#another for the ''stuff stolen by Atlus'' list XD
twilightknight17 · 10 months
Today on P5T, I have several questions. I also shake my fist at Atlus a bunch for reasons unrelated to those questions.
My dear darling Lavenza has come up with a ritual that allows us to combine two personas to forge into weapons. The weapons are expensive, but they’re better than the ones in the shop, and it solves my problem of buying/selling weapons being in two separate menus. Now I can do it all in the Velvet Room!
Lavenza is also anthropomorphizing the forge. Some people have dolls. Some people have Featherman action figures. Lavenza has heavy forge equipment.
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Erina is also having a minor existential crisis, and I’m kind of impressed they brought this up. Because… yeah. Erina might not be a real person? But I don’t think we’ve had a cognition that’s like… this real. So it’s going to be really upsetting if we have to lose her in the end because she’s not “real”. But the Thieves promise that no matter what, she’s their friend.
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The squad hanging out in Leblanc is super cute. We’re making sure Yusuke is fed, we’re playing Tycoon with the actual cards… So I can only assume that Akira manifested them out of his head for them, since they were from the Thieves Den. XD
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Yusuke contemplates love, Morgana worries about whether he or Ann is more of a prince, and we go on a whole quest to resolve it.
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It turns out okay in the end.
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Erina is getting some character development in the direction of being slightly less reckless, and Toshiro is getting some physical development in being a little less of a wimp. But that’s not going to save the pair of them from the horrible names that both of them keep coming up with for these missions. XD
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We go on a few missions to free more townsfolk and disrupt more garrisons, and once we have enough backup, Toshiro and Futaba put together a plan to storm the castle. Once again, we ask the townsfolk to be a distraction while we infiltrate through a secret passage. But this time, instead of going out in disguises, it’s the townsfolk who are going to be dressed up. Thanks to Yusuke and the owner of the silk shop, everyone is ready to confuse the hell out of the guards, and it’s great.
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Seriously questioning if all Persona security cameras have this weird eye motif and I’m just reading too much into it.
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It becomes very obvious that Yuki is attached to and protective of Toshiro, for reasons that make me think that this lady represents his mom. Once we get into the castle, she makes a comment about how it’s different than it was last time she was there, which makes me think his mom left his dad? Toshiro says she passed away, but maybe that was after she left, or maybe his dad just told Toshiro she died?
This castle is really cool, though. All painted screens and floral and stuff.
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Toshiro and Yuki head off together to find a path through the new castle layout while the Thieves hold off the guards. They find this really cool door, which opens basically from Toshiro’s thoughts.
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The door leads them to… the rooftop amusement park from Ai: the Somnium Files? Toshiro goes into a full-blown panic attack? There’s a woman’s voice screaming at him, blaming him for something, and he thinks whatever “it” is, is his fault, because he “lied”? Yuki is almost definitely a representation of his mother???
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But the Thieves are on the way, and the next battle is nigh, and so let’s just save the game and--
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Anyway! ^_^;;;
My only real observation for today is that the Kingdoms so far seem to be following vaguely the same vibes as the Palaces. Big dramatic European castle, Feudal Japan themes… if the next one is vaguely like the Bank, I’m gonna have questions. XDDD
Tomorrow, we take out this amusement park, and hopefully beat the shit out of Yoshiki!
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