#anyways yay henry :] he's such a sweet lil guy and i want to do more writing and art featuring him fjfkdl
dandyshucks · 7 months
piplups are typically proud pkmn that are difficult to bond with, so I've been thinking again about what it was like when Junebug first met Henry, their starter 'mon... (cw for vague-ish abuse mentions)
Junebug is incredibly patient and often gives people more grace than should ever be extended to a person (will put up with a lot of incredibly cruel behaviour from others and make excuses for them), so being patient with an initially stand-offish Henry would be not a problem at all. they are also big on researching so they'd have known what they were getting into, even as a young child, when they chose piplup to be their starter.
anyways Junebug quickly realized he didnt like being in a pokeball, so they stopped doing that and put the pokeball up on a high shelf where neither of them could reach it to show they weren't going to use it with him. and he slowly started to trust them more and open up to them more after that - it was a key moment that marked the beginning of Henry considering them to be a potential friend.
when they first received Henry from Rowan (who I imagine travels around the region with a bunch of starters to educate kids about how being a trainer works and get them started on their trainer path), they took him home in the pokeball as one does, and when they let him out once they got up into their room, he refused to even look at them for a good long while. oh the humiliation of being in a pokeball!
but the real bonding finally began once Henry had spent more time around Junebug's parents - they had tried to keep him away from their parents as much as possible to protect him, but ... hard to do when you are a young child living with them sbdjskl. it was a less than ideal way to grow close, but the two of them soon grew inseparable, supporting each other through the rougher times and cheering the other on as they both grew and learned, and covering for the other when someone slipped up. hiding or shredding journals, bandaging scrapes from forbidden ventures off the allowed paths, tucking away ill-gotten bits of food into hiding places, comforting each other after nightmares or after being reprimanded/punished, nudging the other if they're "misbehaving", standing look-out when the other needs to do something against the rules, etc etc etc.
making an intolerable situation somewhat bearable! bonding while stuck in an unsafe environment! growing up together while trapped under an abuser's thumb! the whole works !
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henry-hart · 6 years
The Secret Gets Out s1 ep3
Some quality Charlotte in this ep. Yay!!!!
ooh I know what happens in this one :))))
yay for that bb chenry content
Jasper just taking over the tv screen when c x h won’t watch his clip ajsklsj same
“CM’s big fail” man they do not go gentle with these video titles. really going for the throat
“Hey, look! My bellybutton!” Hen, sweetie. You need to work on your distractions 
Ray looks hella good. just saying. ;)
poor CM. his face when the news lady says, “once again escaping capture from CM.” HE’S TRYING, LADY.
“CM, isn’t it true that the phone shark has been attacking ppl’s phones for over a year now?” “Uh, yes that is true.” askjlk y does he sound like he’s on trial???
“So why don’t you catch him?” “Well, KD and I have been trying.” “But you keep failing. Doesn’t that bug you?” “Yes.” we always talk about Hen’s sass, but Ray has his snarky moments
AJSLKSLKJ JASPER BAD-MOUTHING KD AND HEN JUST STOPS DRINKING HIS DRINK AND IS LIKE, “One more time???” like, the pg version of “tf did you just say???”
“Just saying, I’d be way better at catching bad guys than KD.” “You couldn’t catch butt warts!!!!” Hen u couldn’t be anymore obvious if you tried aksljsjksjl 
“Why are you getting all mad?” “Because Jasper’s being unfair, and I think it’s unfair to criticize m--that...that KD guy when he’s probably doing the best he can. And people should be fair. Fairness. I’m pro-fair.” THAT’S RIGHT BB. U DEFEND YOURSELF. YOU ARE DOING YOUR BEST AND I AM PROUD OF U 
his lil pouty face after he gives his little speech is TOO CUTE
can I just say, once again, s1 Hen is the cutest thing ever 
@jace how were u this cute at 13??? I didn’t even look human when i was that age aksjlksj
Pipes blackmailing Jasp with that cup song video alksjslksj (no wonder her parents assumed it was her who was arrested in that xmas ep lolol)
“I NEVER DID THAT!!!! Why would I do that? I NEVER DID THAT!!!!”
