#anyway. gimme people seeing family and recognising it when they see it cause if they say so out loud tk will
swanqueeneverafter · 5 years
What Dreams May Come, Pt.32
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Dream World. Location As Yet Unknown. (Emma's eyes snap open, knowing immediately that something is very wrong. Turning in a slow circle, she sees herself surrounded by forest. Only upon almost losing her balance, does Emma finally realise what's happened.) Emma: (Clutching her pregnant stomach:) "No. It can be... she didn't-" Robin: (Cautiously approaching:) "Aunt Regina?" Emma: "Regina? No... this can't be happening. (Looks to Zelena who stands several paces away:) You knew about this?" Zelena: "Yes, I knew." Emma: "We have to go back. We have to stop her." Zelena: "We can't go back, we're stuck here now. Anyway, Regina went through the portal before us, remember?" Emma: "I went through the portal first! At least that was the plan. How could you let her do this?" Robin: "Wait a minute. Aunt Emma?" Emma: "Yeah. Thanks to your mom. (To Zelena:) How could you do this to me?" Zelena: "I didn't. Regina enlisted Tinker Bell for the job. I just went along with it." Emma: "But why?" Zelena: "Because my sister loves you. She couldn't bear the thought of you reliving your trauma, so Regina made sure you wouldn't." Emma: "We have to get her out of there, we have to save her." Zelena: "And we will, but first we have to figure out where we are. (Looking around:) This place was meant for Regina, so who knows what challenges lie ahead." Emma: "If anything happens to Regina, I swear I'll-" Zelena: "Ah ah. Careful Emz, (Pulls a pouch from her pocket and holds it up:) this is fairy dust. It's the only thing that will change you two back into your own bodies again, so if I were you, I'd keep that in mind." Robin: "Mom's right, Emma. The best thing we can do for Regina is work together to find out where we are." Emma: "We don't need to know where we are. I know where Regina is and I have this." (Holds up a magic bean.) Zelena: "Oh, brilliant plan. Follow Regina and then we'll all be stuck with our curse memories, only this time you'll be playing the role of Roni the drunken, pregnant bar maid." (Emma growls in frustration and then suddenly, feels the baby kick.) Robin: (When Emma gasps:) "What? Is it the baby?" Emma: "Yeah. (Smiling:) Quick, gimme your hand." (Emma grabs Robin's hand and places it on Regina's stomach.) Robin: "Oh my gosh!" Emma: (Notices Zelena hovering awkwardly and rolls her eyes:) "Come on." (Emma grabs Zelena's hand and places it on the baby bump as well.) Zelena: (Smiles:) "Seems my niece is ready for an adventure." Emma: "Yeah. (They stand like that for a long moment until the baby settles down. Calmer:) All right, let's go find out where we are." (The trio turn and walk down the forest path together, prepared to do whatever it takes to save both Henry and Regina.)
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Henry's Dreamscape. Night. (Tiana and Ella continue their talk.) Ella: "You're from another realm?" Tiana: "Yes. Several realms, actually. It's complicated. I came here along with my friends, comrades and several armies to battle Lord Morpheus and save a young prince. Perhaps you've heard of him, his name is Henry Swan-Mills?" Ella: "Henry? You're from Henry's realm? (Tiana nods:) H-how do you know he needs saving? The last I heard, he was off seeking an adventure." Tiana: "Morpheus came to our world and told us he was keeping Henry captive. He wants us all to fight this huge battle against him. If Morpheus wins, he'll rule over all of us, but it is the only chance we have to save Henry and ourselves." Ella: (Walks away to ponder all this:) "I thought Henry left me for a chance at glory. I should've known he would have come for me if he could." Tiana: "So, will you help us?" Ella: (Walking back to her:) "I’ve been searching for an army so that I may save my people. You have brought an army so that you may save your prince. The same man who has stolen my heart. Of course I'll help you." (Tiana smiles, slightly confused by this statement, but happy to have found an ally.) Dream World. Wish Realm. (Walking through the forest, Emma, Robin & Zelena come upon two people laying a wreath at the foot of a statue. Emma groans when she recognises the statue of her parents.) Emma: "I know where we are. We're in the Wish Realm the Evil Queen banished me to." Zelena: "So what's the problem?" Emma: "The problem is that Regina killed Snow White and Prince Charming in this realm. She... I am an outlaw here." Zelena: "Well we know a few things about outlaws, don't we Robin? Hang back, (Conjures a fireball into her hand:) Robin and I can handle this." Emma: "No! We don't need to cause an incident. (Conjures a red cloak around herself:) I'll just go talk to them. You two stay here. (Leaving Robin and Zelena behind, Emma approaches the two people stood by the statue:) Excuse me, I'm wondering if you could help. My friends and I- (The people turn to face her:) Grumpy? Blue?"
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Grumpy: "Lady, I don't know how you know our names, but I think you're gonna have more problems than you bargained for." Granny: (Stepping out from behind a tree, crossbow raised:) "You're gonna be sorry you stopped for help." Emma: "Granny. (As Granny joins the other two:) What the hell is going on here?" Blue Fairy: "Oh, stop asking questions and put your hands up! You could be a good score for us." Emma: "Wait, are you three robbing me?" Granny: "Of course not, we're going to hold you for ransom." Grumpy: “No doubt your husband will pay a lot of money to get his pregnant wife back.” Emma: "Okay, enough of this. (Lowers her hood:) Robin!" Grumpy: (Seeing her face clearly for the first time:) "Oh great, it's the Evil Queen!" Robin: (From several feet away:) "No. (When the trio turn to face her:) That's my Aunt. (Drawing back her bow, looks at Granny:) Payback's a bitch, old woman." (Robin fires three arrows in quick succession, landing at each would-be robber's feet. Thinking better of things, Granny, Grumpy and Blue run for cover.) Emma: (When Robin and Zelena catch her up:) "Nice intensity. What was that about?" Robin: "Oh, I owed Granny one. She chased Alice and I half across Storybrooke when we asked for her help." Zelena: "In her defense, poppet, Granny was still fighting the effects of your girlfriend's anger cloud, or whatever that was." Emma: "Well whatever the reason, thanks for having my back." Robin: "Of course, that's what family does. Now let's go find the rest of ours."
