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walriding · 5 years
star wars hcs || accepting
alright let’s go lesbians
☕️- Do they drink caf or tea? If so, how do they take it?
      Caf -- preferably with an obscene amount of sugar in it, when it’s available. Tea is alright if he just wants something warm, but caf is a more effective wakeup. And hot chocolate is there for when he doesn’t even want the energy, just the sweetness.
🧙🏼‍♂️- Do they believe in the Force? What is their opinion of Jedi in general?
      Before Murkoff -- no. He grew up on a planet with historical ties to the dark side, but most of what he learned in school and heard from friends always sounded like legends more than anything. And it always seemed so far-fetched that people could wield this vast, universe-binding power. Aside from that, the Force wasn’t something that ever concerned him. Going to Coruscant for university gave him access to more archives and resources, and was able to find out more about the Jedi and their former ties to the Republic. Presuming most records and texts outlining the ways of the Jedi are no longer publicly accessible, Miles doesn’t know enough about them to form much of an opinion. Generally, he doesn’t like people who consider themselves to be above others -- and if he knew about more of their practices (and failings) his viewpoint likely wouldn’t be very positive. His frustration over the New Republic’s refusal to act against the growing threat of the First Order was career shattering, so he’d probably feel seemingly aggravated over the Jedi’s positions.
      After Murkoff, he doesn’t have much of a choice but to believe in the Force. Even if he does do his damnedest to ignore it.
✈️- Are they a decent pilot? What do they like the fly the best?
      Absolutely not. He’s leery of heights so he doesn’t like flying, and the claustrophobia of prolonged space travel gets to him rather quickly. He usually sucks it up because having to move between planets tends to be inevitable, but he’d prefer a land vehicle any day.
💻- How are they at code slicing?
      Not the best, not the worst. Miles can bypass certain measures -- locked doors, computers with simple security -- but nothing overly complicated. He won’t be reprogramming droids anytime soon, for example. Most of the time, if he’s in need of encrypted information, it’s either coming from one of his contacts, or he’s buying it off of a more skilled slicer.
💳- What is something that they would never do for any amount of credits?
      Generally speaking, anything Miles does for credits is something he’d be doing himself for free. His morals can’t be bought, and he’d rather be broke than do something he’d regret.
💸- What is their financial situation? How do they make their living?
      A little better-off than he is in his mainverse, just because he held a steady gig for longer, but he’s still firmly working class. He makes his credits from freelance work nowadays, and from the occasional payments made for funneling intel to the Resistance. The latter doesn’t happen often as he rarely wants to be repaid for what he simply views as the right thing to do, but there are times when he needs the money.
🛠- Are they a competent Mechanic? What kinds of things are they good at/not good at fixing?
      Answered here!
🤖- How do they treat/view droids? Are there any significant droids in their life?
      Answered here! 
🌯- What is their favorite food? Is there any significance to it?
      Anything from home. Both of his parents were good cooks -- a skillset Miles didn’t inherit -- but Miles rarely returns to Onderon. First it’s because of work, then it’s because of the threats he doesn’t want to bring to his family. Although he’s always felt a disconnect between the ways of Onderon and the ways of his parents, there’s still something comforting about the tastes of home.
🏢- Do they prefer densely populated planets or sparsely populated ones?
      Something in between. Onderon was a very pocketed planet to grow up on -- vast expanses of uninhabitable wilderness dotted with walled cities. Miles values greenery and open spaces, but quickly gets bored on extremely rural planets. The endless cityscape of Coruscant, by contrast, is a little much for him. He likes the option of having the ability to see some trees and avoid people, or enjoy the economical and cultural benefits of a more populated city.
🌗- Are they an early riser or a Night Owl?
      Early riser, though he’ll often stay up all hours of the night if he’s working on a story. He likes getting an early start on things, though, and going for a jog / run if he’s somewhere it’s safe to do so.
👮🏼‍♂️- How do they regard authority? Are they generally on the side of the Empire or the Republic?
      Miles Upshur has never respected authority in his life, in any universe, but he’ll take the Republic / New Republic over the Empire / First Order any day. That being said, he doesn’t appreciate how often any iteration of the Republic seems perfectly willing to stick their collective heads in the sand during times of crisis. But that’s a complaint he has about the galaxy at large -- the frequency with which suffering goes ignored. Gripes with the government aside, he’s not a fan of space fascism.
🌎- Are there planets/regions that have a negative association for them? Why or why not?
      The fringes of the Outer Rim that border on Unknown Space. The only reason why Miles knows where Murkoff held him was because Lynn picked him up from the planet that held their facility -- otherwise, they made a point of keeping that information from him. It terrifies him that that place might still be out there, that it was even there to begin with without anyone knowing about it. He’d rather stay on the map, in places that have been better explored and documented.
      At a more specific point in the timeline -- fuck Korriban in particular.
💊- What is their opinion on the spice trade? 
      Complicated. The fact that spice itself is mined by slaves is something that he hates, not to mention the all of other problems wrapped up in the peddling of a highly addictive substance -- so he feels like a hypocrite for having used it. His addiction problems came as a direct result of what Murkoff did to him and he kicked all but the more harmless drinking and smoking habits a few months after his escape, but it was still an (obviously) dark period of his life. And one that he’s not particularly proud of for a multitude of reasons.
🌡- Do they get sick often? Is if a trait of their species or unique to them?
      Only when he really runs himself down. Again, for a few months after getting away from Murkoff, he was in bad shape -- and was generally sickly even if he wasn’t infected with anything in particular. His immune system’s fairly strong, but when he’s running on fumes he might catch something, as most people would.
🔪- Do they generally carry a vibroblade? Why/Why not? 
     It’s his weapon of choice. The reasons are mentioned in the blaster ask linked below, but the tl;dr is that melee weapons have more of a ‘last resort’ feel to them, rather than a blaster that can kill from a distance. A vibroblade is more effective at close range -- meaning more time to assess whether something incoming is a threat, or that the attack was sudden and deliberate. Miles would always rather ask questions first, retaliate later, aside from particular extenuating circumstances where he’s after someone.
🔫- Do they generally carry a blaster? Why/why not?
      Answered here!
🧖🏽- Water Showers or Sonic Showers? Why?
      Answered here!
🗣- What is their primary language? What other languages do they speak and/or understand?
    Galactic Basic is his first language, but he knows a smattering of others. Onderonian is considered a dialect of Basic, so there are certain slang terms he uses that might not be instantly recognizable to offworlders. Miles knows a conversational amount of Rodese, Durese, Twi’leki, and Binary, plus some other languages commonly used by spacers, travelers, and criminals. There are a few other languages he can pick up on and understand, but can’t speak. Basically, he’s traveled enough and interacted with enough species and individuals to bullshit his way through a lot of conversations. 
      And he’s made a point of knowing curses in a fair number of languages. 
💪🏼- Are they good in a fight? What sorts of combat/fighting style do they prefer?
      He can hold his own to a certain extent, though chances are he’ll try to avoid or straight up run from a fight before he engages in one. He’s not much of a fighter, but he can throw a punch and he’s reasonably adept with the vibroblade he carries on him. The lightsaber he eventually picks up is another matter.   
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