#another part of the post I've divided into smaller posts! apologies for the possible confusion!
oops-its-a-fanwork · 10 months
Legendary pokémon Sans and Papyrus
Og!Sans and Og!Papyrus legendary pokémonsters au, tagged Lepom Sans and Papyrus now :3
Read about the premise of the au here and about the Ebotti region here!
In this case, Sans and Papyrus are from a long lineage of the protector pokémon of the Ebotti region: protecting any life within, and keeping everything healthy and balanced. They are shapeshifters, able to change their form to become like any other pokémon, or even like a human! They share the same duties of keeping everyone safe and sound, although they both execute them differently:
Papyrus is seen most often, in disguise or not, and tends to go near populated areas to play with young humans and pokémon alike. Usually joining them in races, asking questions and generally being energetic and enthusiastic, which the kids love. He’s the cool dude of the town who has the most interesting fashion around, but makes it work for him (yes, the basketball shoulder pads are real and they are homemade <3). Again, genuinely a cool dude. He loves regional celebrations and other interesting cultural things and tries to understand and share them with whoever he meets! That includes the pokémon around the region, who don’t really understand why these candies are so special around this time of the year, but who are happy to receive their gifts anyways.   He’s very helpful! If you need to be somewhere, anywhere in the region actually, he can tell you how to get there! He’ll even escort you! He does outpace you quite a bit on foot though, so you might end up driving him there. He enjoys cars a lot, as they are endlessly fascinating, so now you have a very excited buddy in the seat next to you! He for sure makes the ride more interesting, and is definitely the kind of person to call out cool things along the road (the kind that yells ”Horses!” when there's horses u know?).   Papyrus is unofficially in charge of peacekeeping at day. He resolves conflicts with fun challenges, he makes people and pokémon talk things out, and he takes the injured to places that can help them, which tend to be pokécenters or hospitals. He doesn't need a lot of sleep, but he does get somewhat quieter or slightly less energetic at night.
Sans, on the other hand, is a laid back kind of pokémon person who you can often encounter when walking through town. He’s always hanging around, sleeping or joking with some people, and if you’re looking for him you’ll find him eventually for sure! No one knows where he lives though. Actually, he kinda just appears outta nowhere. How did he get here?   He tells jokes and plays small pranks on whoever is around. He will always check out any newcomer to the area, whether they are staying for the long run or just passing through, and although he’s always polite enough, one can't help but feel a little…. judged, that first time. He is a great judge of character though, and if he deems you ok, you guys will get along juuuust fine. If he senses trouble, however, little things may happen that will... unnerve this person enough to leave pretty quickly. He is a protector of this region after all. He looks after everyone's safety!    Speaking of everyone's safety, this dude is in charge of keeping the night quiet and peaceful. At night, the more mischievous pokémon come out to play, and Sans is spectacular at distracting and entertaining them if they are getting into trouble, or at boring them until they choose to leave. He’s great at dodging any playful attacks too of course, and it has become a way of playing for some pokémon. He uses his being awake at night as an excuse to ‘sleep’ everywhere at day, but he, too, doesn’t need a lot of sleep to function at all. He just likes to relax :)
Besides their shapeshifting ability, they are also both adept at levitation and especially gravity magic. Additionally, both Sans and Papyrus can use shortcuts, which they use to get around the region. They know it like the back of their hand, and they can move between human- and pokémon-populated areas in the blink of an eye! Papyrus, however, always makes it a show to actually let people believe he walked there, which sometimes he does! And when he mentions he was at a landmark on the other side of the region just a few minutes ago, well, people think he’s such a humorous person :) Sans, on the other hand, just leaves the bathroom stall of the little café you’re in when you’ve been talking about him, (or about his brother, or about something relevant to his interests,) even though you haven't seen him enter the building in the two hours you’ve been here. They are both very adept at not answering your questions about their whereabouts though ;3
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