#anyways heyyyy im back with more trash i have like 5 aus going
daddychims · 4 years
Offside Pt 8
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Series Masterlist!
Genre: Smut, Soccer AU, College AU
Pairings: Soccer Player! Jungkook X Sports Trainer! Reader
Word Count: 2k
Other BTS members all make a cameo as well because I’m an OT7 Trash!
You work as a sports trainer, providing basic first aid and injury management for the Hanguk University’s soccer team. Going with your mundane life of caring for the dozen of guys hurting themselves in the soccer game takes a turn when one of the guys catches your eyes. It’s not his breathtakingly good looks or his muscular athletic body usually seducing girls at the campus that catches your eyes. But the action plan in your kit, indicating he is diagnosed with Asthma is what draws your eyes time and time again to the Golden Boy of Hanguk University.
Warning: Slow burn, eventual smut, Taehyung being a freaking tease the whole time, Fuckboy!Jungkook, Asthmatic! Jungkook , mentions of episodes of Asthma, Take your Ventolin kids, Take your medications kids!
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Your hands hesitate over the doorbell for a few seconds before finally pushing the button and hearing the melodic sound echoing.
You hear a familiar voice that is different to the person you expect would be behind the wooden door and your suspicion is confirmed when the door opens to reveal the half naked guy standing across you.
"Kim Tae?"
"Heyyyy Sugar," He smirks, immediately reaching across and grabs you by the waist to pull you to his bare chest "Did you miss me so much?"
"What are you doing here?" you push past him inside the house with an annoyed tone
"You don’t need to be so low key about it babe," he smirks as he wraps his huge arm around your neck and pulls you closer again "I'm sure you heard I moved in with Jungkook." he hesitates as he leans closer to your ear "Isnt that why you came here?"
"Where is Jungkook?" you roll your eyes looking around the unnecessarily huge place “Im here to see him.”
"Jeon?" Tae asks furrowing his eyebrows "since when you're interested in Jeon?" he stands against the door with his arms across his chest
"I just have a homework I need to do," You state turning around to face him "Now do you wanna call him for me or should I walk around your house and find him myself?"
"What homework?" He raises an eyebrow "If you're talking about the type of homework at least 5 other girls rock up here every week, his bedroom is down the hallway on the left."
"Your brain is really wired like that huh?" You ask in an unimpressed tone "I just wanna have a conversation with him, I'll just wait in the living room."
"He's at the gym." he replies walking past you
"Which one?" You ask quickly rushing after him and grabbing his arm to get your answer "The one down the road?"
"Upstairs!" he rolls his eyes "The gym is upstairs!"
"You guys have a gym in your house?" You ask in surprise
"Jeon does," He shrugs "Now do you wanna wait in my room sugar? I'll go call Jeon for yo-. "
"No thank you," You immediately object "Where can I find him?"
He points at the stairs with a vicious smirk and you nod and make your way down the hallway, walking past the room with the daunting memories of Jihyo's birthday night.  You remember how you almost turned to one of the girls Jeon boned in his senior year if you didn’t react quickly enough that night.
You shiver from the thought and walk up the stairs. When you stop and look up, your eyes widen at the sight of Jungkook sitting on a Lat Pulldown machine, with a girl straddling his lap.
You can only see the girl's back, specifically her purposely plump bottom spreading over Jungkook's lap.
You immediately look up at the guy who's staring back at the girl sitting across him, beads of sweat dripping down his thick neck, arm muscles flexing as he manipulates the weight up and down.
You gulp at the sight, immediately feeling a shiver running down your spine at the excessively lewd sight of the two.
You immediately regret not waiting downstairs and just letting Taehyung call him, his vicious smile now have a whole new meaning for you.
You're hesitating whether you should make your way down the stairs and pretend you've seen nothing when Jungkook's gaze stumbles on you and you make a momentary eye contact.
The weight snaps up with a  loud thud as he releases his firm grip, immediately standing up and making the girl across his lap fall over.
Your eyes widen as you immediately turn around and make your way down the stairs. You're bearly reaching to the bottom when you hear his voice
You pause and try to think of a way to escape facing Jungkook when you hear another voice
"What happened Sugar?" Taehyung shows up from the end of the hallway and looks at your blushing face "Weren't you looking for Jeon? He's right there." he points up at the top of the stairs with a mischievous smile, knowing exactly what you observed on the second floor.
