#are you shuri that's thortful?
Are You Shuri That’s Thortful?|| Shuri and Thor
Shuri tempts Thor over with a lie in hopes to study his hammer, things don’t exactly go to plan. 
A jug of ale that magically refilled itself with a cryptic message at the bottom? If there was anyone who could defeat this evil before it over took the world then it was Thor. Thunder clapped in the distance as he threw himself out of Darryl’s bedroom window and Stormbreaker sent him rocketing across the city, he broke the sound barrier as he took off, the speeds overwhelming the time it would’ve normally taken to approach Avengers Tower and soon he was landing. “Where is thy foe?” he crowed, thunder and lightning flickered off of his skin as he searched for the jug of ale.
Shuri’s intention was to study Stormbreaker. There were not a lot of things that baffled her mind, but a hammer being able to transfer matter through infinite time and space was one of those things. The potential information she could learn from it was revolutionary. Shuri also did not believe in magic, it was all science that just wasn’t understood yet. As she hang up the phone, the sound of thunder echoed off the buildings of New York, followed by what sounded like an extremely loud clap. Before she knew it, Thor was standing in Avengers Tower, singeing the carpets. “It’s this way.” She said, her mind making up the lie as she went along. She wasn’t a trickster or one to lie, but for science she would try to. She walked them into the bar area and by using her Kimoyo beads, cracked open the safe that held a magical mug that refilled itself. It was originally created my Doctor Strange but had somehow made its way to the avengers tower bar, where it was locked up for safe keeping and probably to prevent drunk New Avengers. “Here it is.” She stepped away and pointing towards the open safe. “Careful, it needs two hands.”
As static electricity surged off of his skin before finally coming to a stop as sparks littered the carpet. Thor stepped inside of Avengers tower, Stormbreaker grasped firmly in his hand as he recognised the mug of ale that Doctor Strange had once provided for him. “Ah, an old foe,” he said with a wry smile as he reached out and grasped the mug, turning and grasping it in one hand and placing Stormbreaker over one shoulder. “This mug is barely large enough for the youngest babe to need two hands to grasp such an odd trinket,” he started drinking, spotting no message at the bottom of the glass, but he was sure that Shuri wouldn’t lie to him for no reason. They had barely interacted before, but he knew that she was the sister of the Black Panther who was a noble warrior. But Stormbreaker was not a trinket to be tampered with and Thor was not a complete fool. Her mention of the hammer had been a bit of a give away.
Shuri cursed silently as Thor didn’t put down the hammer. She needed to move around the whole hammer to scan it, and with it over Thor’s back, that wasn’t possible. She sighed. “The message seems to have disappeared. I guess the agent who informed me about the message was wrong.” She threw her hands up with fake frustration. “I’m sorry you came all this way for nothing.” She paused. “But whilst you’re here, do you mind if I take a look at your hammer? Just a quick scan, I won’t even touch it!” She knew that the hammer meant a lot to Thor and was meant to be protected, but not allowing others to be able to study and learn from it is what she found selfish.
As Thor did his very best to quaff down as much of the ale that he possibly could, he barely heard what Shuri said. It took him a moment to recognise what she was saying and once he did he couldn’t help but lower the ale from his lips and fix his eyes on her. “I am no mere mortal to be summoned on a whim,” he warned with a flicker of lightning leaping across his irises, “If this was some attempt to get me to agree to allow you to study my hammer then I warn you against it again, the first visit was a courtesy that I’m not sure will be extended twice.” He kept a firm grip on his weapon, especially knowing that she wanted to scan it. “I’ve made my position with this weapon perfectly clear, it is no toy or tool which should be studied, it is a dangerous weapon that must be wielded by the correct person in the correct manner, so, no. You can’t take a look at my hammer.” He looked at her and waited for the inevitable argument. “You certainly cannot scan it.”
Shuri furrowed her eyebrows. He was no mere mortal to be summoned on a whim. She felt like asking what things he had to do that were better than being here? It’s not like he had a kingdom anymore and as far as she knew, SHIELD watched over his people now, not him. She shook her head, unimpressed by the so-called god of thunder. “Fine. I’d just like to add that I know that is a weapon, and that it is not a toy, I’m not 5 years old. When everyone else around the world saw Vibranium as the perfect material to make weapons, I saw it as everything else but a weapon. I’d probably be the most trustworthy person to study Stormbreaker.” She shrugged, “But the almighty Thor has spoken and obviously does not want to be summoned again, I guess I’ll go play with my ‘toys’ in my lab. You know, the ‘toys’ that are driving the future of technology forward.” She honestly didn’t wait for a response and she didn’t say this as a way to persuade him. She was tired of people underestimating her because she was only a child.
Raising his eyebrow at her, of all the things that Thor had expected from Shuri. Being summoned here there and everywhere was something that SHIELD seemed to pride themselves on doing to Thor. “My apologies young one,” he said quietly, “I did not intend to belittle or provoke you, you however must understand my position, I forged this hammer from a dying star. The express purpose of such an act was to destroy a Titan. This weapon is dangerous and it is my duty is to protect it from those who might want to misuse it.” He paused and stroked his beard whilst sipping his ale thoughtfully. “What guarantees do I have that you’re not simply attempting to gain the power of the hammer for nefarious means? How do I know this isn’t simply for personal gain?”
