#anyway if you need me i’ll be rehydrating because i definitely didn’t buy a drink in coopland’s because i didn’t want to pay £1.25
jaehyunskitten22 · 7 years
Daddy!Wonho x Chubby!Reader
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Legitimately looks at you like the stars shine in your eyes, no joke 
I honestly believe that all of his relationships would start out by being friends first
so that’s why I always start out with yall as friends, because I don’t think that he could fall in love with/ask someone out unless he extensively knew them
I see him as someone who can read people very well
he can tell when you’re upset, when you’re hungry, but most important to this list thing, when you’re needy
And when I say needy, i mean needy for anything. Cuddles, back rubs, your hair played with, comfort, not just sex
but he can tell when you need sex too lmao
I don’t think he would be able to necessarily tell what you are into, but he knows what he’s into and the way you act sometimes triggers his Daddy instinct
Sometimes you act really... cuddly and submissive? (A/N I’m the kind of kitten/sub that tends to go into subspace when i’m around someone who makes me feel protected and loved, and everyone knows that wonho can do that and fight me if you think otherwise lol jk dont im sensitive and weak )
And of course wonho is like ‘oH HELL YES’ because his pretty and soft friend? Wanting cuddles and acting like she needs him? Yes please.
And of course he doesn’t try to initiate anything sexual/a scene or anything like that when you’re in subspace, because he knows that you aren’t in the appropriate mindset to make those kinds of decisions
so he takes care of you to the best of his abilities (which is hella good btw) and he loves every single second of it
and you start to develop a relationship
when you guys start dating, he takes a little bit to start a sexual relationship, but he still very much acts like your Daddy
And of course you agree to it. You guys have an understanding of what you expect from one another; you know what rules he wants you to follow, and he knows what you like and what makes you feel the safest and most comfortable
The first time you go into full blown kitten/little space with him he is in literal awe of how cute and sweet you look
he loves your fluffy little ears and tail or your cute little nighty and nothing makes him feel more loved than when you rub your cheek against his leg, hand or chest, or when you beg him to play dolls or color with you
he especially loves when you crawl onto his lap and snuggle into his chest because it’s something that you won’t do when you aren’t in kitten space (due to insecurity for your weight, or if you aren’t insecure about your weight, out of concern for him not liking you on his lap which he totally does its his fave)
he also like sending you flirty little looks and paying very close attention to you because he knows it makes you a little embarrassed
he will also praise every single thing you do
you say that you love him? A cuddle session will commence. You’re honest with him about how you;re feeling? He will talk about it to his other dom friends for weeks. 
The rules he has for you are nothing out of the ordinary, but i’ll go through a few of them
Be healthy. And not like going to the gym everyday for 7 hours and only eating lettuce healthy lol. Just like eating a balanced (ish) diet. He’s not very strict with it though, because he likes when his baby is eating her favorite things and is full. He just wants to make sure that you dont eat 17 powdered donuts and call that “lunch” (which is totes something i do whoops)
the next rule is to tell him when you are upset, whether that be at him or in general. He wants to comfort his special little kitten, but he can’t do that if you don’t tell him you need it you feel? Like he can generally tell, but he still wants you to tell him, to keep the lines of communication and trust open
Another rule is to greet him whenever he comes home, if possible. He likes to know that he was missed, especially because he missed you.
His rules for dressing really are almost nonexistent. Always wear your day collar, if he picks something special out for you (which he doesnt do a lot) you have to wear it and send him pictures. He wants you to wear underwear every time you are out in public, even when you are with him (i know a few doms make their subs do this to humiliate them, which is what makes me say that he wouldn’t do it. He doesn’t want to humiliate you) He also likes when you wear lingerie, but he has no rules around that. Surprise him whenever you want because it will never be unwelcome. He doesn’t even care what kind it is, he knows you’ll look hot in anything
You can touch yourself and he even encourages you to do so, but he wants you to ask him first. Once again it’s to keep the lines of communication and trust open. He will never deny you touching yourself probably, but he might tell you to wait until he can touch himself too so you guys can do it together (he would be into phone sex dont come for me) But i can totes see him telling you to not let yourself cum if he’s going to be home that day. If he has the option to see you fall apart in person, he will make you wait until he is there to see your orgasm
The last rule i can really think of is if he buys you a gift, you are not allowed to complain about the cost. Nothing is ever to expensive for his special little girl.
