#ans getting hugs from sof????? who are they
dkarchives-blog · 7 years
Sofia Breaks Her Arm | Boxing Babes
Scarlett was happy. Beyond happy, actually. Things were good and today was seemingly perfect. The Parkers all decided to get out, almost for a family reunion of sorts, and all meet up at the park. There was music, good food, and even better company. What could she possibly ask more for? Scarlett, after talking to one of Manuel's cousins, made her way over to the table Manuel was sitting at, which was mostly boys as they all wanted to catch up with him. Scarlett proceeded over to him, slipping her arms around his neck from behind and leaning forward to press a kiss to her cheek before she rested her head on his shoulder. "Hi," Scarlett murmured gently with a grin. Her bright eyes flickered over to Manuel's mother, who had Victor, and over to the play area where she watched Sofia for a moment before her eyes shifted back to Manuel.
Family days had been rare since Scarlett's accident, mostly because they had decided to step away from all of that while she recovered. It felt nice to be with their family though, he knew how much Scar adored it all. His smile widened as he felt Scarlett's arms around him, his hands resting on top of her hands as he leaned back against her. "Hey, gorgeous." He smiled widely, turning his head to kiss hers gently. "Let's go look at our kids over there, yeah?"
Scarlett grinned widely at Manuel greeted her, humming gently in content as he kissed her. She then nodded easily, pulling back a little to allow Manuel to stand. Scarlett was happy. She was finally feeling good again and was surrounded by loved ones. For Scarlett it really didn't get much better than that. "Yeah," she replied with a grin, kissing Manuel's temple. As Manuel stood, Scarlett offered him her hand as she couldn't help but laugh. "You know, every time I come to one of these things, I swear, your family multiplies, Manu. How is it that there's still relatives I haven't met?"
Manuel grinned as he took her hand, lacing his fingers with hers and kissing her cheek and leading her over to the park where their kids were playing around. "Oh God, even I don't know all of them yet." He said playfully, his eyes moving from her to their kids.
Scarlett grinned widely as he kissed her cheek, moving closer to him to slip an arm around his waist. She couldn't help but smile even more as her eyes settled on their children before laughing at his words. "That gives me no hope for myself." Scar replied playfully. That was when Sofia spotted them. "Mommy! Daddy!" She yelled before running over to them both and hugging both of their legs because of their close proximity.
Manu laughed lightly, knowing that she was perfectly right about all of it. Before he could say anything else though, he felt Sofia'a arms around his legs and he chuckled. "Hey, kiddo." He said eagerly, wrapping his arm around her tightly. "What are you up to, princess?"
Scarlett grinned widely as Sofia ran up to them, giggling softly. "Hi, babygirl." She replied easily. Sofia made grabby hands at Manuel as he wrapped an arm around her, looking up at her father with a grin. "Climbing the jungle gym! I'm really good at it," she assured him as she nodded quickly.
Manuel chuckled as Sofia asked to be picked up, since she was definitely not so little anymore. He still picked her up and kissed her head, hugging her before setting her back down carefully. "Ohh. Yeah? Show us, please!" He exclaimed excitedly.
Scarlett giggled as she watched he exchange between the two, leaning over to kiss Sofia's head as well before nodding eagerly. "Go ahead, baby." She urged and Sofia nodded quickly before running over to the jungle gym once again.
Once Sofia ran to the jungle gym once again, Manu slipped his finger into one of the loops of Scarlett's jeans to pull her closer and kissed her head. "God, she needs to stop growing up."
Scarlett grinned widely as Manuel pulled her closer by her belt loop, stepping back to lean her back against his front. She hummed softly at his words before nodding a little. "We can just tell her that she grows in size, sure, but that she always stays the same age. That way she can stay home forever," Scarlett suggested easily as she watched Sofia begin to climb.
Manuel smirked a little at her words, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and leaning his heaf against hers gently. "Oh wow. You already have a mastermind done and everything, huh? Wow. That is rather impressive." He said easily as he looked over at Sofia as well.
Scarlett's hands moved to overlap Manuel's hand as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Totally. I've been thinking really hard about this whole thing." She replied with a soft laugh. It was then, though, that Sofia slipped from the jungle gym and came tumbling down to the ground, a cry of pain leaving her lips as she landed on her arms. Scarlett could have sworn her heart stopped. "Sofia," she breathed out quickly before running over to her daughter and kneeling down next to her. Sofia, on the other hand, immediately began sobbing. "I-I can't m-move it," Sofia said through her tears as she held her arm. "Okay, baby. It's gonna be okay, I promise," Scarlett said quickly as her face masked over with panic before she scooped her daughter up into her arms to cradle her carefully.
