#anyways if the smut demons possess me like last time . you'll have the fic by the end of next week
itsjaywalkers · 1 year
weekend snippet <3
thank you so much my loves @static-radio-ao3 @xjustakay @imdamagecontrol for tagging me!! mwah <3
i don't think i need to say where this is from.. (slight nsfw)
You’re not gonna fuck James Potter again.  You’re not. Gonna. Fuck James Potter. Again. This continues even after they get off the tube. During the little walk to James’ building. Regulus is still repeating it inside his brain by the time they reach the door of the flat, Sirius pounding on it so aggressively he worries for a second he’ll end up tearing it down.  But then James is opening the door, sporting a blinding grin, dimples already in place. James and his messy hair that he somehow manages to pull off. James and his golden-rimmed glasses resting a bit too low on his nose. James and his crooked nose, which looks rather charming.  It’s enough to make Regulus light-headed. To get him to fucking gulp, his throat so dry it borders on painful. A needy sound claws his way through, but he keeps it down, lips pressed tight and hands curling into fists at his sides.  You’re not gonna fuck James Potter again. You’re not gonna fuck— Regulus’ traitorous eyes slide lower, just to find that the older man is wearing a crop top. Loose and short-sleeved, different from the one Regulus had on a couple of nights ago, but still fucking criminal, showing off his abs and stupidly muscular arms. The sight is made even more painful by the grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips, dark underwear peeking through the waistband.  There’s so much brown skin on display. So much of James’ body he didn’t get to see last time, because they were in a car, and it was dark, and James barely got to undress before he was pushing his cock inside Regulus. James had been too busy making him feel good, both of his hands occupied. One of them gripping his waist, harsh enough to leave marks, and the other between them, fingers rubbing relentlessly on his clit.  Regulus blinks, cheeks warm.   Oh, I’m so fucking James Potter again.
no pressure tags: @carniferous @regscupid @residentrookie @drownedlove @courfee
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cherry-gemz · 4 years
The City by The Bay: Part IV
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Summary: Fates push you and a handsome and known stranger into each other's paths. His chivalry and good looks make you take a leap into his world and more.
Catch up HERE
Pairing: Keanu Reeves x Y/N (F!Reader)
Word Count: 4k
Rating: Mature, N*FW, 18+ only please, TW Motorcycle accident
A/N: Was thirsty AF and ended up smutting this fic up 😂. We take a turn that I was not expecting...
A/N2: Excerpts from an interview are in bold, taken from here: https://www.keanu-reeves.net/post/162864242206/abdominal-scar-keanu-reeves-first-big-spill-came
Who might be interested: @whiskeyslullabye ​ @marissat1998 @aestheticallywinchester ​ @fookingbetch
It all happened so fast. The rain felt like pellets on your back and the wind sprayed the droplets onto your face, making the strand of your hair stick to your forehead. You had to close your eyes for just a second and that's when Keanu swerved out of the way as a black BMW ran the stop sign ahead. He maneuvered the bike as best as he could. With all his years of training, he was the best probability if ever you were to be in an accident. 
But as he jerked to the right, the slickness of the pavement made the grip of the tires useless and he lost control. 
"Keanu!" You yelled and held tight to his waist and buried your face in his jacket.
"Hold on!" He shouted back and slowed down as best he could. He released his grip and instead grabbed you into a tuck and roll. He grasped you in his possession and shielded you from the fall. 
You felt the impact to the ground instantaneously and prayed that the pain that seared through the impact would be temporary. You heard him grunt loudly as he took the majority of the fall for you. The scrap of metal reverberated in your eardrums and you grimaced at the thought of damaging his beloved motorcycle. The rain pounded harder onto your laying bodies on the street. You could hear cars whizz by and the splash from their tires against the curb. You were frightened, out of your element. But also reassured from his protection. He had given up the bike in efforts to make sure you were safe. You felt a sense of relief that he cared like that, but then also remorse as you were worried about his favorite motorcycle. 
He groaned as he held you tight, "Y/N? Are you okay?"
His voice shaken as you nod and sniff, the helmet heavy on your pounding head. He let out a sigh of relief. 
"What about you?" 
He nods, "Yeah...I'm alright." He groaned again and you could tell he was saving face. 
The two of you lay there for a few seconds and you hear people slowly approaching. 
"Omigosh, are you guys okay?" A stranger asks.
"That guy came out of nowhere!" Another pipes up. Keanu says you are and the tinnitus hits for a second and you're unable to hear what is going on. 
