#apologies for a fresh thread but tumblr wasn't letting me edit properly
lost-technology · 5 months
Survivor's Guilt (Chapter 16 Update)
So it's up to 16 chapters and counting now. I forgot to keep loading it chapter by chapter, so it got away from me. Posted afresh for anyone who might be interested in it. Rated: Mature (Mostly for flashback chapters regarding expansion on canonical unethical experimentation). Ship Genre: Gen. Family-relationship. Meta-Genre: Alternate Universe / For Want of a Nail type Summary: Just after the Big Fall, a scouting crew picks up an unexpected survivor from Ship Five and this changes everything. Rem Saverem survived the apocalypse. Chapter 1: Restless Dreams - The survivors. Chapter 2: Useful Things - Young Vash earns his keep. Chapter 3: Diners, Drive-Ins and Spaceships - Motherly and friendly bonds in the galley. Chapter 4: Heroism - Navigation Officers are weird. Chapter 5: Anamoly - Protective instincts. Chapter 6: Of Cattle, Part 1 - A flashback to Tesla's birth and early days. Chapter 7: Of Cattle, Part 2 - A continuation of the flashback to Rem's struggles and Tesla's death. Chapter 8: We're All Mad Here - Rem and Vash go to therapy. Chapter 9: You'll Be an Old Man Before you Know it - Due to dire circumstances, she must miss his birthday. Chapter 10: The Cow and the Butcher Knife - "The good news is that your other son's alive. The bad news is that he's a homicidal maniac." Chapter 11: Severed - "My arm's gone, Rem." Chapter 12: Ghosts - Just Millions Knives, having a normal one. Chapter 13: Resonance and Dissonance - Let us sing through the agony together. Chapter 14: Pistol Packin' Mama - "Show them that you could, not that you would." Chapter 15: Beneath the Southern Sky - Explorers of the stars become explorers of the land. Chapter 16: Plants and Animals - Survival in the Wasteland ain't too pretty and it ain't too proud.
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