Pipes just shoved Hen out the way to sit on the couch aksljslk
Henry didn’t put up much of a fight against Piper in these earlier eps (I mean, when does he ever anyway lol).
jasp....i love u...but...that video is really cringey....
Hen telling Pipes not to put the video on line :)))) my sweet son :)))))
Piper mocking Jasper in the video alkjlsk 
“Why does your watch beep like that?” “It means they need me at work....bye!” “Wait! It’s Sunday. Junk ‘n Stuff is closed on Sunday.” “Right....I better go tell the customers.” Henry you are a terrible liar
which is expected bc he’s sweet and a mess. not a combo that makes for a skilled liar alkjslkj
“There is something up with that boy.” YAS CHARLOTTE YAS my smart/observant daughter (tho hen does make it easy with his crap excuses lolol)
“I’m so tired.” “Oh, quit whining. It was only 4 miles.” “Yeah, 4 miles there and 4 miles back!” ajkjslk poor J
“Uuuggghhh I’m gonna die.” “NOT in the house! If you’re gonna die, do it outside!” Piper does not care. at all. 
so, what??? Char’s just been chillin in Hen’s room in the dark waiting for him to sneak back in??? lolol
poor hen had a mini heart attack ajklksj
Char clearly knows. she’s just asking all those questions to hear Hen’s bs lolol
“I like your shirt.” nice try hen. it’s not working, but nice try.
Char really covered all the bases. she called the store to see if Hen was really there. girl doesn’t mess around when she’s figuring something out. r.e.s.p.e.c.t.
“You wanna know the truth? I’m a jazz musician. I don’t tell a lot of people, but secretly, I play jazz. A-a-and the only time the jazz clubs are open is late at night.” Hen...who taught you how to lie????
God, P x H are such antipodes. You have one sibling who blackmails others with embarrassing secrets to get what they want and then you have the other sibling who can’t come up with a better lie than “I play jazz late at night” aksjslk
“That’s where I was---at a jazz club. Blowing jazz. On mah horn.” i love the way he says this lol
“That’s because YOU’RE Kid Danger!” and a hush falls over the room...
Hen, make as many weird noises and mock being KD all you want. It’s not working. aksjlskj
you know, even if Char wasn’t an uber smart cookie, hen makes it unbelievably easy to figure out
“Okay, this is really big, what I’m about to tell you.” “What? That you’re KD?” “Shuuut UUUuuuUUUpppp!” akljslkj
“I’m KD.” “I know. I figured that out.” CHARLOTTE YOU ARE MY QUEEN
“I swear I’m never gonna tell anyone.” “Thanks.” “Can I tell Jasper???” “Wha---NOOOOOO!!!!”
I love the way he says this in his lil 13 yr old squeaky voice aksjlsksj 
also Char wanting to include J from the get-go :’))))
Ray was so light and cheerful in this season. he’s all “Henry, I didn’t know you were working today. Did I butt-beep you???” whereas now he’s all “YoU cAn’T bE sIcK. yOu’Re ObViOuSlY lYiNg To Me!!!!” ugh
:(((( you can tell Hen is having a hard time telling Ray that Char knows
props to him tho. i would’ve put if off until it eventually just came out at the worst time possible jakjslskj
“Can I talk to you about something?” “Uhhhh....babies come from the baby store!!!” oh Ray
“What’d you tell her?” “That I am KD.” “Ohhhh.” “You’re not mad, are you?” “No, I’m not mad.” “Oh, good.” “You’re fired.” jkalsjlk RAY YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TERRIBLE HE IS AT LYING. IT WOULD’VE BEEN SO MUCH WORSE IF HE KEPT UP THE LIE
also Hen’s face is causing me pain. he’s so sad :((((
Ray’s being so serious....I’m not used to this. 
“When trust is broken, it can never be fixed.” “Yes it can!” “Read this fortune cookie.” “’When trust is broken, it can never be fixed’....” “Let’s not argue with the Chinese.” aksjslk 
also Ray is really that next level extra. he has fortune cookies to prove his point lolol a legend
Henry listening to jazz and downing a bottle of chocolate syrup alksjslk is this the pg version of drowning your woes in alcohol???
