#anywhoooooo that's the post i'm gonna go pass out now. thank you for the ask anon! <3
pyrriax · 1 year
For fic recs, outsiders and lifesteal.
cracking my knuckles
(for both of our sanity, i'm going to avoid recommend any of my own work, though it most definitely is out there, lol ;; fics aren't in any particular order than the order i remembered them in!)
Outsiders SMP:
Six Flares Series by kmsquill — Warnings: Major Character Death, Lots of Angst, Blood & Violence — An always recommendation for reading, though I haven't finished the rewritten version, Quill's work is always good. This is focused on the general cast, though different fics diverge and focus on different characters, it runs c!Rasbi-centric Sick, Sick, Sick! by ORPHIC__CAE — Warnings: Drowning — One of my other favorites! I won't say too much to avoid spoilers, but it's focused on c!Owen post-reunion Poor Wandering Man by tbhmellohi — Warnings: N/A — An unfinished fic that can read like a oneshot, it's yet another in the list of c!Owen-centric fics, this one is canon divergent and just overall lovely. Pretty Much Dead Already by tbhmellohi — Warnings: Major Character Death — This one comes with a not-quite warning, since it's a c!Ori-centric zombie apocalypse AU. It is what it says on the tin, however! The characterization here is one of my favorites. Would It Have Been A Mercy To Accept His Fate? Series by Fluffyfifi22 — Warnings: Major Character Death — An AU where c!Owen survives the Meltdown and tails the group during their escape attempt, it's one of my absolute favorite series and a big inspiration to me personally Two Sides Of The Same Coin by Cantspell — Warnings: N/A — Want a break from the angst train? This is about as fluffy and a little silly as it gets. A crossover fic that entails c!Owen and r!Owen winding up in the same world and having to get along, it's sweet and silly for the most part (Self-Indulgence Recommendation) Where The Dust Settles by AvoxUtopia — Warnings: Character & Animal Death, Violence, Blood & Injury — The only fic of mine I'll recommend here: a fan season of the STARR series, it follows a menagerie of original characters in the same settings as Outsiders SMP. Currently in the last stretch of the 3rd Arc!
Glass Box by raetae — Warnings: N/A — An s3 Vitalasy-centric fic, there's a lot of references and mentions of people's projects and alliances; it's a good break from the typical contenders for fics! Heartstruck by tempurabbg — Warnings: Violence, Injury — Branzy-centric, it's recently been updated and it's one of my current favorite fics in the fandom Blood Is Sweeter Than The Taste Of Home by EclipsedMoons — Warnings: Cannibalism — Planetlord is a fallen star, he has to eat. Honestly that's just the fic summary but it puts it perfectly. I've talked about this fic briefly on tumblr before? Dear Prince, Held At Arm's Length by MaNicWriting — Warnings: Violence, Body Horror — A royalty AU centered around Branzy/Clown, it's one of the fics I've recommended to multiple people before. Looking Through You, Not At You by Thrills — Warnings: Almost Character Death, Fate Worse Than Death — Vigilante / Superpower AU, this is one I won't say much about because it's one that's 100% worth a blind readthrough aside from reading the tags (Archive Locked) La Petite Mort by whichlights — Warnings: Major Character Death, Violence — Do I have words for this fic? Nope. It's just wormed its way into my brain and will not leave. Digital in Reciprocation by Anonymous — Warnings: Referenced Suicide, Violence — Another one that's wormed its way into my skull. I'd type more about this one (it deserves all the words, frankly) however it's 6am and I should sleep
Aaaaaand that's a wrap for now! I can probably scrounge up some more good recs when I've had a chance to actually work through bookmarkings the fics I like (I keep forgetting to do that and digging through my history is an experience in and of itself.)
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Also, to answer this! I did go for some more basic fics, since they're always a safe bet, but basically everything here is actually fics I recommended to one of my friends when it was getting into the fandoms :3
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