The garage door’s rollers rumbled as it closed and you both walked into the house, sheltering yourself from the downpour.
Keanu peels his leather jacket and places it in the foyer as well as his boots. You slip your shoes off and place your purse on a chair and slip off your jacket, laying it next to his. 
"This day is just out of this world," he says and shakes off the excess rain from his hair. He groaned as there's a stiffness to his shoulder blade. He massages it with his hand and tries to loosen the muscle unsuccessfully. 
"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? I'd feel a lot better. They could take a look at your shoulder and check for any internal bleeding…"
He shakes his head no, "It's okay, Y/N. I've been in far worse accidents in my lifetime. I'm just glad you're okay...I don't know what I'd do had you gotten hurt."
You smile slightly at his endearment, but feel guilty still. 
"And the bike, it's not too much damage?"
"Nah, just a little buffering out here and there," he replies as he holds his shoulder with his opposing hand. 
“Let me start a fire and give you some extra clothes. By this time tonight you’ll have gone through my whole wardrobe,” he jokes as you snicker. 
He gazes at you momentarily and you shiver slightly, springing him back to reality. “Be back.”
You nod and peer down the hallway admiring some architecture photographs of the house. 
You’re reminded this isn’t his actual house, that he’s most likely renting it while on his project, but you’re still enamored. You're still in his presence. No one will believe your serendipitous encounter with the movie star. It all feels like a dream anyway. You rub your forearm and try to gain some heat, but your jeans are soaked and it’s difficult to move around.
“Keanu?” you call out down the hall.
“Yeah?” he shouts back.
“Sorry, I’m just freezing…” you cringe and you feel like you’re being a nuisance.
He appears around the corner, changed into black sweats. He's kept his white t-shirt on from earlier and even though he's in a casual form, it's intimate. 
"Here, I found some extra sweats," he says and hands you a pair of grey pants. "Do you need a sweater?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty chilled," you reply as you accept the pants. "I'm just gonna go change, that okay?"
"Sure, by all means. I'll be in the living room with that sweater," he says and you turn around to go change your clothes.
A short while later you walk down the hall in his oversized sweats, still wearing his black shirt from before as well and you bite your lip from beyond belief that you're spending the whole day with him. 
You hear the crackle of the fireplace as you enter the open spaced living room. He's sitting on the leather couch facing the fire with a glass of red wine in hand.
He turns his attention to you as you enter, "Hey." He gets up slowly as you can tell he's in a bit of pain and hands you a black ARCH hoodie and a glass of red wine. 
"Thank you," you flirt as you pull the hoodie over your senses and are enlightened with the hint of his cologne: woodsy, warm, and ephemeral. You could die right there and be in bliss.
"Not too early for wine, is it?" He asks genuinely. 
"No, definitely not," you smile and bring the glass to your lips and take a sip. 
"Good, I think we deserve it from what we've been through."
"Thanks for this...and the fire. It's all very inviting."
"Of course. I'd be beside myself if you caught a chill on my account."
You nod and he ushers you to the couch, placing his hand gently on the small of your back.
"My sweatshirt looks good on you," he says and you notice some blood on the back of his shoulder blade. 
"Oh no, Keanu…" you say and place the wine glass on the end table. 
He takes a sip and looks back to you, "Yeah?"
"There's...there's blood on your shirt. You hurt yourself from the fall."
"Really? I didn't feel anything," he peers over and tries to take a look. 
"Do you have a first aid kit?"
"I think there is one in the kitchen…" he slowly gets up and you grab his forearm. 
"No, let me. You have given me enough hospitality to last a lifetime. It's the least I can do. Drink your wine and relax."
He grins and relents as you head to the kitchen. You rummage around and finally find a kit underneath the sink. 
"Alright, now are you going to be a good patient?" You say and cock your brow. 
"No promises," he laughs and shakes his index finger at you. 
You sit next to him on the leather couch, "Alright, let's see the damage."
He peels his shirt off from the collar as all men do, least they are aware of how sexy the act is. You try not to hitch a breath, but your eyes wander as the peep of his ab muscles are exposed and his shoulders are defined and hard. 
You see the cuts from his shoulder and open the kit for an antiseptic. 
"What's the verdict, doc?" He asks as he holds his crumpled shirt in his hand and drinks his wine with the other.
"You'll live," you kid as you grab a cotton ball and apply the antiseptic to it and lightly dab it on his cuts. 