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Henry's Dreamscape. Kingdom Of Valencia. (Madelena is in her chambers when there is a knock at the door.) Gareth: (Entering:) “There you are. I've been looking all over for ya.” Queen Madelena: “I'm packing for war.” Gareth: “Yeah, well, after that, maybe, I thought we'd go and address the troops. Uh, why don't I put my stuff in there with yours? I mean, I don't have a lot, and, uh, well, basically, I wear this every day.” Queen Madelena: “Share a trunk? I don't want your stuff touching mine.” Gareth: “Is everything okay?” Morpheus: “Knock, knock! Gentle reminder... uh, I've had a crow from the vicar. He'd love you to set a date for the wedding soon, because he fills up in August. Inquisition season.” Queen Madelena: (Stalks towards him:) “Go! Shoo! (Slams the door on Morpheus:) For a supposed God, he's just so... Ugh! (Laughs:) You know?” Gareth: “Well, actually, he has got a point. I mean, it's a bit confusing, you know, the king and queen not actually being married, and... It was really nice when you said that you loved me.” Queen Madelena: “Look, Gareth, let's not... (Gareth kneels down:) Oh, my God! What are you doing?!” (Madelena kicks him in the face and runs from the room.) Gareth: (Recovering:) “I wasn't proposing! I was doing me boots up! (Chases after her:) Oi!” Emma's Dreamscape. Under The Black Fairy's Curse. (Having swapped bodies with Emma, Regina finds herself setting the table, in preparation for a quiet meal for two.) Emma: (To herself:) "I hope this works." Regina: "Hope what works? Wait a minute, what's going on here? Something's not right." Killian: (Entering the cabin:) "What's going on?" Regina: “I knew I smelled a rat.” Emma: “Oh, Killian. I wanted to surprise you.” (Giggles.) Regina: “Did Emma just giggle?” Emma: (Continues:) “I know this has all been really confusing and I have not made it any easier. I wanted to apologize for overreacting last time. I know you were just trying to help. So, I thought... We could just talk and have lunch, like old times.” Regina: “I don’t believe this. She’s trying to win him back? Why can’t I stop her?” Killian: “I'd like nothing more. But this is hardly like old times.” (Killian sits down at the table, which is adorned with a checkered table cloth. Catching a glimpse of her in the mirror, Regina sees that Emma is wearing the pink dress from Killian and Emma’s ‘date’ during the curse, with her blonde hair in a pony tail.) Emma: “Come on. This is my way of saying I’m sorry. You know you can trust me.” Regina: “This is sickening. PUNCH HIM IN HIS SMUG FACE, EMMA! Ugh, why can’t I make her hear me? (Realises something:) Oh my god. This is it. This is how Morpheus was going to torture Emma. By trapping her inside her own body and forcing her to watch her life as this simpering, lifeless doormat. And now I’m having to watch it instead! (Scoffs:) Well, I’ve got to admit, I thought I was evil, but Morpheus is on a whole other level.”
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Wish Realm. (Now wearing the clothes Regina wore during her first visit to the Wish Realm, Emma takes a few deep breaths while standing outside a tavern.) Zelena: "I'm sorry, are we going horse-riding after this?" Emma: "These are the clothes Regina wore when she came to rescue me from this place last time. Being separated from her and suddenly finding myself carrying our baby is a lot to get used to, so back off, all right?" Zelena: "All right, I was only teasing. (Watching Emma's anxiousness displayed on Regina's face:) We will find a way, Emma." Emma: (Smiles briefly:) "Things must be bad if the Wicked Witch is giving me a hope speech." Zelena: (Smirks:) "That's more like it. Come on, let's go inside." (Emma nods and the three of them enter the tavern.) Tavern. Interior. (Once inside, it takes mere moments before they’re noticed.) Man: "The Evil Queen! The Evil Queen!" (The patrons of the tavern scatter, some through windows, others through doors, all fleeing from the infamous woman stood before them.) Emma: (Rolling her eyes:) "That is getting really old. I haven't even been Regina for a day and... how can she stand it?" Zelena: (Scoffs:) "People fleeing in terror at the sight of her? Trust me, Regina loves it." Emma: "This was clearly a mistake, let's go." Robin: "Wait." (Robin walks further into the tavern, towards the sole remaining patron sitting at a table.) Emma: "Is that...?" Zelena: "I believe it is." Robin: (To the man:) "May I?" Robin Hood: "Please. (As she takes a seat:) To what do I owe the pleasure?" Robin: "Well, that's... a long story. (Quickly changing the subject:) I heard that you once fought in the king's army?" Robin Hood: "That I did, young woman. Although it was a long time ago." Robin: "What would you say if I asked you to fight one more battle?" Robin Hood: "I'd say my days as a soldier are over. However, for the right price, my services could be bought." Robin: "I have no money to offer. Only the chance to fight for what's right. To fight for love, family and freedom." Robin Hood: (Smiles, intrigued:) "All very noble causes indeed. Who would we be fighting against?" Robin: "Only one of the most cruel, power hungry tyrants man has ever faced." Robin Hood: (Considers her for a long moment:) "Well, what man could say no to that? (Pours her a drink:) Tell me more, milady."
