#anyway its very nice to meet you tysm for stopping by i really appreciate it you're so sweet <333
wouyoungarchive · 2 years
hiii rin, i love your blog and your creations so much!! my name is bel, would love to be friends 🥰
omg hiii 💖💖💖 thank you so much for saying that oh my gosh i appreciate it sm!!! and hello its soooo nice to meet you!!! i'm rin, but you already know that heheh and we've been moots for a bit i think but we've never talked i'm sorry ☹️🥺 i'd love love LOVE to be friends though!!! i see you're from the uk, me too!!! i'm from around manchester heheh usually people are from down south when i meet uk friends :( where abouts are you from? also who is your ateez bias!!! AAA my bias line is a mile long but right now jongho has me by the throat!!!
okay i'll stop talking now bc ive talked too much but feel free to talk to me whenever or dm me if you'd like!!! lots of love x 💖
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sadie-bug345 · 2 months
I love your writing (: do you think maybe you could do something like hcs of the gang supporting you at like your track meet or something?? Thank you!!
YESS i gotchu 💞🫶🏃‍♀️💨
my guy is a track star himself so when he’s not currently running he’ll stop and watch you
not crazy loud when it comes to cheering
cause whenever people cheer really loud when he’s running it distracts him
but he’ll compliment you like crazy afterwards which i think is very nice🫶
prob one of the loudest NGL
since he’s so popular he’s got a good amount of friends to come cheer you on
even people you don’t know he still got them to scream your name
so when you’re done you’re walking back towards the bleachers like
”uh who even are these people🧐🤷‍♂️🤨”
LMAOO it’s really sweet and even if you do bad soda will still find some way to cheer you up
he seems like a sign maker
bc pictures are worth a thousand words🧐🙏
no but he’d probably be pretty quiet but hold up the sign that he and pony made LOUD AND PROUD
when the gang hears that he’s showing up, suddenly everyone wants to go with him and cheer you on🫶
but as a teen athlete himself he enjoys when people pull thru and yell kinda a lot at games
and his voice carries so like you’ll be all the way around the track from him and you’ll still hear him like
kinda gives dad vibes but ITS OK cause he acknowledges it and accepts it🙏
probably just hangs around the fence that separates the field from the bleachers
pretty quiet cause you cannot tell me dally doesn’t get embarrassed by that stuff easily
like even in the movie when cherry rejects him CAUSE HE WAS BEINF A JERK
he was so butthurt abt it and just getting SO defensive like “fine. 🙄 ik when i’m not wanted🫵😧💀”
anyways he’s just kinda hanging out there for the most part pretty quiet
but after the meet he’ll come over and give you an awkward side hug cause you’re all sweaty and he’s super bad at those things
but he means well
AND he takes you out for ice cream later so🤩
probably brings cowbells or smth
the whole deal
hes honestly rlly fun to hang around though
and he’ll always pull thru and show up
even if it’s at a totally different high school he’ll just spawn in and you’ll hear him while you’re warming up like 😧
i mean he was willing to drive to texas to find pony and johnny sooo he’s willing to go a little outta down to show support 🫶🙏👍
brings soda to tagalong w him
just the most hyped
his voice will carry even farther than darrys
just cause he loud asf😭
BUT you really appreciate it cause everyone’s cheering the most for you like you’re some movie star LMAO🫶
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novacxlum · 5 years
skinny dipping
in which luke, the captain of the swim team and the boy who holds your heart, offers to work with you to prepare for swim season. antics ensue.
request: “hi okay so i really feel awkward requesting smut but like,,, ur writing is so good so like could u write shower sex w luke? tysm!” ps dont feel awkward i love u sorry this is so late and also got......a lil crazy
warning: another luke smut? truly just self indulgence if im being 100% honest, some hella lax choking, light dirty talk, technically public sex
a/n: someone tell me to stop writing for luke thanks. as always, feedback is very much appreciated :-) <3
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When you get out of the lap pool, all your muscles are loose and weak. The chlorine has settled in your hair and its distinct scent surrounds you as your tired legs carry you to your towel; you drop into a chair as soon as you reach one, ignoring the cold metal beneath your legs as you delight in the relaxation. Your breathing is hard and your heart is pounding as you gulp as much water as possible from your water bottle. All summer you had meant to make it to the pool, you honestly had. But you had been so preoccupied with cutting a million things off your bucket list before school started that you just forgot.