Manuel chuckled at her words, turning his habd right on tine to see their daughter fall onto the ground. He was running towards her as soon as it happened, a frown on his face. "It's okay, baby. Please, calm down." He said eagerly, watching them intently as Scarlett cradled her in her arms and then offering to carry her to the car. "It might be broken, Scar. Let's go. There is a hospital near."
"I got her. You drive," Scarlett replied quickly, her eyes moving down to Sofia as she looked at her intently as she followed behind Manuel. Scarlett prayed it wasn't broken as she carried her sobbing daughter in her arms but honestly, that was the only explanation she could come up with. "T! Take Victor!" Scarlett called out as she proceeded to the car.
Manuel nodded quickly, opening the car door for her and then running to the driver's side. Theresa nodded quickly. "Of course. Please let us know how it goes. I'll ry to wrap this up real quick and meet you guys therr." She said as quickly as she could before Manuel staryed the car and began driving.
"Thank you!" Scar called out before climbing into the seat, keeping Sofia close to her as she stroked her hair. "It's gonna be okay, baby. We're gonna take care of it. It's okay," she whispered, pulling her even tighter as Manuel began driving.
"Of course it will be okay, baby. It will be fine. Doctors will check on you and it'll be nice." Manuel said eagerly, reaching over to rest his hand on Scarlett's shoulder carefully. "It'll be okay, my love. We are almost there, Sof. You're doing really good."
"See? Daddy wouldn't lie to you, would he?" Scarlett gently, raising an eyebrow down at Sofia who shook her head gently. Scar leaned down to kiss Sofia's head, taking a deep breath. "We love you, sweetheart. We won't let anything happen to you. We're gonna make you better."
Manuel focused on getting to the hospital as fast as he could, trying to keep calm as much as he could until they finally arrived. "We're here." He said quickly, running to open the passenger door for them. "Here, pass her to me, babe. I'm faster."
Scarlett waited until Manuel opened the door for them before handing Sofia off to him so that she could handle any paperwork there was. "Go. I'm right behind you." She replied quickly, climbing out of the car and running behind them.
Manuel did as she asked him to ans moved to the entrance, immediately finding a nurse and ecplaining that he was sure his daughter had broke her arm and how. Once that was done, the nurse led them to a cubicle as they waited for the doctor. "Scar, you shoukd stay with her. I'll go get paperwork done."
Scarlett caught up to Manuel and Sofia easily, placing a hand on his back to let him know she was there. She immediately frowned even more at his words before shaking her head. "No, no. You stay with her. She's a daddy's girl," she replied quickly before leaning down to kiss Sofia's head who only continued crying from the pain.
Manuel sighed a little, nodding and sitting down next to Sofia on the bed as he wrappes his arm around her. "Okay. Go ahead." He said easily, making sure that their daughter could let go of her armbto get a good look at it.
Scarlett shelled out to begin filing the paperwork, leaving Sofia and Manuel. Sofia cuddled up as much as she could next to Manuel as she cried, looking down at her arm. "I-It hurts," she huffed through her tears.
"I know, baby girl. But I'm here. The doctor will fix it." Manuel said as hd ran his fingers through her hair carefully. He let out a small breath as the doctor came up to them, introducing herself ans then moving to check Sofia's arm to see where it hurt. "Okay, sweetie. We are going to do some x-rays to make sure. But you will be fine. It's not something to be worried about. Yeah? This very nice nurse will take you and your dad can go with you, okay?" She said gently.
Sofia tried her best to stop crying although to no avail she continued. She nodded at her father's words, crying a bit harder as the doctor checked her arm. Sofia nodded at the doctors words before turning to her father. "W-What's an x-ray?" Sof asked gently as she sniffled.
Manuel picked Sof up to sit her down on the wheelchair gently, smiling at her. "It's like...pictures of your bones. Under your skin, you know? To see if they are broken or not." He explained easily, following hr and the nurse to do the xray.
Sofia nodded her head gently at his words as her free hand wiped at her eyes. "I-Its broken?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows as she looked up at him.
"We will see if it is. But it'll be okay. I have broken several bones and I'm okay, see?" He said easily, sending her a small smile her way to try and make her feel better. "Okay. Let's do this and then we will figure it out."
It was then that Scarlett emerged into the hospital room, immediately proceeding to Manuel and Sofia. "Hey, babies." Scarlett murmured gently, turning to Sofia and pouring a bit. "How are you feeling, my sweet girl?"
Manuel and Sofia were both on the bed in the tiny cubicle still in the emergrncy room awaiting for Scarlett and, obviously, the doctor to give them news about her condition. Once he saw Scarlett, Manuel smiled and lrt his daughter speak up. "It hurts, mommy. Can we go?"
Scarlett frowned at her daughters words as she took a seat next to Sofia. "I know it does, baby. But not yet, okay? Just a little bit longer and you'll be out of here. Promise." Scar assured Sofia gently, kissing the top of her daughters head. "You're supposed to hang on to the monkey bars, silly. Not let go," Scarlett murmured with a small smile, trying to make Sofia feel even a little bit better.