“You’re not gonna find the answer at the bottom of a bottle of chocolate.” *takes bottle away* *Hen takes out a second bottle* “I won’t know if I don’t look.” 
my poor bb. he really thinks he’s a lousy KD
klajdkl Henry singing a sad version of the cup song
they played a cheering sound effect while he sang omg
(I remember watching a vid where Jace said he doesn’t sing and it’s “probably for the best.” aksjslkjs)
classic pouty/depressed hen laying on his couch. :((((
it’s kind of playing tricks on my mind bc i remember when he did that after he couldn’t defeat Drex, but he looked SOOOO much older in that ep lolol
Jasp having to do Piper’s chores lol
“Henry, come to the Swellview Park right now.” “Nooooo. I’m not in the mood for trees.” jaklsj it be like that sometimes
Piper: “AHHHHH!!!! HEN-RYYYY!!!” Henry: *sighs like ‘here we go again’* akjslk
I LOVE THESE PIPER X HENRY INTERACTIONS (even if it’s her yelling at him lolol)
“Is that makeup on your face???” jokes on you, Hen. you’re all wearing makeup.
i love the faces Hen makes while Piper yells. they’re great
gotta hand it to Ella. she was really committed to this part
“To a club with mah gurlsss.” PIPER NO
“Club 11″ god can u imagine a whole place dedicated to 10-11 yr olds??? i have siblings that age and it’s the worst. possible. age. ever. 
I don’t even understand them most the time. you think i would be able to considering how in tune I am with my kid side, but the stuff they do/say/like is lost on me
sorry for that sidebar
okay, Piper has a fake ID??? a fake license, a fake ID. HOW R U AND HEN EVEN RELATED???
Hen’s out here fighting crime while his lil sis is committing them akljsslkj
I love Hen’s overall indifference??? Like, he’s just like “you better hope mom doesn’t find out” he’s not threatening to tell on her. he just like “not my problem”
even when she’s yelling at him he’s like “whatever. i gotta go.” ajlskjlk I love him
j now has blackmail of his own. oh, how the tables have turned. 
Char is so awesome. instead of just feeling bad about getting hen fired, she’s out her actively trying to help him out, and she’s not doing it for him. she’s just guiding him. she leaves all the redeeming to him. what a stand up character. wow. i lover her. 
wedding crashers chenry style aljksjsl
duh it looks like the phone shark, hen. HE HAS METAL TEETH.
“Now go do CM a favor and catch the phone shark.....Kid Danger.” I squealed. we love supportive bffs here
Hen’s got that pep back in his step 
“What up with the gum?” aksjlsklsj 
I thought Schwoz made the gum???? If he did, then how does Hen have a tube with his own gum for his costume??? Ray and Schwoz are estranged at this point in the show. Schwoz doesn’t even know Ray has a sidekick let alone who Hen is, so how??? does he??? have it????
are they trying to tell me Ray made it???
i love him, but no. 
maybe Gooch??? 
I don’t know
“In sickness and in health, in fitness and obesity, as long as you both can stand it.” these wedding vows are more accurate than the traditional ones, honestly
Henry. looks. so. cute. in. his. lil. costume. like. a. baby. duck. trying. to. be. a. superhero. :)))))
okay, so phone shark guy bites phones, but why??? like, does he eat them, or does he just enjoy biting them??
homeboy is looking at hen’s phone like it’s a whole snack....so he does eat them???
i need to know. 
“Mmmmmm gotta love that new phone smeeEEeeellll.” akjslkj jace was so goofy in the earlier seasons
Charlotte......y do u have binoculars??? this is all happening ten feet in front of you.....???
omg the phone shark spun hen and his feet clocked the bride in the face ajklsjlksj
yo wedding gifts are expensive af and Hen just made the phone shark wreck all of them lolol oops
omg Hen’s lil celebration dance is so cute :))))
he. gave. CM. all. the. credit. can. u. believe. my. son. is. such. a. good. person.
