better financial literacy, inclusion, and freedom of the global general public. We empower investors through technology, education, and social integration.
Andy Yeh AYA fintech network platform founder Brass Ring International Density Enterprise (BRIDE)
We should not conform to this world, but we should allow the renewal of our minds to transform us, so that we can prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. Romans 12: 2
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brassring2020 · 6 years
AYA Analytica financial health memo June 2017
As of June 2017, this regular podcast is available on our Andy Yeh Alpha fintech network platform.
CNBC reports the Top 5 features of Apple's iPhone X. CNBC reports the Top 5 features of Apple's iPhone X. This new product release can be the rising tide that lifts all boats in Apple's upstream value chain such as Foxconn, TSMC, and Pegatron with a major iPhone-driven bottom-line boost: iPhone X features edge-to-edge AMOLED display with more than 2 million pixels. This primary feature translates into sharper text and more impressive video playback for iPhone X viewers. A user can register his or her face with the iPhone X so that it automatically unlocks when the user looks at the screen. This facial recognition uses 3-D imagery that is more secure than the Samsung Galaxy S8 counterpart. This new tech also proves to be more secure than most fingerprint locks. Apple has the technical power to bring wireless charging pads for its iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X with patent-rich enhancements over time. iPhone X has a 12-megapixel wide-angle lens and a second telephoto lens for zooming in and out to ensure more robust videos and better pictures. iPhone X allows the user to leverage its new animoji feature to record video clips of his or her emotions. This animation not only provides greater human touch on iPhone X, but also gives the user the opportunity to customize his or her emotions in the now ubiquitous form of viral video clips.
President Donald Trump releases his plan to slash income taxes for U.S. citizens and corporations. President Donald Trump has released his plan to slash income taxes for U.S. citizens and corporations. The corporate income tax rate will decline from 35% to 20%. The number of marginal income tax bands will be reduced to 3 at 12%, 25%, and 35%. This tax overhaul represents a progressive pro-growth economic reform with better jobs, higher wages, and lower taxes for most American consumers, as well as lower risks, fewer financial constraints, and more investments in M&A, Capex, and R&D for many U.S. corporations. Tech stocks such as FAMGA (aka Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon) are likely to benefit most from this tax reform by repatriating offshore cash stockpiles to invest in U.S. job creation, robotic manufacturing automation, and more patent-intensive tech-savvy development in artificial intelligence, cloud software development, virtual reality, and network platform orchestration. The ripple effect manifests in the subsequent Fed interest rate hike, greenback appreciation, and positive stock investor sentiment. All of these probable macro ramifications contribute to an upward GDP growth trajectory toward the Trump administration's 2.7%-3.3% target range.
The Trump administration initiates a new investigation into China's abuse of American intellectual property. The Trump administration has initiated a new investigation into China's abuse of American intellectual property under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974. This strategic move boils down to the fact that the U.S. has just fired the first shot in an open trade war with China. While tax cuts trump trade, this Section 301 investigation can be the first tangible economic sanction against China. However, Chinese retaliation may manifest in the generic form of large-scale U.S. Treasury bond sales, much less usage and consumption of U.S. soybeans, oats, semiconductors, mobile electronic devices, and other key imports, or both. These economic repercussions reverberate up and down the corporate value chain to induce an adverse impact on U.S. manufacturers, upstream suppliers, and downstream distributors nationwide. Despite this clear and present trade war with China, the Trump stock market rally continues to benefit the typical institutional or retail stock investor under Section 301 legal protection of U.S. intellectual property. The main beneficiaries are the R&D-intensive firms with numerous patents such as pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, Merck, and Johnson & Johnson, tech-savvy platform orchestrators such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and IBM, as well as ecommerce giants such as Amazon and Alibaba. A potential threat may be the new opportunity. Every cloud has a silver lining!!
