#another kidnapping au! bc that's something i've always been into apparently
onewfantaesy · 4 years
so keep in mind i wrote this story in 2014 when i was still in high school lmao so it’s definitely not the best. not the worst thing i’ve ever written, and probably better than some stuff just bc it’s actually finished lmao (but i’m gonna upload it as the 4 separate chapters) but don’t expect too much. anyways it’s called:
His Mother’s Son (1/4)
Taemin's never done anything illegal, so why is he sitting in an interrogation room at the police station staring at a one-way mirror? His name is not his name. His brother is not his brother. His parents are not his parents. And his whole life has just been turned upside down.
Taemin’s been an idol for almost a year now. The 15 year old, for his entire almost-year of fame, has never done anything illegal, so he wracks his brain for why he’s sitting in an interrogation room at the police station. His manager said he had something he needed to do by himself, and Taemin thought it was an interview or something. This is definitely not the type of interview he had in mind.
The room was well lit, but the cold metal table and the one way mirror on the far left wall made him unbelievably frightened. He could only hear his rapid heartbeat in his ears and his shaky breaths. This had to be some sort of mistake, he hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Lee Taemin?” The door creaked open loudly, and the female cop entered the room.
“Yes?” Taemin tried to appear calm, but his rapid blinking gave him away. He internally cursed himself when the nervous habit decided to show itself.
“I’m Officer Shin. There are some things I need to discuss with you,” she said, and she smiled kindly at Taemin, but it only made him blink even more.
“What - What did I do?” Taemin’s voice shakes, and the room suddenly feels very cold.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Taemin, but there are some things you need to know.” 
Officer Shin took two photos out from the yellow manila folder held in her hands. She lays photos of his parents down on the table, and Taemin feels his throat close up when he realizes they’re mug shots. She speaks their names and asks if they are Taemin’s parents.
“Yes, ma’am,” Taemin says. It’s only then he realize she asked if his parents go by those names. “What do you mean, ‘go by’?”
The officer sighs, putting on a sympathetic gaze that Taemin’s multiple years of idol training and experience can tell is genuine.
“Taemin, they’re not your parents, they’re your kidnappers.”
Taemin feels like the walls are closing in on him, and the air isn’t making its way to Taemin’s lungs and he feels like he’s suffocating. Suddenly, Taemin starts laughing, looking over at the one way mirror before looking back at Officer Shin.
“This is a secret camera, right? This is for a show? Ha ha, very funny.” Taemin’s laughter feels forced, and his hands are shaking. He turns back to the one way mirror, “This isn’t funny anymore, hyung! I wanna go back to the dorm!” Taemin hopes his manager is on the other side of the glass.
“Taemin, this is not a joke, this is very real,” Officer Shin tries to calm him down, and Taemin is running his fingers through his hair in distress.
“W-What about my brother? What about Taesun?” Taemin takes in a shaky breath.
“He isn’t your brother. He was kidnapped as well,” she informs him slowly, not wanting to upset the boy any further.
“What do you mean he’s not my brother? He’s Taesun and I’m Taemin! We’re brothers!” Taemin shouts.
“His name is not Taesun, and your name is not Taemin,” she says calmly.
“My name is Taemin! I’m Lee Taemin! My brother is Lee Taesun! I’m the lead dancer of SHINee! I wasn’t kidnapped!” Taemin feels a pressure build up behind his eyes, and he fights back the urge to cry.
“Please, I want to go home,” Taemin begs the officer; he wants to back to the dorm and pretend this never happened.
“We found out because of SHINee, Taemin. Your real parents saw your picture and they knew it was you. Taemin, you are going to go home, but to different parents, and different brothers,” she put her hands on his shoulders, telling him to calm down.
“What about SHINee? And those are my real parents, and he’s my real brother!” Taemin points at the pictures of the table.
“Your parents will decide whether or not you can continue with SHINee, but right now, we need to take you home,” Officer Shin tells him.
“How do you know these people are really my parents, huh? I don’t remember ever being kidnapped!” Taemin’s voice is shaking and he’s scared.
“This is a picture of you now,” she pulls a recent SHINee photo of him out of her folder and places it on the table, “and this is you from before you were kidnapped.”
“How do you know that’s me? That could be anyone!” Taemin tells her, shaking his head.
“The fingerprints we took when you first came in, we matched them to the ones we had on file of Kim Jaehyun. Now, let’s go get your things,” Officer Shin leads him out of the room, and he sees his manager sitting down with his head in his hands.
“Hyung, hyung please tell me this is a secret camera, please!” Taemin feels the tears roll down his cheeks as he begs his manager.
“I’m so sorry, Taemin, I’m so sorry,” he shakes his head, his face full of guilt, “Let’s go get your stuff, okay?”