“It was really my boss, CM.” “Interesting. Can you tell us more?” “.....No....” lololol
Ray’s all “you gave me all the credit” in this awed voice DAWWWWWW
y is he suited up as CM tho???
“Well everyone’s been giving you a hard time about catching the phone shark. I figured I’d help you out.” YA’LL I AM SOBBING. THIS IS THE SWEETEST BOY.OL
“Uhhhhh excuse me? I’m the one who found the phone shark.” 
TELL. THEM. CHARLOTTE. Like, who are you to go giving credit??? I’m the one who found him???
Ray doing one of those full body groans that he always does. dramatique
“Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte. What am I going to do with you?” “I think it’s pretty obvious: give me a job here! You guys need me.” GIRL YOU DON’T KNOW THE HALF OF IT.
srsly how many times does Char save their a**es??? too many times to count. hiring her is one of the best things you’ll ever do, Ray.
Char explaining how she found the phone shark and making it clear how obvious her thought process was while Ray x Hen are just like “.....”
“I called some dentists...” “We should’ve called some dentist!” “We totally should’ve!” “Then I went online...” “We should’ve gone online!” “What is wrong with us???”
if it wasn’t obvious before that you need Char, is pretty obvious now. 
“Off to my cousin’s wedding. Hope they serve phones for dessert. LOL.” “She’s good.” “She is.” COME ON GUYS. I AGREE, CHAR IS GOOD, BUT HOW DO YOU NOT PIECE ALL THAT OBVIOUSNESS TOGETHER????
Honestly, Ray getting a younger sidekick makes the most sense to me because can u imagine Ray trying to navigate social media??? or going through the internet like char did??? or hacking into anything??? No.
dude needed some gen z kids to help him out with the modern world aljskljs
“She could really help us out around here.” YOU AIN’T LYING.
“Us???” “Oh, right....you fired me.” “Well you broke the oath.” he sounds like such a pouty manchild akjslkjskj
wow hen ur already on a first name basis with your boss
i don’t know why i’m just pointing this out
homeboy was calling him Ray within a few hours ajlkjsklsj
Hen was so happy when Ray hired him back :))))))
Char: “Cough cough cough.” lolol
“What are you going to do about Charlotte???” “UUUuuuuuUUUggggGGGhhhHHH well, she knows you’re KD. She knows who I am. She knows where the Man Cave is because you brought her down here!” I laughed so hard here. poor Hen was too excited about his job well done so he just took Char into their super secret hideout akljslk
“Sooooooo what does that mean?” “That we either have to kill you, erase your brain, or give you a job.”
“I vote job.” “We can really erase her brain???” “Dude!” cuties
“Alright, she can have a job here--” *C x H celebrate* “--IF--” *C x H jump* “--she can pass the pickle test.” *C x H share similar ‘tf???’ expressions* 
BORK!!! MY MAN!!!! (i just realized Gooch wasn’t in this one)
I wish they’d give Bork more of a role. :( they just have him kind of....grunt....and that’s all.
I do like in the green finger ep where he just dumps Ray out of the shopping cart though bc same jkajlskjl (Ray was being such a baby in that ep and I would’ve done the same)
“You have to prove you’re clever enough to work for CM.” “I found the phone shark.” “Well anyone could do that.” “Not you two.” “Well, you know what--” “Okay, let’s not go there.” aksjdlkj
not gonna lie, when Ray was like, “get the pickle out” the first thing I thought of--before Char did it--was to just break the jar alkjslksj great minds think alike, Char ;)))
“How much time does she have?” “Exactly five min--” *shatters the jar* “Here’s your pickle.”
“That was Bork’s favorite jar.” pfffff
“So, wait, is Charlotte hired???” “Yeah....yeah she’s hired.”
they’re little celebratory high-five was too. cute. 
i love my smol happy bbs
Henry being all excited to show her the tubes :)))))
“Hug me.” *side-eyes him* “Just trust meee.” CLASSIC CHENRY MOMENT AJLKSJLSKJ
Piper scrubbing J’s feet lolol that’s karma, P.
another wholesome episode that left me all smiley and happy :)))))
i love early Henry. he was such a little cutie who was excited about everything
there was some GREAT Char content this ep---she was one of the biggest parts
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wanna1things · 7 years
Prince!Ren AU
Tumblr media
this was such a GOOD look for ren please bring this back amen thank u
Genre;; royal!au ++prince!au fluff uhhhh aka my fave
Warnings;; none,, i mean not that i know of??? It’s pure fluff?? maybe a tiny bit angsty idk but if u dont like boys who can’t cook dont read??