You return an angry glare to Tae before turning around and watching Jungkook walk down the stairs "Jeon, I was looking for you."
"Yeah I just saw you," he mutters nodding his head in a confused manner "Why did you run away?"
You watch the guy in disbelief, wondering if he is acting dumb or he actually is dumb enough to not know why you avoided the situation. 
"N-Nothing, I just thought you're busy, so didn’t wanna get in the way." you explain with an awkward smile "I can come back."
"No," he quickly objects "I'm not busy, Lets talk."
"Ooh, what is this tension I feel here," Tae smirks watching the two of you "Is something going on between you two?"
Jungkook clears his throat before reaching for your arm and muttering "Lets go."
You walk behind the guy without objection as you hear Tae in the background yelling "THAT’S NOT FAIR, YOU'RE COMING TO MY ROOM NEXT SUGAR ALRIGHT?"
You both ignore the guy's childish remark as you enter his room, Jungkook immediately closing and locking the door behind himself which makes you furrow your eyebrows in suspicion .
When he notices your reaction he immediately explains "There are quite a few people living here, I don’t want them to barge in."
You nod, placing your bag on his bed, setting your phone down on his mattress while you try to look for the item you came all the way here for.
"So why are you here?" He asks walking closer and sitting on the other end of his king sized bed
"I wanted to talk to you," you say while finally finding the green coloured journal and pulling it out of the bag "About this!"
You watch him spare a look at the journal, remembering the conversation you both had with Dr Kim the other day before scoffing and looking away from you "And I thought-" he pauses midway through his sentence before bringing his eyes to you and muttering "I already told Dr Kim that I'm not doing that."
"Jungkook you're being unreasonable," You scold in a stern tone "Its not like you'll lose anything by doing this. If anything this might actually help you perform better in the finale."
"It doesn’t matter," He sighs looking down at his knees "My lungs were fucked as long as I remember. Taking the medications doesn’t change anything."
"Are you really fine with being benched?" you ask softly
"I'm not gonna be benche-" he snaps back “Lets say I’ll be benched. Why does that matter to you anyways!?”
You stare back at him, the sudden question taking you off guard. Why does this matter to you so much. Why do you care if he’ll be benched because he doesn’t take his medication. You’re not even licensed and this is already far out of your scope of practice as a mere sports trainer for his team.
“I-“ You start the sentence before you think it through enough to complete it and immediately regret your decision “never mind,” you sigh stuffing the journal back in your bag "I just wanted to try my best." you say in an annoyed tone.
You quickly take the sachet full of the medications you received from the office reception earlier and place it in front of him on his bed "This is yours," you hesitated before adding "Up to you if you wanna take them or not, but if you changed your mind just let me know. If you decide that you wanna take the medications, I should check on you once a week and record your dosage intakes."
You pause for his response but after a few seconds of silence you sigh and shift on the bed to leave. You're about to climb down his bed when your phone lights up and attracts both you and Jungkook's attention.
"So when am I getting my next dose of neck massage Miss placebo effect?" -Jimin
"Maybe you can massage me somewhere else this time? ;)" -Jimin
You reach to grab you phone when Jungkook immediately reaches before you to read the text carefully.
"Hey, give me the phone back," You reach but the guy quickly hides it behind his back before staring right into your eyes
"I changed my mind." he states in a serious tone
"Lets do this stupid journal or whatever it is," he said firmly "Instead I have a condition."
"Really?" He nods and your eyes immediately light up "What is the condition?"
"Block Park Jimin," he says through gritted teeth "No, I'll block him right now."
"J-Jungkook, What are you talking about?"
"If you block Park Jimin, I'll do the journal with you," He suggests " you can even check on my more than once a week if you want."
"You want me to block him?" you ask in a lost tone "Why?"
"Haven't you heard?" He clears his throat "We don’t let the anyone from Hanguk team hang around the SNU guys specially the girls. The fact that you're friends with Namjoon Hyung is already a massive issue."
"What?" you laugh "Is that a joke? I've never heard of such rule. How come no one ever mentioned that to me?"