You felt that regret now, wishing you had just gone a couple times a month. That would have saved you the next three days of sore muscles. Your knees are already beginning to bruise from neglecting the stairs out of the pool by pulling yourself up from the edge. When you try to run a hand through your hair, your fingers get caught in the knots created by the chlorine; you groan, not even close to ready to brush it out later. For now, you pull it into a scrunchie high on the crown of your head while you bask in your dread. You’re standing up when the door to the pool opens; it surprises you enough to make you jump, your tired muscles clenching in fright. You had made it a point to wake up early enough to get to the pool and finish well before the kids and their babysitters started pouring in. When you look at your phone, it’s only 7:15. You look up to meet eyes with a tall, grinning blonde.
“(Y/N)!” He exclaims, making you smile back widely.
“Hi, Luke!” You greet, wrapping your arms around his warm, bare torso when he pulls you in for a hug.
Luke was a senior this year, and captain of the swim team. The two of you had gotten pretty close last year as he had always volunteered to drive the underclassmen home in the minivan he had inherited from his mother. You had almost exclusively gotten the front seat, and you were always last to be dropped off which inevitably led to the two of you gossiping about the other people on the team. Luke had most definitely made your transition into high school much more comfortable, and you always made sure to let him know.
“You excited for swim to start?” He asks, and you glare at him with playful eyes.
“Take another look at me and ask that question again.” You deadpan. He giggles, his eyes bright and you can’t help but let loose a smile. “What about you?”
“Of course.” His voice is light as he sets his things on the bench next to you. You can’t help but watch as the muscles of his shoulders ripple and you avert your eyes quickly.
It was no secret to your friends that you had a big schoolgirl crush on Luke. The close friendship the two of you shared had tricked your heart into developing feelings for him and as much as you tried to deny it, you really did adore Luke with everything in you.
“I should’ve kept up on workouts this summer.” You scold yourself to him and he shrugs.
“I only started a few weeks ago. The season doesn’t technically start for another two months, and we don’t start practices for another month.” You stare at him and he laughs again, shaking his head. “You have time. And if you need motivation, we can work out together.” He suggests.
You struggle to keep the grin off your face as you give him a casual smile. “Yeah, that sounds good. When do you usually come?”
“Just around this time on Mondays and Thursdays. I’ll text you on Thursday and I’ll just pick you up on my way here. Sound good?”
You nod as your lips quirk up. You stand, grabbing your keys and your swim bag, bidding him a quick farewell and turning your back to him so he couldn’t see the face-splitting grin you were sporting.
Despite your sore muscles, you felt better that day than you had all summer.
Thursday morning, you’ve gone through all the possible scenarios in your head. You aren’t anxious, because you’re already close to Luke, but you are excited. So excited that you can’t sit down. Your swim bag has been unpacked and repacked enough times that you could take a mental inventory. You’re just putting on a loose shirt over your shorts and swimsuit when your phone chimes.
Luke: I’m outside :-)
You slide your jandals on and grab your bag and water bottle from your bed before rushing to the front door. You close it behind you, allowing the late summer air of the early morning wash over you. You turn to face Luke’s car, which had been replaced and was no longer a minivan.
A sleek black car sits in your driveway and your narrow your eyes in confusion, but your pace stays constant when you see Luke’s smiling face in the driver’s side.
“New wheels?” The words have fallen from your lips as soon as you’re settled in the soft leather seats. Despite how early it is, the air conditioner is blasting and a Hippo Campus song is pouring lowly from the speakers.
He chuckles softly, shrugging. “Been saving up for a few years and the minivan died, so there was no better time.”
He pulls out of the driveway and you look over at him, watching carefully as he taps his fingers on the wheel to the beat of the music. The car smells of leather and chlorine from yours and Luke’s duffel bags by your feet and in the backseat, respectively. You smile softly at him and turn away, looking out the window.
In an unfairly short amount of time, you’re parked in the parking lot of the indoor pool and you’re stepping through the doors, the humidity already hitting you. Luke smiles at the girl standing behind the counter, a girl you recognize as the teacher’s aide for your biology class last year. You think she’s in Luke’s grade, and you think you catch her with a disdainful look when she sees you behind the tall blonde. You smile at her anyway and walk through the doors leading to the locker rooms and the water. The two of you skip past the lockers and walk straight for the pool.
