#anyway I am eating my mac n cheese n veg with the side that has the missing tooth because the cavity tooth has a big bruise along the gumli
beenjen · 1 year
Call me ‘may’be day 8 of Jen caring about Jen
- I stayed up until 1 am because Lilith’s pediatrician has a website you can self schedule but it has to be after midnight…. Then she was up at 5. Double ear infection - this happened, because SOMEONE didn’t give her her allergy medicine/decongestant, she has to have a little bit of a when she has heavy allergies and this last several weeks has been really bad.
So we were at the pediatrician early. Glad it’s not the flu/Covid/strep, but it pisses me off when people don’t listen to me about medical shit. I’M MEDICAL. What’s done is done, she has not felt great, we snuggled a lot. I bribed her with watered down OJ, started ABX, C will stay home with her tomorrow and work out of his home office and I feel better about us having her and noodling her than her being at daycare and not feeling well.
- my final retainer came in at the orthodontist. I’ll wear it for 6 months and then I guess keep it as a whitening tray? I’ll have a night one that I wear here on out, or most nights anyways after than and I’m done.
- Lilith took a nap in her stroller while I ran/walked 3 miles on my fav trail. It started getting muggy as it’s been raining then got into the 80s then I felt that with her having poor allergies it was prob a dick move to have her out like that and called it a short one.
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- ordered delivery groceries of some yogurt, apple sauce, mac n’ cheese, little things I know she will maybe be enticed to eat. Plenty of fresh fruit and she loves cucumbers and carrots so stocked up.
Came home and worked on laundry; kept her out of ballet because she just didn’t feel up for it. Then when C came home he tagged me out so I could go to a yoga class.
It was incredible. It’s been a really long time since I’ve been able to really be with a teacher so focused on breath/movement - that’s the whole goal of yoga and when you can get that rhythm, it’s magic. So glad that worked out and I’ll be looking for more classes by this teacher for sure.
- our older dog Luna, has been having incontinence issues. She has a rather large lipoma on her side and I’m wondering if now that it’s gotten bigger, the recommendation to remove it may have changed, and it could be causing pressure for her… so instead of the nice, relaxing day I planned for myself on Thursday, I’ll be taking my old girl to the vet. Glad it worked out they could get us in then, I really hope our sweet girl has more time with us. Losing my damn dog is absolutely opposite of what I need at the moment.
- Drank my water, actually ate light today and juiced some veg for my gut. I always feel so good when I do a cleanse like that and it really does something for me mentally. Carrots for the win.
Happy week guys xx
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