Now for the Sex
He is such a giving Daddy
he isn’t going to tease you an excessive amount because teasing you is teasing himself
but he still will tease you and make you beg for him because he loves knowing that you want and desire him. He needs to feel needed by you.
he loves to be praised. Compliment his body, how smooth and firm his body feels on top of you (or under you because he would def love you on top too) Tell him that only he can make you feel this way, that he fills you up so good, yank him closer to you (just be vocal about how much you want and need him, it’ll always get you fucked real good)
He would be crazy good at giving oral. he loves squeezing your soft thighs until you’re bruised. He will most definitely try and eat you out until you pass out or use the safeword. He loves making you shake.This might sound gross to people but im putting it in here anyway. He would love to cum inside of you and eat you out right after. He would love the taste of your cum and his mixed together (i think he really likes playing with his cum tbh like when he jerks off i bet he messes with it for a little bit before cleaning himself off. i bet he’s also tasted his cum and he doesn’t mind the taste tbh) 
as for you giving him oral, he will almost always want you on your knees in front of him if its an actual scene. 
He would want you on your knees in front of him for a lot of things tbh. he likes being bigger than you and it always makes you look so small and helpless. He would love to caress at your face and pet you in this position (fun fact the gif at the top inspired this whole thing js) (but yeah exactly like the gif at the top)
alot of the time he won’t let you use your hands. he will only let you rub your cheek against his clothed bulge in order to tease him, or only let you mouth along it and over it, just because he likes the way it feels against your soft cheek and the feel of dominance it makes him have
he would totally want to fuck your throat because the sounds of you gagging on him would be a little hot to him.
he won’t do it to the point of intense pain tho. just a lil bit to satisfy the urge
eye contact is his absolute favorite. He will literally cum so hard from you looking up at him with a wide eyes and innocent expression with your mouth occupied in such a dirty act
He doesn’t really care where he comes or if you swallow. It would be up to you and he would never push you out of your comfort zone
But for me, I would love for him to cum on my face js
Sex won’t be that kinky with him but he will use a crap ton of pet names and dirty talk
“My princess is always so tight around my cock. I bet you can feel every single bump and ridge against your soft little walls. Does it feel good, Kitten? Tell Daddy how good he makes you feel.” 
“How about you come and suck Daddy off? Your mouth always makes me feel so good and I know that you love when Daddy feels good.”
“Can I cum inside of you Angel? Does my special little girl want Daddy to fill her up with cum?” 
things like that (im sweating)
And also keep in mind that he would be holding you as closely and tightly as he can, tucking his head into you neck and panting those things in your ear.
Aftercare with daddy!wonho would be very fluffy and warm
it wouldn’t be very extensive because I don’t see him being crazy adventurous with things like positions or punishments.
he would ask if you wanted a bath and if you wanted one he would run it for you and make sure you got in okay.
he probably wouldn’t get in with you unless it was a large bathtub, because he wanted you to be able to spread out and lay comfortably
he would sit by the side and gently run a wash cloth over your curves and inbetween you legs, lightly giggling at the shudder that went through your body due to your sensitivity.
if you didnt feel up to a bath he would get a warm wash cloth and wipe you down before redressing you so you didn’t get cold in the middle of the night
whether you wanted a bath or not tho, i feel like he would gently try to coax you to use the bathroom (going to the bathroom after sex helps prevent yeast infections js) because he wants his little girl healthy in all parts of her body
He would also get you a glass of water and make you drink it all, just to make sure that you would rehydrate yourself
he probably wouldn’t get that dressed himself tho, like the most he will put on is probably a pair of boxer briefs and then he’ll wrap his arms around you and coo little praises and compliments, telling you that you were such a good girl for Daddy all the time and that you always do so well for him and you always make him feel so good
and you would be the first to fall asleep, but not before you told him that you loved him a lot
to sum up, he’s not a crazy demanding daddy that makes you jump through a lot of hoops or anything like that. He just loves taking care of you and making sure that you are always safe. He’s not a very kinky or harsh lover, he’s quite soft and warm.
the end :)
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mollydollyjournals · 3 years
Monday 31st, 159.4 I think? I've already forgotten. Either that or 159.6. My memory is so bad.