He flinched slightly, but refrained from making any movements. 
"So tell me about your other accidents," you ask as you continue first aid.
"Hmm, well once as I was going through the canyon, I lost control and got this," he points to a thick scar rising vertically up his stomach.
You frown and continue to gently cleanse away the blood from his back. 
"That was in LA?"
"Yeah, I call it a demon ride. That’s when things are going badly. But there’s other times when you go fast, or too fast, out of exhilaration.” 
"Were you speeding? I heard that canyon has insane blind spots," you ask and add an ointment to his cuts.
"Heh, you could say so. The turn I hit was unexpected. I remember saying in my head, ‘I’m going to die.’"
"Shit, Keanu…"
He shakes his head,“I remember calling out for help. And someone answering out of the darkness, and then the flashing lights of an ambulance coming down. This was after a truck ran over my helmet. I took it off because I couldn’t breathe, and a truck came down. I got out of the way, and it ran over my helmet.”
"So why do you still ride?" You laugh. "That would have scared me for life."
"Well, it taught me something. Something not to do, y'know? Something that taught me how to react with what happened today? Today I leaned into the turn when the car came out and released the break. If I hadn't had that experience in the canyon, I wouldn't be the rider I am today."
"Well I'm glad you're okay...from that ride...from any ride you have trouble with."
"Thanks...I'm glad, too. While I probably have some wild rides left in me, I wouldn't ever want to place you in danger."
You both are still and quiet from his words. The fire continued to crackle and you looked through the kit for gauze and tape. 
You cough into your fist and are slightly embarrassed that he would say something so sweet as that to you. You hardly knew each other, but he had a sense of genuine care and kindness towards you. Your feelings for him grew, he obviously was very handsome and kind. But he had a sense of an old soul in him that you wanted to get to know further. You hoped in your heart that this wouldn't be the last time seeing him.
"I find your presence extremely comforting, if I can say so," he turns his head to you.
You ask as you place the gauze over his injury and seal it with surgical tape. Your fingertips lightly graze the outer parts of the tape where it meets his skin and you savor the moment. "All done here."
"Thank you," he smiles and reaches for your hand. 
"I know we just met, but you're so easy to talk to Y/N. I know I have a persona that people see being a celebrity and all, but while that is a side of me, there are also other sides. And I'm not afraid to show them to you."
As he leaned in and turned his torso, it caught your breath. The first aid kit wobbled in your lap as you sat on your knees. 
"What I want to say is that, I like you...I think you're very beautiful and incredibly sexy…"
"Keanu…" you whisper as he continues closer to you. 
"Y/N...I'd like...I'd like to kiss you..." he turned his neck and looked into your eyes and then at your lips. He was so subtle in his movements, a gentleman. You nod, without having the ability to speak at the moment, and close your eyes as he places his lips onto yours. 
There is heat surging through your body; jolts of excitement and wonder encompass your surroundings. He cups your face with his large hand and you instantly melt. He tastes of wine and rain: two of your now favorite things. The unexpected feelings engulf your inner core and you want more. He invites your tongue and opens his mouth slightly, changing the sweet kiss with more intensity. Both of his hands cup your face now and your hand roams down his biceps to his torso. 
"This isn't like a normal thing for me," you say in a heavy breath as your lips separate from his.
"What isn't?"
"Kissing someone I just met…and definitely not this..." you gasp as he kisses the nape of your neck. 
You sit up slightly and the first aid kit tips over and drops to the floor. Unphased, you wrap your legs around him into a straddle on the couch. He's surprised by this move, but doesn't relent and lightly bites your bottom lip. His hands roam from your face down to your neck and you crane it back, giving him ample opportunity to relish the soft, sensitive spot. 
He does so and places his lips on your skin, making you moan his name. 
"I don't normally do this either...but I can't help myself with you," he says. 
His other hand continues down your body and through the thickness of his hoodie, he slinks his way under your clothes and touches your breasts. 
"Uhnnh…" you moan again and he watches your enjoyment from his touch. You quickly peel off his sweater and his shirt, allowing your breasts to be fully exposed to him. Your now slightly dried hair hangs over your shoulder and he brushes it aside, giving it a kiss. You close your eyes and relish the fact that he has his lips on you. Your senses are in overload and you’ve never wanted anyone more. In the moment there is lust and the excitement of pleasure you’re wanting to experience, so you decide you want to move further. 