Scarlett frowned at her daughters words as she took a seat next to Sofia. "I know it does, baby. But not yet, okay? Just a little bit longer and you'll be out of here. Promise." Scar assured Sofia gently, kissing the top of her daughters head. "You're supposed to hang on to the monkey bars, silly. Not let go," Scarlett murmured with a small smile, trying to make Sofia feel even a little bit better.
Manuel watched their exchange intently. He knew that he was a good father but he couldn't even compare to good of a mother Scarlett was. She was simply amazing with their children. Once Sofia was aboit to reply to her though, the fmdoctor came back with a small smile on her face. "Okay, Sofia. You're going to need a cast for the next month and a half. And that's it. You will be back to playing in the park in no time. Promise. And you will take some meds and that's it, okay?" She explained easily as she began getting things ready.
Even as the doctor returned, Scarlett kept her eyes on her daughter. She brushed the hair from Sofia's face gently as the doctor spoke, nodding her head a little. "A cast is this hard thing that goes around your arm, baby. Wanna know why it's cool? Because you can get whoever you want to sign or draw on it. Isn't that special?" Scarlett asked with a grin, tucking some of Sofia's curls behind her ear.
"Really?" Sofia asked eagerly, managing a wide smile as she looked up at her mother while the doctor began working on the cast on her arm. "Can you and daddy and Victor sign it for me?"
"Really," Scarlett replied easily as a grin spread wide across her lips upon finally seeing her daughter smile. "Of course, baby. We would love to. Aunt T, grandma, and all your friends can sign it, too." Scar replied quickly before leaning over to kiss Sofia's head. "Right, Manu?"
"Of course. I can't wait to sign it, baby ." Manuel said gently, smiling and then moving his eyes to focus om what the doctor was doing as she began on her arm. "Thank you." Sofia said as she closed her eyes.
Scarlett grinned widely, just relieved that Sofia has stopped crying. Scar then moved behind Sofia so her daughter was in between her legs, that way she could be closer to Manu and Sofia. She let the doctor put on the cast as she grabbed Manuel's hand. "She's as tough as you," Scar told Manuel gently with a grin.
Manuel laced their fingers together, taking a deep breath as Scarlett looked up to him. "Maybe as tough as you." He said playfully, looking down at his daughter with a warm smile since she seemed to be a little champ. "Its almost done, baby." He said to her.
Scarlett laughed softly at Manuel's words, shaking her head a little. "Says the boxer," she replied as she rolled her eyes playfully at him. Sofia looked up at her father as she heard his words. "Have you had a cast before, daddy?" Sof asked gently as she looked up at Manu in complete adoration.
Manuel chuckled a little as Scarlett spoke up, shrugging. "Well, I train for that." He said easily, looking at her and then back at their daughter. "Oh, yeah. All the time. And I'm all good, see?"
"Which makes you even more tough!" Scar exclaimed as she couldn't help but laugh. Sofia smiled up at her parents as they spoke, nodding her head quickly at her father's words. "Because you're strong, daddy."
Manuel laughed a little at their words, shrugging a little and then leaning down to kiss the top of Sofia's head as the doctor finished the cast. "Okay. You are all done. She will need some pain killers for a week and then the rest will be good." She said easily, iling at them.
Scarlett grinned as Manuel kissed Sofia's head, then clapping as the doctor finished speaking. "You're done, Sofi!" Scar exclaimed before leaning down to kiss the top of her head quickly. "Now we can head home, okay?"
"Yay!" Sofia said excitedly, sniffling gently and moving to stand so they could leave since she was definitely not a fan of hospitals. "Okay. Let's go home now. Everyone is already there waiting for Sofi."
Scarlett grinned at her daughters words, moving to wipe any remaining tears from her face gently. Scarlett moved from behind Sofia before scooping her up into her arms. "With yummy food, too." She replied easily.
Sofia nodded eagerly and wrapped herself around Scarlett carefully, leaning her head on her shoulder gently. Manuel grinned at the sight, beginning to lead them out. "You look pretty even with the cast on, Sofi." He said playfully, kissing her head.
Scarlett grinned as Sofia wrapped herself around her, exhaling softly in relief before she followed behind Manuel. Scar giggled at Manuel's words, nodding gently in agreement. "Beautiful as always, babygirl. I couldn't even pull that off!"
"Yes! Thank you, mommy." Sofia said with a giggle, nodding her head and then leaning her head back down on her mother's shoulder. "You and daddy are the prettiest parents." She said, sounding more sleepy than anything.
Scarlett giggled at her daughters words, keeping one arm wrapped tightly around her while the other moved up and down her back gently. She laughed once again at Sofia's words, kissing the top of her head gently. "Then that means we have the prettiest babies then, hm?" She asked gently.
