sodastarpop · 2 years
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tecnowiz · 2 years
Come fare uno screenshot su PC
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Ci sono momenti in cui lavori sul tuo laptop e potresti sentire il bisogno di scattare rapidamente uno screenshot. Tutti sanno come fare uno screenshot sui propri telefoni, ma cosa succede quando si utilizza un laptop o un computer? Ebbene se hai questi problemi tramite questa guida ti voglio spiegare come fare uno screenshot su PC o laptop Windows. Tutti i metodi su come fare uno screenshot su PC o laptop per acquisire schermate in Windows 10 e 11. Una funzione utile che potresti non sapere come usare Non è la cosa più complicata da fare, ma come fare effettivamente uno screenshot su PC non è sempre così ovvio o evidente. Dato quanto possono essere utili per motivi di lavoro o per mostrare agli amici qualcosa che dovrebbero davvero vedere online, fare screenshot è qualcosa che tutti dovrebbero sapere come fare. Utilizzando un PC o laptop Windows , ci sono diversi modi per farlo e le opzioni vanno oltre il classico tasto Print Screen . Su Windows, ci sono fino a sei comandi di screenshot sulla tastiera. Se sei interessato continua nella lettura dei prossimi paragrafi. Che cos'è e come fare screenshot su PC Windows Cos'è esattamente uno screenshot? Uno screenshot o cattura dello schermo è un'immagine scattata da un utente di computer, cellulare o tablet, utilizzando il dispositivo in questione, per registrare gli elementi visibili visualizzati sullo schermo. L'immagine viene memorizzata come file grafico. Gli screenshot possono essere acquisiti utilizzando vari programmi o utilizzando particolari scorciatoie da tastiera/pulsanti. Scattare lo screenshot premendo il tasto Print Screen Quando si utilizza Windows, premendo il pulsante Print Screen (pulsante stampa schermo) situato in alto a destra sulla tastiera, verrà acquisito uno screenshot dell'intero schermo. Premendo questo pulsante si copia essenzialmente un'immagine dello schermo negli appunti. Dove va? Bene, devi aprire Word, Paint o qualche altro programma di modifica delle immagini per visualizzare, modificare o salvare l'immagine. Ad esempio, apri Word e fai clic su Ctrl + V . Questa è una scorciatoia invece di fare clic con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionare incolla. Se desideri catturare solo la finestra attiva, premi insieme i pulsanti Alt e Print Screen e incollali nel documento come sopra. Cattura lo schermo con Alt + Print Screen (pulsante stampa schermo) Se desideri acquisire solo una singola finestra attiva , puoi utilizzare la scorciatoia da tastiera Alt + Prt Sc (schermata di stampa). Per acquisire lo screenshot della finestra attiva che desideri, e non solo una finestra qualsiasi, dovrai prima selezionare la suddetta finestra facendo clic su di essa. Quindi premere Alt + Prt Sc (pulsante stampa schermo) o il tasto Windows stampa schermo Questo copierà l'immagine negli Appunti, che puoi recuperare incollandola da qualche altra parte. Se vuoi salvare l'immagine come file, puoi farlo anche con una scorciatoia da tastiera. Basta premere il tasto Windows (con il logo Windows ) + Prt Sc (tasto stampa schermo).  Ciò salva l'immagine come file. Per impostazione predefinita si trova in C: UtentiImmagini>Screenshot. Tasto Windows + Print Screen (pulsante stampa schermo) Per acquisire uno screenshot del PC su Windows 10 o Windows 11 e salvare automaticamente il file, premere il tasto Windows + Prt Sc (schermata di stampa). Lo schermo si oscurerà e uno screenshot dell'intero schermo verrà salvato nella sezione Immagini > Cartella degli screenshot. Utilizza un'app di terze parti per acquisire schermate su PC Se i metodi forniti da Windows non possono aiutarti a catturare bene gli screenshot, puoi ricorrere ad app di terze parti. Le integrazioni di terze parti sono una funzionalità integrale per gli strumenti di screenshot in Windows. Alcuni degli strumenti di cattura dello schermo di terze parti includono: - PicPick - ScreenHunter - Droplr - CloudApp - Screencast-O-Matic Note finali E siamo arrivati alle note finali di questa guida su Come fare uno screenshot su PC. Prima di salutare volevo informarti che mi trovi anche sui Social Network, per entrarci clicca sulle icone appropriate che trovi nella Home di questo blog, inoltre se la guida ti è piaciuta condividila pure attraverso i pulsanti social di Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest e Tumblr, per far conoscere il blog anche ai tuoi amici, ecco con questo è tutto Wiz ti saluti. Read the full article
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Inhalaba, exhalaba,
cómo en una sucesión inexacta
de recuerdos subyacentes
en metafóricas analogías.
