#anyways i haven't drawn in months. or done much. i work and thats about it
vix-x-gaze · 5 years
Holy shit an ART POST
Even though my bio says I do art, I realized my blog lacks exactly that
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I decided to sit down and play each of these 9 songs and let my creativity take over. These are sketches for a soon-to-be painting that I have already started. I've posted this on my Instagram, but this is where I'll go ahead and explain in full detail what the story is behind the characters/stills.
Falling ; This song pulled me out of my head and saved me from myself. The lyrics really connected with me and what that panel captures is the lines "I see an ending. Take it all in. I'm gonna fall".
Suicide Circus ; Ringleader has been a character in my mind for quite some time now, I just had no idea how to bring him to life. All other ideas I had before felt forced, but whenever I listen to this song I have my own little music video going in my head featuring Him. Even his design has reason. His odd looking hands holding the banner really came from the "tick-tack-tack-tack" in the song, mainly because I imagine Him coming for me and tapping on the walls. Of course, I have my own meaning behind this as well being that you may seem happy playing with danger, but are you really fully satisfied with yourself? He embodies that as his head does seem inviting at first, but when you see Him as a whole its obvious thats not the case.
Vortex ➡ Fadeless ; I actually included Vortex because it was the song that really got me into GazettE. After about a month of running a complete blank, I switched to Fadeless which is in the painting process currently.
The Mortal ; Just as a heads up, if any of you get the blessing of hearing this live, no professional sound system will ever do Reita's bass justice. His bass shook my soul in Dallas. Anyway, I actually had 2 ideas in mind and multiple listens had said 2 ideas stick out the most. The second is on the second page thats the "floating" panel. It just gives me such ominous vibes and hearing it live, I may just go with the original panel.
Devouring One Another ; Another character of mine which never came about until this song. I honestly love this song beyond BELIEF and as much as I'd love to hear it live, fray screamo absolutely SHREDS your throat and I'm not trying to make Ruki go through that. Anyway, Teddy is heavily based off of the lyrics. Although he has participated in the gruesome acts that surround him, he's deeply terrified of it all and is constantly contradicting himself.
Derangement ➡ Red ; I know its already drawn in, but I couldn't get anything that I actually liked. I continued to blank on a design after the hand was drawn so I've changed it to Red.
Ominous ; THIS mf right here. From the moment I heard it, I absolutely LOVED it. I enjoy Dogma as a whole when it comes to the creepy, mysterious vibes. I wanted to create a blood moon with a clock face which, if you haven't guessed, is mainly pulled from the lyrics "Sleep, count me down again" and a bit from "true dread". That last bit comes into play as every time I hear songs like this I always think "ah yes, he's killed a man and now it burdens him".
Dawn ; This is honestly my jam. I was a bit sad they took if off of the setlist for the World Tour, but I still wouldn't change a thing about that night. It does tie in with the Ominous panel a little as Dogma's entire concept blew my mind. I wanted to create a story through those two songs. Althought it is supposed to be a sunrise type of setting, I'm very determined to make sure it still embodies the album, Dogma.
Two of a Kind ➡ Abhor God ; Two of a Kind is actually my second favorite song off of Ninth because of how well it worked in terms of the actual song, but I wasn't able to come up with anything for that either. When I taped off the canvas I was going to make it Babylons Taboo, but after getting back from the concert I was torn between Gush and Abhor God. Gush was a little too obvious for me and seeing as there's enough murder themes in this project, I'm going with Abhor God. I have the idea in mind, I just need to execute it.
And that is all for THIS GazettE related project. Something I enjoy doing is putting myself in music videos and drawing out what my outfit would be and such. GazettE has really brought out all of my artistic talents from sketching, to poster making, to nail art, to dancing. They've really made me hone in on what I'm good at as a way of coping with life. Im not sure when the painting will be done, but I will make sure to keep updates going. As of now, there probably won't be much with finals and EOC's going down in school currently.
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