#another edit of them this time mostly using screenshots and screen recordings lol
purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by hxcsingingsk8r
Phone Scavenger Hunt
First off, what phone do you have? I have an iPhone 8.
And what provider do you use? It’s a local one you wouldn’t know about, called Globe.
How long have you had your current phone? I can’t remember if it would be 3 or 4 years this 2021. Either way, it’s definitely been a while and I’ve been itching to upgrade. It’s too early to make such a big purchase, though.
Do you have any cases for it? Describe them. I have a clear case that I bought last year. Before that, I had a pink Otterbox case that I managed to destroy even though Otterbox is normally known for its durability. I just have a very unique ability to wreck everything I’ve ever owned lol.
How old were you when you got your first cellphone? I was technically 6, but it was meant to be a present for my 7th birthday. We threw a birthday party a month in advance because my dad had to fly back abroad for work before my actual birthday, but we wanted him to be present at the celebration so we decided throwing a party early was the best route.
What about your first smartphone? [If the answer is different] It was an iPhone 5S.
How old are you now? Dunno what this has to do with the theme of the survey but I am now 22.
Okay, move onto the scavenger hunt part
What is your lock screen picture of? It’s of Kim Seon Ho at a restaurant, lmao.
Home screen? It’s one of the shots from a recent promotional photoshoot Hayley did for Good Dye Young.
How many pictures are thre currently on your phone? This question just made me so anxious hahaha. I have way too many photos; and upon checking, it turns out I currently have 6,266. My god do I need to clean up my camera roll this weekend.
How many videos? I have 227. I have no idea it’s gotten to be this many; I barely use my phone to take videos. I’ll go ahead and delete some of them right now, just to give my phone (and its storage) space to breathe.
What is your most recent picture of? It’s a work thing...I guess I’ll explain it so it can make more sense. So one of our clients has got this Lent campaign going on, and to spread word about it we’ve tapped a handful of food bloggers to try out the offers themselves and post about their experience on social media. Now that we’re in the middle of Holy Week they’ve gone ahead and uploaded their own posts, and I’m in charge of taking screenshots so I can show to the client that the execution had been successful.
And the most recent video? It’s a private vlog. Every Sunday, or at least every other Sunday I take a few minutes to sit down and do a weekly video thing where I talk about my ~mental~ and ~emotional~ status, and it’s basically a way to be in touch with myself and keep track of my progress. Who knows, maybe I’ll actually get to uploading them one day.
Do you have any albums? If so, of what? Yeah. I have one for Cooper, one for Kimi, and a bunch of tiny albums I’ve made where I compiled 4–5 photos of friends to post on their birthdays.
What pictures have you favorited? I have a lot of favorited photos. There’s no required category for me to label them as such.
Do you have any shared albums with friends or family or work? No. I’m not sure if I can do that, or how to do it if it is allowed.
Do you have any alarms set? For what time and for what occasions? I have a bunch of alarms but only because they’re archived into the Clock app and I just haven’t gotten around to deleting them. When I was still new at my work, I used to have alarms set for certain work tasks I have to take note of every week – but now that I’ve gotten into the groove of things, I don’t need the alarms to be reminded about them anymore.
Check your weather app, what is the weather and temperature where you live? It says ‘Mostly Clear’ and shows a temperature of 26ºC.
Do you have the YouTube app? Do you have your own channel? I do have the app and my own account, but I never use it to post videos. It’s nice to have my own channel so that my homepage can be tailored to my interests.
Do you have an email app? Which one do you use? I just have the default Email app that comes with iOS, but I never use it because it’s so wonky. It doesn’t refresh new emails and it takes forever when it does, and it doesn’t always show the full thread of email conversations. If I absolutely need to check my email for something I usually have to pull out my laptop.
Does it say that there is an update available on your phone or any apps? Yes, it reminds me everyday hahaha. I don’t update unless Apple has been planning a big revamp with new features, though; and if the updates are just to address bugs, I disregard the reminders.
Go into your contacts, how many contacts do you have total? It says I have 178.
Name all of your contacts under the letter M: Feels a tad bit invasive, so I’ll just name five people I have under M: Lui, Kim, Patrice, Danika, and Andi.
Name all of your contacts under the letter U: I don’t have anyone under U.