There’s music playing over the speakers, echoing around the room and suddenly, you’re nervous. You don’t understand why, because you’d swam with Luke a hundred times before, but for some reason, things were different now.
It’s almost two full hours before the two of you are ready to call it good. You’re sore, but not nearly as sore as you were on Monday. Luke’s giggling at you as you struggle to get out of the water, your aversion to ladders still very much apparent.
“C’mere.” He chuckles, moving toward you and outstretching a hand. You grip it tightly with both hands and he uses his other hand to grip your own forearm. With a foot as high on the wall as you can get it, Luke’s body pulls back and you’re suddenly out of the water, your feet on the slick ground as the tall blonde before you allowed his hand to fall from your arm to your back to ensure your stability.
Whatever snicker was once floating through the air from either of you had disappeared as you looked up at him, his hand firmly against the small of your back holding you to him as you gripped his hand in both of yours. He takes a deep breath, and suddenly both of your hands are off of him and he’s taking a step back. You allow yourself to laugh in order to lighten the mood, walking carefully to where your bags sat.
“Are you gonna shower, or do you just want to dip?” You ask, grabbing your towel and wiping off your face.
Against Luke’s better judgment, he decides to go straight home. You both towel off, pulling your clothes back on, pushing away the slight awkwardness by throwing jokes back at one another. By the time you get back to his car, the two of you are back to normal and you’re careful to keep your wet hair from dripping on his nice leather seats. The ride to your house is full of music and jokes and laughs. When he pulls into your driveway, he puts his car in park and turns to look at you.
“Do you want to you go out? Like on a date?”
You’re shocked at his words, and in a rare moment of bravery, you look at him with wide eyes. “Are you telling me this wasn’t a date?” You tease, making him groan. “Yes, Luke. I would love to go on a date with you.”
“Great. Is Saturday okay?” He asks, and you nod, a large smile on your face.
You lean across the center console and press a chaste kiss to his cheek before hopping out, swiftly making your way to the front door and letting yourself inside. With pink cheeks and a squeal, you can’t help but immediately begin planning.
“This isn’t lame, is it?” Luke’s voice breaks through the low chatter of silverware against ceramic plates and talks in the diner. You laugh softly and shake your head, the air conditioning blasting through the restaurant despite the fact that the sun was down.
“No, I love it here. You know that.” You assure the blonde boy sitting across from you. Maddy’s was a cute little diner that had been settled early in the sixties just down the street from your neighborhood. It was always packed full of teenagers, as it was the only restaurant in town that was cheap enough to go regularly and open 24 hours a day. You adored Maddy’s, and Luke was well aware.
“I wanted to take you somewhere new, but I forgot to make reservations somewhere.” He says bashfully. It’s rare for Luke to look so shy, and it almost takes you off guard. Almost. You smile softly at him from across the table.
“This is perfect.” You say. He grins.
The smell of hamburgers and fries arises quickly as Hallie, a sweet girl in the grade between yours and Luke’s brings your food to the table. “Alright, guys, is there anything else I can get for you?” She asks, and Luke shakes his head with a friendly smile.
“No, thank you, Hallie.” He says warmly. You watch Hallie fight the blush that takes over her cheeks as she nods and walks away. You look at him in awe and he looks back at you in confusion. “What?”
“How the hell do you do that?’ You inquire, and he furrows his brows.
“Do what?” He retorts, grabbing a few fries from the overflowing basket before him. You roll your eyes.
“Get every single girl you talk to fall at your feet.” You say, causing him to scoff loudly.
“I don’t.” He says, and you laugh sarcastically.
“You’re kidding. All you had to do was smile at Hallie to make her blush, and I’m pretty sure the girl at the pool wants to hang me by my ankles every time she sees us together. Every girl that’s ever laid eyes on you is automatically entranced, follows your every move right on your heels.” You say, picking at your own food.
“Not every girl.” He says. You look up at him, seeing a small smile play on his lips.
“Maybe some of us are resistant to your charm.” You tease. Luke chuckles, shaking his head.
“Have I told you just how gorgeous you look tonight?” He says, a smirk tugging at his lips as you kick his leg softly under the table.
“Laying in on a little thick there, Hemmings,” You giggle. “but thank you.” Luke catches one of your legs between his, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he smiles sweetly and picks up his food.
