#anyway I'm getting pride shirts eventually whether it's now or later
yumihoe · 3 years
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Title - Mother Knows best.
Fandom- My Hero academia
Paring: Mother! Momo Yaoyorozu x Daughter! Reader
Genre - Smut
Summary: Let Momo Provide for you after all she's been doing It your whole life.
Content Warnings - Incest, Noncon, Drugging, Predatory Behavior, use of the word "Cunny". MDNI
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Momo yaoyorozu is by no means a bad mother.
She has provided for you, given you everything you have ever wanted for in life; a clean nice home. The best possible foundation for your future. In fact, She's made it her own personal mission to be the driving force in all of your success.
When you were six it had been softball, You came to her begging To play, Telling her that you wanted to go pro one day. She made sure to get you a top-of-the-line personal trainer and Only the best grade Equipment.
When you turned eight- your dreams of softball long forgotten- you had come to her stating that you wanted to be a great hero like your mother. Her heart had swelled with pride and she took it upon herself to make sure you were on the right path. A tutor for Fighting Techniques, Pre-mech designing for a possible hero suit to accommodate your blooming quirk, even going as far as to let you accompany her during her hero services. You had watched her in aw, little mouth agape and eyes akin to saucers as Momo took down Low-grade villains executing a robbery.
When the villains had been subdued you had run-up to her and threw your small arms around her waist, burying your chubby face in her stomach " You're the best Mommy"! you had squealed.
Momo Wonders If you still think she's the best now.
The small, still logical voice told her that she was disgusting. Taking advantage of you like this,
But what had she done besides what you needed her to do?
You had come to her, as you had many times before in your life asking for her guidance...Her help.
Help with alieving Sexual frustration.
Of course, she was taken back at first, this particular request had made her drop her soba onto the kitchen floor and her eyes widen.
But she recovered quickly. You were a grown woman. And she understood that your almost adorable lack of sexual knowledge was partially her fault, as she had always made sure to keep you on a straight path your entire life, a path that had no detours for lovers or sex or dating.
She had agreed to help you, why wouldn't she. There was nothing strange about a Mother teaching her daughter how to get take care of sexual urges. It was simply a part of life she had forgotten to guide you through and was revisiting to ensure your success in.
And that's what she reminded herself as you squirmed under her.
You had been so needy.
Such a beautiful, quaking mess.
The constant hum of the vibrator she had pressed against your clit was the only sound in your bedroom besides the sweet sounds you would occasionally let out as she built you up to your first orgasm. You had came so beautifully for her and it was an image that had stayed so vividly in her mind well after she left your room.
In the following days after educating you, Momo finds herself struggling to suppress whatever feeling that had bubbled up to the surface.
Her senses had seemed to heighten, her perception of you changing. When had you become so ...Womanly.
Your mother found herself noticing things about you she had been oblivious to before. The swell of your breast in t-shirts. The way your ass looked as you bent over to pick something up. How your yawning face was so, so very similar to the delicious Oh face you make when you climax.
You were a drug. One Momo found herself being deprived of.
she tries to cherish soft moments with you, from before she started seeing you in such a disgusting light. Yet still, even when you have the purest intentions momos mind can only seem to distort the image into something forbidden.
when you offer to take her on a girl's day to the beach to celebrate Mother's days, Momo can only find herself wishing that the waves would crash against you so hard your bikini top flies off and she might be able to catch a glimpse of your perfect tits.
When you inform her that you've finally found a decent apartment and would be moving out soon she's devastated. Not because you won't be there to keep her company but because she won't be able to sneak into your room and pocket your dirty panties if you anymore.
You had smiled at her, so proud that you were finally going to really start your life, go out on your own. But Momo was determined to make sure you stayed.
"You'll be glad to get me out of the house " You laughed taping up yet another box.
Momo feels anything but.
She knows she should be helping you pack, helping with the moving process. Supporting you through this part of your life as a good mother should. yet she can only find herself finding ways to keep you with her longer.
She makes up excuse after excuse as to why she needs you to stay in the house with her, but your mind is made up. You seem to sum up her franticness to get you to stay to empty nesters syndrome.
" I'll make sure I visit, " You reassure her.
But Momo doesn't care about you visiting as much as you can, she wants you to stay with her.
Momo Realizes that you'll leave her and rarely visit. Unless she does something.
For a moment she had thought of Blacklisting you from the apartment complex you were set to move into. But she decides against it. It would be a temporary fix at most, you'd eventually find another place sooner or later and she'd end up back to square one. Momo finds her solution in her status.