Existían infinitos matices
e intrínsecos trazos dispares,
sin hilos rojos brillantes,
con pesados lamentos incapaces…
Sorteando fieros vendavales
incautos corazones anhelantes,
sobrecogidos en la resignada antesala
de quién ya nada espera…
Sucumbiendo anestesiada
a las exigencias intransigentes
de una vacuidad desesperada
entre derrotas y victorias intermitentes.
Una historia entrecruzada
en medio de dos mundos,
con la herida reciente y antigua
sueños inocentes
que despertaban a la realidad.
Mares rugientes
de conquistas sin conquistar,
sueños sin soñar
y dolosas verdades…
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torentialtribute · 6 years
Gareth Southgate’s England side must evolve… just ask Terry Venables
Jordan Pickford is not the current keeper in the country. Kieran Trippier is not the best right back, Jordan Henderson and Eric Dier are no longer the smartest option to hold midfield.
It seems strange that a team has stepped out of England capable of reaching the semifinals of the World Cup. Gareth Southgate & # 39; s smart option.
However, if Terry Venables' influence on him is as strong as it often seems, that will not happen. The mantra of Venables was that it would be difficult to get out of the English squadron to get in, and Southgate is just as determined to forge a bond with its players.
Venables made it clear that he would not throw individuals overboard because of a bad run of club form, or the odd par performance.
Like Southgate, he could have made the tough calls – he effectively ended Peter Beardsley & # 39; s international career for the 1996 European Championship, just as Southgate did for Joe Hart for the 2018 World Cup, but Venables reminded those who had not allowed
One image Southgate feels the same about Pickford, Trippier, Henderson and animal.
But the start XI? It would be a great surprise not to see their names when the team is announced on Wednesday for games against the Czech Republic and Montenegro. That is another matter. No manager gives guarantees about the team; and Southgate has many more options than it did in the summer.
The most obvious is Declan Rice.
Rice has the option to head straight in the direction and is accepted that he will soon be forced into the English squad after he has rejected the Republic of Ireland. He is the player England has been looking for, because it was short-sighted that Rio Ferdinand was nothing more than a central defender. Rice is a middle half that can play in midfield; to midfielder who can play half.
makes him a potential game changer , giving England more than Henderson & # 39; s serious intensity. Rice can be the long-term replacement for Fernandinho in Manchester City or Nemanja Matic in Manchester United.
His reading of the game is excellent for a 20-year-old, passing his range of good and ambitious, he even begins to achieve goals. Rice's breakthrough season invalidates the idea that Henderson & # 39; s only replacement is that elusive English Andrea Pirlo.
Rice, with creative players around him, can guard the defense of England, as N&G 39 does for France. I can take a step back to make three if necessary. And the way he quickly adapted to the first team soccer with West Ham – he won this season only because he was injured – suggests he is a fast learner. He could also be for England.
Trippier & # 39; s decline is enigmatic. He had been beautiful
He had been magnificent, he had been great, he had been fantastic, he had been great.
Trippier quickly established himself as England's best free-kick entrepreneur and scored the opener for Tottenham since Walker & # 39; s move to Manchester City, his crosses, the first time hit, the most effective wide-ranging games since top by David Beckham. in the semi-final of the World Cup. Since then I have not been consistent at best.
