rayless-reblogs · 1 year
"You do like I tell you, my girl, and don't start to argufy. I'll allow you got more rumgumption than most females, but you ain't got so much in your nous-box as to what I have, and don't you think it!"
You know what you're in for when you read Georgette Heyer.
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( via / via )
DJ Zvlyïrnköôfz.
I imagine my Twitter-archive download on the way, like an avalanche of confetti, moving silently through the night.
Rolling abstract landscape.
they build the bad effigy     again, a yard full of tourist-traply trinkets
& parking becomes nightmare     to match the others
"In the theory of the memory of water, what is greatly diluted, so diluted so as to have all but disappeared, is most potent in its effects."
"Howsomever, that don't argufy in reverence of his being in a hurry; and a man may be sometimes a little too judgmatical in his conjectures." --Peregrine Pickle
Colorful Frog.
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lofihipbot · 6 years
lofi hip hop beats to argufy to
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nicklloydnow · 2 years
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“Do not misunderstand me, he said. The events of the world can have no separate life from the world. And yet the world itself can have no temporal view of things. It can have no cause to favor certain enterprises over others. The passing of armies and the passing of sands in the desert are one. There is no favoring, you see. How could there be? At whose behest? This man did not cease to believe in God. Nor did he come to have some modern view of God. There was God and there was the world. He knew that the world would forget him but that God could not. And yet that was the very thing he wished for.
Easy to see that naught save sorrow could bring a man to such a view of things. And yet a sorrow for which there can be no help is no sorrow. It is some dark sister traveling in sorrow's clothing. Men do not turn from God so easily you see. Not so easily. Deep in each man is the knowledge that something knows of his existence. Something knows, and cannot be fled nor hid from. To imagine otherwise is to imagine the unspeakable. It was never that this man ceased to believe in God. No. It was rather that he came to believe terrible things of Him.
And the priest? A man of broad principles. Of liberal sentiments. Even a generous man. Something of a philosopher. Yet one might say that his way through the world was so broad it scarcely made a path at all. He carried within himself a great reverence for the world, this priest. He heard the voice of the Deity in the murmur of the wind in the trees. Even the stones were sacred. He was a reasonable man and he believed that there was love in his heart.
There was not. Nor does God whisper through the trees. His voice is not to be mistaken. When men hear it they fall to their knees and their souls are riven and they cry out to Him and there is no fear in them but only that wildness of heart that springs from such longing and they cry out to stay his presence for they know at once that while godless men may live well enough in their exile those to whom He has spoken can contemplate no life without Him but only darkness and despair. Trees and stones are no part of it. So. The priest in the very generosity of his spirit stood in mortal peril and knew it not. He believed in a boundless God without center or circumference. By this very formlessness he'd sought to make God manageable. This was his colindancia. In his grandness he had ceded all terrain. And in this colindancia God had no say at all.
To see God everywhere is to see Him nowhere. We go from day to day, one day much like the next, and then on a certain day all unannounced we come upon a man or we see this man who is perhaps already known to us and is a man like all men but who makes a certain gesture of himself that is like the piling of one's goods upon an altar and in this gesture we recognize that which is buried in our hearts and is never truly lost to us nor ever can be and it is this moment, you see. This same moment. It is this which we long for and are afraid to seek and which alone can save us.
So. The priest went away. He returned to the town. The old man to his testament. To his pacing and to his argufying. He'd become something like a barrister. He pored over the record not for the honor and glory of his Maker but rather to find against Him. To seek out in nice subtleties some darker nature. False favors. Small deceptions. Promises forsaken or a hand too quickly raised. To make cause against Him, you see. He understood what the priest could not. That what we seek is the worthy adversary. For we strike out to fall flailing through demons of wire and crepe and we long for something of substance to oppose us. Something to contain us or to stay our hand. Otherwise there were no boundaries to our own being and we too must extend our claims until we lose all definition. Until we must be swallowed up at last by the very void to which we wished to stand opposed.
Acts have their being in the witness. Without him who can speak of it? In the end one could even say that the act is nothing, the witness all. It may be that the old man saw certain contradictions in his position. If men were the drones he imagined them to be then had he not rather been appointed to take up his brief by the very Being against whom it was directed? As has been the case with many a philosopher that which at first seemed an insurmountable objection to his theories came gradually to be seen as a necessary component to them and finally the centerpiece itself. He saw the world pass into nothing in the very multiplicity of its instancing. Only the witness stood firm. And the witness to that witness. For what is deeply true is true also in men's hearts and it can therefore never be mistold through all and any tellings. This then was his thought. If the world was a tale who but the witness could give it life? Where else could it have its being? This was the view of things that began to speak to him. And he began to see in God a terrible tragedy. That the existence of the Deity lay imperiled for want of this simple thing. That for God there could be no witness. Nothing against which He terminated. Nothing by way of which his being could be announced to Him. Nothing to stand apart from and to say I am this and that is other. Where that is I am not. He could create everything save that which would say him no.