I guess I'm rehydrated then. It feels more accurate. I definitely didn't feel like 157.
Hb actually wanted to go outside today so we went for a walk in the woods and fields. It was nice. Just irritating that I was almost coming to terms with wanting to leave and then got a nice thing so now ????? Like can there just be more of the nice. Or any of it. Then I won't feel so trapped.
It was a good walk anyway. I thought we weren't going to go far so I didn't start a step counter or anything, but I'm going to guess it was about 8k steps? Hard to tell because it wasn't constant walking, and the pace varied, but it was quite a while. Having said that also a good amount of it was on uneven ground or uphill so also a good strength workout. Regardless of the actual number of steps, it was definitely still a really good low intensity workout. We used to go every day for a while last summer and I remember at first I really struggled to do 20-30mins. It was so discouraging because as a teenager/young adult I used to wall everywhere and for hours a day sometimes, and sure I'm not 16 anymore but it was just so difficult. I was way out of shape compared to most people I know as well. This year, hb needed to stop for a couple of breaks but I could have kept going the whole time. My muscles don't hurt. I had a little bit of lung pain, which makes sense given my activity level. But it was so much better than before. It was good to feel like I've at least got better in one way.
I also now feel sort of...satisfactorily tired? I'm not wiped out like I would be from a proper workout. Just tired. I think it killed my urge to drink. Today is day 2 and I normally would feel like I need to drink. I did earlier. But now I just feel like I'll be okay without it. Like I'd like to, but only out of boredom or habit. I don't feel like I need to.
Everything I've eaten today has been healthy and mostly veg, but I did eat a lot of one thing that I'm regretting and feeling bad about. It's a good thing sometimes but only with good portion control, which I don't seem to have right now. I think I'll stop buying it for a while. My calories were higher than I'd like today. The only good thing is I did the walking, and I know it's still a lower amount than normal people or diets or whatever, but it's still higher than I'd like.
I'm wondering if I can push myself back into working out every day instead of drinking. I just always need something. Every day I need to feel something. If I'm going to get addicted to something it might as well be working out because then I can at least look good. Just when I get tired or sick or whatever then I can't work out and I still want something and I drink and it gets worse over time and yeah.
Hb took some photos of me today. I hate them all. He always says it's from a distance so you can't really see and I look fine blah blah. But I still hate them. I have such a nonexistent thigh gap my knees touch and it's really obvious in the photos. I'm so wide. My face is just covered in extra padding. My fingers are even fat now. I need to fix it.
Especially because I want to see bf. He says he misses me as well. A lot. So much it could almost convince my shitty brain I'm worth missing. But I still feel disgusting. He knows I have bad self esteem issues and I did say not long ago that I'm struggling with the idea of seeing him because I've gained weight. He says he'll still like to look at me. I know he's not going to like laugh at me or whatever but I still feel gross and I know that any time I become aware of all my fat I'll start feeling shitty and it'll ruin it. I wish I could still have the confidence to live my life instead of focusing on my weight but I can't. I've tried so many times in so many ways.
There's also the whole issue of me having to take large doses of lax every day which means I go to the toilet a lot but if I don't do that apparently it all just stops completely. I haven't told anyone about it. I don't really like talking about toilet stuff as it is. So explaining all that...idk. If I go see bf I'll have to try to time it all so it's not an issue while I'm with him. Otherwise I'd have to talk about it. Ugh. As if I didn't already feel disgusting and unattractive enough.
For today, I've had half my daily total, and I'm just lying in bed with a sheet mask on. I figured while I'm walking and hydrating and not drinking alcohol, I might as well make my skin as nice as I can. Maybe give it back some of what I always sap it of when I drink. I need to drink the other half of my lax, then see how much energy I have. I went to bed super early yesterday so I might end up tired really soon. But I'd like to do a mini strength workout. Just some abs/core stuff and stretching. That'd be good for a lot of reasons.