"Vic and I, yes!" Sofia said excitedly, giggling. Manuel looked back at her with a wide grin and then opened the passenger door for then. "M'ladies."
"And don't you forget it," Scar replied with a grin before thanking Manuel as he opened the door before climbing in easily.
Manuel climbed into the car and began driving back home, honestly thankful for the fact that Sofia was okay. She would always be his little girl. "Do you want some ice cream, baby girl?" He asked Sofia, smiling over at Scarlett.
Scarlett kissed the top of Sofia's head several ones as she held her in her lap, making her daughter giggle. Sofia then grinned widely at her father's offer before nodding quickly. "Yes, please!" She exclaimed which only made Scar laugh.
"Okay. McDonald's? Wendy's? Ben & Jerry's?" He asked with a small laugh since he was sure that would be the case.
"McDonald's because mommy is hungry," Scar whispered into Sofia's ear although she had no doubt that Manuel could hear it too. "McDonald's!" Sofia exclaimed through her laughter, then turning to grin widely up at Scar.
Manuel let out a laugh as he heard Scarlett whisper in Sofia's ear, shaking his head playfully at her and poking her side. "Does mommy want McDonalds or just Sofi?"
Scarlett groaned playfully at Manuel's question, and Sofia couldn't help but giggle even more. "Mommy! Mommy's hungry, daddy."
Manuel laughed even more when Sofia didn't hesitate to tell the truth, since she was far too innocent. "Oh, really?!" He exclaimed playfully, leaning voer to kiss Scar's cheek gently as they got to the drive thru.
"Sofia!" Scar exclaimed with wide eyes as her daughter ratted her out, making her laugh as her daughter erupted into a fit of giggles. "Oh, really." Scar replied as she hugged Sofia to her, grinning widely as Manuel pulled into the drive thru. "Two cheeseburgers, a large fry, and a coke, please. Oh, a vanilla ice cream, too. Right, Sof?" Scar asked Sofia who nodded quickly.
Manuel laughed gently, nosding quickly as she asked him to order for them and adding another fry for Victor. "You are gonna eat two cheeseburgers? Tell me your secret." He said playfully, eyeing her playfully since Scar was always so fit. Not that he could say anything about it.
Scarlett smirked as she heard Manuel's question, nodding easily and resting her chin on Sofia's head. "Oh, yeah, babe. The secret is just being really, /really hungry." She replied playfully. "I was helping T out all morning, I worked up an appetite." She elaborated easily, hugging Sof close to her.
"Oh but of course. Real hungry." Manuel said eagerly, leaning over to peck her lips and then running his fingers through Sofia's hair. "I know you work super hard, babe."
Scarlett laughed softly, pecking his lips back quickly before she kissed Sofia's head. "Hm, you do, too. Harder than anyone I know."
"Well, I try." Manu said gently, smiling at her and then picking up their food when it was given to him as he thanked them softly. "Ready to go home?"
Scarlett grinned at his response before taking the food from him easily and setting it next to her. She made sure Sof was settled with her ice cream before she began eating her fries. "Ready," she replied easily before placing a fry in front of Manu's mouth.
Manu took the fry in his mouth and then began driving back home, more than happy since he knew that Sof needed her rest. Before he knew it, Manu was parking at their house and moving to open the door for them. "Home sweet home."
Scarlett grinned widely as Manuel took the fry and began driving, sighing softly in content as before she knew it he pulled up to their home.  "Thank you, baby," Scar said quickly before setting Sofia down on the ground before she climbed out of the car, grabbing the food.
"Of course." Manuel grinned a little, taking a hold of Sofia's hand to begin leading her inside and closing the door once Scar was inside. Immediately, his mother and Theresa walked out into the living room. "How is she?"
Scarlett followed behind Manuel and Sofia inside, looking up as soon as she heard the question regarding Sofia. Scarlett smiled a little, setting the food on a nearby counter. "She's okay. She break her arm but the doctor's confident she'll have a fast recovery."
Sofia hugged her grandmother and moved to sit to eat her ice cream as Manu picked up Victor and beginning to give him the ice cream so Scarlett could eat her food. "Yeah and she is not in pain anymore. It's okay. Shes on painkillers so she might end up falling asleep soon."
Scarlett stood at the counter and began eating since she was definitely hungry, humming softly at Manuel's words and nodding a little. "She's a little champ, though. Just like her dad," Scar added with a grin before continuing to eat.
Manuel smiled as his mother nodded and immediately moved to Sofia to check on her and to talk to her. Manu looked back down at Scar and grinned. "She's gonna get spoiled this entire month, I bet you."
Scarlett grinned widely at Manuel's words, letting a small laugh emit from her lips. "Oh, you mean more so than usual?" She asked teasingly as she raised an eyebrow over at him. It wasn't like either of them could help it, really.
