#aren't oft ones to even hear a vampire spawn out
haldenlith · 1 year
I've probably talked about this before, but I'll say it again:
The banter between Astarion and Gale about "oh never felt the call of the divine" and Astarion going "I tried them all, none of them answered" is actually really sad and tragic when you stop and think about it. Why? Because for as much as the gods over Toril (where Faerun is) like to stick their fingers in people's business (as much as characters in game like to claim otherwise), the likelihood any of them -- and I do mean any of them -- would've come to Astarion's aid was pretty much zero.
Maybe even less than zero likelihood.
Most of the "good" or even "neutral" gods (and I use the alignments very loosely for explanation purposes) hate undead, and with being a vampire spawn, that category now includes Astarion. So they most likely would completely and totally ignore his prayers. The remainder that still fall under "good or neutral" that are chill with undead are like... Jergal, who genuinely normally doesn't interfere in mortal business. He's just here to write down who died. And then maybe some scattering of demigods not powerful enough (or powerful enough in the right ways) to really be of any use to Astarion.
Which leaves us with the "evil" gods, many of which are perfectly okay with undead and are often worshipped by them. Which there-in lies the problem. See, the only ones that would probably take time out of their day to hear Astarion's prayers are the ones that are probably high-fiving Cazador on a job well done, and pointing and laughing at Astarion for his plight. (Or, in the case of The Dead Three, too busy trying to take over Faerun. Again.)
Homeboy had no hope of the gods answering his prayers, no matter how hard he tried.
Though, I suppose you could argue that Tymora answered, given that the circumstances that lead to Tav meeting Astarion are all, well, incredibly lucky. It's debateable.
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