The two of you remained in the diner for several more hours, giggling loudly and playfully teasing one another. By the time you leave, Maddy’s is nearly empty. The only booth left, a group of boys, whoop loudly at the two of you as you step out the door and Luke glares hard at them, but you can’t help the soft laugh that falls from your lips.
The walk back to your house envelops the two of you in a warm breeze. Your arm brushes Luke’s every once in a while as the two of you speak softly. The walk to your house isn’t nearly long enough, and when the two of you are standing under your porch light, Luke pretends that he doesn’t realize how warm it is, his large hands rubbing your bare arms. “We should do this again.” He says. You smile up at him and nod. His eyes flicker to your lips, before he leans down and presses his lips to yours. You raise up on your toes, gripping the tee shirt at his waist while one of his hands fell to your hip and the other to your lower back. You moan softly as Luke pulls you into him, parting your lips slightly to allow him access.
He pulls away a few seconds later, his breathing slightly heavier than normal. “So, we’re still on for Monday?” He jokes. You laugh softly, resting your forehead on his chest.
“Yeah, I suppose so.”
He presses a chaste kiss on your lips before hopping down the stairs, sending a soft smile over his shoulder before making his way home.
You smile gently, letting yourself inside and ignoring your heavily beating heart.
When you wake on Monday, you get ready a little too quickly. You’re excited to see Luke after your date on Saturday, more excited than you are nervous. The part of your subconscious that doesn’t want you to be happy makes you worry that Luke has realized that you’re too immature for him, or not pretty enough, or generally not interesting enough.
You choose to ignore that part of your brain.
It isn’t long before Luke’s name pops up on your phone to inform you that he’s parked out front, so you grab your swim bag from the foot of your bed and rush outside to see him. The sun shines in your eyes and reflects off of the black car in your driveway, so you squint on your way to your seat.
“Good morning,” he sing-songs, and you smile sweetly at him.
“Good morning.” You mimic him. He chuckles softly, allowing his hand to fall to your thigh as he reverses out of your driveway.
“Are you ready for training today?” He asks, and you roll your eyes, your hand moving to rest on top of his.
“I’m sure I can handle whatever you throw at me.” You laugh, and he shakes his head.
“Don’t think I’m gonna go easy on you just because I think you’re cute,” he teases, and you ignore the blush raising up your neck. “I let you off easy on Thursday because it was your first workout with me, but today we’re working hard.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine.” You assure him.
Less than half an hour later, you’ve sprawled yourself across the cement next to the pool, Luke staring at you from the water.
“Remember how confident you were that you could handle this?” He teases, and you move your head to glare at him.
“Fuck off.” You groan. He laughs.
“You calling it quits?” He asks you.
“God, yes. Put me out of my misery.” You whimper. You aren’t usually one to admit defeat, but you can barely breath. Luke pulls himself out of the pool and you watch him, blushing at the sight of his strong arms lifting him out of the water. He stands above you and you stare up at him, lazily reaching your hand out to him. He chuckles softly, gripping your hand and pulling you up as well. His hand rests on your hip, pulling you into him, much like Saturday night.
“Hello.” He teases, and you groan again, resting your head against his chest and sighing, allowing your breathing to slow.
“Why do you hate me?” You ask him sarcastically. He laughs loudly, hugging you close to him. Your arms wrap around him.
“I don’t hate you, I adore you.” He says, rubbing your back. “How ‘bout we go out to breakfast?” He suggests. You lean back, your arms still around one another as you stare up at him.
“Can I shower first? I smell like chlorine.” You say, and he scoffs with a smile.
“Yeah, we’ll shower.” He says with a nod, leaning down to your height. You grin, stepping up on your toes to press your lips to his. His tongue immediately runs along your bottom lip, urging you to open your mouth. You, of course, indulge him and part your lips, his tongue running across the roof of your mouth. You shudder against him, and in turn, feel how excited he’s gotten. He moans softly into your mouth and your hands grip his back, your fervor increasing. He pulls away with heavy breathing, resting his head against your own. “We’d better get going.” He says, and you nod.
Letting go of him, the two of you walk closely together until you get to the adjacent doors of the two locker rooms. “I shouldn’t be long, maybe ten minutes?” You say, and he nods swiftly, carefully trying to conceal his hard-on. You turn on your heel, walking quickly into the locker room behind you.
You’re only slightly overwhelmed because now you know that Luke is as attracted to you as you are to him. Also, because you know that less than twenty feet from you, he’s just as turned on as you are.