"So much more. Look at my mom with her right now." He said teasingly, letting out a small laugh and then moving to get some water from the fridge only to see their youngest child running towards him and oicking him up. "Hey, buddy."
Scarlett looked up at Sofia and Manuel's mom before laughing softly, shaking her head a little. "I'm not surprised at all," she replied playfully before grinning widely as she saw Victor run into the kitchen. "Hi, baby," she greeted him gently as she leaned over to kiss his forehead gently. "We got you some French fries, do you want them?" Scar asked as she moved to pull them from the bag.
Victor giggled as his mother mentioned french fries, nodding eagerly and making grabby hands at her. Manuel laughed lightly, taking the frnech fries since he wasnt eating and began feeding them to Victor easily.
Scarlett giggled as Victor made grabby hands at the fries. "Like mother like son, hm?" She asked playfully, handing the food over to Manuel. "You're not hungry?" Scar asked Manu gently.
Manuel chuckled, nodding his head. "Exactly like you. He even looks like you." He said playfully, leaning over to peck her lips only to hear Victor giggle at the sight of them. Manu grinned and then shook his head. "No, I'm fine. Promise."
Scarlett giggled at Manuel's words, shaking her head a little. "Just the eyes," she replied playfully before she kissed him back and raised an eyebrow. "Swear?"
"Just the everything." Manuel said easily, chuckling and then nodding a little. "Yeah, amor. It's fine." He murmured as he continued to helo out with Victor. "I ate a lot at the park."
"Just the everything." Manuel said easily, chuckling and then nodding a little. "Yeah, amor. It's fine." He murmured as he continued to helo out with Victor. "I ate a lot at the park."
"Just the everything." Manuel said easily, chuckling and then nodding a little. "Yeah, amor. It's fine." He murmured as he continued to helo out with Victor. "I ate a lot at the park."
Scarlett laughed softly at his words, moving back to her food to finish it off easily. Scarlett grinned widely at his nickname, nodding a little. "Ah, I missed that."
Manuel arched an eyebrow at her words, letting out a small laugh. "What do you mean? You are being silly." He said playfully, taking a seat next to her and keeping Victor in his lap.
"I was helping T all morning," Scar elaborated gently, finishing off her food before moving  closer to Manuel and Victor. She kissed both of their heads, humming softly in content.
Manu grinned at her, his free hand resting on the back of her neck to caress her skin and pulling her closer gently as he loiked back at Sofia, who had entirely passed out on Gabriella's shouldr after eating her ice cream. "Being a parent is scary as shit, huh?"
Scarlett closed her eyes for a moment as Manuel's hand moved to her neck, moving even closer to him and slipping an arm around his shoulders. "Hm, language," Scar warned with a smile as she opened her eyes. "What makes you say that, though?"
"Babe, he is a baby." Manuel said with a small laugh, grinning as she wrapped her arm around him and leaning down to kiss her quickly. "You know, how they can get hurt so easily and stuff. At least Sofi is okay."
"Exactly. So he's picking up on everything super fast right now," Scar replied easily as the smile remained on her lips before she leaned down to kiss him back easily. "Oh. In that regard absolutely. You're right, though. She'll be climbing again in no time, no doubt." Scarlett assured him easily before leaning down to kiss his temple.
"Mhm. Okaaay. Sorry." He whispered, smiling as she kissed him and sighing in content. "Hm. I hope so. She is my baby girl." He said as he looked up at her.
Scarlett grinned widely as he apologized, leaning over to press another kiss to his cheek before running her fingers through his hair gently. "And because she's yours, she's as tough as you," Scar murmured easily as she looked down at Manuel intently.
"Hm. Tougher than me, actually." Manuel said easily, pecking her lips and then smiling. "Come on. Lets get them into bed now. Vic is falling asleep while he eats."
Scarlett giggled at Manuel's response and shook her head. She kissed him back eagerly before leaning down to do so again. "No one is tougher than you, babe." She replied easily before laughing once again. "He's really living the life, isn't he?" She asked playfully before moving aside so he could stand.
"You are tougher than me, please." Manuel said eagerly, kissing her face and and then moving to pick up Victor and carrying him up the stairs to his room. Theresa had already taken Sofia anyway. So Manu put Victor in bed and smiled before walking over to Sofia's room to check up on her.
Scarlett rolled her eyes playfully at Manuel's response, shaking her head since she was stubborn as ever. "I wish," she replied playfully. Scar followed behind Manuel into each of their children's rooms, leaving them both with a kiss on the forehead before she proceeded to hers and Manuel's room. "Hm, what do you have going on tomorrow?"
"Not sure yet. Probably just going to the gym, actually." Manuel said gently, stepping into their bedroom and sitting down to get rid of his boots. "You?"
