#anyway i'm only posting this here for. archival-ish purposes
cactusdying · 7 months
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guys i'm going to be real i dobn't think i expected this kind of direction for the lore update
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izahare · 2 days
Bleach: the 3rd Phantom Transcript
because i never stopped being ill about this silly ds game, and also haven't found any transcripts floating around, i've been working on one and off for a while now. once i'm done with it fully i'll share the doc link so the entire thing can be viewed together at once, but for now i'll be putting them in separate posts (broken up by chapter, and possibly also separate 'free time' posts since those get very long very quickly).
the twins are represented by their canon names (fujimaru/matsuri kudo), with dialogue spoken by whomever you're playing at the time represented by Player Twin and their counterpart as Other Twin (sound off if you've got a better suggestion for these, i know it sounds off lol). also, when scenes are mostly alike between the twins but with slight dialogue alterations, dialogue from fujimaru's route is coloured blue and matsuri's version is red. if colours are an issue, just remember i always put fujimaru's parts first.
so far i've only posted chapter 1, but i'm finishing up on chapter 10 in my doc. formatting them is a pain (and i'd like to make a cleaner intro post later) so posting will be sporadic, but i hope to finish this project soon-ish.
anyway. here's hoping there's others still insane about this old ds game lol even if not i'll be putting everything here for archival purposes!
here's the prologue and chapter 1.
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