#anyway i hope this'll do to kick things off! i am Screaming as usual!
mindsmade · 7 months
The lights are low — outside, and all the more so inside. Some coloured shafts pour in from outside at a downward angle, tinting the floor most of all. In this dressing room, a smattering of small lamps placed on the coffee table, the vanity, and even the ground itself cast some various shades of pink, purple and blue in a diluted radius about themselves.
Equally faint is the music outside; that vague, thrumming aftermath of a concert that went down all too well with its audience.
V's eyes land on the two bottles to the left of the almost mushroom-shaped model on the low table by the sofa he's sitting on. And it's not just him; Ahri sits not even a finger's breadth away from him, off to his right.
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And he finds himself wanting to lean into it — again, his attention inevitably drawn back to her like a compass' needle to the northernmost pole.
There's a dangerous amount of validation to be found there.
He abstains from it despite his longing for it, remaining just shy of that true north, and of indeed leaning her way. Instead, he chuckles gruffly in agreement with her kindred giggle, idly gesturing to the near-finished bottles on the table. ❛  I'd be a shitty guard if I didn't insist you have a glass of water now.  ❜
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