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Emma's Dreamscape. (Emma and Killian continue to talk while Regina watches on, powerless to stop them.) Killian: "I have questions." Emma: "You want to know if I'm still the same Emma." Regina: (Scoffs:) “I’d settle for a semi recognisable version of Emma.” Killian: “I imagine that's not a simple answer, so let's start easy. What’s changed? The last time we spoke, you left me laying on the floor.” Regina: “Woo! Now that’s more like it!” (Emma stares at Killian, unsure of what to say.) Killian: “You know I want to trust you, Emma. Why don't you help me?” Emma: (Taking his hand:) “A girl can change her mind, can’t she?” Regina: “Ugh.” Killian: “Well, you've answered my first question. You're not the same Emma. She didn't play games.” Regina: “I know a fun game. It’s called ‘Let’s see how much blood the pirate can lose before he finally dies.’” Emma: (Clears throat:) “Yes. I'm different. I'm better.” Regina: (Scoffs:) “THIS is better?!” Emma: “I used to be scarred and judgmental and closed off. And now I... I see things clearly. I'm not scared anymore. Honestly, I'm an open book, if you're willing to take that trust step.” Killian: “Are you really suggesting that we move forward in a real relationship?” Regina: “I’d suggest you DO take that first step... into a volcano!” (Emma says nothing, merely pouring Killian a glass of wine.) Regina: “Ooh, poison would work just as well, good thinking, Emma.” Killian: “No answer, just more games. Enough, Swan! (Stands, moves to leave:) All I wanted was your honesty. But I'm done humoring you. Answer me. And start by why you brought me here. It wasn't because this is what we used to do, because that you isn't here. You need something. Tell me what it is.” Regina: “I need you to die screaming, you bastard.” Emma: “All I need is your trust. I promise.” Killian: “I liked you the way you were. I liked your walls. I liked being the one to break them down.” Emma: “The person you found inside is still me.” Killian: “No, you’ve changed, and I don’t like it.” Regina: “Good. Then leave.” Killian: “However, there is but one way you can prove your love for me.” Emma: “Yes! Anything. Name it.” Regina: “No, Emma, this is exactly what he wants!” Killian: “Marry me.” Regina: “You son of a bitch!” (Emma stands staring at him for a moment, before the slightest hint of a smile touches her lips.) Emma: “Of- Of course I’ll marry you.” Regina: “Noooo!”
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Henry’s Dreamscape. Kingdom Of Valencia. (Madelena oversees the loading of her luggage.) Queen Madelena: (To servant:) “Scratch that trunk, and you'll be in pieces in the next trunk.” (Turning to walk away, she bumps into Gareth.) Gareth: “Listen... We should talk about this whole wedding thing.” Queen Madelena: “What? Talk? Since when do we talk?” Morpheus: (From below:) “Your Highness... Your troops are ready for review.” Queen Madelena: “Oh, thank God. Look, Gareth, I can't talk about these kinds of things. I'm sorry. Let's drop it.” Castle Grounds. (The soldiers stand ready for instruction.) Gareth: (Chasing after Madelena:) “Come on, Queenie. When we started this, we said we'd never go to war angry.” Queen Madelena: “I'm not angry. I just don't want to discuss it with you.” Gareth: “Okay, then. We'll discuss it with someone else. Soldiers of Valencia! (The troops stand at attention:) I love you! There it is! It's out in the open! I said it for the first time in my life! What do you think about that?” Soldiers: “We love you, too, sir.” Queen Madelena: “And I appreciate that... Soldiers. And, yes, I too am starting to feel the same way. But this is all new to me, you know? I've never felt this way before, and now there's this pressure to move forward, forward, forward!” (The soldiers take three steps forward.) Gareth: “It's important that you feel comfortable, soldiers. So maybe we should slow down a bit. We got something special, and I don't want to ruin it.” Queen Madelena: (Relieved:) “That's good to hear. At least, I imagine it is. For the soldiers.” Gareth: “Who wants to go to war?! (The soldiers cheer loudly and Madelena takes his hand in solidarity:) Yeah!” Morpheus: (Watching from the balcony:) “Hmm, whoop-de-do. It's party time.”
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luffyasksandanswers · 6 years
“hi, i’m not from the us” meme - @fearllacy //Bruh, you curious George xD! But dare is a dare and me not want to the coconut pit D: so here we go!
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1. favourite place in your country?
Summer cottage, a place to escape the hectic city life *thumbs up*
2. do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad?
Toss me with a shoe because of my unecological thinking but I do like to see new places and cultures  so whenever there is a chance, I try to travel abroad. 
3. does your country have access to sea?
We are the land of thousand lakes buuut we also have sea around us, a lot in the south! so we can escape to Estonia xD 
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
Praised Karelian Pasty and Kalakukko here! otherwise our food is pretty much either stolen from Sweden or colorless/tasteless xD 
5. favourite song in your native language?
Me revealed some of them hier :>
6. most hated song in your native language?
Spent the yesterday browsing around Youtube xD and results are täällä
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
Wow, this is a thing I’ve never thought about it so this should be something to be asked from my mates because they know better which words I repeat nonstop *laughs*  Hey, how about teaching you fellow buddies a few Finnish words?
