#anyway I've just read Vampire Science. Insane book.
There's a comparison to be made between the last line of Vampire Science being "Outside, the sun was rising" and the last line of the Silt Verses epsiode 37 being "Mm. Lights are back on" because it should be hopeful, right? The lights are back on, the sun is rising, we've made it through the night, except, except
How much have we lost? How much more will we lose?
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daydreamycrustacean · 4 months
u should. let me know how u are reading the doctor who books… i am having trouble finding them…. it’s horrible
By "doctor who books" I'm assuming you mean the Eighth Doctor Adventures, since they're the ones I've posted about, saying this mostly because there are other series of doctor who books (Virgin New Adventures, Past Doctor Adventures, there are books about New-who doctors too I think?) that I don't know quite that much about (yet) and so I couldn't give you exact directions on those ones if they are the ones you want (though most likely, just like the EDAs they're probably up on the Internet Archive).
So, the EDAs, they're all on The Internet Archive and that's where I've been reading them.
But if you're not insane like me and don't enjoy the experience of reading sometimes poorly-formated typo-ridden pdfs on your phone: People have actually been putting together a folder full of re-formatted Epubs of the EDAs. Which I hadn't checked out yet before writing this ask, though now that i´ve looked into it it seems like they´re putting books from all doctor who book series, which is neat! so I definitely recommend checking it out. (it´s an ongoing and recent project, so not all books are there)
People actually manage to find physical copies of some of these out of print books, but if that´s what you want Im afraid I cant help you with that. (^_^;)
anyways uuuhh hope I was of help! Since I don´t know how familiar you are with the EDAs my tips if you are interested in them is that you start with Vampire Science, the second book in the series (the first one is not good). Also that theres like 73 of these books and not all of them are that great, so don´t be afraid to skip the ones that suck! these books do have a continuity, but a lot of them work as standalone, and if theres anything important from previous books that you need to know, the books often give you the context that you need to know whats going on, so again, don´t be afraid to skip stuff.
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