Shuri stopped and sighed. Yes, she was upset and expected more from Thor, but the temptation of maybe being able to study the hammer won her over every time. “Because, I’m a New Avenger. I want to be able to help those who cannot help themselves and to be able to do that at my best ability, I need to understand everything this world throws at me or presents to me.” She turned around and headed back to Thor, a smile coming to her face whilst she thought of the possibilities. “Being able to transport matter through time and space would be revolutionary! Imagine being able to send supplies to countries in need without risking innocent lives or the transport being intercepted! Imagine being able to evacuate wounded from a building right before the building collapses or even moving people out of a city before a flood!” The possibilities were endless and she could ramble on, but she didn’t want to bore the other. “That is why I’d like to study it.”
Running a hand over his still closely cropped hair and then stroking his ample beard, Thor listened carefully to her justifications and did his very best to decide whether or not he thought that she was truly worthy of studying his hammer. He was aware that there were a lot of people out there who would like to use the power of Stormbreaker and the uru it was forged from for evil. “The power of the hammer is something that I cannot simply allow people to possess, your civilization hasn’t perfected this technology yet and giving it to you before you’re ready could spell disaster, you yourself mentioned how you were the only one who wanted to use vibranium for something other than weaponry.” Pausing for a moment, he stroked his beard. “I realise what you think you’re going to be able to do with this technology, and I believe your ambitions to be truly noble. But I with a good conscience cannot just allow you to examine it right now. So I’m not saying no, I’m just saying not yet.”
Shuri listened at Thor explained himself. He wasn’t wrong. Even if Shuri developed the tech, there was no way she’d be able to keep it from someone else who’d use it for the wrong reasons. Someone would always try to replicate it or even steal it. She let out a soft sigh. “I appreciate that.” He hasn’t said no, and the idea of her being able to one day study it excited her. She started planning ahead, perhaps today she could try and replicate it by herself from what she knew. Nothing was impossible when it came to her and her lab. “I suppose you could keep the mug, nobody here will miss it.” Nobody here would even dare to try it.
Pausing for a moment, Thor was surprised to find that Shuri wasn’t arguing her point further. Maybe it was his new approach, maybe it was the fact that he hadn’t said no, just not yet. Perhaps it was something else. But he didn’t want to argue with her further. “I’m surprised that you haven’t attempted to investigate this wonderful chalice!” he exclaimed, knowing full well that this mug wasn’t a chalice, “I would imagine that someone with your goals would be intent on discovering exactly how this worked.” He smiled gently before moving back to the safe and placing the mug (now full once more) inside and closed the doors. “I shall leave it in your capable hands for safe keeping, for my next visit. Whilst I can’t allow you to study the hammer, perhaps I can show you the power of the bifrost? Where would you like to go?”
Shuri didn’t get out much so not only was Thor offering her the chance to experience the bifrost, but he was offering her to explore any place on Earth, no, any place in the universe! Shuri smiled as her mind skipped over the ideas of where she could go and what she could experience. “Does it have to be on Earth?” She asked, she had no idea where she would go or what she would like to see, but right now, she had the means and ability to go any place on Earth, but not anywhere beyond.
Thor had to admit that the question caught him off guard. For some reason he hadn’t even considered that she might go off world. Yet, fair was fair. What harm could taking a human off world really do? Peter Quill and the rest of the morons had been doing it for many years. “A pact cannot be broken without slighting my honour, so yes, it may be outside of the planet Earth. However there will be some ground rules.” Not that he particularly had any idea what he was going to make into these rules. “First there are some places which are simply too dangerous to go, Jotenheim for example. The frost giants don’t enjoy Asgardians or Midgardians.” He thought for a moment more. “Obviously there are some places where you couldn’t survive. So I won’t be able to take you there.” He paused a final time. “Be sensible with your choice, this won’t happen often.”
Shuri paused. The option to go anywhere in the universe had never occurred to her and for once she had no idea where she wanted to go. “Do you think that perhaps we don’t have to go right now?” She needed some time to really consider her answer and not waste her one chance as it won’t happen often. “I just need some time to consider my answer.” Not only that, but if she had enough time, she could even develop a suit for herself, one that could allow her to survive in certain conditions she normally wouldn’t.
“Of course, I am in no hurry. There is wisdom to patience, as this is a one time offer that I am making you. There aren’t likely to be repeat trips, at least not for pleasure.” Thor took a moment to stroke his beard thoughtfully. “All I ask is that you put that great intellect to use when you make your decision. Though that doesn’t appear to be an issue for you thus far.” Smiling gently, he spun Stormbreaker’s shaft, watching the balanced combination hammer / axe head spin around before he caught it again. “Do not wait for too long though, real life seems to have a strange way of obstructing our best laid plans.”
Shuri nodded and understood. She’d put a lot of her spare time into deciding where she wanted to go and what benefits that place would have. “Thanks for coming all this way Thor.” She appreciated the fact that he hadn’t just said no, but had given her the privilege of being able to travel using the bifrost instead. “Let me know if you ever want to have another go at the mug.” She smiled at him before adding, “I won’t take too long, I get that life happens and I should seize the opportunity before it’s too late.”
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