- Juoksentelisinkohan?  (=I wonder if I should run around aimlessly?)Never heard anyone say this but I think it’s very amusing word in general xD 
- Lohikäärme = dragon Simply put so but if you write “lohi” and “käärme” separated, you get salmon and snake. In other words the translation could also be salmonsnake,kinda makes sense, kinda doesn’t *laughs*
- Pöpelikkö
= ThicketRarely used word for a forest/growth that is hard to walk through, maybe in spoken language means more like “in middle of nowhere” or at least that’s how I use that word ::D  
Bonus: lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilasThe longest officially approved finnish word monster. In english it would beAeroplaneshowerturbinemotorhelpmechanicnoncommissionedofficerstudent. 
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?
I probably told this before but I’m not a bloodline finn, my biological roots are in China (but I’ve spent practically my whole life here so my soul is very suomi perkele saunaan ja torille xD). As imaginable, this causes awkward situations because people get misunderstood or assume things right away but well whoopsies happpen as long as no one makes a number about it, it’s all ok ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
Revealed #lifegoals här!
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
Maybe the most heard sweard word is the finnish version of F-word  [x]Frankly spoken I don’t like or use it because it’s like the C-word and dunno, sounds weird when people love to repeat loudly a word that literally means woman’s genitals :D Nah my favorite swearword is “Perkele” because when you are angry you can feel the power in the R-letter.  But I actually use “Helvetti” (=hell) the most, no idea how it happened but anyway, if it’s not “PERRRKELE” then it’s “EI HELVETTI” *laughs* last time I swear like mad was when I had to assemble a furniture at work xD
11. favourite native writer/poet?
Tove Jansson adoration here :>
12. what do you think about English translations 
I have to admit I’m not familiar with translated literacy D: wait no I lied! I’ve read 2 Moomin books in english but don’t remember paying attention to the translation, only thing that was confusing first was the names in english because there wasn’t any expalanations to the names of the (random) side characters xD
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
We finns love icy waters but we have another tradition that is a dank meme. I mean TORILLE!! which basically means finns rush to the local market places if we win hockey championships or are good in any other sports. I think it’s a global jokebut yeah finns are trash for getting national recognision. Just mention us anywhere outside the borders and transmit that info to Finland and you can hear and see people hyping it like mad and I am not sure if other countries do this too in such extreme ways xD  
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
One thing that makes watching the finnish tv boring is that they literallt recycle the celebrities which means same faces in almost every fame teledrama or shows and practically everywhere you go or channel surf, you’ll see them and then even tabloids need to write nonstop about their slighest moves.  It is good to be ecological but if there is an actor that needs to shove their face everywhere no matter what and they try to keep their fame in every way, it just doesn’t work plus this might be stereotyping but in those “finnish versions” of big shows, finns are somewhat stiff and don’t go like “yeehaw WOHOO \o/” the same way like in the original shows  so it sometimes looks like they try too hard to be like the original or they are just “forced” to be superhyper. 
Another reason I don’t watch much finnish series is that the articulating is bad or then there is something wrong with the audio or it’s just my bad hearing but the actors tend to speak very very quietly so you have to put volume on if you want to hear anything on the telly and then your ears get rekt and wasted because when the commercials (which are louder than the normal speech) comes, the sound is even louder [x] just like when you open your computer and forgot the volume is at maximum and whe Windows start music suddenly appears. 
I bet there are good finnish movies too that are high quality and I personally enjoy the game shows (quiz like thingies) but in general, nah :p 15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
Another thing outsiders maybe don’t understand but finns love to queue and freebies and an ultimate example is that usually if a new shop opens up, people can start to queue a long before the grand opening. Funniest thing is that free buckets are the most queued thing and why not because they are useful xD
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
Maybe my favorite finnish stereotype is that finns love personal space [x] It is a national joke that if there is a bus stop, finns don’t stand next to each other (well in the capital and big cities maybe) but they have at least 2 meters distance xD 
17. are you interested in your country’s history?
Frankly spoken nah, I mean I liked to hear my grandparents’ stories about the life when they were younger and how my both grandfathers had to see the wars but in general nah, because well we’ve been owned by Swedes and Russians and had a civil war.  
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
I’m originally from the Eastern Finland that has its dialect  and people distinguish it easily. Especially now that I’ve lived outside my hometown during studies and work, people tell that they hear strong dialect although I only use it in the person pronouns *eyes emoji*
19. do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem?
Blue is a nice color so thumbs up for that! Well can’t say I’m a fanatic finn but of course it sounds nice to hear the anthem on telly [x]
20. which sport is The Sport in your country?
Hockey is probably where Finland is the most successful but we also like football (duh, everyone likes) but we suck at that so bye FIFA dreams xD you know about that Phil because I ranted about it last summer XD
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
SALMIAKKI and that free bucket *laughs* 
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
There are many things very well in Finland, like everyone gets a free basic education and natural disasters such as earthquakes are very rare so it’s quite safe. 
What am I ashamed of? Well frankly spoken we are way too soft on criminals in my opinion so our country should fix the law system so that the criminals would get rougher and longer punishments for rough crimes. 
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country?
I think beers, wines and long drinks are in now? 
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
Sweden! It’s a common joke that we are so jealous of Swedes being better people and succeeding in everything and of course in our jokes swedes are the dummies. I think Scandinavian countries do that about each other like Finland vs Sweden, Iceland vs Denmark and Sweden vs Norway *laughs*
25. would you like to come from another place, be born in another country?
But I am born in another country xD Nah no, I wouldn’t change a thingblue eyes would be cool but finns tend to burn in the sun and I enjoy the summer I’m happy like this :p 26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
The latest news about Finland in American media must’ve been that when Trump misunderstood the forest defense thing and said something like Finns are so diligent they rake their forest floors [x] but the truth is that we don’t because our climate is different. Of course we have forest fires too but they are much much smaller than in California. 