Do you have any contacts that are businesses rather than people? Which ones? No, I don’t really use text to contact businesses. If I wanted to inquire or order from one, I usually head to their social media page.
Go into your notes, how many notes do you have saved? This is another one I have a hoarding problem with lol. My phone says I currently have 561 notes, though I’m fairly certain the biggest chunk of it comes from minutes I’ve taken down from work meetings. It was a whole lot less when I was still in school.
What kinds of things do you save in your notes? Like I said, I use Notes for taking down minutes from meetings. There are also a few surveys on there, from times I didn’t have internet and couldn’t post them on here.
Do you have any voice memos saved? What of? Yep. Some of them were recordings I had to do for journalism classes I was assigned to do voiceovers; some are interviews, also from my journ class; and the rest are of me rambling.
Do you ever use the calculator app? Pretty frequently for work.
Do you ever use the Maps app? Not really. If I needed directions, I would check out Waze for that.
Do you have any health/fitness apps? Which ones? I still have the Nike Training app from the very brief time I wanted to start working out earlier this year.
Do you have the Instacart app? The what now? I’ve never even heard of that.
What about a delivery service like Postmates, Uber Eats, Grubhub, Doordash? I have the McDelivery app for McDonald’s, but I also have other general delivery apps like Grab, Lalamove, and Transportify.
Do you have something like Venmo, Cashapp, or Paypal? I have the Paypal app but I never use it. I also have a couple of e-wallet apps just in case I’d have to use them as a payment method, since some businesses  I purchase from prefer certain ones. Ultimately, though, I use Grab’s mobile wallet the most often.
Do you use Bitmoji? I think I did before? I never used it all that regularly though. Didn’t see the point.
What other keyboards do you use besides English? Any? Filipino, Korean, and Emoji.
Which social media network apps do you have? Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr, TikTok, and Snapchat. So I guess I have all the main ones?
If you have Instagram, what is your handle and how many followers? I have a very private one I only use for work. I didn’t want it to have any followers but at present there’s Angela (because she asked to follow it this week) and Bea (idk why).
What do you typically post on the various social media platforms? The only ones I regularly post on are Twitter and Facebook, and on either I share life updates (if there are any) and memes; though on Facebook I have to watch out what kind of memes I share and make sure they aren’t too offensive because I’m friends with relatives, workmates, and media on there lmao. But on Twitter, I basically have no filter.
Do you make TikTok videos? I don’t make any myself, but I do enjoy going through the app.
Do you only add people you know on Facebook? Yes, for the most part. I’ve taken to adding people as long as they’re from UP or my high school even though I’ve never met them as well, but if I sense that they only added me to try and sell me insurance OR try to get me into MLM, then it’s an instant unfriend for me.
Do you have an app that tracks Instagram followers? No, because I don’t need to track my Instagram followers. I’m off the radar as off the radar gets.
Do you have a Snapchat? Yeah, it’s still on my phone just because but I literally never touch it anymore.
Do you ever take selfies with filters? What app's filters do you use? Eh, just before. I don’t really take selfies anymore, period.
Do you use any apps like Depop or Poshmark or Etsy? No. Out of these three I’ve only ever heard of Etsy, too.
What messengers do you use to talk to people? Any besides just texting? I have Messenger to stay in touch with family and friends; Whatsapp and Viber for work; and Telegram just in case my friends want to play games.
Do you have any photo editing apps? Which ones? I have this app called Foodie that has some pretty filters. Otherwise, since I’m not on Instagram anyway I’m never on the lookout for photo editing apps; no one ever filters their photos on Facebook and Twitter lol.
Do you have any games? Which ones? I do have a ton of games on my phone. I never play any of them, but I keep them just in case I get bored enough to start revisiting them. I have word games, drinking games, games similar to Heads Up! where one person will have to guess the word on the screen while the phone is on their forehead, and gimmicky games like 1010! and Candy Crush haha.
Do you have any rideshare apps like Lyft or Uber? I have Grab, which is a rideshare, parcel delivery, food delivery, and online grocery app all in one.
Now go to the actual phone app, whose phone numbers are saved as favorites? I don’t tag any of my contacts as favorites.
Who was your most recent outgoing call to? I can’t recognize the number, so it was probably a Transportify driver that I called to give him directions to my house.