Then I need to make a list of stuff to do tomorrow, and hope I'll be able to do it. There's other stuff I didn't do today but tbh any day I manage to do anything physical that takes priority.
I'm definitely tired now though. I don't know if there's any particular reason for it but I still feel like it's going to take a lot of effort to do anything. Still, it does feel possible, which is different to usual. My head also hurts and that's probably the worst part.
It looks like I'll have finally done 2 days sober though. Not like I haven't done this before. But I regressed a lot with my drinking so getting through today is kind of a milestone. I guess I'll see how I get on tomorrow as well.
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glamodasite · 6 years
Banter Babe: Ellis Brooklyn’s Bee Shapiro
What’s your beauty vibe? Is there such a beauty vibe as a mood ring? I’m constantly changing up my look. My makeup beauty goals would probably be Katie Jane Hughes. I’m obsessed with her Instagram account. She does so many cool color and texture combos without looking like she’s wearing a pound of makeup. Also, she does a lot of glitter shades on the eye, and I’m a sucker for anything twinkly.
What’s the first beauty product you owned and loved? My mom was – and still is – obsessed with skincare so I feel like I’ve been using beauty products in some way, shape, or form since I was born. I remember whipping up lanolin oil hair masks in second grade and I also did egg white facials. I’m also part of the Lip Smacker generation. I had five different flavors in elementary school, including my fave: Dr. Pepper. I was also obsessed with Love’s Baby Soft fragrance. The first makeup product I was most into, though, was my black kohl eyeliner from Wet n’ Wild. I was 12 and I would wait until I got to school (so my mom wouldn’t see) and then spend some 10 minutes each day putting on gobs of it. I grew up in Seattle so I thought I was doing the grunge look justice — the important word here is “thought.” It might not have been my best beauty moment but I’m still a big fan of eyeliner, so it really was love.
What’s your favorite beauty treatment splurge? I had a facial from Nichola Joss recently, and I swear my face looked lifted for a week afterwards. I’m a huge proponent of massage in general and she’s best known for this inner mouth massage that hurts so good. She’s also just an immensely talented, lovely person so I absolutely believe in karma and good vibes and all of that.
What’s your daily makeup routine — and how long does it take? I have a 3-year-old and a 19-month-old, so I have gotten very good at putting on makeup in five minutes. That said, I don’t skimp. If it’s the weekend, I’ll skip foundation and might just do a tinted sunscreen. I like the radiant one from Ever or the Skinceuticals Physical Fusion UV Defense, which is so reliable. But if I’m headed to work, then I like a longwear foundation. The Dior Forever is really good, and I like the MAC Pro Longwear nourishing formula. They each have a color that works very well for me. I dot that on with a damp Beauty Blender so it’s still relatively sheer. I almost always wear eye makeup. I have virtually nonexistent eyelashes, so mascara is a must. My go-to lately is Lancome’s Monsieur Big. It’s like Too Faced’s Better Than Sex, but with a less clunky brush. Eyeshadows might be my favorite color product. I have palettes for days. Also Tom Ford just put out some glittery beauties via his Extreme line. I use a black liquid liner on top and a soft kohl or gel eyeliner on the bottom, like the one from Smashbox. For liquid, I’m fairly agnostic, but I do like the Lancome Artliner and Cle de Peau has one that has two different brush ends, thick and thin, which is nice. I might contour with CLE’s bronzy cushion compact; Charlotte Tilbury’s Bronze and Glow is good for days I’m on the oilier side because it’s a powder. I have a bunch of Chanel blushes in a variety of shades, and I’ll dust a tiny bit on just on the tops of my cheeks. For lips, I generally go for a lighter neutral color by day. The new Dior Lacquer Plump is so good—like a stain but not so drying. Brows take me the longest. Lately, I’ve been using two different pencils by Benefit. One has a wide, long tip and the other is very precise and made for drawing in hairs. I also am very into fragrance (obviously!). Since starting my line, Ellis Brooklyn, I pretty much only wear my own. I’m currently over the moon for our new Fawn scent. It’s neroli, coconut milk, amber, lily of the valley; it’s my highbrow-yet-delicious summer scent.