27. favourite national celebrity?
I fangirled Antti holma here, he handsome, he funny, he has a podcast  :> 
28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites?I think a couple of mountains exsist [x] but more rivers and thousands of lakes! I like the lakes, since I’ve spent most of my summers at our summer cottage near the lake. Actually never been in the north but I’d love to go on a roadtrip someday to see them!
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
We beat Sweden and Russia so no one shall mess with our smol country! :p
Fun fact: There is a guy named Simo Häyhä, a sniper who is said to be killed more than 505 men during the 1939–40 Winter War [x]
30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family?
We have a multicultural family tree, relatives from France, Germany, Sweden, Japan and so on :)! 
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marvelousbirthdays · 7 years
Happy Birthday, mcgregorswench!
September 25 - ShieldShock for @mcgregorswench
As fluffy and sweet as you can make it. Where both are clueless as to the other's connections with the Avengers, like Steve doesn't know that Darcy works with Jane and is best buds with Thor (and also happens to be Tony's sister or daughter), and Darcy doesn't realize her Steve Rogers is actually THE Steve Rogers aka Captain America.
AN: Set between The Avengers and CA:TWS. Not compliant to any canon whatsoever. Big thanks to CatrinaSL for cheerleading, some fantastic ideas when I hit a block, and betaing for me.
Written by @ibelieveinturtles 
 When he looked back on everything, Steve found it completely amazing—miraculous, even—that he and Darcy had known each other for so long, without knowing who the other really was.
Two days after the battle in New York, he signed a confidential contract with S.H.I.E.L.D., including clauses covering secrecy, confidentiality, and anonymity. In other words, don't tell anyone anything, up to and including, who you really are.
When they offered him a new identity, however, he turned it down.
“I've lost everything else already—you can't have that,” he told Fury, in no uncertain terms.
Fury offered a compromise: “You can keep everything except your year of birth. The council wants everyone's identities kept secret—well, as much as we can—but if anyone does get curious or recognise you, tell ‘em you're a distant cousin. Families throw up look alikes all the time. I’m the spitting image of my great granddaddy on my mother’s side, so ‘Captain America’s third cousin twice removed’ shouldn’t be a hard sell, even for you.”
Deal done, Steven Grant Rogers, born 4th July 1988, headed off to Culver University, where he enrolled in summer classes, studying Modern History, and a unit of independent learning, custom-designed to ease him into the new century before he took up his new position at S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Washington DC headquarters.
He met Darcy on the first day. Overwhelmed by the crowds of people, the noise, and already wondering if he'd made a mistake, he ran straight into her.
They collided with the force of a thousand supernovas… Well, the bump was hard enough to knock her off balance, and Steve barely managed to catch her before she hit the ground.
“Woah, I got ya,” Steve said, as he carefully set her back on her feet.
“Thanks for the save, dude,” the young woman said a little breathlessly. “Sorry about that. Serves me right for texting and walking, I guess.” She waved her phone at him, and he couldn’t help noticing the stylised drawing of Thor on the case. It matched the t-shirt she was wearing, and the messenger bag slung across her body.
“No, it was entirely my fault,” Steve protested. “I wasn't paying attention. I'm the one who should be sorry.”
“First time here?” she asked.
“Um, yeah. It's a little overwhelming,” he looked around at the crowded, noisy courtyard. “I've never actually done anything like this before.”
“You’ll get used to it in no time,” she assured him, adding a welcoming smile. “Welcome to Culver! I'm Darcy,” she said, holding her hand out.
“Steve,” he said, taking her hand. “I hope you're right. I have no idea what I'm doing.”
She studied him for a moment. “Gimme one second.” She did something with her phone, and then looked up again. “Look, I don’t have to be anywhere for a couple of hours, and I know from experience how overwhelming it can be. How about I give you some tips about getting around over coffee?”
Steve ran a hand through his hair. “I don't want to inconvenience you,” he hedged.
“Hey, no sweat, dude. I'm in desperate need of coffee anyway, so you'd be doing me a favour.”
Steve smiled, deciding right there and then that there was no way he was going to turn her down. “Well, in that case, I could definitely use the help.”
Ten minutes later they were seated in a small cafe with food and coffee, and she was giving him a brief history of the college.
“And then a few years ago, The Hulk showed up and wrecked half the school. Thank God, I wasn't here for that! Apparently it was a super clusterfuck.”
“The Hulk was here?” Steve made the appropriate noises of shock and surprise, even though Bruce had told him all about the incident when suggesting Culver as something to do for a few months.
Darcy nodded, shoving some fries into her mouth. “There’s a rumour that he used to teach here. I mean, I don’t know if it’s true or not, but the STEM departments have kind of adopted him as their unofficial mascot.” She leaned closer to him, as if about to impart a secret. “Personally, I think he’s pretty awesome, especially after what happened in New York—I mean, he saved Iron Man's life! A raging, mindless monster wouldn't have done that.“
“No… no, you’re right about that,” Steve said, and then angled for a change of subject. “So, what are you studying?”
“Well, I’ve already got a degree in Political Science, and now I’m working on my Masters in International Relations. You know, diplomacy, public relations, negotiation, that sort of thing.”
“Wow, that’s impressive. What will you be able to do with that?”
“A lot of different things! I’ve already got a couple of options, but I’m gonna stick with my current boss for now; she’s my best friend, and we’ve been through a lot together. I don’t really need to make a decision yet, so I won’t.” She punctuated the remark by snapping her teeth on the last fry, and grinning at him. “So, I’m actually thinking that this might be easiest if I give you a guided tour. What do you think?”
