#anywaysssss yeet
Mind Meld
Another donnie episode! I really love this one, since its that classic cartoon trope of ‘the smart one makes someone else smart, but then realizes it’s a mistake,’ that I was so obsessed with when I was younger, and Rise! does a really great job at making it feel genuine (like Donnie misses their personalities more than being considered the ‘smart one’), but anywaysssss-
-they immediately get annoyed with their code names and try to change it (sibling cultureee)
-”Double checking- it is a real dragon’s tooth, right?” “No, no it is not, because dragon’s, nor their teeth, are real”
-Raph freaking fell out of a building from a considerably high point...
-”You’re terrible at pictures, I’m coming over”
-sidenote: Raph is adorable, thank you
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-I still want to know why Donnie is afraid of beach balls
- *picks up crayons and yeets them*
-Raph taking a picture of Mikey while he poses at the top... he’s proud of his lil bro
-”Is it my skate-hawks idea? Y’see, they’re hawks, that we strap to ourselves, and then-”  “You say the word, and I’m ready to go wrangle some hawks”
- Kendra’s note- she drew a lil picture of herself
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-”I’m sorry, you wen into my workshop?”
-most of them just took off their masks to sleep, but smart!Leo still needed to put on pyjamas
-ok- seriously, I love this episode because although Donnie is a little annoyed with them being smart, he still was excited to spend time with them...
-”ha, yeah! sick burn Raph... wait, you burned me... what’s going on here?”
-”hey wait, you’re trying to get rid of me, th-that’s what I do- but- but to you”
-honestly... the whole ‘purple’ thing was actually really sad- we all know Splinter tends to call them by their colours instead, so by taking Donnie’s colour, they were pretty much all replacing him and taking his identity as well... 
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-”Yeah, you beefed it.” “Yes, I beefed it.”
-”I’ll ready the disposal unit!”  “Not that, too soon- bu I like where your head’s at” (I love Shelldon tbhhh)
-”Don’t beat yourself up, it’s just 100% your fault”
- “no, no, that is what I’m saying, no strings attached” “uh, there’s literally a string attached to you”
-He literally faced his worst fear just to get his bros back...
tl;dr this episode is great!! While a lot of the Donnie episodes have similar themes, I find the writers do a great job of making sure it’s for different reasons each time, and he doesn’t actually repeat the same mistake twice, which is a subtle, but great way to show character development (another reason why Rise! is great imo!!)
Thanks for the request Anon!!
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aknosde · 3 years
some thalia and jason headcanons if it's not too much trouble???
aw yessss! gotta say that I’m not as in tune with their characters but they both had so much potential. (non TOA compliant bc I haven’t read it)
Things are kind of weird between them after the Giant War. Jason takes Leo’s death hard, as expected, and Thalia isn’t exactly the best at dealing with grief. She’s never lost someone in the same way, because she’s the one who essentially died, and the other people she’s know who've died she hasn’t known for very long. She tries to comfort him but isn’t very good at it.
Jason, looking at a photo of Leo, crying
Thalia: uh, here’s some ice cream.           
They have this added complication of being siblings but also not really knowing each other. Thalia’s picture of Jason is still the two year old, and it’s really hard for her to try to learn about this Jason, because she thinks she already knows him. Jason, for his effort, had virtually no idea of Thalia before Hera (because 2 y/o’s don’t usually remember stuff that clearly) so he’s doing considerably better.
Thalia: Soooo, model airplanes, am I right?
Jason: You listen to Green Day right? I listened to that song you said you liked, I can see why. (proceeds to talk about the lyrics)
No but seriously, they do sort things out between themselves. (I’m pretending they have more opportunities to spend time with each other than they do in cannon) A continuing argument they have is who is the oldest sibling. Thalia says her (chronologically), and Jason says him (physically). They often rope other people in to take sides, unfortunately it’s still an even split. 
Nico: I say Jason! 
Percy: It’s obviously Thalia.
Annabeth: Yeah, Thalia.
Piper: Oh come on! Look at him! He’s older. 
Thalia takes her position as ‘cringe older sibling’ in great stride. She has experience, acting in this manner for Annabeth and Luke, as well as some of the younger hunters. She also has a wee bit of super strength from time to time, via Artemis, which enables some of her favorite activities, like: picking Jason up, throwing Jason, and giving him nougies so hard it makes his head hurt. 
Jason: Haha! You already used your burst of strength today! You can’t grab me!
Thalia, exchanging glances with Artemis
Artemis nodding slightly
Thalia picking Jason up and yeeting him across the room
She also enjoys teasing Jason relentlessly. Including: telling him his girlfriend is hot (he knows), pointing out when Percy does something cool (distracts him), and openly flirting with Reyna (causing both him and Reyna to turn red). When she’s flirting around Jason she uses bad pick up lines. When she flirts on her own she is much more smooth.
Thalia, watching Jason watching Percy do a front flip off a wall: Well look at Jackson, all grown up. Anywaysssss. [To Reyna who was walking by] Hey girl, I could help you undo your armor.
Jason and Reyna: *turn as red as a tomato*
One thing you’d never expect for them to have in common is that they are both sticklers for the rules. They apply them differently, though. Thalia will follow any actual rules, specific instructions. While Jason follows a lot of implied rules. They argue about these rules occasionally, but ultimately agree.
Thalia: Technically, if I’m following rules to the letter, I don’t have to register this monster.
Jason: Principle tells us that we should register the monster anyway.
(Ignoring cannon and giving everyone phones) They text a lot. And, a lot of it is worthless. Like seriously, it’s just Jason saying goodnight and Thalia sending twelve memes about wolves in a row. They both really do love wolves though. And on this track, they also buy each other lots of wolf stuffed animals. 
Thalia: Have you seen this one?
Jason: Oh look at its paws! He looks like he has little crescent moons on his back!
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titan-fodder · 3 years
me when i saw you join the server yesterday:
👁👄👁 omg hello friend u r alive and well and you’ve brought MICHE CONTENT?????? 😩
also me 0.2 seconds later:
oh fuck yeah i can yeet myself into your inbox to send stupid ass jokes, occasionally cry about reiner, and be horny on main like this again
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anywaysssss i still gotta read the miche thingy if i have time today but i am very very excited to appreciate the big beautiful sniff daddy
take your time reading cause it's a long boi.
I figured if I was gonna come back, I'd come back with content. even if it took me a week or so to post.
I am always happy to have you in my inbox 🥰 and I'm happy to be in the server!! it's so organized 😍
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joheun-saram · 4 years
DDAENG ugh! lmao sorry they have such good tracks. okay okay SUPER important question - fav hairstyles on each of the boys? -signing off with a sprinkle of fairy dust, Your Secret Santa, Sugarplum✨
Wow I answered this and then tumblr decided to ignore me. Ho.
Anywaysssss. Yes their songs are 🔥 and omg this is the hardest question. How could you do this to me sugarplum? I thought we were friends! Here’s my non exhaustive list cause let’s be honest they look banging in everything even a bucket hat and a mask 🥴
Namjoon: platinum. He can rock anything but this hair gives me feeeelssss
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Seokjin: also blond lol him in the fire mv omg. Also runner up hair in his 2019 bday live. Just that whole look.
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Yoongi: daechwita undercut. Omg. Yeeted mint yoongi right outta my head.
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Jimin: man can pull off blond in any shade but him with black hair is a godsend
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Taehyung: His ON hair is probably my fav but this hair whoever did needs an award. It just works so well!!
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Jungkook: stan the fluffy curly black hair. It looks the healthiest of them all 😂 but also his new undercut has me 😳
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What about you sugarplum? What are your favourites?
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