#anyway sam blames herself for anika's death even more and she hates that she doesn't regret it. she hates that she knows there's no one she
krikeymate · 1 year
I just thought of an alternate version of the apartment scene where it diverts when Sam, mindy and Anika are in Quinn’s room and Tara is pounding on the door. Upon hearing Tara at the door and her desperate pleas for Sam and chad saying he was going to get help Ghostface opens the apartment door suddenly dragging Tara in with him and locking Chad out. Idk the logistics if this tbh but shhh….. ghostface then uses Tara to threaten Sam, knowing she’d do anything for Tara. Idk how it would exactly continue for there but it would be interesting to see how Sam would cope. Andthen it can get all angsty with Sam’s constant guilt and her prioritising Tara over everyone and people getting hurt and Tara feeling guilty.
Chad says he's going to get help, and begins leaping back down the stairs. Tara's resorted to trying to kick the door down at this point, and switches to preparing to shoulder it. Just as she hits the door, it flies open and she goes crashing to the floor. By the time she's flipped herself over, it's to the sight of Ghostface towering above her and hands reaching down. One covers her mouth and the other digs a knife into her shoulder.
Inside the bedroom, the other 3 are catching their breath, cautious of the sudden silence and not ready to let their guard down. The ladder is across the window, and Sam's about to try and send Anika across when she hears a voice call out from the other side of the door.
Oh good, Ghostface is still here, in case they were worried it would be that easy. Sam nods to the ladder and mouths at them to go, quickly.
"You really should keep your guard dog on a leash. You know what they do to dogs that bite? They put them down."
Ghostface removes their gloved hand from Tara's mouth and stabs down again, cutting across the existing wound. Sam hears a scream that is distinctly Tara, and doesn't even think twice, reaching for the door.
Mindy surges forward to grab her around her middle and try to hold her back. "You can't! You can't, Sam!" Sam struggles against Mindy's arms, "Tara's out there, he's got Tara!"
"Do you think I'm not worried for Chad?! This is what Ghostface wants, he wants you to open the door, what if it's a trap?"
"Then it's a fucking trap," Sam declares, escaping Mindy's grasp. She rips open the door to see her sister on the floor with a knife in her shoulder. Ghostface has one knee on her chest and a hand around her throat, Tara's hands are latched onto his wrists in an effort to remove him.
"How nice of you to finally join us, Samantha. Where are your friends?"
The banging against the bathroom door begins again.
"Oh, I invited a friend over too, I hope that's ok?"
Mindy throws herself back against the drawers holding back the bathroom door, Sam is frozen in front of the open bedroom door, and Anika is crying on the bed.
"Sam, please," Mindy cries out as the door opens wider and wider with every push. The Ghostface in front of her puts a single finger on the knife in Tara and tilts it. Her sister's pained groan has her leaping forward at Ghostface, who throws themself backwards, yanking the knife out in the same movement.
Mindy begs Anika to go, Danny is yelling from across the window. Anika stands, but she doesn't head for the window, she slumps across the drawers next to Mindy and tells her she needs to go, that she's not gonna make it, she's lost too much blood. Please, Anika begs, please go. "I don't want you to die," Mindy cries. "I don't want to die either," Anika whispers, "I love you." Mindy surges forward to kiss her and repeats it back to her. "Promise you'll try to follow me," she begs. "I will," Anika answers.
Mindy crosses, Anika tries, Ghostface flips the ladder.
Sam fights with Ghostface, and the pained scream from nearby gives Ghostface the upper hand, knife slicing across her arm. Sam trips back and then Ghostface is thrown to the side as Tara barrels into them. Sam scrambles up from the floor, grabbing at Tara's hand and they run for the door.
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