After all this time, Steve still thought that accepting her offer of a guided tour was the best decision he’d ever made.
As luck would have it, Darcy’s boss was currently based in Washington DC, and they soon settled into a completely random, not-routine of seeing each other whenever they were both in the city. Between his "job” in International Search and Rescue, and her frequent field trips with the Boss Lady, it was impossible to keep to a set schedule.
On one sad, Steveless day, Darcy arrived home from a long day of Jane-herding and was staring into her fridge debating between cooking or ordering pizza, when Steve texted her. He was home— pizza it was!
She could feel the goofy grin paste itself across her face as she hit send on her reply. Steve had only been away for a week, but she'd been surprised by how much she missed him.
The pizza arrived first, but she'd barely set the boxes down before her intercom chimed again. She buzzed Steve in, and finished setting the table.
There was a knock on the door.
“Hi,” Steve said, kissing her on the cheek and presenting her with flowers he bought on his way over.
“Oh, they're beautiful. Thank you.” She stepped aside to let him in, then led him to the kitchen.
“How was your trip?” she asked as she hunted through her cupboards for something vase-like.
“Well, it was a slow week,” he said, remembering how they'd spent four days tracking a giant space slug in the Amazon jungle. “But we got the job done. What about you? How was yours?”
“Same old, same old,” Darcy replied, giving up on her quest to find a vase. She turned back to Steve. “Boss Lady had a breakthrough, and is determined to give the entire scientific community the proverbial finger.” (She carefully didn't mention that the breakthrough was actually to another dimension. They'd been lucky to get it closed before it caused any problems.)
“Well, I can't wait to see that,” Steve said.
“It'll be a good memory, I guarantee it,” she agreed. She tilted her head to one side as an idea popped into her head. “Do you have any objections to these flowers living in a jug?”
“Not at all.”
“Good. We'll go vase shopping tomorrow.”
She dumped the flowers in an ugly old plastic jug, filled it with water, and set it on the counter.
“Perfect,” Steve said, taking her in his arms and planting a firm kiss on her mouth.
They spent the whole of the following afternoon scouring the city for the perfect vase. As it turned out, there were three perfect vases in the city of Washington DC, so Steve bought her two more bouquets. After helping her arrange them throughout her apartment, it hit him that he'd rather be here than anywhere else. The only time he stayed at his own apartment was when Darcy was away on a field trip with the woman he still only knew as Boss Lady. More than half of his wardrobe had taken up residence in her cupboards, and other random belongings are scattered throughout.
It got him thinking.
The first time he asked Darcy to marry him, they'd been officially dating for about a year. It didn’t seem like it had been that long, but he'd fallen head over heels, and wanted to tell her everything.
They were coiled together in a post-orgasmic haze, and it just kind of… slipped out. She laughed. Actually laughed. “Fantastic sex, a good marriage does not make,” she said. “I love you, but I'm not ready to get married just yet.”
She didn't say yes, but it wasn't an outright no, either.
He managed to wait a couple of months before asking again, but once again it was a spur of the moment thing. Boss Lady had decided to go to London for a few months, and he was petrified that she’d forget him, or not come back, or that they’d drift apart, or… he’s not sure about that last ‘or’.
She sighed, but it was a loving sigh, not a ‘what the hell’ sigh. “Steeeve. Honey.” She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, and stared into his eyes. “You know I love you, right? But marriage isn’t a spur of the moment thing. Now, kiss me—I’m not going to see you for the next three months, and I need something to get me through!”
He kissed her thoroughly, and once again took heart from the fact that she didn’t actually say no.
He didn’t hear about the Dark Elves until well after the fact—blackout missions didn’t happen very often, but this one had lasted a month, and he felt every second of it by the time they got back. He’d left his civilian, Darcy-only phone in his locker, but Fury had insisted on an immediate debrief before they even had a chance to shower, so the first he heard of it was from a fragment of conversation that drifted out of a break room as he walked along the corridor towards the changerooms.
He headed straight for his locker and his Darcy phone.
The first message was ‘Shit, I’ve lost the Boss Lady,’ followed by, ‘Why won’t anyone answer their goddam phone today?’ and ‘IT’S OKAY I’M ALIVE!!’ and finally ending with, ‘Boss Lady’s boyfriend is back!! Staying in London for now, but will be back in DC soon. Call me when you can.’
He hadn’t even known that Boss Lady had a boyfriend.
He called straight away.
“I just got back,” he said. “What in seven hells happened?”
“Steve! I was starting to worry about you!”
“Sorry, we lost all our communication in a storm.” It wasn’t the whole truth, but it was close enough, he decided.
“Well, to make a long story super short, evil elves invaded London, and Thor saved us all,” Darcy said.
“What? Evil elves? Thor? You mean, like the Avengers Thor? I didn’t think anyone had seen him since New York!” Steve was flabbergasted. No one had said anything to him about Thor returning.
“They hadn’t, but he just showed up out of nowhere! Look it up on YouTube; there’s so many videos, even the jack-booted thugs couldn’t keep up. They gave up trying to take them down about three days after it happened.”
“Can I come and see you?” Steve asked. “My boss owes me a few days—”
“YES!” Darcy shouted down the phone. “But I’ll book us a hotel, okay? Trust me, you do not want to stay with us now that The Boyfriend is back.”
“Okay, I’m gonna go home, pack a bag, and jump on the first plane I can,” he said. “I’ll let you know all the details, and I’ll see you soon. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Darcy replied. “I miss you so much. Oh god, I’m so excited now, Steve! Hurry up!”
