#anyway. the way a scifi guy came up with this... the way it's anti psychiatry bc he had a personal grudge bc his ideas got criticised...
saviourkingslut ยท 1 year
wholly forgot scientology is real until i was minding my business browsing wikipedia and found out it's listed as a cult/sect in germany and france and tom cruise is a huge missionary (not old enough to remember the scandals) anyway then i remembered my dad once told me he went on a trip to amsterdam as a teenager (alone) to buy a jacket and got roped into doing some test for them?? and he handed it in and then he just waited there but it took too long until they came to get him again and he had to get home so he just?? left??? and he had no idea what the fuck it was for until years later he saw an item on tv abt scientology in the netherlands and he recognised the fucking building lmfaooo
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