In a moment of uncharacteristic boldness, you turn around and walk confidently into the men’s locker room across the hall. “Luke?” You call out, already hearing the running water.
“(Y/N)?” He asks, and at the sound of his voice, all confidence that had filled you just seconds before has been lost as quickly as it had come across you as you blanch. This is weird, it’s so weird, and you’re embarrassed.
“I-um...I think I forgot m-my soap, so...do you have any extra, maybe?” It’s a poor excuse, and you know it before it even falls from your lips.
Luke laughs. He already knows. “C’mere.” He says, soft but demanding. You listen to him, walking timidly to the running shower. The air is steamy and you’re acutely aware of his swimsuit draped over the bench near his bag. With a quick glance to the clock, ensuring it was still far too early for any of the usuals to come, you reach his shower. His eyes lock on you immediately, his hand reaching out for you. You take a step forward, bringing yourself into reaching distance as he grips your hip and presses you against him. While you had avoided looking at his lower half when you stepped into the shower, you know now that you didn’t need to. You can feel him pressing against you. “Now, what’re you doing in here?” He asks, his voice significantly lower now than it had been before.
“Um...I don’t know, I guess. Looking for you.” You’re much shyer than you felt was appropriate, considering the two of you were one layer away from being completely bare against one another.
His fingers play with the zipper on your suit, looking to you for permission. You nod softly, staring up at him as he unzips it, pulling the straps off your shoulders. “Looking for me, huh?” He looks up just before your suit uncovers your breasts and closes the curtain behind him. He looks back to you with a sweet smile, the change in his demeanor sudden. His hands return to the top of your suit and, with one more look for the go-ahead, he pulls it down to your waist. His hands immediately move to your chest, leaning down to attach his lips to your exposed decolletage. He pushes the rest of your suit down and when you kick it off, he bends down, grabbing it from around your ankles and hanging it on the hook across from you.
You giggle at his care for your swimsuit and he smiles at you, before kneeling again and kissing up your leg. Whatever laugh was left on your lips is immediately cut off by the deep breath you take. His hands hold your hips tightly as his lips move right up to the crux of your thighs before moving to the bottom of your other leg. You can’t do anything to slow your heavy breathing as you watch him, your hand reaching down to wrap into his hair. He looks up to you, sees the desperation on your face, and smirks. His hand hooks around your ankle and throws your leg over his shoulder, leaving you exposed to him. He hums softly, before leaning forward and licking a thick stripe up your slit. You moan loudly and he leans back to look up at you. “Baby, you’ve got to be quiet.” He insists, and you nod with a lip between your teeth. He resumes, taking another long swipe over you slit before wrapping his lips around your clit, sucking softly. He moans against you and grips your hip firmly.
Your hand flies to your face to cover your mouth. “Oh, my god,” you murmured. The hand still curled in his hair tugs lightly to get his attention. He pulls away and you remove your leg from over his shoulder, pulling him up to stand before you. He licks his lips before he presses them to yours, the taste of yourself still lingering. His lean body presses you against the wall. Your hand reaches between your bodies, finding his cock and wrapping your hand around him. He gasps against your mouth as you lazily stroke him. You shudder at the size of him in your hand, breaking the kiss to look down at where you’re holding him. You moan outright at the sight of it, as does he. He kisses you chastely again before gripping your wrist and pulling your hand off of him. “I want to fuck you.”
Too turned on to say give a proper response, you say, “I’m on the pill.”
Luke silently thanks god. You thank your dermatologist.
His hand grips your thigh, hooking your leg around his hips. “Y’want me to fuck you?” He murmurs.
His words shock you and it’s all you can do not burst into tears. You nod fervently, “Please. Please, Luke.” Your hips move toward him, causing him to chuckle. His hips meet yours, rubbing himself against you without slipping inside. You whimper, both of your hands gripping his biceps.
“C’mon, pretty girl, can I hear you say it?” He asks, his voice sweet, a stark contrast against the way his cock is slipping through your folds.
“I want you to fuck me, Luke. Please.” You moan. The desperation in your voice is clear and he moans, gripping himself and pushing in.