“Okay, okay. I’m hurrying. I’ll call you from the airport.”
He wrangled a whole week’s worth of leave out of Fury (on the condition that he touched base with Thor while he was there) and proposed for the third time at the top of the London Eye. Darcy said he was affected by the view, but once again didn’t say yes, but didn’t say no either. In fact, she didn’t even say “not yet."
Darcy glanced at the clock and checked her appearance in the mirror one last time. Steve’s boss had called him earlier in the day, and asked him to check in with a client while he was in London. Even though he was on vacation, and they had a dinner reservation, he’d agreed to run the errand. He’d rung her half an hour ago to say that the meeting had gone much longer than he’d expected, and that he would meet her there.
She grabbed her purse and phone, opened the door, and standing there with a hand raised, ready to knock, was her father.
“Oh,” she gasped. “Jesus, Tony. You almost scared me half to death. What are you doing here? And how did you find me?”
“I’m here for a thing, so I thought I'd drop by,” Tony replied with a self satisfied grin. “Foster told me where you were.”
“Why were you talking to Jane?” she asked, suspicion hijacking her brain and refusing to let go. “Are you trying to convince her to sign with SI again?”
“I came to see Thor,” Tony said, “and then Capsicle showed up too—I wasn't expecting that. We had an extra long lunch, it was nice. But to answer your question, of course I am; how else am I going to get you to come home?”
“Even if she does agree to work with you, I’m not living in the Tower, Tony. I like my independence.”
“So you keep saying. Anyway, I didn’t actually come here to debate your residence in the Tower. Would you like to have dinner with me? I'll invite Cap as well.”
“You can't do that. Anyway, I have a date,” Darcy blurted out.
“Ah, I see. Everyone's turning me down tonight. Even Spangles turned me down! What could he have to do that's better than spending time with me?”
Darcy rolled her eyes. “I can think of a few things.”
“You wound me!” Tiny gasped in mock offense. “So your date tonight. Still the same guy? The one from DC?”
“Yes,” she replied, stepping out the door and pulling it closed behind her.
"When do I get to meet him?” Tony asked, following her to the elevator.
Darcy pushed the button, then turned and gave him a stern look. “Tony—Dad—I love you, but you're still you. And you're Iron Man. Remember those new security protocols Fury put in place last year? I literally need to marry the guy before I can introduce him to my own father, but how can I marry someone when I'm hiding such a big thing from them?”
Tony kissed Darcy in the middle of her forehead.
“The whole world already knows I'm Iron Man,” he shrugged. “That rule should not apply to me. If your guy can't handle that, you're better off without him.”
Darcy smiled. “And then you can introduce me to Captain America, right?”
Tony grinned. “My Steve is way better than your Steve,” he declared.
“Oh my god, Tony! You know you shouldn't even be telling me his name!” Darcy protested as the elevator arrived. “Just because I'm already associated with you and Thor, DOES NOT mean I automatically get to know any other Avengers!”
“I can change that!” Tony said, following her onto the lift. “The Avengers could use someone like you. I get you on the payroll, and everything would be perfect.”
Darcy frowned. There was a reason she’d chosen International Relations for her Masters, even if she hadn’t really acknowledged it at the time. “I’ll think about it,” she said at last. “But I still need to finish my thesis, and since the convergence Jane’s gotten enthused again. She’s got a lot to study over here.”
Tony nodded. “I understand. Also—and I shouldn’t be telling you this by the way—S.H.I.E.L.D. is going to be asking Thor to help them out occasionally. They’ll probably lean on him and Foster to come back to the States sooner, rather than later.”
“Hah!” Darcy snapped. “When they didn’t even answer my phone calls when Jane went missing, and then didn’t show up until after everything was all over? Not if I have anything to do with it, Tony. No. Fucking. Way. I'd rather she work for you!”
Tony threw his arm around her shoulder and hugged her tightly. “That’s my girl.”
They exited the elevator, and made their way outside.
“How are you getting to your date?” Tony asked, handing his valet slip to the attendant. “Can I give you a ride?”
“Well, I was gonna take a cab, but yeah, I'd like that.”
The ride to the restaurant wasn't a long one, and halfway there Darcy gathered her courage.
“I'm thinking that when I get back to DC I might ask Steve to move in with me ,” she said.
“Again: when do I get to meet him?”
“Tony! He keeps asking me to marry him. Three times in six months... and I want to say yes, but I'm scared about what might happen when he finds out about you, and Jane, and Thor. I thought, maybe living together first would be a good way to see if we'll really work or not.”
“That sounds reasonable to me,” Tony said. “But you have to tell him about me first, and I want to be behind the door as exhibit A when it happens.”
Darcy laughed as her father pulled into the curb half a block down from her destination. “You're incorrigible.”
“It's one of my better talents,” Tony quipped. “Come and see me when you get home. I'll be waiting!”
Darcy, Boss Lady, and The Boyfriend returned to DC on Christmas Eve. Steve was already at her apartment, having let himself in with the key she'd given him before he left London. He tidied and dusted, then went out and found what was possibly the last decent Christmas tree in the city.
By the time she arrived home, the tree was decorated, dinner was in the oven, and Steve was watching the cheesiest Christmas movie he could find.
“Oh my God, could you get any more perfect?” Darcy asked once she'd recovered from his welcome home kiss.
“I didn't actually cook,” he admitted. “It's from a restaurant a friend recommended.”
“I don't care—it smells amazing.”
They ate in front of the movie, then Steve insisted Darcy shower while he cleaned up.