"Its an unspoken rule," Jungkook says matter of factly "If anyone is involved with Hanguk team, they aren't allowed to hang around the SNU guys for the duration of seasonal games. Otherwise they might find out about our team tactics and strategies and that messes up our chance in the finals."
"I'm so confused," you blurt out looking at him in disbelief "so you're saying I would act like a whist blower and tell the other team about Hanguk team's training strategies?"
"I did not say that," he says defensively
"You implied it," you respond immediately
"I'm just saying, we all go weak after a good fuck and say things we might regret," he mutters unimpressed looking at you "so lets not risk it yeah?"
"I-I'm not fucking Jimin," you stutter "where did that come from?"
"I didn’t say you are," he says firmly "I'm just saying you might."
"S-So what If I wanna fuck him," you retort angrily "Aren't you all doing it anyways? Why is it only not allowed for me!"
"I simply choose my girls from our campus," he shrugs
"So if I shag anyone from our campus, its all good?!" you say mockingly
"It cant be that hard," he shrugs his shoulder "You have a whole football team to choose from, I'm sure Taehyung is not the one guy you give a boner to when you rub them in your duties."
"Jungkook-" you shudder at his lewd words "just stop talking please."
"Fine," he smirks watching your blushing cheeks, findings the flustered side of you amusing to watch "What do you say? Can I block him now?"
You look at him with suspicion before muttering "I'll check on you three times a week, plus the 2 training days I see you on the field."
"Fine," he sighs defeated "It’s a deal?" he brings the phone in front of him to continue with his task "What's your passcode?"
"W-Wait …" you reach for the phone hesitantly "I need to at least let him know-"
"No need," he rolls his eyes "he's probably texting 10 other girls simultaneously, he wont even notice."
"You must have a lot of experience," You raise an eyebrow as you enter your passcode and hand him the phone back
"Don’t compare me to that punk," he rolls his eyes "I don’t play girls."
"Oh really?" You scoff "I really hate to remind you but I just watched you dry humping someone in your gym, Jeon. What do you call that?"
"Incorrect, she was dry humping me" he replies unaffected "I was just doing my weekly arm workout."
"Wow," you shake your head in disbelief "you're something else."
He finally finishes his task, blocking Jimin from your phone before bringing his eyes to you "Why? Were you jealous?"
"W-What?" you laugh awkwardly thinking he's just messing around, but he just stares at you with his piercing gaze waiting for an answer "W-What do you mean?"
He shifts on the bed, closing the space between the two of you on the bed as he leans over to your face "Did you wanna be in her place?"
You look at him with wild eyes, not knowing why those words pool arousal between your legs. He stares into your eyes before shifting them to your lips and back to your eyes after a few seconds.
"Hmmm? Did you wanna hump my thighs like a dirty little girl?" he murmurs and his eyes darken in lust as he watches your lips quivering nervously against his lips "Is that what you want Y/N?"
You gulp, heart thumping against your chest as you feel another rush of arousal tainting your panties "J-Jeon-"
"You just need to ask nicely," He smirks, his hot breath fanning your lips "and you'll be over my thighs in a few seconds."
You stare back at him for a moment before finally pulling yourself together and muttering "I t-think we had this discussion before," you gulp trying to steady your voice as you quickly grab your bag and shift it over your shoulder "That I don’t wanna hook up with you."
You watch with surprise as his dark lustful eyes turn disappointed, but he quickly hides them by looking away from you and shifting back his body.
"I'll call you for the next weekly check, until then make sure you take the medications as prescribed."
You walk to his door and twist the doorknob but it doesn’t open. Only then you remember that he locked his door when you both entered the room.
You turn around to tell him to unlock the door when a gasp leaves your lips
"Jungkook," you breath out as he presses your body against the door and leans against your face again
"You sure?" he raises an eyebrow, his earlier dark gaze starting to settle back in between his lids again "that you haven't changed your mind since our last discussion?"
"I-oh" you part your lips but a breathy sound leaves your lips when you feel his hardness against your thighs and his smirk grows on the corner of his lips finally receiving the reaction he wants from you.
Hey everyone! Hope you're doing well!
I know its been SOOOO long since I updated this story!
but this self isolation is allowing me to get my life together and get back on some writing as well!
Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!
I'll be back soon!
Love ya'll! 
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