#anyway that's dm a-yao. He also does random rolls in the middle of a roleplay scene and doesn't tell anyone what it was for
lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
I think any modern au meng yao would really benefit from being a dungeon master. Elaborate plans and setups for encounters to pour over to give his high-speed brain something fun to do for once, he can use his acting skills on truly immaculate roleplay, and as a bonus he gets to kill everyone in his social circle except he doesn't actually do anything wrong and they can't get mad at him for it. It's not his fault you didn't roll better, da-ge.
For all that he speaks very well Jin guangyao is never a monologuing/grand speech villain. He is just so dependent on everyone else's opinion of him he never truly gets to let go, but I think he deserves to monologue over a dead body, actually. And ttrpgs are the perfect place to do it with zero consequences.
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