Yet it is perhaps not Walker who poses the greatest threat to his place, or even the excellent Trent Alexander-Arnold.
He is old school – in that he is strongly defensive as he progresses. A converted winger, it fits the profile of the modern full-back, but with a difference. Wan-Bissaka has a tendency towards physical challenge that is unlike the majority of contemporaries
Statistically, he is the leading tackler in Europe. In a competition in which 62 percent of the tackles contain the errors, that is a great record for a player who only made his debut on 25 February 2018. This season, he has grown up, eliminated the sliding challenges and played with intelligence
No opponent has passed him by more than once in a match, and while England does not need a full defense in every match, with the Nations League finals coming with fixtures with the Netherlands, and possibly Portugal, a defense by Wan-Bissaka & # 39; s maturity than necessary? If so, is there a better possibility than introducing him to international football?
But perhaps Southgate & # 39; s greatest dilemma is the position that was previously considered safe. If Pickford & # 39; s performance in goal for Everton this season were unconvincing, the 90 minutes against Newcastle on Saturday were downright frightening.
The quality manager who respects the most in a goalkeeper is calm. Pickford played as if he had consumed a pre-match meal of blue Smarties, washed down with six cans of Red Bull.
He should have been broadcast for a rugby tackle on Salomon Rondon, and seemed to be engaged in joking and gurning competition with the crowd.
As a former Sunderland player, he would always be a target , his goalkeeper focused. Pickford became a vaudeville act.
Southgate's problem is that while Rice and Wan-Bissaka are in excellent shape, where are the challengers for Pickford's role? Tom Heaton was the best of Burnley this season, although he had a bad game against Liverpool on Sunday, while Jack Butland was in the wrong division and struggled with Stoke.
Promoting Heaton could at least focus on Pickford, or Southgate could decide that there is no excellent alternative this time. Pickford has made more mistakes that lead to goals – four – than any other Premier League player this season, however, and sticking to him remains a risk.
For all the stories of Venables about belief in a small group, I was not completely averse to change.
& # 39; Southgate came up and played very well & # 39 ;, Venables wrote in his book, The Making of the Team . & # 39; He got stuck and went straight into it. I really liked his attitude. He shows many promises and has a chance to win the selection for the final. "
He was right. Indeed, Southgate ended by starting every race. Can you make similar notes about Rice and Wan-Bissaka after this international break? Venables was a loyal man, but his England evolved, and For the benefit of the Southgate team, too.
Comic Strip's title? Probably not!
This is strange about the investigation in Manchester City: nobody has ever about removing their titles, fines, prohibitions, deportations – but never a sanction that would match the alleged seriousness of the offense.
If Manchester City cheats, they have won trophies by cheating If they have blatantly ignored the Financial Fair Play rules, then the obvious gain is their recent success.
It is almost as if the rulers knew that FFP regulations were only the product of an establish ment, protectionist, cartel and that they could enforce too much. provides a legal challenge that would tear up the entire building.
Why else would they tolerate this?
If Manchester City cheats, they have won trophies by cheating
It is almost as if the footballers are rulers who give priority to protecting the brand The Premier League does not want the brilliant title van City with his shattering of so many records is scratched, and instead the Manchester United by Jose Mourinho, 19 points and 39 goals drift, with an asterisk to indicate that second place later became first.
Also UEFA. If City has submitted misleading accounts – a statement that the club denies – why is the potential punishment next year a ban and not an outdated disqualification in this campaign?
Indeed, it is almost as if they tacitly acknowledge FFP is an obvious sham, which is precisely in place manipulated clubs that would benefit most from its presence.
Scratch the surface and it looks like they all know it. Perhaps that is what is meant by transparency.
Who can afford to bear the costs of Carroll?
Andy Carroll & # 39; s failure to even make the West Ham team at Cardiff is seen as a sign that his time is over. Is it a miracle?
Apart from the frequent injuries, this is a striker who has scored in two league games since April 1, 2017 and whose contract guarantees an improvement of his £ 90,000 per week wage if he signs again. Which club could pay that bang-to-buck ratio?