Scarlett walked over to the bed and plopped down on it, lying down on her stomach and propping herself up on her elbows. She looked over her shoulder to look back at Manuel, shaking her head a little. "I don't have anything planned," she replied softly, thinking for a moment before speaking up again. "I was thinking we could go on vacation soon, you know. We haven't really don't anything with Vic yet."
Manuel finished with his shoes and jeans and then moved to lay down next to her, one of his arms around her waist. "Yeah, you are right. That would be real nice." He admitted gently, leaning his head against hers and sighing in content as hr cuddled up to her. "You have anywhere in mind?"
Scarlett grinned as she felt his arms come around her waist, closing her eyes as he leaned his head against hers. A thoughtful hum left her lips as she heard his question before she shrugged a little. "Not really. Disney, maybe. Although I'm pretty sure Sof would faint from excitement."
Manuel chuckled a little, closing his eyes. "She has been in Disney a thousand times and always reacts the same way." He said gently, leaning into her some more to nuzzle his face into her neck carefully.
Scarlett giggled at Manuel's words, moving a hand to Manuel's cheek easily as his face moved into her neck. "Bless her heart," Scar murmured easily, finally opening her eyes to look ahead at nothing in particular. "When's your next fight?" Scarlett asked him gently.
Manuel hummed in content as She cupped his face, breathing her in and then looking up at her intently. "Not until a few months, baby. I'm supposed to fught the dude that knocked me out soon. People are freaking out."
Scarlett shifted her gaze to Manuel as he spoke up, frowning a little at his words. She let her head fall on top of her arms as they folded, laying down completely as a small sigh left her lips. "Freaking out?" She asked gently, arching an eyebrow up at him.
"Yeah. They want to see if I can beat him." Manu explained softly, watching her intently and then leaning in to kiss her neck, pushing her hair away as he moved closer to her. "I'm trying not to think too much about it. Just waiting for it to happen."
Scarlett nodded gently in understanding, closing her eyes as he kissed her neck and allowing herself to relax completely. "Of course you can. You're better than you've ever been. You don't have to think about it, you got it," Scar assured him gently. "Sof is going to want to watch it, you know."
Manuel rested his head on her back and moved until he was almost on top of her, being careful not to crush her. He would always think of Scarlett as way stronger than himself, no matter what she said. "Yeah? Thats scary too."
Scarlett rested her head on her arms as Manuel moved as close to her as possible, not like she would ever complain about it. She could never get enough of him. Scar nodded a little. "I think you need to talk to her, see what she wants to do. I just...I worry about you and her. Her, if she gets scared, and you because I don't want you distracted in that ring."
"Maybe she shouldn't wstch it." Manuel said in a small whisper, his lips grazing her shirt before he kissed a spot. He let out a deep breath and ran his hand up and down her arm carefully. "I won't be distracted."
Scarlett thought about his words. It would need to be a decision they reached together, considering absolutely every possible outcome. Scar shook her head as much as she could. "Baby, if you see her crying...I'm pretty sure you'll be affected."
"Scar...I don't think she should be there. If you want her to watch it, she should do it from here." Manuel ehispered, closing his eyes and sighing a little.
Scarlett nodded her head gently, immediately agreeing with Manuel's words. "I agree. You're right." Scar replied softly. "Besides, your mom would undoubtedly have a fit with me if I took her."
"It's not her problem. But yeah, I guess." Manuel said gently, taking a deep breath. He didnt need to worry about that right now anyway. He just had to focus on life right now. "And how are you feeling about all of it?"
Scarlett sighed softly at Manuel's words, shaking her head a little. "It's always her problem, she's their grandmother." She relied softly before arching an eyebrow. "What specifically?"
Manuel shrugged a little, not really seeihow that was a big deal. Whatever Scarlett said ahout their kods, went. She was their mom. Gabriela could help them out and give them advice but they were their children after all. "My fight, of course. And Sofia wanting to see."
Scarlett nodded a little in understanding, turning her head to look over her shoulder at Manuel as best as she could. "Ah. I think you're right. She can watch it from home. With one of the boys, maybe. Someone that'll...that'll turn it off if it gets bad, you know? Not saying it will, just in case." Scar suggested gently.
Manuel nodded a little, knowing what she meant. All he wanted was to feel as safe and as comfortable on the ring as he used to be. "Yeah, of course. I get it. We dont want to risk it." He said gently, taking a deep breath.
Scarlett nodded easily at his words, rolling over onto her back so that she could get a better look at him. "Mhm," she hummed gently. "Remember how long it took me to get used to it?"
"You used to cry a lot." Manuel said with a small nod, moving a little to let Scarlett roll onto her back, looking down at her as he did so.
Scarlett's features softened a little at his words and her hands moved to both sides of his face gently, bright eyes scanning over it as she did so. "It scared me to death to see someone doing that to you, Manu. I didn't get it," she replied softly as her eyes finally moved to his.