Who was your most recent incoming call from? I also can’t recognize the number, but this time he was most likely a Grab driver.
Who was your most recent missed call from? Again, can’t recognize the number HAHAA
Why did you miss that call? On purpose? Were you sleeping? Busy? My phone is on silent 24/7, so I must have missed it while I was working.
Who is your most recent voicemail from and what's it regarding? We don’t have voicemail in the Philippines.
What was the last thing you Googled or searched on your phone? Candle tunneling and how to fix it.
What music app do you use? Apple Music? Spotify? Something else? I use Spotify, but I also availed of a 3-month trial on Apple Music earlier this year just because. I think it’s supposed to end soon but I have no plans to shift.
What playlists have you made on there? I have playlists called, “robyn discovers kpop,” “winding down,” “angst,” “not my loss,” and my personal favorite, “paramore but fuck you.”
Lastly, what is the most recent song/album you've added to your collection? What Type of X - Jessi.
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littlecafe · 6 years
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this is a very condensed guide to superstar pledis! i have a few other basic tips that i will leave below, feel free to ask me if you need help with anything 
important change to theme boost (specific only to superstar pledis!)
Unlike the normal 500,000 boost you normally get for R grade themes, superstar pledis gives you a bonus for groups with more than 3 member cards. You still get the 500,000 bonus for R grades but any group OVER 3 MEMBERS will get an additional 15k on top of the bonus. 
So for example: After School or Orange Caramel who have 4 cards each will get 515,000 point bonus for an R grade theme. This makes Seventeen the group with the highest theme bonus, their bonus comes up to 650,000.
edit: So I’ve learned that right now the highest cards can go is R50 and the highest weekly league seems to be Gold III. This is just temporary as the game is still new, in the other games cards can go to R99 and the highest weekly league is Master III so you can expect that to be added in the future.
edit: TOP 7 moves up not TOP 5 for weekly league. I think they might still have the bugged visual where there’s only an arrow for numbers 1 through 5 but 6 and 7 also moves up!
Another thing I noticed is that in the weekly mission you can get a 50% power up card. tl;dr SAVE IT!! I didn’t mention it in the guide because I thought superstar pledis won’t have this feature yet since these material cards come with another feature called Superstar League as well as another in game currency called Dalcom Coins (this will most likely be introduced to the game later as well). 
These cards are quite rare (especially currently because we can’t buy them like we can in other superstar games) and you will need them later for upgrading those high rank R cards. 50% power up card is exactly what the name is, it’s a material card that has a set 50% success rate when used for upgrading, it also costs no RP to use. People generally use it in the last legs of upgrading (in the other games R90+). It will be a waste to use it now on any card even an R1 because upgrading currently is very easy compared to what you will be facing later on. This was someone else’s math but just for reference…going from R91 to R99 could cost 1.2mil RP per card alone so…yes please save your material cards! ; _ ;
1. Super perfect notes don’t actually say super perfect. The color for a super perfect is actually a silver, kinda holographic color and it just says perfect. The perfect notes are yellow/gold. I’ve read some new players mix up the two and try to aim for the “gold” perfects when you’re actually supposed to aim for the “silver” ones. ^^’’
Here’s pictures from the game. The super perfect looks gray only because I can’t show you the holographic flashes in screenshot form but if you record your screen and play it back slowly you can see that it actually flashes many colors hehe~
Expanding on the note information on the info graphic: If you were confused about the notes before this screenshot also helps since you can see visually the score I got for each note. The number underneath the perfect/good is your combo. It doesn’t really mean anything lol but it resets every time you miss. The yellow perfect note is +242 (full points), silver super perfects +485 (roughly 2x points), green goods +121 (half points), and the miss gives no points and took away my energy/rave bar and my combo. Misses also shakes your screen a little and makes a buzzing noise, you can see in my screenshot the miss screen is misaligned.