What’s your daily skincare routine? Lately, I start with Skinceuticals Replenishing Cleanser, which is gentle yet gets the job done. Then I’m big on the layering scene. I can always leave a layer off. If it’s pretty mild out, I might just stick to a hyaluronic-based serum. The Innisfree Intensive Rehydrating Serum is so good for the price. Skinceuticals also has a bunch of really great serums. If it’s harsh or dry out, I might layer a cream on. I love the Avene A-Oxitive line. I’m also a huge fan of the Avene Cicalfate Restorative Skin Cream when my skin is on the fritz. At night, I do the same cleanser situation but might also use the Klorane Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover. It’s super effective without being too oily. I’ll go back to the serum and then do an oil instead of a cream. I avoid silicones when I can at night. I think silicones are okay in moderation, but too many skincare products these days over-rely on them. Also, you really don’t need a silicone unless you’re out in the elements. I’ve been into the Elemis Superfoods Oil. Also, the Elemis Pro Collagen Eye Serum is so lovely and sinks in right away.
I’m also a big-time masker. I’m really loving the M-61 Fast Blast Facial Mask lately, which is like a blast of vitamin C in just 2 minutes. At night, I like the Glow Recipe Watermelon Sleeping Mask. If I’m not using the sleeping mask, there are a plethora of glycolic/lactic peeling options out there.
Age gracefully or filler and botox, please and thanks? Currently just aging but definitely considering filler and Botox. With the two kids and the fact I’m turning 37 this year, Mama looks tired. I also discovered all these tiny eye lines recently. It’s like they appeared out of nowhere.
What product do you buy in bulk? Aquaphor. I use it for my kids and myself. For awhile, I tried to eliminate all petroleum jelly and mineral oil from the products our family uses, but then my youngest had very bad eczema and Aquaphor, along with Mustela’s Stelatopia line, was the only thing that worked. I find it one of the best multi-use products, ever.
What’s your save-the-day hair product and why? I am so impressed with the Miriam Quevedo Glacial White Caviar Hydra-Pure Shampoo. After I had my second baby, my scalp would not stop itching. I literally tried everything from scalp masks to scrubs to sulfate-free, etc. This is the only thing that made my scalp stop itching. It’s super gentle, gets the job done, and has some sort of magic (albeit expensive magic) that rebalances your scalp’s flora.
I also really like the Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair hair mask. It smells delicious and really does the job without weighing hair down too much.
Who is responsible for your hair – cut and color? I actually get my hair cuts all over New York. I’m constantly testing out different stylists for my New York Times work. My most recent cut is by Arsen Gurgov. It’s very good because he didn’t over-layer and it’s growing out well.The best cut I ever got, though, was by the master, Serge Normant. I currently don’t have my hair colored, but I am very tempted to go crazy blonde one day.
Best piece of beauty advice you’ve received? This one came from my mom: Don’t focus on being the most beautiful because there will always be someone more beautiful than you out there. Instead, make the most of what you have and then don’t think too much about it.
Who is your beauty icon, and why? Probably Francoise Hardy, but since I will never look like that — I’ve never been good at that effortless French look anyway — I’ve sort of given up on the whole beauty icon business. Instead, I sort of have my muses of the moment. I’m currently super into Fernanda Ly and also the Japanese model, Kozue Akimoto.
What’s your least favorite beauty trend/ look? The angry brow. It’s the one that’s most in your face lately. I’m actually very much in favor of a strong brow but I’ve been seeing so many pairs of angry brows on the subway. What may look decent on Instagram may just look scary in real life.
If you could only do one beauty treatment on the weekly, what would it be and why? A massage, hands down. It just re-centers everything and gets the blood going without doing a workout.
What’s your best kept beauty secret? If you want to keep breakouts at bay before a big event, drink a shot of aloe every morning. Don’t go for the sweetened stuff, go buy a big bottle of straight aloe juice from Whole Foods. The stuff is disgusting but I swear it works.
