#anyways fuck rays friends and i won't accept any ray criticism
mvickym · 1 year
Call me a Ray apologist or whatever, but I think that from what we've seen from the past 6 episodes is Ray's just absolute tragic story. The reason why? Ray's character is literally of a person who has never experienced love, nor appreciation. The only thing that he has is money and those 'friends' of his. It's no wonder that he's in love and so attached to Mew - the only person who has ever shown at least a little care (attention even) towards him. Ray's problems at this point are not only the addiction that he has, but his mental state as well - possible depression, past suicide attempt, self-image and self-worth issues. All of this has built up from his childhood trauma of his mother never loving him, to him witnessing her death, towards him taking in the same path as her in addition to him having those people around him that, it seems, don't really care about him- Mew acting like a scolding parent or a 'why do I have to deal with this' type of guy, Boston who is literally the worst manipilator of all that doesn't care about anyone's feelings, Cheum who's always adding fuel to the fire with the relationship questions and statements, so in that context, the scene from that episode was his breaking point, literally. The 'if I'm going down, I'm taking everyone with me' mentality is a clear indicator that Ray had already reached his limit and was in the state where he knew what he was doing and that he was ending it all by going in to that car.. Were the things he said painful (especially to Sand)? Yes! But do you know what is ever more painful? Them knowing all about Ray's problems (especially Mew) and still not caring. Ray's 'friends' literally witnessing this brutal display of someone just breaking down in front of their eyes while being aware of all about his state..
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