#anticaptainswan for ts
laufire · 3 years
captain swan
i don’t know them enough | wtf | why | just NO | tolerable | they’re okay | cute | awww | babies | hot | I will go down with this ship | OTP
Thank fuck I quit the show before they went there because I would've lost it. Relentless Pursuer Ships are a nightmare and this one, with how much I cared for Emma? With the alternatives she had, such as Neal or even the sheriff in season 1, that she clearly felt a lot more passionate towards (even Regina; we know the show wasn't going to go there, but there was so much more FEELING between those two than from Emma to Hook, lbr)?
I would've been SO furious. This way I can pretend it was just. Not a thing xD
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laufire · 3 years
i know your description applies to a lot of ships but d*rvey and l*ke/lorelai are the ones that stand out to me. (also ol*city and clark/chloe although thankfully clark/chl*e didn’t end up together and was never validated by canon)
oh also h**k/emma i hate this trope so much
The description was made to apply to all Those Kinds of ships, because I haaaaaaaaate them lol, but since the ship I resent now most at the moment is Donna/Harvey, it was done with them in mind. You're right on the money on that xD. I mean, at least Lorelai retained her charming personality. S9 Harvey is so largely unrecognizable to me I couldn't stand it. He became a mouthpiece for What Donna Wanted To Hear istg.
At least Clark got away scot free lol. And I will freely admit I didn't care about what Oliver got. He made his bed when he cheated on his LI, AFAIC. If he got stuck in a shitty endgame it's his own damn fault. But Harvey hadn't done anything to deserve that!! ;_; LOL
I didn't watch far enough in OUAT to have to deal with Emma/Hook, thank goodness. Everything I've heard about them sounds so, so awful for Emma. And she was my favourite, so knowing myself, I would've hated every minute of it.
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laufire · 5 years
Let's try something more unusual: Regulus Black (because I can xD), Emma Swan (you watched OUAT, iirc?), Clark Kent
I don’t really have ship-ships for him but I read a lot of fics in the Spanish fandom back in the day that made me interested in some really rare pairs involving him. I read good Regulus/Remus fics (which appeals to me somuchmore than Remus/Sirius. idk, I can’t see Sirius as anything but fixated on James, even if I’ve read fics with him and others I’ve liked), Regulus/Lily (which you’re making me pay attention to again), even Regulus/James in my hunger for Regulus content xDD
And I kind of crack ship him with Rita Skeeter. Or with Gilderoy Lockhart, or Trelawney. IDEK. (I think it’s more about how hilarious I’d find seeing him interact with those characters lmao. Which, thanks to That WIP we’ve talked about, I might get to write hehe). Oh, and Barty Crouch Jr. xD
Emma Swan
Sheriff Graham. I mourned that ship for a long time let me tell you.
Regina. Their canon relationship was A+.
I don’t remember shipping her with anyone else by the time I left the show, but just so I’m clear: LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE WOULD’VE BEEN BETTER THAN HOOK. *coughs*
Clark Kent
Lois. Like, that’s forever otp material.
Okay, Lana in Smallville. They were INTENSE and you know that’s what I like.
Also Oliver in Smallville. I just loved that Oliver and they had a great rapport.
And Tess in Smallville. Because Tess was awesome.
And Lex in Smallville. It had its moments.
Selina, kinda? Preferably in poly arrangments.
I kinda dig the DC Trinity together (Bruce, Clark, Diana), but ONLY if it’s the three of them. It’s similar to what happens to me with Harry/Hermione/Ron. Hermione/Ron and Bruce/Diana? Alright, depending on the writing, though not particularly my thing. Harry/Ron and Bruce/Clark? I like their canon friendship a lot so if you play your cards right I could be interested. Harry/Hermione and Clark/Diana? NOTP OF NOTPS PLS STOP THIS NOW GET IT AWAY FROM MY SIGHT AND CLEANSE MY SOUL xDD.
Tony Stark. This is partially @ahesaidshesaidloveaffair fault and partially my own fixations LMAO.
send me a character and i’ll list all the people i ship them with in order
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laufire · 5 years
Keep in mind that I only watched until Neal’s death, more or less (though I’ve watched one or two scenes of key episodes after that).
The number one was Emma, followed by Cora (SHE WAS THE WORST IN ALL THE BEST WAYS), Neal, Regina… the fifth would be harder to choose. I remember a lot of them with some fondness: Snow White, Mulan, Ruby…
My least favourite one is Hook simply because I hate his ship with Emma lol (I was fine with it in the first episode he appeared, when it looked like just another Emma rareship and she kind of, totally stabbed him in the back xD. It went all downhill from there).
send me a show and I’ll list my 5 favourite characters (and also my overall least favourite)
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laufire · 3 years
idk if this is accepted in the entire ouat fandom or just c*ptain sw*n sections but: the idea that the only reason it took so long for emma to let hook in was solely due to her trauma, and that she still would have ended up with hook if neal had lived.
I quit the show at least three times before fully giving up AND didn't give a single fuck about Hook or CS, so the memories I retain of them are very vague. However, I never got the impression Emma cared about Hook because of who Hook was, innately; she was always reacting to him, to his feelings for and fixation on her.
I do remember her reactions to Neal and, to a lesser extent, to sheriff Graham. And err... yeah, no, they prove very easily the "oh, she ONLY wasn't receptive to Hook because of trauma" argument is pure, unadultered bullshit xD. C'mon. That's not how people work. We react differently to different individuals, because... just because. Chemistry, whatever you want to call it. Emma was weak for Neal, utterly so. I'm pretty sure she never forgot him. And she had no problem ~opening up her heart to Graham, what do you know. Hell, she had FAR more of a reaction and showed herself FAR more receptive to Regina, for what I remember, than she ever did to Hook.
So hey. Maybe she just wasn't that into Hook. It happens xD
send me an Accepted Fanon Wisdom (general, specific to one fandom, etc.) that you disagree with and annoys you, and I’ll tell you my opinion on it.
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