#anyway this is my argument for making jing nyan a reality bc i think it'd be cute
In Exalting Sanctum and its connecting delves, one can often find a lone cat wandering around the stalls and streets. This cat, though it has a red collar and a golden bell, doesn't seem to be claimed by anyone in particular, but it's loved and fed by everyone in the area. Locals have taken to nicknaming this cat "the General," due to its big, white, fluffy body, large appetite, friendly demeanor, and kind face. Funnily enough, no one has ever seen the General and General Jing Yuan in the same spot together... rumors already fly around that he is capable of shapeshifting into a lion, so perhaps...?
(What people don't know is that the General is a frequent visitor to Jing Yuan's home and is as well loved by him as it is by anyone else; he, in fact, was the one to put a collar on it.)
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