Pairing;; Choi Minki/Ren x reader
Requested;; yes (by anon)
Summary;; Ren is a prince who has moved to your country to study to be a King, and he happens to be your neighbour. Things don’t go too smoothly when you find out his identity...
Style;; bullet point + stuff
Word Count; 2530
AHHH i love royal aus so expect this to be;; long and detailed;; because i also stan minki,,, and he is already a prince,, coming up with a plot for this wasnt hard lmfaoooo;; i got my big ass 2litre bottle of water ready its 1am and its WRITING TIME
Ren was born into the royal family of a small country in East Asia
He was originally second in line until his brother Minseok gave up his right to the throne so he achieve his dream (that didn't involve being king lmao;;)
So little 8 year-old Minki is now thrust into the spotlight
Up until this point he’s had like;; no training on how to be a King
So he decides when he gets to his twenties he’ll go abroad to study politics and languages and stuff
So he can still be a good king when the time comes;;
But he doesn’t want to be treated like a prince wherever he goes so,, he instead decided to go by his real name rather than his royal name when he’s abroad (which less people know)
(okay it is a thing like prince harry’s name is actually henry FUN FACT)
But he’s super talented like;; he has a way with words and he’s really popular in his country
Because not only is he really beautiful but he’s also amazingly funny with a great personality
Like I mean it when I say he could probably make friends with a brick wall
He’s a little;; weird;; but it just makes him even more loveable sdjhfgjsd
He’s honestly treasured by his country because he just seems like a normal human he doesn’t try to act better than anyone else uh BLESS how kIND
So the time comes for him to go;; and he chooses on going to your country!! (and your university what a coincidence am i right)
Now you’re just a lowly university student living in a block of flats not far from the campus
And it’s a nice block of flats but you’re on the 8th floor and the lift doesn’t work;; yikes
I mean at least you’re not on the 10th floor right??
So when you see someone moving into the flat next to your with boxes and boxes of stuff you are overcome with pity like;;; yeah you did that once before too
And you muster up the courage to go and help out this guy who is reALLY struggling with his suitcases
He nods a thank you as you pick up one of the suitcases and carry it up the last flight of stairs,, too tired to even speak (i feel u bro)
When you both reach the top he points out which room to take his bags to and guess what
He’s your new neighbour! (yay)
You help him put all the bags in his room and after about 3 minutes of trying to get all his breath back he manages to whisper a ‘thank you’ and offers you some tea
Obviously you take him up on the offer I mean you’re a uni student free sustenance is v good
BUT you have to go back to your room because;; well;; a welcome gift??
All you have in your room that's suitable are like candles and stuff but… don’t get me wrong but this guy doesn’t seem like the biggest fan of candles especially after walking up 8 flights of stairs
So you decide on giving him some of your sweet potatoes and a cute little keyring that your friend gave you that you’ve never used
It’s a little rabbit with a tiara on how ;; cute ;;
When you return to his apartment suddenly the shaggy looking guy who you helped carry his stuff up the stairs is now;; this beautiful man;;
Hes mid-way through making the tea when he notices you’ve returned
And he looks up and flashes you the cutest lil eye smile lol
Oh my god are they the same people even
He finishes making the tea and walks over to shake your hand
‘It's a pleasure to meet you!! I’m Choi Minki~’ he smiles, taking your hand in his
Shfsdhfjgshdjfh his hands are soft what (listen my fave hc is that minki has super super soft hands @ me on this gn)
‘Ahhh hi yes,, i’m y/n and i’m your neighbour!! I got you a present’
His face lights up when he sees the present sdfhdjhf
‘How did you know i love bunnies??’