My combo did restart in this but it’s just I hit a super perfect after I missed so it’s not in the screenshots. (rip) My yellow perfect was hit after that extra note so that’s why it looks like it continued counting. ^ o ^;;;;;
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2. Click your profile (your icon picture) and turn the sound effect off and change the sort from new to difficulty. It’s more of a personal thing but the sound effect for misses can be very loud and can scare you if you’re too absorbed in trying to hit the notes and don’t notice your misses so I just turn mine off in every superstar game. Also sorting by difficulty is best for new players so you can play the easier songs first and not have to worry about harder songs until you’ve played the easy ones! Here’s a picture from the game for the settings:
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3. Reset your timing if you feel like it’s not right. The game really revolves around you being able to hit super perfect notes and if you’re timing is wrong it will be hard to hit those notes. Also a tip within a tip is that to focus on hitting the notes close to the center. Even if you hit the notes “on time” if you hit the note off center it will result in a perfect instead of the super perfect you’d want.
4. Play without cards at the beginning! There’s a song challenge system in the game that will require you to beat your own high score by a 10k point margin. If you play with your best cards, you’d have to upgrade them (or get more super perfects) in order to beat your score and get the bonus RP but if you play without any cards it will be easy to beat since all you have to do is equip a card.
5. Of course, hard mode gives higher scores than normal mode and normal gives higher score than easy BUT all songs within the same mode (easy, normal, hard) have the same potential score. Even if the song is longer or have more notes it will still have the same max score as a song that is easier or shorter. Play through all the songs first and remember which songs are easiest for you. You need 5 different groups and songs for your top 5 every week so figure out what songs will give you the best score and focus on them.
6. Don’t spend your diamonds so quickly! It’s really tempting buying those premium packs since you want all the shiny new cards but it’s best to save them for when a better deal comes around. In the other superstar games, there are sometimes special packs and deals like up to 50% premium packs so save them and wait for a good deal to come. The game is quite generous with just daily log ins and events and there’s a long, long road to reaching R99 so save these diamonds if you can!!
7. If you find your fingers sticking to the screen a lot of players recommend putting a bit of powder on your fingers to help it slide better. Some also say they use a thin layer of tape on the screen instead.
8. Start focusing your themes once you start going into R cards. At the beginning it’s ok to play your best card for high scores since we’re all starting with nothing, but once you start getting more cards and upgrading you should choose one theme for a group and stick to it to get the theme score bonus.
9. While this game can be pay-to-win, it’s mostly a grinding game. In order to get cards higher than R1 you MUST upgrade, you can’t buy them so we will all need a lot of RP and a lot of fodder cards. While you can buy diamonds with RP it’s just not viable, even for those with a lot of money because payout diamond to RP ratio is pretty bad. The best way to get RP is just by playing the game everyday.
10. Once you get to higher R card levels, you’ll find that it gets really expensive to upgrade and you’ll also fail a lot of upgrades. If you reach that state, then just save your RP. In the future, Dalcom has events where upgrades are half off so if you grind and save until then it will be more cost effective and make upgrading a little bit easier.
11. Talking about upgrades, even though you can use any card to upgrade any card…you don’t want to do that since you’ll need the higher ranked cards later for higher cards. Here’s a general consensus from most players about what cards to use for upgrading:
C1 to S4: Use C1
S4 to S5: Use C1 or B1
R1-21: Use C1
R21+: Use C1 or B1
R51+: Use B1 or A1 until R71
R71+: Use A1 or S1 until R81
R81+: Use S5
I think that’s all for now, I’ll try to add on if I think of anything else. Just have fun and play at your own pace, don’t feel bad if you can’t grind or if you can’t 3 star the hard songs now. Just keep at it and play for fun and collect your favorite artists’ cards! <3
If you still need help or need clarifications feel free to ask me or visit the superstar pledis reddit page.
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hotarla · 7 years
My Thoughts: “Quan Zhi Gao Shou” Episode 11 Summary and Review
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Have the “ships” set sail yet? If not, greetings to all you QZGS fans, I'll be your hostess for another edition of “My Thoughts.” This week's episode was a belly-full of laughs! I swear, every time I watched it (and I always watch a few times before writing my reviews), I laughed each time! I'm a bit more pleased with this episode (as nothing really major happens) so I don't have as many complaints as usual.
This week’s episode backtracks a little as we get bits and pieces from chapter 191 in the novel, all the way through to chapter 209. Spoilers ahead! Be prepared for more Shaotian screenshots!