U.S. Treasury's proposal for financial deregulation aims to remove key aspects of the Dodd-Frank Act. The U.S. Treasury's June 2017 grand proposal for financial deregulation aims to remove several aspects of the Dodd-Frank Act 2010 such as annual macro stress tests, supervisory bank capital reviews, proprietary trading restrictions, and so forth. Fed Vice Chair Stanley Fischer warns that the current financial deregulation can be extremely dangerous and myopic. "It took almost 80 years after 1930 for America to experience another [global] financial crisis that could have been of that magnitude...now after 10 years everyone wants to return to a status quo before the [next financial downturn]." As prior monetary policy turns out to be a rather ineffective solution for the post-crisis macro malaise, fiscal stimulus garners a lion's share of public attention toward lower income taxation and indefinite tax holiday for corporate offshore cash repatriation. Regardless of whether the Dodd-Frank supervisory stress instruments should remain for a more stable U.S. banking system, the Fischer comment rings the alarm bell of fiscal quid pro quo for weak monetary stimulus. This information exchange offers valuable food for thought to the typical stock market investor. While the trend can be his or her friend, the investor needs to weigh the pros and cons of short-term stock price momentum vis-a-vis the close nexus between long-term economic fluctuations and stock market gyrations.
President Donald Trump criticizes Amazon over taxes and jobs. In a recent tweet, President Donald Trump criticizes Amazon over taxes and jobs. Without providing specific evidence, Trump accuses of the e-commerce retailer of hurting U.S. cities and states with job losses. Amazon's stock price declines quite a bit after this tweet. In his critique, Trump has targeted Amazon whose CEO Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post, one of several major media outlets that have been swept up in the president's relentless fight with the press. Now stock analysts and market observers wait for Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin to deliver on Trump's promise of a comprehensive fiscal overhaul with a particular emphasis on lower income taxation and special tax holiday for offshore corporate cash repatriation. In addition to its recent acquisition of Whole Foods, Amazon can draw down its offshore cash reservoir throughout the prospective tax holiday to continue the current Trump stock market rally. The same logic also applies to several other multinational corporations such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Exxon Mobil, Johnson & Johnson, and so forth. Although the stock market valuation seems high with a long-term P/E ratio of 25x to 27x, the Trump stock market rally may move in tandem with the current interest rate hike as new economic data suggest robust labor market recovery and capital momentum.
Many eminent investors suggest that the time may be ripe for a major stock market correction. Several investors and billionaires such as George Soros, Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn, and Howard Marks suggest that the time may be ripe for a major financial market correction. The recent optimistic Trump rally has catapulted stock and bond prices by a 20% margin. This stock and bond market overvaluation seems to be a natural result of President Trump's generous pro-growth fiscal stimulus trifecta of lower income taxation, financial deregulation, and new infrastructure with corporate offshore cash repatriation. Whether the current Trump financial market rally can deliver tangible economic gains depends on the eventual GDP growth trajectory toward the target range of 2.7% to 3.3% per annum. During the current interest rate hike, we expect most stock and bond prices to moderately react to monetary contraction and self-fulfilling prophecy in a soft downward path. This new normal scenario does not necessarily correspond to secular stagnation in the precise words of Larry Summers and others. However, it is reasonable to anticipate a reasonable financial market correction in light of the recent nuclear standoff between America and North Korea, U.S. monetary contraction, and Trump trade conservatism. Overall, geopolitical risk remains the primary source of economic uncertainty as the Trump administration seeks to maintain a delicate balance between these undercurrents for better business growth and financial stability.
Top 4 U.S. richest people are self-made billionaires: Gates, Buffet, Bloomberg, and Zuckerberg. In American states, all of the Top 4 richest people are self-made billionaires: Bill Gates in Washington, Warren Buffett in Nebraska, Michael Bloomberg in New York, and Mark Zuckerberg in California. Indeed, all of these billionaires are great fundamental investors too. Through Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett invests in finance, energy, transportation, technology, retail service, and so forth. Gates invests in Microsoft, software technology, cloud service provision, as well as philanthropy. Zuckerberg invests in building Facebook as the world's largest social network with more than 2 billion active users. Bloomberg invests in financial data delivery and media service with worldwide fame and ubiquity. This infographic visualization does not include several other famous self-made billionaires, entrepreneurs, financiers, and investors such as Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, Mark Cuban, and Larry Page.