"Hey, I get that, okay?" Manuel shrugged a little, leaning into her touch and pecking her lips gently several times. "I'm just glad you finally came around. You helped me a lot before I got a coach, before I got paramedics. I was a nobody when you met me and you were still there. I will never forget that."
Scarlett nodded gently at his words, meeting each and every kiss as he pecked her lips several times. Scar couldn't help the smile that spread across her lips at his words and she leaned up to press a soft kiss to his lips before laying back down. "You were always somebody, Manu. I saw that. You just had to work your way up and you did. We're living in this beautiful house because of you, my love. And I am so proud of you, you know that?"
Manu's eyes softened at her words and he wrapped his arms around her once again, nudging his nose against hers carefully. "I know that. But thank you for saying it." He whispered carefully, locking his eyes on hers. "You gotta stop saying things like that before I start kissing you and never stop."
Scarlett's smile only grew as he wrapped his arms around her, laughing softly as her nose nudged against his. "Of course," Scar replied easily before laughing louder as she heard his response. "Oh. In that case, let me mention how hot I thought you were when we first met. Mhm. That little smirk you gave me, Manu. Ugh. I'll never forget."
Manuel actually smirked a little as she began talking, actually finding it amusing thatshe still talk aboutall of that. "You are just saying that cause you saw me shirtless." He teased lightly, his hand moving under shirt to rest on her back and leaning in to kiss her jawline. "You want some kisses then?"
Scarlett giggled at his words, shaking her head quickly. She leaned up and slipped her arms around his neck to pull him even closer. "Not true, at all. You were the total package, though. Still are." She replied easily, relaxing entirely against his touch. "It's all I want."
"But you gotta admit that was impressive, right?" Manuel said teasingly, turning his head a little more to press his lips to hers after she replied. "Hm, yes? Come here, baby."
Scarlett laughed at Manuel's words and nodded easily. "I was very impressed. Unamused by the situation, impressed by the boy." Scar explained easily, humming softly as his lips met hers. Her hands moved to both sides of his neck as she heard his request so that her lips could easily meet his.
"But now you love boxing." Manuel said with a small smirk, his eyes closed as they kissed gently, pulling her closer to him and moving gis lips slowly against hers.
"And am the president of Manuel Parker's fan club," Scar murmured against his lips easily, smiling into the kiss. She pulled him even closer as he did, her lips falling into perfect sync with his as she deepened the kiss immediately.
Manuel laughed a little. "Mhm? You would be more of a groupie cause you sleep with me." He teased lightly, sibce she was anything but. Tilting his head to the side, Manu deepened the kiss too, taking as much as she was giving him.
Scarlett gasped as soon as she heard Manuel's words although she couldn't help but laugh. "Manuel, I swear-" she mumbled against his lips with a slight shake of the head before focusing entirely on kissing him.
Manuel laughed against her lips as Scarlett seemed surprise, kissing her as deeply as he could and nodding eagerly. "We got two kids to prove it. And a marriage, may I add." He mumbked against her lips.
Scarlett's hands moved to his hair easily and she gave his ends a gentle tug upon hearing his words. "Watch it," Scar warned playfully, pulling his bottom lip between her teeth for a moment before she went back to kissing him.
Manuel groaned playfully when she tugged on his hair, chuckling a little and then leaning back down to kiss her again. "Dont know what you're saying. I am innocent here."
Manuel groaned playfully when she tugged on his hair, chuckling a little and then leaning back down to kiss her again. "Dont know what you're saying. I am innocent here."
Manuel burst out into laughter as they pulled away, moving to be almost on top of her so she couldn't get away. "What?! Since when?"
"Years. Years and years." Scarlett replied simply as if t were the most obvious thin in the world since she sounded sure as ever of herself.
Manuel grinned a little, pecking her lips and nodding eagerly. "Okaaay. I am definitely not innocent. Cause look at you. I just can't deal with you, baby."
Scarlett pecked his lips back easily, her eyes widen in at his words. She couldn't help but laugh, rolling her eyes playfully at him. "You're just too much, you know that?"
Scarlett laughed softly as he kissed her cheek several times, grinning widely as he pulled back. "And you're everything to me," Scar breathed out softly. She then took a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut before speaking up. "I had...a kind of crazy idea.."
Manuel arched an eyebrow at her words, smiling softly and looking down at her intently. "Kind of a crazy idea? Why do you sound nervous? You never sound nervous."
Scarlett laughed softly at his words since he was absolutely right. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, sighing softly. "Because it makes me nervous," she admitted softly. "I was thinking about creating like...an athletic line? With the gym and all I feel like I've gained a lot of knowledge and...I don't know, I think it would be really cool?"
Manuel grinned as soon as she spoke up, finding it entirely too cute. He pecked her lips and shook his head. "Babe, that is an amazing idea. Are you kidding? You know everything you need to know. Of course, love." He said eagerly, kissing her cheek.
