#anyway... i domt even kno im just glad naruto got to meet his mum
opens-up-4-nobody ยท 2 years
Naruto shippuden things that made me lose my mind (ep 244-260):
Dark naruto my beloved ๐Ÿ–ค (I wish naruto could externalize these thoughts to someone else and they could comfort him so he wouldn't have to comfort himself)
Kushina @ naruto: wow minato didn't tell u shit
There's something very... unsettling? To me about minato. I think maybe it's just bc bad writing but something feeling deeply wrong about him?
Child itachi: don't worry, sasuke, I'll protect u (I think they're framing this as a sweet moment but it just feels sad and fucked up and sinister bc itachi u literally r going to create a monster. Like u meant well in ur own fucked logic but u hurt him so so bad)
Kushina, dying: naruto, stay the fuck away from lord jiraiya
Kisame, confronting his impending doom: I choose death by shark attack
Tobi, on his way out the door to murder someone and desecrate a corpse: kabuto don't do anything fucked up while I'm gone
I can't take Kabuto seriously in that snake hoodie???
In Madara secret hide out of horrors he has a chamber of eyeballs, a mutieyed beast that sucks the souls from jinchuriki, 100,000 lil white soldiers, and the petrified remains of hashirama. What a fucking place to live.
Everytime we find a new character with part of hashirama in them, it only gets funnier
Spend 20 episodes traveling to keep naruto safe then just fucking instantly their position is compromised lmao
I would like everyone to stop lying to naruto, please
Yamatoooooo in the belly of a snake :'(((
7yr old naruto: what were my parents like? The 3rd hokage: fuck off. Bye.
The writers: what if we reanimated the original Naruto but gave kakashi smaller hair?
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