#anyways I think it would be suuuper funny if that scene in round 3's teaser was also VERY personal for ivan because hes petty lol
dapperrokyuu · 2 years
Quick Mizi speculation time!!! Im fascinated with this frame of Mizi because while she looks shocked, she doesnt look scared.
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Talking this over with a friend, shes very much, like, “How could this happen!!!” but also. She doesnt look concerned about herself, like. The more Mizi’s character gets revealed, the more interesting she becomes.
I believe this may tie in with Ivan because they might be foils in terms of how “well off” they were raised. From her demeanor in some ALNST content to her potential ignorance of the circumstances in My Clematis to this brief shot in Sweet Dream, I personally assume…Mizi grew up privileged. She may have grown up in relative safety, and while there may have been some awareness of the universe’s circumstances, I think she grew in an environment where she never thought it would happen to her (until post-My Clematis).
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An important thing to note is that even from that alien moment in Round 3’s teaser up to Round 1, Mizi is under this illusion. Thus, it can be insinuated that she came out of Round 3’s teaser situation completely unharmed and in fact was never in any danger. This can also be concluded by questioning why Mizi was there alone in the first place, with nothing happening until Till appears. Of course, the possibility that they wander in there at relatively the same time, but if Mizi had any sense of the danger any random alien could pose to her…why did she go up so close? Why did she enter far into the room at all? I wouldnt be surprised if her alien master intentionally or not preserved Mizi’s illusion by striking a deal that no alien would hurt her. Or that no harm befalls her, whichever works.
My theory is that Mizi lived well under her master; I personally think Mizi’s master probably thinks of her as precious, whether it be in a pitying way or genuinely cherishing way (leaning towards the latter). Thus, she and Ivan would be similar because they both lived in relative luxury compared to other human “pets”–especially in regards to Till.
The difference between them would be that to their masters, Ivan stays as a pet, while Mizi may have been treated the slightest bit more like a person.
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