Scarlett pecked his lips back quickly before sighing softly in relief at his words. She couldn't help but smile, though. Hearing Manuel's words only made her want to do it that much more. Scar then shook her head a little before letting it fall back against the bed. "I just worry that like...people won't be interested. People only know who I am because of you, you know?"
Manuel frowned a little, rolling back onto his side to look down at her carefully. "Baby, most brands started from nothing. Now its easier. You have a bunch of followers on instagram and many other things. You can do it. You know that you can."
Scarlett looked up at him intently, taking a deep breath and looking up at the ceiling as she took his words into consideration. "Thank you, baby," Scar murmured appreciatively, leaning over to press a kiss to his jawline before looking at him intently again. "I don't want the money, though. I want some proceeds to go to the kids college funds, if that's what they want to do, and the rest of it to go to a program. Something that gives kids a chance, like the chance you wanted when you were younger and you guys were struggling, you know?"
Manuel looked down at her intently as she spoke up, only paying attention to her as she did so. "Scarlett..." He began in a small whisper, taking a deep breath and swalkowing hard. "Baby...that is...that is so amazing. Are you sure? Like, do you really want that?that woukd mean the world to them absolutely."
Scarlett let a soft laugh emit from her lips. "Are you kidding? That's the only thing about this entire idea that I'm certain of. Of course I'm sure," Scar assured him. For as long as Scar could remember, she had always had intentions of giving back to the community and those less fortunate than her.
Manuel nodded a little. It wasnt the first time that Scarlett did things like that. She had always done things like that. From day one. "Babe...I love you so much, okay? So so much." He whispered, frowning and then leaning down to press his lips to hers gently. "You are everything to me."
Scarlett's hands moved to cup his cheeks gently as she heard his words and she nodded a little. "I love you too, Manuel," she replied gently, kissing him back with ease. She let her lips linger for a moment before pulling back and looking up at him. "You okay?"
Manuel stared down at her and sighed a little. "I-yeah." He sniffled a little, taking a deep breath and leaning his forehead against hers. "Just reminds me of how kuch you helped me get here. I will never believe that I did this alone because you have always helped me."
Scarlett's features evidently softened at Manuel's words, more specifically, hearing the sincerity and how emotional he was. Scarlett wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, pulling him down for a hug as he spoke. "Because you deserved it, Manuel. You deserve all of this. You've worked so hard."
"I know. You helped me with my dreams and now you want to help even more people. I don't think you know how special you are, Scar." He murmured gently, taking a deep breath and looking at her with soft eyes. "And I cant believe you fell in love with me."
Scarlett could hardly believe the words that were coming out of Manuel's mouth right now. God, was she lucky. Scarlett smiled warmly at his words, pulling back a little to look at him intently. A soft laugh left her lips at his words and she shook her head a little. "Don't be silly.  I asked if I could kiss you on our first date. I think it's me that can't believe you fell for me," Scar assured him gently.
"I kinda fell for you at that club the first night that we met, baby." Manuel said easily, moving in to wrap his arms around her again and kissing her cheek several times.
"Which, in itself, is a miracle after how I talked about boxing," Scar replied with a soft laugh, humming softly in content as he wrapped his arms around her. She closed her eyes as he kissed her cheek several times, resting her hands on his chest. "I'm so glad I went to the Underground that night. I almost didn't."
"Oh, gosh. I didnt care about you hating boxing. I just liked you. And boxing didn't matter. If I ever had to choose between you and boxing, I would choose you. Always." Even back then he had that all figured out. "I will you are making me all mushy."
Scarlett grinned widely at his words and she leaned up to leave kisses all over his face. "I love you," she murmured gently before laughing softly. "It's okay, Manu. I already know you're basically a teddy bear."
"I am though. I am a softie." Manuel would never say otherwise. He was not a liar by any means. He hugged her tightly and then closed his eyes. "In case it wasn't obvious, I think that you should go for it."
Scarlett giggled as Manuel admitted it, nodding a little as she buried her face into his shoulder. "I know it," she replied playfully before a smile broke out onto her lips. "Thank you, babe. I think it's gonna be really great."
"It will be the best. Just like everyhing that you do." Manu said easily, kissing her head as she leaned it on his shoulder.
Scarlett smiled widely as she heard Manuel's words. Nothing compared to Manuel's support. She'd never had it from her parents but Manuel gave her enough to fill the void entirely. "I love you." Scar breathed out gently before closing her eyes. "I'm tired."
Manuel hummed a little in thought and then finally smiled widely. "I love you. Sleep, babe. I will too."
Scarlett nodded her head easily, cuddling up to Manuel even more. "Night, baby. Wake me up when you do," Scar murmured lazily and waiting only minutes for sleep to envelop her.
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