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— Bee Shapiro, founder of Ellis Brooklyn and New York Times writer.
The post Banter Babe: Ellis Brooklyn’s Bee Shapiro appeared first on Beauty Banter.
Banter Babe: Ellis Brooklyn’s Bee Shapiro published first on https://hypertoolz.tumblr.com/
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theperfectorpage · 6 years
Banter Babe: Ellis Brooklyn’s Bee Shapiro
What’s your beauty vibe? Is there such a beauty vibe as a mood ring? I’m constantly changing up my look. My makeup beauty goals would probably be Katie Jane Hughes. I’m obsessed with her Instagram account. She does so many cool color and texture combos without looking like she’s wearing a pound of makeup. Also, she does a lot of glitter shades on the eye, and I’m a sucker for anything twinkly.
What’s the first beauty product you owned and loved? My mom was – and still is – obsessed with skincare so I feel like I’ve been using beauty products in some way, shape, or form since I was born. I remember whipping up lanolin oil hair masks in second grade and I also did egg white facials. I’m also part of the Lip Smacker generation. I had five different flavors in elementary school, including my fave: Dr. Pepper. I was also obsessed with Love’s Baby Soft fragrance. The first makeup product I was most into, though, was my black kohl eyeliner from Wet n’ Wild. I was 12 and I would wait until I got to school (so my mom wouldn’t see) and then spend some 10 minutes each day putting on gobs of it. I grew up in Seattle so I thought I was doing the grunge look justice — the important word here is “thought.” It might not have been my best beauty moment but I’m still a big fan of eyeliner, so it really was love.
What’s your favorite beauty treatment splurge? I had a facial from Nichola Joss recently, and I swear my face looked lifted for a week afterwards. I’m a huge proponent of massage in general and she’s best known for this inner mouth massage that hurts so good. She’s also just an immensely talented, lovely person so I absolutely believe in karma and good vibes and all of that.
What’s your daily makeup routine — and how long does it take? I have a 3-year-old and a 19-month-old, so I have gotten very good at putting on makeup in five minutes. That said, I don’t skimp. If it’s the weekend, I’ll skip foundation and might just do a tinted sunscreen. I like the radiant one from Ever or the Skinceuticals Physical Fusion UV Defense, which is so reliable. But if I’m headed to work, then I like a longwear foundation. The Dior Forever is really good, and I like the MAC Pro Longwear nourishing formula. They each have a color that works very well for me. I dot that on with a damp Beauty Blender so it’s still relatively sheer. I almost always wear eye makeup. I have virtually nonexistent eyelashes, so mascara is a must. My go-to lately is Lancome’s Monsieur Big. It’s like Too Faced’s Better Than Sex, but with a less clunky brush. Eyeshadows might be my favorite color product. I have palettes for days. Also Tom Ford just put out some glittery beauties via his Extreme line. I use a black liquid liner on top and a soft kohl or gel eyeliner on the bottom, like the one from Smashbox. For liquid, I’m fairly agnostic, but I do like the Lancome Artliner and Cle de Peau has one that has two different brush ends, thick and thin, which is nice. I might contour with CLE’s bronzy cushion compact; Charlotte Tilbury’s Bronze and Glow is good for days I’m on the oilier side because it’s a powder. I have a bunch of Chanel blushes in a variety of shades, and I’ll dust a tiny bit on just on the tops of my cheeks. For lips, I generally go for a lighter neutral color by day. The new Dior Lacquer Plump is so good—like a stain but not so drying. Brows take me the longest. Lately, I’ve been using two different pencils by Benefit. One has a wide, long tip and the other is very precise and made for drawing in hairs. I also am very into fragrance (obviously!). Since starting my line, Ellis Brooklyn, I pretty much only wear my own. I’m currently over the moon for our new Fawn scent. It’s neroli, coconut milk, amber, lily of the valley; it’s my highbrow-yet-delicious summer scent.