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The episode begins from where we last left off: in the “haunted” well. Steamed Bun attacks with a well-timed Brick but before he can, Concealed Light stops him hastily, saying that he's here to help and that he knows all about Steamed Bun and Lord Grim. Steamed Bun, being the simple air-headed cutie that he is, strikes a cool pose, telling him that he's too busy at the moment to sign autographs. After accepting the friend request Concealed Light throws at him, Bun skillfully jumps out of the well, once again attracting the attention of his pursuers.
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On the other hand, Concealed Light struggles to get out of the well himself, resulting in a not so charming faceplant in the dirt.
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As Steamed Bun attempts to run away from his pursuers, Concealed Light watches from above. His mathematical genius comes into play and, with his PMed instructions, Bun is able to shake off his enemies.
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Inside the building he's hiding in, Bun is surprised by Concealed Light again who has silently caught up to him. As the two of them hide inside, Concealed Light notices that Bun’s weapon was not an Orange weapon like he had predicted in his “Idiot” guides. (LOL is that the only thing you noticed, Light?) When asked, Bun cheerfully tells him that he's never used an Orange weapon before and Concealed Light looks shocked as he wonders how Lord Grim and Co. were able to set such quick dungeon records.
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At this point, Bun gets a message from Ye Xiu, asking him if he's gotten away yet. He sheepishly replies that he hasn't. When asked how many are pursuing him, Bun tells him that he'll have to ask his “brother in the well.” Ye Xiu reacts with confusion to this statement but writes it off as Steamed Bun being Steamed Bun and tells him to meet up at Congee Forest. Bun turns back to Concealed Light, asking him if he wanted to join up with him or lead the others away. Light gives him a look (“Why should I have to lure them away when the one they're chasing is you??”) before giving a resigned sigh and telling Bun to follow him.
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Back at the Internet cafe, Ye Xiu and Mucheng are talking with each other, with Mucheng telling him that the players chasing and attacking them are all level 33. Ye Xiu reacts to this: as the 10th server has only been released for a few weeks, the chances of one guild having so many high leveled characters is slim. His suspicions are confirmed elsewhere from Blue River’s (Xu Boyuan’s) perspective as he laughs over the title of the new chat group that was created by the various guilds who are after Lord Grim and Co. Within the chat, he finds out that the two rival guilds, Excellent Dynasty and Tyrannical Ambition, are working together, alongside guilds Samsara, Herb Garden, Hundred Blossoms, Misty Castle and Void Walk (all guilds backed by Clubs), with Blue Brook decidedly absent from this lineup. When asked to join, Blue River just laughs…
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In-game, Lord Grim shows off his skills while jumping from one tree to another in Congee Forest. His screen is suddenly bombarded by messages as Huang Shaotian logs in, asking for a duel. Ye Xiu tells him that he's busy and that he should try tomorrow. However, at exactly midnight, Shaotian messages him again, asking for a duel. With a sigh, Ye Xiu tells him to come to Congee Forest, as long as he doesn't find it too shameless to duel there.
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Tricked by the promise of a duel, Shaotian as Flowing Tree arrives in Congee Forest, only to find out that his target is the group of players currently chasing after Lord Grim. Shaotian reacts with anger and indignation but later dissolves into laughter when he finds out the reason that they're chasing after him. (“Hahah! Serves you right, taking records from new players!”) The look on Ye Xiu’s face as he takes off his headphones while Shaotian continues to laugh at him is priceless.
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As the players rush them, they notice Shaotian watching from the side. Recognizing him as one of the players who helped Lord Grim set his records, they begin to pursue him as well before they realize that Flowing Tree’s level (27) was too low to be of any threat to them: in other words, he was just trash! Incensed at being called “trash,” Shaotian chases after them like a maniac, hurling profanities and trash talk at them. Finally, two of them stop to take him on but he easily takes them out, amid a barrage of speech bubbles, even going so far as to take the Orange weapon one if them was holding. And, throughout it all, looking oh-so-cute, even when he's trash talking! (In the novel, he first takes out the player who called him “trash”; later, after taking some mana potions from Ye Xiu, he takes on the other player with the Orange sword.)
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Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he notices movement and he blocks the attack Lord Grim throws at him. After a seemingly mock battle with him, Shaotian trips not-so-gracefully after running out of mana. Ye Xiu shamelessly mocks him as he hands out a mana potion before he notices more players approaching.
