#anyways if you're wondering exactly why I made this post then welcome to my anti-lion agenda
eyebrowpunk · 1 month
non-comprehensive list of animals capable of spite
human beings - self-explanatory.
chimpanzees - also quite apparent. genuinely believe it's only a matter of time before a researcher in the African jungle spots a wild chimp wearing what looks suspiciously like a necklace decorated with ears bitten off of other chimps (and by god do you hope that they are only chimp ears)
lions - "if I go 2 more days without eating then maybe I'll consider chasing a zebra, but if I see another predator in my territory I'm hunting him down, turning him inside out, and wearing him like a jacket while he yet breathes."
orca - I read an article a few weeks ago on the topic of the multiple observations of humpback whales intervening in orca hunts, and one of them described an instance where, after they unsuccessfully tried to sabotage a seal hunt, the orca matriarch reportedly took the seal carcass and flaunted it in front of the whales as if to taunt them, which if that is an accurate reading of the situation, is also hilariously petty.
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