“You know, I could get used to this,” Darcy said later, curled around him as they lay in bed. “Coming home to dinner, and a homey apartment… and you.” She lifted her head to look at him. “I think you should move in with me.”
“Yeah, really. You practically live here already, why not make it official?”
Steve could think of plenty of reasons why he should say no; the main ones being S.H.I.E.L.D. and not being able to tell her who he really was.
“You don't have to decide straight away,” she continued, “I know it's a big decision. Just... think about it?”
“Okay. I can do that.”
Steve tried to put off thinking about his dilemma and just enjoy the time he had with Darcy. He succeeded, mostly, allowing himself to make endless pros vs. cons lists only after she fell asleep at night. Three days later, when he got called out on a mission, it was harder to push out of his mind. In Darcy’s presence he could forget anything unpleasant; in an abandoned bunker stuffed with undecipherable technology, it wasn’t so easy. As he watched Tony take apart a piece of modified electronics, Steve decided to take the opportunity to talk to someone who wasn't S.H.I.E.L.D.
“Can I ask you something?”
“What's up, Cap?” Tony asked, elbow-deep in computer components.
“My girlfriend asked me to move in with her.”
Tony paused and looked at him. “You have a girlfriend?”
“You don’t have to sound so surprised.”
“And she asked you to move in with her?”
“That’s what I said.”
“Does she know who you are?”
Steve sighed. “That's the problem—she doesn't. I want to tell her, but I can't.”
Tony nodded. “Fury’s security protocols. Do you love her?”
“More than I ever dreamed,” Steve admitted. “I'd marry her tomorrow if she'd just say yes.”
“Have you asked her?” Tony asked.
“Three times now,” Steve said with a self deprecating smile. “She just says she's not ready for marriage, and changes the subject.”
Tony put his tools down and straightened up, turning to look at Steve. “Three times? Has she actually said no?”
Steve shook his head, a little unnerved by the fact that Tony was ignoring his work to have a personal conversation. “No, just ‘not yet’.”
Tony stared, blinked, then stared some more.
“Tony? Is something wrong?”
“Out of curiosity... have you met her parents yet? Her father?”
“No, but... I thought people didn’t care so much about that sort of thing nowadays.”
Tony shook his head. “Never mind; nothing to worry about. I think you should do it. Move in with your girl, show her you're serious, and maybe you'll get that yes so you can come clean.”
“I would, but I wonder… What if she doesn't want Captain America in her life?”
“If she really loves you, she'll come around.” Tony turned back to his work. “She'll probably be really mad at first, but that's always a risk in any relationship. There's always something that’s gonna make someone mad. You just have to get through it.”
“Voice of experience?” Steve asked.
Tony nodded. “Take the chance, Cap. Take the chance.”
(When Tony got home, the first thing he did was ask Jarvis for the security footage from his daughter's apartment block during Christmas. When his suspicions were confirmed, he laughed for a solid five minutes.)
Steve’s S.H.I.E.L.D. apartment was exactly that: an apartment belonging to S.H.I.E.L.D. It came fully furnished, and he had never been one to collect much, so there was very little in it that belonged to him. It took him half a morning to pack up his stuff, and he was all moved in with Darcy by New Year’s.
As he sat on Darcy’s couch, arm around his girl, watching fireworks, and waiting for 2014 to start, he realised that he hadn't felt this happy—this comfortable, so at home—since he'd woken up almost two years ago. A neuron fired in his brain, and he knew: this was what he'd wanted his whole life.
As the clock ticked down, he closed his eyes and made a wish. For a good year. For Darcy to say yes to his next proposal (which he was determined to do properly this time: ring, knee, the lot). For Darcy to be okay with him being the Real Steve Rogers (and Captain America).
As the last seconds counted down, Darcy turned to him and smiled.
“Happy New Year, Steve,” she said, eyes shining as she leaned up to kiss him.
Steve's last proposal was planned properly.
Ring, dinner, flowers, speech. Everything done right.
Whenever they can, they rendezvous at the subway station after work and then walk home together through the park. Some days they talk a lot; some days they don't. On this particular day, they were both lost in their own thoughts, when Darcy stopped suddenly.
“I'm ready for you to meet my father,” she said.
“Um, okay?”
“And… I want to marry you,” she continued. “If you still want to marry me, that is.”
He stared at her for a moment, gobsmacked at what she'd just said to him, and then he started laughing. He couldn't help it.
“Okay, I'm not sure if you laughing at me is a good sign?” Darcy looked equal parts worried and amused. “I never laughed at you!”
“I'm sorry.” He gathered her up in his arms, and hugged her tightly. “It's just, I finally planned out a proper proposal, and you blurt it out while we're walking through the park.”
“You planned a proposal?” She blinked at him.
He pulled the box out of his pocket. “There's flowers and dinner at home, but I've had this in my pocket for a few weeks now.” He opened the box.
“That's a really nice ring,” was all she said.
“It is,” he agreed. “And I think it would look nicer on your finger.”
She looked down at the ring again, and he held his breath. “Yes. You're right. It would look nicer on my finger.”
“Does that mean you're going to wear it?”
“I do have a few things I should probably tell you first; I don't know if you're going to like them." she said.
“Me too, but you wanna give me an answer first? Please?”
“Hang on, didn't I just propose to you?”
“Yes, you did, and yes I will. Whatever secrets you have, I will deal with them,” Steve said solemnly.
“In that case, yes, Steve. I will most definitely marry you, and ditto on the secrets. Now gimme that ring!”
He put the ring on her finger, and she flung her arms around him, kissing him breathless.
“Let's go home.”
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