You both sit down on the sofa in the middle of his flat surrounded by boxes
Drinking your tea and talking about life
You discover he’s attending the same university as you;; studying politics and modern languages
He’s like;; super smart but he doesn’t show it off at all??
But there’s something about his face that seems really familiar
Like as though you’ve seen him before but you don’t know where
So you just assume he reminds you of an old friend or something
As time passes you get really close
You walk with each other everyday to campus and back, you tell each other absolutely everything and you even cook for one another on alternate nights
One night when it was Minki’s turn to cook he was making some food from his home country;; cold spicy noodles (i love those pls omg)
And ahh he is not at all good at cooking but he tries hard so;; let’s let him off yeah
But he concentrates so hard but he genuinely just;; burns everything like idek how he does it don’t let minki cook;;
In the end he just;; gives up so you cook together!!
And as you’re quickly making a batch of pancakes together he decides yeah good time for a food fight
Proceeds to chuck flour all over you
And as he’s laughing at your pain you realise wow okay yeah his laugh is cute oh nOOOO you got a crush on your weird neighbour????
Obviously you ;; don’t make this known and eat your damn pancakes in peace
After chucking flour right back at Minki of course
Over the next few days he just suddenly stops coming into uni because;; he’s in a couple classes with you let’s just say you’re a politics student lol
You try knocking on his apartment door a couple times and nobody replies even when you call his name
You basically put 2 and 2 together
And make 5
And assume that he’s deliberately avoiding you because he realised your crush
In reality there’s been a minor problem in his country;; a law is being passed through government that’s quite controversial to do with like;; minority rights and stuff;; so he’s had to return to fight to get it passed and he didn’t really want to leave without saying anything but;; he also didn’t want to reveal who he was to the whole world
It’s a constitutional monarchy and democracy thing okay pls; i can’t explain political systems;
One night about a week after Minki’s sudden disappearance
You decide to turn on your tv because damn life is boring when you can’t go to Minki’s house and play snap lol
And on the news they’re talking about minki’s country bless where the spicy noodles come from
But the news report tells the story of this brave prince who is attempting to pass a law to protect the rights of the people of his country and wow this prince is a nice guy
And they show a clip of a press conference he held earlier on in the day
That prince looks suspiciously like your neighbour Minki???
Minki = Prince Ren what the ??
Not long after this the law is passed and Minki returns back to his apartment next to yours and oh my god
You see him walking up to the entrance and you freak out again because
You have a crush on a prince???
He didn’t even tell you he was a prince???
What??? Is???? Going????? On??????
He comes and knocks on your door like usual and as you swing open the door he quickly pulls you into a hug
‘y/n!!! I missed you so much!!! I’m sorry for disappearing i had family stuff but I’m back now!!!’
And you just tense up a little because oh god this is a prince who basically lied to you for your friendship so far
‘Hello, Ren.’
Uh oh
You can feel Minki just tense up slightly and pull away from the tight hug
And he kind of just stands there awkwardly looking at the floor wondering what to say next because oh my god how did you find out
‘Y/n, please don’t treat me differently now you know who I am… I wanted to tell you I really did… How did you even find out?’
He looks into your eyes like he’s searching for something because uh oh the girl he’s liked for a while and the only girl who treats him like a normal human being is reallllllly pissed off with him and he,, doesn’t have any idea how to fix it
‘You were on the news, Minki. How long were you going to keep it from me? Were you even planning to tell me at all?’
‘Listen, I was going to but there was never a good time and honestly, I thought you wouldn’t want to be friends with a Prince?’
You just sigh heavily at his answer and go to slam the door in his face but he stops it with his foot and holds on to your wrist tightly
‘Please, y/n, can we talk properly?? I’ll make food.’
You take your hand off the door and stand back to let him into your flat and he immediately heads to the kitchen and pulls out a ramen packet
He starts to cook it all while you sit at the kitchen counter, watching him as he tries desperately to not burn everything sdjhfgsjdgh poor minki
He manages to,, kind of make it (well done minki)
And he places the bowl in front of you and sits down next to you in complete silence like ok this is getting a little awkward
So perk up the mood he just managed to cook without burning the whole block of apartments down
‘So, the prince can cook ramen but nothing else hm?’