Global financial markets suffer as President Trump promises *fire and fury* in response North Korean nuclear ambitions. Global financial markets suffer as President Trump promises *fire and fury* in response to the recent report that North Korea has successfully miniaturized nuclear warheads to place on intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in the face of new economic sanctions. Trump follows up with inaccurate tweets about the more powerful U.S. nuclear arsenal, whereas, State Secretary Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis both urge de-escalating the current situation and warn against North Korea's prospective nuclear threats and missile strikes near the U.S. military bases in Guam. In the presence of the dictatorial regime's ICBMs and nuclear threats, the current standoff might eventually become the Nash equilibrium of mutually-assured destruction (MAD). This deterrence doctrine helps prevent subsequent escalation and belligerence on both sides (U.S. and North Korea now and U.S. and Russia in the cold war and the Cuban missile crisis). Due to this imminent political complexity, global stock markets experience a pervasive decline in market valuation. This decline may be a temporary dip, and this transience can be a valuable stock investment opportunity for the typical contrarian investor.
Millennials can save to make a fortune with compound interest over 40 years. NerdWallet's new simulation suggests that a 25-year-old millennial who earns an inflation-free base salary of $40,456 and saves 15% each year faces a 99%+ chance of maintaining at least his or her initial investment over 40 years. This analysis shows that the adverse effects of even significant downturns can be smoothed out by a long-term fundamental investment strategy, if the investor is willing to stay the course. Given the opportunity cost of avoiding the stock market altogether (which could be as much as $3 million over 40 years) and the monetary benefits of compound interest for 4 decades, the bigger real risk may be not investing in stocks at all. Although past stock market performance cannot guarantee that the typical investor earns a hefty 10% average historical return in the future, the core value of investing in stocks with compound interest can be significant over a long time.
We share Warren Buffett's famous quotes on fundamental stock investment. This brief article encapsulates the timeless wisdom of Warren Buffett's famous quotes on fundamental stock investment, fear and greed, patience, risk control, success, prediction, gold, and so on. Buffett often spins and taints his words of wisdom with a healthy sense of humor. As a contrarian value investor, Buffett buys shares when the stock price falls below its intrinsic value, and then (seldom) sells these shares when the stock price rises above its intrinsic value by a wide margin. Recent empirical studies affirm this stock investment philosophy that a wise long-term investor should bet his or her money on small and profitable individual companies with low asset growth and high book-to-market equity. Betting against high market beta or short-term price momentum is no longer the conventional wisdom within the broader conceptual framework of fundamental stock investment.
Foxconn invests $10 billion in a new manufacturing plant for LCD display panels in Wisconsin. President Donald Trump has announced that a major Apple iPhone upstream supplier, Foxconn Technology Group (also known as Hon Hai Precision Group), will invest $10 billion in a new manufacturing plant for LCD display panels in Wisconsin. The press conference takes place at the White House with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan. Walker suggests that this new plant is the largest economic development project in the state's history. Foxconn Chairman Terry Guo points out that Wisconsin shines as the clear winner among at least 6 American states while Ohio is a close contender. The new manufacturing plant will employ an initial intake of 3,000 workers while this intake can increase to 13,000 in the next 4 years. Although Apple CEO Tim Cook has yet to comment on Foxconn's new plant in Wisconsin, this latest financial news echoes the Trump stock market rally with substantial fiscal stimulus that manifests in the form of lower income taxation and tax-efficient corporate cash repatriation. Apple and its upstream suppliers together will invest their massive offshore cash in job creation, manufacturing automation, and digital technology innovation. Foxconn's ambitious expansion represents the first attempt by an Apple upstream supplier to invest in America. We will see more cascades of this positive progress in the foreseeable future.
Warren Buffett invests in American stocks across energy, transport, and finance etc. Warren Buffett invests in American stocks across numerous industries such as energy, air transport, finance, technology, retail provision, and so forth. The Oracle of Omaha has been outperforming most stock market benchmarks for several decades. Berkshire Hathaway's year-to-date stock performance is a hefty 25% excess return. Buffett's annual letters to shareholders illuminate the key aspects of his contrarian value investment philosophy. The fundamental value investor focuses on a given stock's intrinsic value from which the market price may deviate from time to time; and the contrarian investor buys shares when market sentiment puts transient downward pressure on the stock price below the intrinsic fair value, while the contrarian investor unloads shares when market sentiment temporarily boosts momentum in the stock price above the intrinsic fair value. A successful contrarian value investor buys stocks when fear permeates the stock market, and this contrarian investor sells stocks when greed percolates the stock market.
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