adhdo5 · 4 years
Founder is in many ways the Archetypal O5 for obvious reasons but there’s a fundamental quality to him that is actually contradictory to the general Council attitude and that is that to put it succinctly Founder is fundamentally a Man Of Faith™️ 
He doesn’t doubt his god (not difficult considering his perception of cosmology explicitly allows for a largely absent god), and doesn’t usually doubt his motivations. He may doubt his performance and others’, and he has no illusions about how fucked up the world is and even how fucked up some of what they do is, but he doesn’t doubt that what he’s doing is in mission the exact same protection and care that he is equally certain MEKHANE embodies. It’s the reason he’s a grounding point for the majority of the Council, the reason he’s the Founder -- he is fully and unshakably certain in the concept that their mission is fundamentally good 
He does have his crises every so often but they’re never about the core of his motivation, or about whether MEKHANE cares, because those things are just never in question; he worries about whether he’s living up to those intentions (to which the answer is usually no) rather than whether those intentions are flawed. Other things he may cling to but may be convinced to drop are usually all stemming from that core 
Founder, among a Council of cynically exhausted coworkers and the odd deity of their own right, in a world where this kind of thing is by all objective metrics ludicrous, believes in a loving god 
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radical-revolution · 4 years
"We've been told to be kind, gentle, good people. Those are the conventional ideas of spirituality. When we begin to find the spiky quality in ourselves, we see is an antispirituality and try to push it away. That is the biggest mistake of all in working with our basic psychological patterns. Once we try to push the biggest problems away and look for a dramatic cure for them, we are constantly pushed back, defeated all the time. The idea is not to create a Utopian spirituality but to try and look into the details of the peak emotions, the dramatic quality of the emotions."
—Chogyam Trungpa
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prietessopeyemi · 3 years
“The antispiritual bias of our own culture has made it impossible for us to appreciate the mindset of a shaman. We are culturally blind to the world of forces + interconnections clearly visible to those who have retained the Archaic relationship to nature”
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superbfaeriewren · 4 years
my boyfriend wanted to see if he could tell that I was looking at him while he wasn’t looking. He’s not spiritual at all. Almost antispiritual?? Which is difficult for me. During the experiment, he couldn’t differentiate when I was looking at him at all. He was spooked by how accurately I could tell when he was looking at me and accused me of cheating. I told him it’s spiritual and it’s about feeling someones presence. He didn’t get it so I explained it as making “spiritual eye contact” with someone. Which doesn’t make sense and sounds dumb, but it was the best way to describe it I could think of. The interaction of two spirits acknowledging each other, without any tangible contact. I’m drunk and had to document it
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