“No. No! They’re my parents! He’s my brother! This is a mistake!” Taemin sobs as his manager leads him back to the van, Officer Shin following behind them.
Taemin feels numb as he sits in the back of the van. He stares out the window, watching as the cars pass by and the world around him moves in one big blur. This isn’t happening. This is a bad dream; a nightmare.
“Jaehyun. Jaehyun, we’re here.”
Taemin glares at the officer, telling her, “My name is Taemin.” 
His eyes stay narrow, and she only sighs at him.
“Let’s go pack your things.” 
Taemin follows after her only when his manager talks to him, telling him everything is going to be okay.
When they arrive at SHINee’s dorm, Taemin is annoyed that the officer keeps calling him by that other name, and he runs to Jinki the second he sees the older boy standing in the living room.
“Hyung!” Taemin wraps his arms around the leader, and suddenly it once again feels like his whole world is crumbling around him. “Hyung, tell her my name is Taemin! Tell me this is a joke!” Taemin feels the tears start to spill over his eyes again, and he can tell that Jinki is confused by the slow way the older wraps his arms around him.
“What’s going on?” Jinki asks slowly, and soon the other members are gathered around because of the noise.
“Jaehyun, you need to calm down,” officer Shin tells him, but Taemin only shakes his head.
“My name is Taemin!” he nearly shouts at her, and he can tell his members are getting worried.
She sends his manager to pack his things, and the members ask if Taemin is going to prison or something.
“What did you do?” Kibum asks, his eyes wide as he looks at the youngest clinging to the eldest.
“I didn’t do anything!” Taemin sobs. “And neither did my parents!”
“They are not your real parents,” Officer Shin says in that infuriatingly calm voice.
“Yes they are!” Taemin feels like he can’t breathe, and he feels Jinki sitting down with him on the couch and he wants to wake up from this horrible nightmare.
“You’re right, your parents didn’t do anything. Your kidnappers, however, abducted you and another boy thirteen years ago. Kim Jaehyun went missing twelve years ago when he was two years old, and he was finally found when his parents spotted him on an idol poster.” Officer Shin’s patience was growing thin with the boy.
“Then that makes Kim Jaehyun fourteen years old! I’m fifteen, you have the wrong person!” Taemin argued.
“Your kidnappers changed your birthday, now we’re going to take you to your biological parents for you to meet your family. Say goodbye to your friends, because we’re leaving.” 
She motioned to the manager to get the boy and follow her, and was annoyed when instead the manger came over to her and spoke to her in a hushed voice.
“Has it not occurred to you that his entire life just got turned upside down less than two hours ago? Yelling at him like that is not going to help.” 
The man couldn’t stand to see one of the boy’s he protects be treated so poorly.
“I have given him time to accept what is happening. Now, I suggest you put his things in the van and take us back to the police station so another officer and I can take him to his family, who, might I add, have been waiting for their child to return for twelve years.” She narrows her eyes at the man before turning on her heel and walking down to the parking garage.
When they arrived back at the station, Taemin’s things were moved into the back of a cop car, and Taemin was told Officer Shin and Officer An would take him to his family.
“Hyung?” Taemin looks over at his manager, “Hyung, please don’t leave me.”
“I’m sorry, Taemin, but I can’t go.” He hugs the young boy close. “If you need anything at all, you call me, okay?”
Taemin nods, staring at his manager until the station is no longer in sight. He looks out the window his entire trip, the numb feeling in his chest coming back. He pinches his arm, and is depressed when he finds that it does in fact hurt. He was really hoping this was some crazy dream.
“Where’s my brother?” Taemin asks, wondering if Taesun is okay.
“He is with his own family.” Officer Shin sighs, rubbing his head from the headache this case is giving her.
“I wanna talk to him,” Taemin says quietly, hoping they’ll let him call him or something.
“Your family has said you are not allowed any contact,” Shin says in a tight voice, and Taemin narrows his eyes at the back of her head.
“Why not?” Taemin growls, unable to believe that his so called family would not allow him to talk to his own brother.
“Because he is not really your brother, now keep quiet,” Shin snaps, and Taemin goes back to staring out the window.
“He isn’t a prisoner, so I suggest you stop treating him as such,” An tells her, and Taemin smirks at the scolding.
When they pull up in front of a house, and Shin is getting out to remove his bags from the trunk, Taemin doesn’t move; he only continues to stare out the window at the house looming in front of him.
“Please, take me back home,” Taemin chokes out, unable to believe that this is reality.
“You are home,” An says softly, and Taemin looks over at the male officer.
“How can this be home if I don’t even know what street we’re on?” Taemin asks, and the officer sighs.
“Come, we’ll go introduce you to your family.” An holds his hand out, and Taemin puts his shaky one in his, and he’s being pulled out of the car and walking toward the front door.
The door opens revealing a woman who looked almost exactly like Taemin.
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