He giggles slightly at your comment and nods
‘Yeah my parents always tease me about it too, especially since my brother is amazing at cooking’
He laughs again and picks up his chopsticks to shove in a whole load of ramen
So you finally turn to look at him and you notice his eyes are red and oh my god you made him cry??
Part of you is like yeah but listen he deserves it he lied to you for like 6 months
But then again;; it is understandable that he wouldn’t want everyone knowing he’s a prince
And it doessssss make you feel a little special that he didn’t want your relationship to change at all
You do what your heart tells you to do
And you pat his head and ruffle his hair a little
But he smiles really wide and giggles again
‘Is this how you show your forgiveness?’
‘No way Minki, I want at least 5 more meals cooked by you before I can get over this’
And omg
He doesn’t get that you’re joking at first
And you just see this look of absolute terror go across his face like
Ohhhh no if he even tries to cook another meal the whole building is going up in flames like
Ramen was hard enough he had to keep checking the packaging every 5 seconds to make sure he was doing it right
Then he realises you’re joking
And he laughs because oh my god
What kind of gullible-
Sooo as time passes from here you get even closer
Some people suspect his identity but you vouch for him and say that ahh no he’s no prince lol i know he’s beautiful but nooo you’re mistaken
And minki is sooo thankful for you and you both just fall in love with each other even more compLETELY OBLIVIOUS TO EACH OTHER’S FEELINGS (idiots)
That is until one evening Minki announces out of the blue that he’s going back to his country
And he wants you to come with him
And you’re leaving tomorrow
He leaves you with a ‘pack quickly~~’
Like wow thanks for the suddenness of this i hAVE TO PACK EVERYTHING IN LIKE 3 HOURS
But you manage;; somehow
And you get on the flight and Minki is so damn nervous for some reason
Like is he scared of flying??
So you hold his hand during the take off and landing just in case lol
Minki would never admit it but that made his heart race even more
As soon as you land he takes you straight to the palace and walks you into this big ballroom and asks the servants to call for his parents
And you just assume like ok yeah
He’s just introducing me to them as his friend from abroad thats cool
But when they turn up Minki suddenly stands up all stiff and proper which is like
Woah okay
And he kneels down before his mum and dad and starts to say something which is almost inaudible
‘Mother, Father, I have brought before you today the person I told you about, the one I am in love with. I intend to marry this person once the time is right but I thought you should meet them in person first. I am very sorry for rejecting the many royals you previously brought before me, but it is because of them that I felt I had to turn them down.’
Yo yo
Hold up a second
Minki??? Told his parents about you??
He is in love with you too okay what???
He turned down other royals because he liked you?? Okay wow
‘Please, let me introduce the light of my life, y/n’
Woah okay
You step forward to stand next to minki and oh my god his face is like a bright red it’s so cute
‘Your Majesties, it is a pleasure to meet you.’
You bow, curtsey whatever idk I’m not a royal person idk how this works
They smile and just say
‘Ahh, Minki you didn’t have to go to so much trouble!! We would’ve accepted pretty much anyone as long as you were happy!!’
And this look of relief washes over his face and he turns to you and grabs your hand, dragging you out of the room
You reach the palace gardens and you’re surrounded by cherry blossoms and roses
And he doesn’t let go of your hand but instead brings it to his lips and kisses it gently
‘I should’ve confessed to you first but I wanted to get this out of the way… In case you didn’t catch that, I am in love with you, y/n’
Heartbeat rises
‘You could’ve at least given me a hint! I almost had a heart attack!! But… yeah… uh… me too’
He giggles lightly and leans in to press his lips against yours
It’s a little cheesy but
It’s Minki what do you expect
And you couldn’t ask for anything better
DHSGJFHGSJDH I CANT DO A PROPER ENDING BECAUSE I’LL START BLUSHING SORRY;; i hope this is good lol ++ that yall enjoy it but it’s like time to sleep now here so goodnight!! other requests will be posted as soon as possible but i’m a little busy still so;;
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