Assuming good behavior, the football season is not over as Paul Mitchell, the cowardly crook Jack Grealish from behind attacked.
His 14-week sentence is sufficiently daunting, and the melancholic assessment of magistrates did nothing to address the extraordinary circumstances of this attack.
Mitchell was treated like a hero by many Birmingham fans when he was deported on Sunday, and he should be free in early May to enjoy this celebrity status.
It is clear that football will hardly get any support from the law in addressing the growing threat to players, and must therefore act independently. Lifelong prohibitions for individuals do not go far enough; ends will also be paid.
At Arsenal on Sunday, a fan entered the field and confronted Chris Smalling of Manchester United after the second goal was scored. Imagine that instead of Arsenal winning 2-0, the result was turned back 3-0 to Manchester United.
Would he be his own hero; or if the land was then closed for the visit of Newcastle and Crystal Palace in April; or points deducted so that Arsenal fell out of the Champions League places? Why punish the majority for the actions of one?
Because nothing else seems to work; Sir Alex Ferguson was present at the Emirates Stadium on Sunday, but he was powerless as Manchester United.
fell back to their first league defeat since December 16.
There is a reason for this: Ferguson does not manage Manchester United. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer does.
In France, Solskjaer changed his strategy three times in the game last week, including a masterly switch to two right backs – one that works conventionally, the other more a wing – back – that Paris Saint-Germain after the break closed.
Ferguson was not to blame for this switch, no more than any other impressive call from Solskjaer.
Ferguson & # 39; s inspiration recalls the time when Sergio Garcia won the Masters, but the victory was somehow attributed to the spirit of Seve Ballesteros. Even Garcia became frustrated with mythologizing after a while.
Solskjaer would be a fool not to seek Ferguson's advice, but it is even more irrational to think that the young coach is only dangling his strings. ]
Some fans may dream that sugar daddy buys their club and takes it to the top, in Blackpool all they wanted was an owner who was not called Oyston. Now they have that.
Terry McPhillips, the manager, did a great job of avoiding calamities until the happy day arrived. Good luck to everyone.
The Derby struggle to maintain their play-off place, we'll see if Frank Lampard was right to trust owner Mel Morris with his first job in management. If there is any consolation, he certainly didn't work for West Brom.
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bi-think · 7 years
Sindoro Wohoho 2
Akhirnya kami sampai di basecamp kledung. Yipiiww
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dan hamparan perkebunan di lembah gunung sumbing terlihat luar biasa indah meski sebentar sebentar saja karena cuaca cenderung berkabut. Sembari pak Jang ngurus perijinan pendakian saya temani mbak jeni ke kamar mandi yang berada dibelakang pos basecamp. Kamar mandinya sih banyak tapi kami kan  ciwi ciwi nah kamar mandi yang tertutup dan layak pakai itu masih dipakai. menunggu sejenak akhirnya masnya keluar juga.
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 Saat menunggu mbak Jeni,  datang pendaki lain mau pake juga. Ngobrol tuh disitu dia tanya 
“pendaki juga mbak?”
Saya iyain aja biar cepet, Sebenarnya berat sih kalo bilang iya karena dari  sudut pandang saya, pendaki itu mereka yang keren keren macam mbak Deta  gitu atau si keluarga miring. Aku mah apaan cuman butiran jas jus dilautan.
Balik kami ke basecamp buat packing yang sesungguhnya.
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Setelah kelar semua beres kami kumpul berdoa supaya  diberi selamat. .  Oh iya naik ke sindoro lewat kledung bisa naik ojek gaes
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 kami semua memutuskan buat ngojek cuman nyampe pos satu doang tuh.
sebelum naik foto dulu
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Mungkin saya terlihat paling ringan kali ya jadinya saya diangkut dan  berangkat duluan. Saya dapet yang montornya merek macan gitu.  Whoaaa rasanya kaya uji nyali kenceng banget jalannya berbatu pula. Ih asli lowaktu nulis ini aku masih kebayang gimana menegangkannya naik ojek itu.     11 12  kaya naik roller coaster.  sebagai catatan,  saya ga suka roller coaster.   Nyampe di pos 1 kami nunggu kumpul semua nah yang pake matic macet ga  kuat ditengah jalan kalo ga mas Apri ya pak jang.