He trails his kisses and peppers them over your collarbone to your chest, and you hold him right in embrace. You hand lightly grazes the recent bandage and you give it a light kiss. 
"Y/N," he rasps. "Do...do you want me?" He bites your lip and you roll your eyes back for a moment. 
He brings his face back to yours and you reply, "More than you know."
A huge grin escapes his lips and ignites a growl deep within him. 
"Thank God, I want you so badly," he rasps as he holds you tight against his body. 
"Where do you…?" 
He continues to kiss your neck and his hand drifts down to your center. The baggy sweatpants give enough slack as he dives his hand and inserts his fingers. You mew and hold onto him as he tenderly tours your folds. 
"You feel so soft…" his ministrations ramp up and he enjoys watching you unfold. His deep, brown eyes locked into yours and you crane your neck back as he hits all the spots and encircles his thumb perfectly over your little nub. 
Your mind starts to spin as you let go any restraint and close your eyes as he pumps his fingers in and out. Things become a blur and a mix of sensation and pleasure intensifies; you grind against his lap and can feel his excitement grow and it only turns you on more.
“I-I’m…” you stutter as you’re close to climax and then he slowly releases his fingers. “Why are you stopping…?”
"Can I taste you?" 
Never in a million years you thought you'd ever hear him say those words. It startles you and you freeze, brushing your hair away from your face to gain composure. He plants more kisses on your chest and cups a breast in his hand. 
"Let me taste you, Y/N. I want to taste you…" he whispers and begs. The heat between you two is almost unbearable. He's ignited something within your core and you want him, you need to give into your desires or you might explode. Wild, breathless kisses are exchanged and provide ample savour.
“Yes, please,” you ask and you unhook your legs as he gently lays you back on the couch. He kisses your taught stomach and runs his large hands over your hips until he finds what he is looking for. He hooks your thigh over his good shoulder and buries his face between your legs. You buck your hips from the intense sensation of his tongue and scream out his name as the rain and thunder roll outside. 
After what feels like an outer body experience, you are able to finally breathe and lay on the couch in disbelief. 
He smiles with a cocky grin and gets up to clean his face. You rub your eyes and stretch your toes. It had been awhile, well maybe never to have experienced that sense of euphoria. He was attentive in all the right places and relished at the fact that he loved the taste of you. You discreetly blush and reach for the throw blanket to cover up. 
As you sit up, he returns with the bottle of wine and tops your glass off. 
“Thank you,” you say and make eye contact. “And thank you…”
He chuckles and kisses you tenderly on the lips. 
“I should be thanking you, I very much enjoyed it, too.”
“I can thank you in other ways, you know,” you purr and run your fingers through your hair. 
He waggled his eyebrows, “Is that so? I’d like to see in which ways…”
You take a sip of your wine and return it to the end table. As you stand, you let the throw blanket drop and expose your body to him once again. You’re braver now. What you experienced was an intimate moment together and your walls were down. You felt comfortable, sexy, and beautiful. You grab his hand to pull you closer and passionately seal your lips on his. 
He responds and holds your neck with his hand, while the other hand grabs one of your globes. His kiss is fervent and heeding; his lips are insatiable and the tongue explores your mouth. You open your eyes and as does he, with one swift motion you jump into his arms and straddle his waist. He grasps you by your inner thighs and walks down the hall to his bedroom. 
He carries you into his room and his kisses become sloppy and wet, it’s a hunger that you can tell burns within him. 
As he lays you on the bed, he trails his lips to your ear lobes and sucks on it and your eyelids flutter. 
“Keanu…” you breathe heavily as you display your sex on his bed. 
He quickly slips his pants and boxers off and you reach for his hard member and stroke it within your fingertips. He’s soft to touch and large in a way that you anticipate pleasure that will come. He grunts in approval and bites your neck softly. 
“Y/N...I want all of you...you’re so beautiful. What do you want, baby?”
You practically orgasm at the sound of him calling you baby and you moan in approval as he delves two digits into your folds. 
“I want you, too, Ke…”
He smiles, “Ke...I like that. I like you...a lot. I want you to scream my name just like that.”
You nod as he pumps harder and tantalizes your clit, sending waves of intensity all over your body. 
“Oh, yes! Ke!”
“Do we need protection, baby?” He asks earnestly and you shake your head no. 
“IUD,” you state in a breath and he nods in approval. 
He releases his fingers and you whimper softly as he slowly rubs his cock along your wet lips. 