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In the group chat, the players complain about Lord Grim and Flowing Tree as they are continually slaughtered by them. Shaotian keeps up with his machine-gun audio interference, choking and becoming dizzy from talking too much as Ye Xiu and Mucheng laugh at him in the background. (“To be able to talk until you get light-headed from lack of oxygen, you must be a genius!”)
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Things change when Shaotian notices that the players after them have changed strategies (in the novel, the players become more organized, forming groups of four while wandering around the forest). As the two Gods look from above, they notice one group comprised of mostly cloth and leather wearing opponents (in other words, players with less defence) and decide, with their limited mana, to take out this group first. They shoot forward as a heroic instrumental plays in the background. I love how they even animated Shaotian’s hair, that one antenna-like strand twitching along with his mood.
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At Excellent Era HQ, Chen Yehui, Guild Leader of Excellent Dynasty and the mastermind of this joint task force of guilds, is trying to organize all his troops in Congee Forest. Just as he's got Ye Xiu and Shaotian surrounded with the help of the other Guild Leaders, an explosion from behind knocks Samsara’s Guild Leader, Lonely Drink, to the ground.
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Mucheng and Yifan to the rescue! Looks like they've caught up! With Mucheng shooting at everyone, the tables have turned! At the same time, Tang Rou, Steamed Bun and Concealed Light also arrive to help out. From the side, Chen Yehui angrily messages his teams but is interrupted by Shaotian as he attacks (in the novel, the first one Shaotian attacks is Lonely Drink from Samsara, not Chen Yehui from Excellent Dynasty). As they fight, Shaotian fills the screen with speech bubbles, causing Ye Xiu to reprimand him.
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Suddenly, Shaotian hears mumbling from somewhere and he notices Concealed Light discussing tactics with himself behind a tree. As he continues his rant, his inattention to his surroundings causes him to slam into a tree, making Shaotian laugh his head off. Ye Xiu tells Steamed Bun to fall back and he does, only for him to walk straight into some friendly fire from the nervous Concealed Light. His mistake causes him to walk into a tree again, and Ye Xiu tells them to hurry and form a party to avoid such a mishap again. Noticing the name of the noob-like Summoner, Ye Xiu is surprised at his luck for finding the elusive writer of the Idiot Guides.
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However, Ye Xiu’s luck is about to run out as, outside of the game, he starts getting calls from customers in the Internet cafe who need his assistance. As he tries to deal with his in-game commanding and his Internet cafe customers, his conversations confuse not just his pursuers but his team members (we find out that Steam Bun/Bao Rongxing hasn't left the cafe yet and is playing beside Tang Rou).
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Guild Leaders Lonely Drink (Samsara) and Cold Night (Tyrannical Ambition) try to get away but are stopped by Lord Grim and Co. Shaotian, regarding the entire battle like some game, asks everyone how many players they've killed, the one who kills the least is the loser! Ye Xiu laughs, saying that Shaotian has already lost as he had already killed 11. Being the competitive guy that he is, Shaotian chatters out an angry battle cry while the Guild Leaders cry for an entirely different reason.
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There were quite a few points that I liked in this episode and the main one was the interaction between the characters. I have to admit, the relationship between Concealed Light and Steamed Bun was not only ridiculously funny, it was turning into one hot mess. It's a huge difference when compared to the teamwork of Ye Xiu and Shaotian, or the teamwork of Ye Xiu with Mucheng. Granted, Light and Bun haven't known each other for very long while the other three have been competing alongside each other for years. Still, I'm not-so-secretly shipping Light and Bun together and, with their contrasting personalities, it's going to be a wild and highly amusing ride! I hope to see more interaction with them in the future! Now, what do we have coming up in the next episode?
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Looks like the pros of Tyranny are finally coming out to play! I see some Zhang Xinjie and Han Wenqing action! And where is this taking place? Another arena or Line Canyon? The Striker that Han is playing with doesn't look like his Desert Dust, judging from posters previously seen in the series. And is that some cuddle-time for Ye Xiu and MuMu? Well, guess we'll find out in the next (and possibly last episode for this season?) episode! 再見!
Profile of the Week: Luo Ji’s Summoner, Concealed Light  (Look at those baggy pants!)
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