Being a hero afforded her access to any substance for an array of problems. When she was early in her hero days her free access to pills had come in handy for cheap highs and party activities, and as she got older it had allowed her the ability to receive top grade painkillers to aid in the damage hero work had done to her bodies over the years.
Now, she would use it as means to make sure you stay exactly where she needed you to be.
It hadn't been hard to get her hands on gamma-hydroxybutyric acid. The date rape drug.
Momo made sure to be as unassuming as possible. Instead of making excuses to prolong your stay, she pretended to welcome the change. Went furniture and decoration shopping, even proposed she cook you your favorite meal for your last night in the house.
For a second, Momo almost has a moment of clarity as she watches you bring your lips to the glass of wine she made with your food. clarity that tells her she's a sick fuck, that this is wrong -that she's a bad mother.
Yet with the way, you were so manageable in your intoxicated state, so easy to stuff into the backseat of her car, to drive out to her house in the hills.
You stay that way even as Momo begins tying you down to the guest bed, spread eagle. Only beginning to flutter awake as she fastens the last tie around your ankle.
Your struggling now, tears streaming down your pretty face as you beg around the gag she put into your mouth.
Momo yaoyorozu is by no means a bad mother.
All she has ever done is make sure that you have had the best possible chances for success in life.
And even now as she climbs between your legs, giving your sweet cunny a small kitten lick, she's certain that she will be able to take care of you.
Whether you want her to or not.
Some of you guys have raging mommy kinks.
It's me. I'm some of you guys.
Anyways if you liked it feel free to reblog I don't mind!
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lazy-safetastic-13 · 8 years
!! kustard, #1. ohhh my gosh
Here it is~ :D I changed the ending several times. Kept forgetting it was hurt/comfort and I kept doing humour fluff. Derp! 
1. “Can you please come and get me?”
Title: Won’t Force, but Try
Pairing: Kustard
Words: 1, 352
It was early morning when his phone rang. And by early, hemeant motherfucking middle of the night at two am.
Disoriented and already grumpy from the disturbance of hisdreamless sleep, he grabbed his phone from the bedside table, squinting hiseyes to get used to sudden glare in his face.
“This better be fucking good.” He grumbled beforeanswering the damn thing. 
“Hey Re—”
“Do you know what time it is?”
“Uh well, I—”
“It’s 2. Sans. 2!”
“Oh. I'm—”
“State your reason before I hunt your boney assdown.”
“Actually … I kind of need you to do that.”
“Can you please come and get me?”
“Get you? Sans wha—”
Red stilled. Only now noticing in the silence that came,heavy breathing could be heard from the other side.
“… Where are you?”
“Uh … you remember that old building we passed by 3weeks ago?”
“I’m behind the dumpster of it.” This asshole.
“All right. I’m on my way.”
“… Okay.”
If he was going to be honest with himself, Red didn’t wantto hang up. But he couldn’t swallow his pride and did so. To make up for it, hegot up and dressed in record time, even his brother would’ve been surprised athow fast he ready.
He glanced outside to find that it was pouring heavily justas he put his sneakers. "Great. It’s raining.“ He changed to hisblue rain boots. The colour didn’t fit him, but they were on sale. Papyrusnever stopped snickering when he wore these. He thanked the stars the timeswere few and rare.
Grabbing for a large vibrant purple umbrella, Red almostcringed at the horrible colour scheme he wore. These things need to stop goingon sale, he last thought before heading out.
What a way to start the day.
“Fucking hell.” He teleported to possible oldbuildings the other talked about, going behind them and found himself comingshort each time when he didn’t a dumpster.
“The fucking—” It clicked to him that maybe it wasthe one near the stream. That one was going to be demolished soon, but whetheror not it had a dumpster behind it, he didn’t remember.
Time to find out.
With a ‘pop’, he appeared before an abandoned and rundownhospital. Similar to those creepy horror games he’d seen, but didn’t botherdwelling on it. There was an important matter to take care of.
He strode to the back with purpose, and was relieved tofinally find the damn garbage bin.
Behind here—oh.
Red eye lights dilated at the sight of the skeleton beforehim—bruised and beaten, and drenched.
The shirt was stained and some parts of it were ripped, andshorts covered in grime and mud. Sans’ favourite hoodie was damp and dirty withits hood practically torn off. And he was missing a shoe.
Now the skeleton in question, at first glance, nothingseemed to be broken. Some cuts were made, small red marks on marrow that wouldinevitably turn black and blue later on if not treated, and he was covered indirt as well.