Your fingernails dig into his shoulders, both of your faces screwed up in pleasure as he gives you a moment to adjust to him. As soon as he draws his hips back, you realize you’ve only felt half of him inside you and you whimper again, pulling him close to you. He pushes in again, settling fully inside of you. You moan loudly, biting your lips as Luke’s hand immediately covers your mouth. He begins to thrust, setting a steady pace. Your nails continue to dig into his shoulders as his dig into your hips, holding you in place with his free hand as he thrusts into you. The hand covering your mouth slips down to wrap gently around your throat and you have to force yourself to keep quiet. “Faster, Luke. Please.” You beg, one of your hands reaching to grip the wrist resting on your chest.
He complies, drawing his hips back and pounding into you. All you can hear is running water and Luke’s skin slapping against yours, and all you can feel is Luke slamming into you. The hand holding your hip moves to your clit, the speed and strength of his hips not subsiding. His fingertips rub your clit firmly as he leans in to speak to you.
You’re embarrassingly close for how short the two of you have been going, and the sound of his voice only brings you closer to the brink of your orgasm. “S’that feel good? You like when I fuck you like that?” He asks heavily, panting in your ear.
“Yes, Luke, fuck,” You moan, pulling him closer to you as you moan into his shoulder.
“Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” He moans, and if you weren’t so close to coming that you were almost hysterical, you’d giggle at how vocal he is.
“Oh, my god. I’m close, Luke, please,” You’re babbling, but seeing him begin to lose control shows you that he’s close too. He hums, adding more pressure to your clit and attaching his lips to the junction of your neck and shoulder, and this is exactly what pushes you over the edge.
Your brows furrow and your head tilts back against the wall behind you as your orgasm washes over you. You walls clench around Luke and his hips stutter. “Oh, fuck, (Y/N),” he groans against your neck as you trigger his orgasm. The fingers wrapped around your neck tighten slightly as he comes in you, a loud moan falling from his lips. Your own hand covers his mouth, causing you to giggle softly as he twitches against you. “Jesus Christ.” He says softly. He pulls out and you drop your leg, allowing your body to rest against the wall behind you. Both of you are breathing heavily but this doesn’t stop him from pressing a kiss to your lips, pulling you close to him. “Are you good?” He asks after he pulls away, and you can’t help but smile at him.
“Absolutely.” You say, pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder. The two of you stand under the running water for only a minute or two before Luke breaks the silence.
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defenderofurth · 5 years
rules: repost, don’t reblog. just pick a muse of yours and fill it out.
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muse: dib membrane!
▸ is your muse tall/short/average? pretty teeny, since he’s only twelve years old. he IS a couple of inches taller than zim, though, and he tends to rub that in his face ( since his species judges one’s value in society by their height ).
▸ are they okay with their height? it doesn’t get to him most of the time, since he knows he’s going to wind up growing more with age. besides, his father is super tall, so he’s bound to inherit that, right? part of him can’t wait for that, so he can TOWER over zim and tease him mercilessly about it. ▸ what’s their hair like? WEIRD. his hairstyle is very similar to his dad’s, a very short head of hair topped with a very long spike. i don’t think it’s prehensile like his father’s is ( i don’t recall whether or not dib’s hair ever had bones in it, jfc ), but...it sure is a thing.
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming? dib’s hair Stays like that even when he sleeps; that’s cartoon logic, but hey, who’s to say that membrane hasn’t invented a long-lasting hair gel or something ( provided that dib’s hair ISN’T just a weird ass fucking limb )? that being the case, No, he doesn’t really spend a lot of time taking care of it. ▸ does your muse care about their appearance? not really. he’s only into fashion to the extent that his outfit ( specifically, his jacket ) is inspired by those of “noirish spies,” but that’s pretty much it.
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them? GOD, YES. he craves acceptance and validation, ESPECIALLY from his father. when it comes to people like his classmates and teachers / other adults, he sort of just wants to rub the truth ( about aliens and the supernatural ) in their faces so he’ll stop being called crazy.
▸ indoors or outdoors? a bit of both; he isolates in his room frequently, either to compile research or spy on zim with cameras, but some of his supernatural research also requires him to spend time in the outdoors. that being said, he does enjoy it; camping out in the woods and gazing up at the stars is always fun, and so is visiting the cemetery. ▸ rain or sunshine? he started enjoying rain a lot more once he figured out that it was one of zim’s weaknesses -- now he looks forward to every thunderstorm. before that, though, he didn’t really have a preference for either. ▸ forest or beach? the forest, big time! the forest has the potential for BIGFEETS & he can camp out & stargaze!!! the beach is okay and all, and has cryptids of its own that he could investigate someday, but it’s full of people and sand -- neither of which dib is very fond of.
