#anne's life updoots
satohqbanana · 2 years
Okay! So what IS Anne's computer problem?
Basically, it wasn't the devving per se that pushed my PC; the devving was just the last straw. My PC had been having some Issues TM earlier this year, when an update just. Wouldn't. Install. I don't remember the error code, but none of the reccommended solutions worked.
In addition, my computer suddenly moved most of my files from its main local folders (This PC) to the local OneDrive folder. I told myself it was probably just a computer thing, relocated and backed my files up, and thought no more of it.
One day, miraculously, the update finally installs after numerous errors. But last night while I was working on some easy minor adjustments to the game, my PC finally fizzed out. Said something about "Stop Code Memory Manufacture".
When I rebooted, my desktop and taskbar were gone; I have to open Task Manager to access any files and programs; I have to refresh File Explorer to get programs to open; I have to go to System32 to shut my PC down. My image files won't open in the local photo viewer; says something about "Class not registered." My folders when opened from the main File Explorer interface will open a new File Explorer window.
I can still work on my PC, but it's pretty messy. Every navigation I do has to be done through a workaround. I have to open up separate windows to see my battery level and the time. I can still minimize windows but sometimes they don't show up correctly on the "taskbar" - or where the taskbar should be.
It's honestly just very weird, so I'm just really laughing about it. But I have to be careful now; this laptop was about 75% pricier than the basicest of laptops, but it only took two years to break down, whereas my former laptops lasted me three years (with performance issues, but no real BSODs like this).
So while I do have bandaid solutions for the meantime, it'll be nice if anyone can recommend me a solution beside "reset your PC" and "take it to the technician". Because my worry right now is, "How long do I have before my PC loses its other functionalities?"
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satohqbanana · 2 years
My game's formal demo is almost ready for release, I got quality content of my OTPs flooding in, and Nier Automata anime is ON.
I'm thriving.
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satohqbanana · 2 years
I’m so sad I can’t fit Firefox in his hand :(
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satohqbanana · 2 years
Just a few updates (also mini rants on multiple topics in succession):
These days, I find tougher and tougher to allot time for certain endeavors. I like creating stuff; I still like playing games; I still like fan works. It's just been difficult to enjoy them, and recently they've been feeling like less of hobbies and more of obligations.
Speaking of obligations, doing an AV3 playthrough was probably not the best idea. I've spent 40+ hours on three of its games on normal mode. (Why normal mode instead of easy? Because easy mode makes battles less fun.) I really only wanted to play it for Mel's story, but I feel like it's dragged on for so, so long.
The writing mostly feels like a silly downgrade from AV1 and AV2. The first two parts were more or less tolerable, with a few things that irked me and failed to bring out an intended emotion from me. However, the third part just really... no. The only thing I enjoy here is gameplay, because AV did find a good balance of the battle system. However, the story is just too painful for me to read, because I feel like the story removed most meaning and development from its previous installments. For me, it's like a fandom-approved fanfic. And I had to do majority of this game consulting a walkthrough to navigate its too-convoluted mazes and equally convoluted side quests. No, despite my complaints, I'm a few steps away from the final fight, but I'm ready to move on to other stuff, really.
Speaking of moving on, I have no idea what to do with my SK fanfic. I promised a second arc rewrite twice; it feels sillier the more I think about it. I feel like I should move on, but I also feel an obligation to it. I started this mess; I know how it's supposed to go down; I should be able to at least write one more arc?
But, my muse can no longer connect with it that strongly. I do feel desire to continue it, but when I get to think about it, I get nothing. I don't get it. I love the characters. I love the idea. Why can't I write about them anymore? Why do most of my creative concepts now flow to a super new thing that can't even stand on its own foundations yet?
And these things make me think: Am I so jaded? Am I so cynical? Am I broken?
Why. Can't. I. Be. Normal?
Thankfully, there is a bit of good news, and that is: I'm moving closer to releasing an Arcanium: Magia demo for my friends (target: July-August 2022). It will only be limited to them; the purpose of the demo is to find errors and areas of improvement to guide the rest of the development. It will contain a lot of placeholder sprites and graphics; it will only have Area 1 and a preview of Area 2 (of 5-6 areas).
After I tweak things to their feedback and load in the final sprites and graphics, I could hopefully extend the demo to a proper Area 2 showcase. And by the end of this year (December 2022), maybe I could have a proper demo out.
Is this game going to be commercial? I don't know yet. Either way, I hope this game does get realized. Not only is it part of my attempt to reconnect with my interest in programming, but also it is a way for me to create something not fandom-related. My real own idea, donut steal series. It may be small, but it's mine. Something of my own.
Sorry; I'm having feelings.
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satohqbanana · 2 years
Visual distortions are beginning to be a sort of squick-trigger to me as it reminds me of the uncomfortable sensation of scintillating scotoma that I absolutely dread (BOTH the visual distortion and the heavy migraine that follows after it, and even as I write about it, I feel my throat clenching up), so if it’s not too much for my mutuals reading this, can you tag your image/video/visual content for visual distortion so I can safely block it?
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satohqbanana · 2 years
Thank you for the well wishes! I'm more or less feeling way way better since I fell ill about a month ago. I'm already slowly working on uploading/creating fanstuff and other original stuff these days. It'll be a challenge to pick up the pace, given that I'm still swamped with actual paid work.
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satohqbanana · 3 years
I'm watching this generic romance anime about scientists to enjoy some dumb things with certain events occuring around me
And, uh, I don't understand why it happened to resemble the way I write Larshen (esp. in ADF)
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satohqbanana · 3 years
My “visage” (physical appearance) is described to be that of either Rhen’s or Orube’s and I CANNOT
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satohqbanana · 3 years
Because we usually give actual meat to cats, we attract neighbor's cats and strays to our house, and more often than not, we just accept it when these cats declare our house theirs (usually they sleep at their actual houses/territories and just hang out at our house during the day or during feeding time). And we definitely begrudgingly accept it whenever they declare us their hoomans.
And, well, this one time, mom and the neighbor arrived home at the same time. And the neighbor's cat didn't know which one to greet first. He kept looking back and forth both cars, and walking in circles as he tried to decide which one to prioritize.
TL;DR: neighbor's cat recognizes both the neighbor and my mom as his cat moms and holds both of them equally dear to him I CANNOT.
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satohqbanana · 3 years
The next part of Divergent Fate is done! After this, we'll go a little bit more in-depth with the academy since I wanna flesh Rhen and Lars' relationship a little bit more within that time frame.
Also, my schedule has been freed up a bit. Which means: the queue’s back in business.
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satohqbanana · 3 years
Hi, I don't have energy to deal with stuff for today! If you need me for anything, please hold onto your words for now and kindly refrain from sending asks or messages through Tumblr, Discord, or any other platform we share. Thanks!
(Any ask/messages regarding this will be deleted/ignored.)
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satohqbanana · 3 years
What do you mean Windows 11.
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satohqbanana · 3 years
Me sitting on a mountain of WIPs that keep accumulating no matter how much I try to purge them everyday: :’^) Help.
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satohqbanana · 3 years
Unexpected sign of generation gap: The older generation seems to dislike my Shaun fringe; the younger generation dig the new do.
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satohqbanana · 3 years
My drafts and I are the same - we're nearing 30.
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satohqbanana · 3 years
Due to my amazing hair butchering skills, I now have a similar haircut fringe as John and Shaun. XD
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