“Uhhh, yes…” you moan and he watches the way your silky entrance throbs for him. He rubs his head in and out and you cannot take the heat that is building up inside you. 
“Baby…” you rasp and writhe as he teases you in the most sexy way. He enjoys unraveling you, the thought that he can make you unfold in his hands is his own viewing pleasure. 
He cascades his hand to your hip and then hooks your leg over his shoulder, giving him full access to his prize. He continues to rub his thumb over your clit and then with a few thrusts, inserts himself in you. Your eyes widen as your walls stretch for him; it takes a few seconds to completely allow him to go deep, but he’s given plenty of foreplay and pleasure that you invite all of him to enter you. You arch your back in agreement with his thrusts and you both moan in pleasure. 
“Ke…” his name rolls off your tongue as he picks up his pace and thrusts harder. He leans over you, still holding your leg on his shoulder and kisses your calf tenderly. It’s a beautiful moment and you love how he caresses your leg, all in while thrusting in and out in a rhythmic game. He holds your ankle and continues his kisses until you pull him to you and plant your lips on his. 
“C’mere,” you coo and rake your fingers through his hair. Besides the few grunts you both make while becoming one, the rain hits the window pane and is seared in your memory. 
“I love your breasts,” he says as he watches them playfully bounce with his set pace of thrusts. 
You cock your brow and cup them in your hand, “Do you?” you ask devilishly and massage them as his mouth widens in a state of complete adoration. 
“That’s not fair, let me…” he responds and replaces your hands with his mouth. His thrusts become faster and harder, each time stretches your walls and the euphoria kicks in. 
You shout and let go all inhibitions as your toes curl in utter bliss. Your walls tighten further and your body shakes as he rides you through, a tidal wave of pleasure surges your body. 
 He holds the small of your back as you arch yourself on the bed and murmurs praises into your shoulder as he comes and releases himself. He crashes his lips onto yours and stays in you as you both recover. He brushes your hair away from your face and looks deep into your eyes and smiles. 
"That was amazing," he grins and slowly pulls out. He collapses next to you and breathes in heavily. "Are...was everything alright?"
You giggle at his concern, "It was far better than alright. It was perfect."
He rolls to his side and props his head with his bicep. You cuddle yourself next to him and wrap his grey duvet around your body. 
"You're pretty perfect," he replies. 
You blush and he trails his finger up and down the side of your arm.
"I was not expecting my day to be so damn fantastic," he laughs. "Who knew running into you would lead to this?"
"Me, too. I can't believe this all happened."
"But you're glad?"
"Of course," you reply and give him a kiss. He holds you close and doesn't let go. You both listen to the sound of the rain for a moment and relish being in each other's arms. You're enjoying how he is so intimate and appreciates a cuddle afterwards. 
He kisses your forehead, "I'm going to go get the wine. Do you want anything?"
"Hmmm...I'm kind of hungry."
"What? You are? We just ate!" He laughs. 
"Well I mean, you made me work up a sweat!"
"Okay, okay," he says and holds up hands. "Let me see what I can muster up. I think there is some imported cheese in the fridge. Maybe some crackers with the wine?"
"That sounds divine," you reply. "But let me."
"What? No, you're my guest."
"I insist, you have an injury," you say and place your hand on his chest, rubbing it in a circular motion. You point your finger to his face, "Stay right here. I have all day and intend to spend it in this bed, mister."
"Whatever the lady desires," he smiles and watches you saunter out of the bed. "Take that shirt if you want," he points to a battered shirt on the chair.
"Don't want me walking naked around your house?"
"There are a lot of windows," he laughs. You not and reach for the shirt.
"Be right back."
"Sounds good."
You give him a kiss and walk out of the room, knowing quite well his eyes are on you as you leave with just his shirt on. You realize your underwear is still in the living room and head over there before the kitchen. As you slip them on, you grab your glass of wine and sip it in a felicitous manner. 
You daintily skip over to the kitchen as you recall the past hour and you are cheeky and find yourself blushing. As you open the fridge, you spot the cheese and grab the bag and open it up to sneak a little piece. You hear the front door open and the ring that alerts when it does. You quizzically think to yourself why that occurred and you closed the fridge door to see a woman standing in front of you holding a manila folder. 
Your mouth stuffed with cheese you almost choke. She looks you up and down as you are wearing panties and Keanu’s shirt. 
“Um, who are you?” She demands and places her free hand on her hip. 
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