It looked like Sans had been fortunate enough not to havebeen dumped into the garbage. It was a small relief for Red,because if he found the latter in one, he was going to rip some people anew.
Sans looked up when the rain didn’t hit him. “Hey …glad you could make it. Looking quite colourful there too. On sale?” Hemade an attempt to wave, but winced when he barely lifted his arm. “Heh.Looks like I got trashed.”
“Ha. Ha. Now let’s get you home, you dork.”
“You love me though?“ 
It was a strange thing they had; such meanings beneath theirwords. And Sans was asking him not to let his brother see him in such a state. 
“Unfortunately." Of course you dumbass. 
Sans slumped his shoulders in relief and grinned."You’re the best.”
“Yeah, yeah. Shut your trap. You’re coming home withme.”
Red growled. "Don’t tempt me.”
He helped Sans up, looking around to see if he could findthe missing shoe.
“Give it up, buddy. It’s a loss cause.”
Red clicked his tongue, tightening his grip around Sans’waist and teleported back to his home.
They popped in the middle of the bathroom.
“Isn’t Fell going to lecture you about—” Sans shuthis mouth when Red glared at him.
The cleanup was a quiet event, and Red had left Sans for amoment to do something about his clothes. In the end, he chose to throw therest but kept the hoodie. The skeleton wondered if he would be able to salvageit and if they had any similar cloth he could use to patch the rips. He’d haveto ask his brother to check, but he’d do it once Sans rested.
When he came back, gently drying the bones, he seated Sans onthe toilet cover and began healing him.
Moments of silence passed between them, and it made Sansnervous. 
They were reserve people, even toward each other in theirrelationship so it was common to keep secrets from each other. Common in thesense that it was something that’s going to be harmful. 
“Hey, Red.”
The latter didn’t bother to look up, concentrating hisenergy on his wounds. “What is it?”
Sans stared at his lover who was doing his best to heal himeven when it wasn’t his forte. He hesitated for a brief moment. "…You’re not going to ask?“
"It’s almost 3 Sans. 3. I’m not in the mood for yourpuns.
"Not even curious? »
"Il est trois heures du matin. Je m’en fou, Sans. Jet'aime quand même.”
Sans’ eye sockets widened, “What? What did—”
“I said you’re an asshole, now shut up and let mefinish.”
Silence resumed between them, and unbidden tears began totrack down Sans’ face. 
“I’m really not fair to you." 
”… It’s okay … I already know.“ 
"And even so, you still?" 
Red held the other’s arm gently in his hands, watching withrapture as they slowly closed; smooth and clean as they once were. "Just… Just promise me something." 
”… Yeah?“ 
"Promise me that you’ll quit taking them." 
"I … I don’t know.” They were amazing in hissystem. It made him feel so free, and the exhilaration was addicting …Addicting … 
Red looked up at him, sorrow evident in his expression.“I know it’s hard once you start. I’m another you after all.” Hislaugh was dry and almost choked. “It was really hard to give themup." 
"How … How did you do it then?” The urges werehard to ignore, and they became stronger with each passing day. 
“I … I met you." 
Sans’ breath was caught in his throat. 
"I met you, and it was when I decided to change,”he grip tightened as to assure Sans that he was there for him. “I wantedto be a monster worth your time because I know that I’m already a lot ofbaggage." 
"You’re no—" 
"I am.” He placed a hand on Sans’ cheekbone.“But I’ll always be here for you no matter what.”
“I’m sorry, Red. I-I’m so sorry. But I’m going to try.For you, a-and for Paps." 
Red enveloped him into his arms, rubbing his back all thewhile as he cried onto the other’s shoulder. 
Red didn’t let go, and Sans relished the warmth. Heeventually to sniffles, and only then did he move back so that Red could finishhealing him. 
”… Red.“ 
“Je t'aimerai pour toujours.”
The skeleton was surprised. “Y-You speak French?”
Sans shook his head. 
“Those are the only words I know. Picked it upsomewhere at random.”
Red stared at him. “That’s stupid.”
Sans shrugged. “But it worked right?”
“Tch.” Red got back to his task. “For therecord. You are still an ass.”
Sans smiled. “Asstounding you mean?”
“… It’s really too fucking early for this.”
Il est trois heures du matin. Je m’en fou, Sans. Je t'aimequand même. = It’s three in the morning. I don’t give a fuck, Sans. I love you anyway. Je t'aimerai pour toujours. = I will love you forever. 
Don’t misunderstand. I don’t speak French. I just had the urge in making one of the Sans fluent in another language. :’D Hope that was okay. 
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