What’s your daily skincare routine? Lately, I start with Skinceuticals Replenishing Cleanser, which is gentle yet gets the job done. Then I’m big on the layering scene. I can always leave a layer off. If it’s pretty mild out, I might just stick to a hyaluronic-based serum. The Innisfree Intensive Rehydrating Serum is so good for the price. Skinceuticals also has a bunch of really great serums. If it’s harsh or dry out, I might layer a cream on. I love the Avene A-Oxitive line. I’m also a huge fan of the Avene Cicalfate Restorative Skin Cream when my skin is on the fritz. At night, I do the same cleanser situation but might also use the Klorane Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover. It’s super effective without being too oily. I’ll go back to the serum and then do an oil instead of a cream. I avoid silicones when I can at night. I think silicones are okay in moderation, but too many skincare products these days over-rely on them. Also, you really don’t need a silicone unless you’re out in the elements. I’ve been into the Elemis Superfoods Oil. Also, the Elemis Pro Collagen Eye Serum is so lovely and sinks in right away.
I’m also a big-time masker. I’m really loving the M-61 Fast Blast Facial Mask lately, which is like a blast of vitamin C in just 2 minutes. At night, I like the Glow Recipe Watermelon Sleeping Mask. If I’m not using the sleeping mask, there are a plethora of glycolic/lactic peeling options out there.
Age gracefully or filler and botox, please and thanks? Currently just aging but definitely considering filler and Botox. With the two kids and the fact I’m turning 37 this year, Mama looks tired. I also discovered all these tiny eye lines recently. It’s like they appeared out of nowhere.
What product do you buy in bulk? Aquaphor. I use it for my kids and myself. For awhile, I tried to eliminate all petroleum jelly and mineral oil from the products our family uses, but then my youngest had very bad eczema and Aquaphor, along with Mustela’s Stelatopia line, was the only thing that worked. I find it one of the best multi-use products, ever.
What’s your save-the-day hair product and why? I am so impressed with the Miriam Quevedo Glacial White Caviar Hydra-Pure Shampoo. After I had my second baby, my scalp would not stop itching. I literally tried everything from scalp masks to scrubs to sulfate-free, etc. This is the only thing that made my scalp stop itching. It’s super gentle, gets the job done, and has some sort of magic (albeit expensive magic) that rebalances your scalp’s flora.
I also really like the Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair hair mask. It smells delicious and really does the job without weighing hair down too much.
Who is responsible for your hair – cut and color? I actually get my hair cuts all over New York. I’m constantly testing out different stylists for my New York Times work. My most recent cut is by Arsen Gurgov. It’s very good because he didn’t over-layer and it’s growing out well.The best cut I ever got, though, was by the master, Serge Normant. I currently don’t have my hair colored, but I am very tempted to go crazy blonde one day.
Best piece of beauty advice you’ve received? This one came from my mom: Don’t focus on being the most beautiful because there will always be someone more beautiful than you out there. Instead, make the most of what you have and then don’t think too much about it.
Who is your beauty icon, and why? Probably Francoise Hardy, but since I will never look like that — I’ve never been good at that effortless French look anyway — I’ve sort of given up on the whole beauty icon business. Instead, I sort of have my muses of the moment. I’m currently super into Fernanda Ly and also the Japanese model, Kozue Akimoto.
What’s your least favorite beauty trend/ look? The angry brow. It’s the one that’s most in your face lately. I’m actually very much in favor of a strong brow but I’ve been seeing so many pairs of angry brows on the subway. What may look decent on Instagram may just look scary in real life.
If you could only do one beauty treatment on the weekly, what would it be and why? A massage, hands down. It just re-centers everything and gets the blood going without doing a workout.
What’s your best kept beauty secret? If you want to keep breakouts at bay before a big event, drink a shot of aloe every morning. Don’t go for the sweetened stuff, go buy a big bottle of straight aloe juice from Whole Foods. The stuff is disgusting but I swear it works.
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— Bee Shapiro, founder of Ellis Brooklyn and New York Times writer.
The post Banter Babe: Ellis Brooklyn’s Bee Shapiro appeared first on Beauty Banter.
Banter Babe: Ellis Brooklyn’s Bee Shapiro posted first on http://constructiondumpstersaustinpage.blogspot.com/
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