▸ precious metals or gems? metals?? psh, who needs gems. ▸ flowers or perfumes? flowers, i GUESS, not that either would really be appreciated unless it was haunted, cursed, or supernatural in some way fsddfs. ▸ personality or appearance? personality. appearance is the least of his concerns; if he just found someone who believed in him, in the paranormal, who could see things for what they were and actually LISTEN to him ?? he’d click with them instantly. ▸ being alone or being in a crowd? being alone. crowds, and people in general, are extremely unappealing. ▸ order or anarchy? leans more toward anarchy, even if he doesn’t actively resolve to act on those beliefs; he sees a LOT of flaws in society and the way things operate, and has plenty of distaste for authority ( ESPECIALLY after being arrested once and being put in an insane asylum ). ▸ painful truths or white lies? painful truths, most of the time; white lies are more of a last resort for when he’s intimidated ( i.e. telling gaz about his reasons for cursing her with pigmouth while she was threatening his haunted gummy bears ).
▸ science or magic? both -- the two can co-exist! he uses science to fuel his research of the paranormal, and someday, when the world has awakened to the existence of the supernatural, he wants to bring the two fields together. ▸ peace or conflict? peace, ultimately; however, his actions in the present lean more toward the conflict end of the spectrum. he tends to mess with zim even before he’s done anything wrong, all while justifying it in his own head as “the ends justifying the means.” ▸ night or day? night. i think i’ve already established how much dib loves stargazing -- he always loved outer space and was fascinated with it, and aliens were always the cryptids he was most enthusiastic about meeting ( until zim, that is ). ▸ dusk or dawn? dusk. ▸ warmth or cold? cold; his favorite season is actually autumn, both holiday and weather-wise. sweating is annoying and the humidity makes it hard to enjoy spending time in the woods, cemeteries, or infiltrating zim’s base. also, since his trenchcoat is just Part Of Him now, he really doesn’t like removing it for the summer ( and that leads to even more sweating ).
▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? I DON’T NEED FRIENDS, THEY DISAPPOINT ME
▸ reading or playing a game? reading; he spends most of his time doing that anyway, and he really sucks at video games.
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? his paranoia in general is a big one -- he refuses to trust most people after what he’s been through, and that leaks into a lot of his behavior. sometimes he even doubts the reality around him, since some of zim’s tricks have involved trapping him in simulations that mimic “ideal” versions of the world around him, and that’s really messed with him.
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? unless you count the dog he and gaz had when they were younger, or mr. dwicky ( who didn’t even die, he just sort of abandoned dib in the middle of an evidence-gathering mission ), he hasn’t really lost anybody. the dog didn’t affect him too much, but in dwicky’s case, it definitely intensified his trust issues.
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has? little things here and there -- moments where gaz actually supported him or picked him back up like in enter the florpus; a few times when he, gaz, and his father all played video games together; and that one time when he and gir spent a few days together while zim was stuck in foodcourtia, since he got to pester zim’s leaders, and also sort of just chill with zim’s sidekick for a while. ▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? definitely not. he makes petty threats here and there, and absolutely has twisted daydreams about zim on an autopsy table, but there’s no way he could follow through on any of those things himself. not unless zim went TOO far with one of his plans.
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down? it’s very brief, but there’s a taste of it in enter the florpus. he bottles it up for as long as he can, but it eventually erupts in the form of him falling to the floor and just sobbing -- he hates crying in front of other people, so if it ever gets to this point in front of anyone else, you KNOW it’s bad. ▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? not really. ▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love? A RELATIONSHIP WOULD BE ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM,, does that count as an answer?? it’d be really rare for him to fall for anyone like that in the first place, but if he did, he’d probably be really...insecure about it. i can see his future self being the type who would have all sorts of issues with commitment, if he ever started serious relationships in the first place, and refusing to acknowledge Real feelings for people.
tagged by: @invaderofdoom TYSM ILY,,, ( we gay keep scrollin - ) tagging: hhH @mechbrane ( any of ur muses ), @prxfessor-membrane, @vortship, @wastallest, @diibsister, @irken-tenn, if y’all want to!!! feel free to ignore this if not / if you’ve already done this and i didn’t see, i just want to celebrate you guys being nice to me despite me being. slow and non-responsive and everything. thank u
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