Kami udah kumpul semua para bapak ojek nawarin ngojeknya diterusin aja  sampe pertengahan pos 2 dikasi diskon pula. Yaudah dong lanjut lagi kita  aduduh jalannya ga kalah ngeri dari yang sebelumnya ga cuma berbatu tapi  tanah gitu juga jadi licin licin gitu kan . Puji Tuhan nyampe juga di pertengahan pos 2 dengan selamat. Yang berangkat ini mbak Jeni dulu yang bayarin,  ntar turunnya baru gantian. Nice. Setelah kumpul semua, bayar bayar, siap  siap, doa lagi dan berangkat mendaki dengan kaki kita.
Sampai di pos 2.
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Alamak sampahnya bikin ga ququ, banyak banget.  Kami istirahat bentar
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 Kami bareng-bareng makan nasi sayur yang dibeli di warung ijo tadi.  Saya  dan mbak jeni makannya kembulan sebungkus berdua,  syahdu banget men  asli.
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Oh iya tadi di perjalanan menuju pos 2 ini, kan keringetan tuh. nah keringatnya tuh pedes dimata. trus curcol dong, yaudin pak Jang yang kebetulan deket  ngasi tips buffnya dipake dikepala buat nahan keringet yang bercucuran. 
Setelah kenyang dan nurunin nasi bentar kami lanjutin perjalanan lanjut ke pos 3 syalala. Oh iya tadi sebelum naik, di basecamp pak jang minjemin tongkat  apaan tuh yang buat pendaki bisa dipanjangin bisa dipendekin itu, keren beud dah. Ga cuman keren, ngebantu banget buat saya yang lemah ini.  Jalan lagi kita. Naik naik naik seperti yang kemarin mendaki merbabu kala itu  sempat kena hujan sedikit tapi kami tetep semangat yuhuu njut njut lanjut. 
Sebelum gelap kami sampai di pos 3 fiuh.
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 Di pos 3 sudah banyak pendaki yang menenda disini juga ada semacam  kiosnya juga. Namun kami tidak menenda disini. Setelah tenaga cukup terisi  kami lanjut naik lagi dan tanah lapang yeayy. Kami sampai di atasnya pos 3.  Tidak ada dokumentasi kami sibuk bikin tenda men. Kami membangun 3 tenda. 1 tenda agak atas dikit untuk mbak Jeni dan saya.  Disebelah kiri  agak bawah  mas semi dan mas Aryo. Disebelah kanan pak jang, mas apri dan mas odiek.  Di tengah digelar alas untuk kumpul makan bareng nanti. Dibeberapa titik kami pasang lampu lampu led untuk menjaga dan menjauhkan kami dari binatang yang tak diharapkan. 
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sodastarpop · 2 years
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Éxtasis Sideral
Los matices de mi alma se mezclan con el viento
los temblores de mi cuerpo con el tiempo,
los latidos de mi corazón con el silencio
los parpadeos de mis ojos con el aleteo...
Mi ser se estremece, vibra y se mece
elevándose al cosmos,
enredándose entre mis manos las estrellas
danzando con mis cabellos las galaxias
concibiendo los anhelos del corazón
naciendo las estelas del amor...
Entallando dentro de mí el universo
es la suprema comunión,
la renovación, el éxtasis,
la metamorfosis, la catarsis...
Somos yo y el infinito espacio sideral,
la cima, la plenitud...
La palpo, la degusto, me entrego
vibro, brillo y tiemblo...
Soy una con el universo...
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“Magia y Misterios”
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La naturaleza nos da muchos regalos
de paz y tranquilidad
con sus matices variados
dentro del alma y su profundidad
brotan verdes colores
de tonalidades multicolores
natura, madre amorosa
gloria hermosa…
Apri Plenilunio
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