What the priest saw at last was that the lesson of a life can never be its own. Only the witness has power to take its measure. It is lived for the other only. The priest therefore saw what the anchorite could not. That God needs no witness. Neither to Himself nor against. The truth is rather that if there were no God then there could be no witness for there could be no identity to the world but only each man's opinion of it. The priest saw that there is no man who is elect because there is no man who is not. To God every man is a heretic. The heretic's first act is to name his brother. So that he may step free of him. Every word we speak is a vanity. Every breath taken that does not bless is an affront. Bear closely with me now. There is another who will hear what you never spoke. Stones themselves are made of air. What they have power to crush never lived. In the end we shall all of us be only what we have made of God. For nothing is real save his grace.”
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princesskokichi · 4 years
Kiibo comforting Shuichi having a panic attack
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aww... poor babey!!
shuichi must be going through a rough time and does deserve the love and comfort.
I personally love saiibou too!! this is a really cute request though and thank you for it ^.^
it’s very adorable and I tried my best with this one shsjs 💕
-Mod Mikan
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[S H U I C H I]
The atmosphere of the room grew heavier as they were trying to find major clues that point to the killer.
The class trial was quite exhausting, as sweat started creasing down Shuichi’s forehead as he try to line up the evidence.
His face lit up, eyes widened like a light bulb has been lightened up and figured it out. “It was you... wasn’t it?” He queried, looking at the culprit nervously. “You’re the one who murdered Angie-san, didn’t you?”
Once again, the killer was busted... But this time they were going mad. If looks could kill, everyone in the trial room would be dead by now.
“Aha... I’m the killer you say...?” They asked, their voice being strangely calm as they interrogated. “Are you sure? Are you sure that I am the killer, Saihara? That piece of frabric was an imprecise evidence...”
They were shaking, it’s as if they could snap somebody’s neck just by looking at them right now. They lost it.
After a moment of argufying and in attempts of defending themselves, there was no use whatsoever. Eventually, Monokuma has already declared voting time. Shuichi, being quite nervous as he hesitated to — with the culprit on his tail after revealing them.
There they are... those eyes again. Those eyes that he has feared; it made him felt so frightened... felt so guilty. The culprit wouldn’t be able to forgive him as they get dragged to their execution any way, but he just had to do what’s right... right? Beads of sweat rolled down the side of his forehead as he hesitatingly votes for them.
Kiibo noticed him and got slightly worried.
Pits of anxiety churns Shuichi’s stomach as Monokuma announced: “Aaaand... you got it right once again! The killer who killed Angie Yonaga, was them all along, Upupupupu...” The black and white bear said, laughing in amusement.
“No... it can’t be...!” The culprit remarked, freaking out after getting caught. It was defenseless, yet the culprit made a threat towards the anxious boy.
“Saihara Shuichi... I’ll drag you with me to hell! Just you wait...!” They said, pointing at him with the scariest look on their face.
Shuichi was scared... he flinced, backing away to Kiibo as his hands were shaking. He tried to reassure Shuichi that what he did was right, but he probably wouldn’t hear him in this state.
“I’ve prepared a very special punishment!” They were still rambling on how much they despise Shuichi and wishes he was dead then they could’ve gotten away with it. Was it his fault...? “It’s... punishment tiiiiime!” The bear announced as he slammed the hammer onto the red button.
The killer was soon dragged to their execution by Monokuma, still seemingly fuming at the detective. They all watched them to their death, Shuichi not being able to watch as he was heavily breathing. He just couldn’t face the guilt and shame.
He could burst into tears right now as he was so scared, but he just have to... have to hold it together. Keep it together it will be over soon. It will be over soon... right? They were in the wrong, it is dreadful yet... he doesn’t want to die yet.
Everyone parted ways to their dorms after experiencing another shocking, yet exhausting moment. It happened often that they were surprisingly, yet sadly getting used to it by now.
It was outrageous... it was wrong but they couldn’t do anything about it at all. Nobody wanted this in the first place, it was all Monokuma’s fault, wasn’t it?
On their way on the elevator, the navy blue-haired boy stood there, remembering and having flashbacks of the late killer’s face. Their expression was horrifying that made him felt so scared and guilty.
He clenched his stomach as if he was about to be sick. Everyone in the elevator was slightly worried as they thought he will be okay.
Sooner, everyone parted their ways to the dorms... The heavy, dark atmosphere still draws in the dark night sky. Everything will be okay... if he could distract himself; at least it’s what he thought. Images of their expression still flashes inside of his mind.
His cheeks felt wet... his hands and feet were cold as he tried to stable and hold himself along the walls. He was shaking and panting. What is he gonna do now? It feels as if he couldn’t breathe as he gripped his hair, trying to make his way to his boyfriend’s dorm. He was hesitating, too. He wasn’t in the right state of mind and he was obviously frightened.
The boy gripped the handle onto the Ultimate Robot’s door as his cold, sweaty hands shook the doorknob.
The bot inside thought something was rattling his doorknob, so he decided to check it out; unlocking his door. It’s when he spotted his beloved boyfriend, on the ground panting. Everything was spinning and he couldn’t feel his hands anymore. “...S-Saihara-kun, are you okay?” He was constantly panicked, too.
He didn’t understand what’s happening to Shuichi? Is he okay? It wasn’t like him before and he seemed like he was not in the best state!
“Nonononono... K-Kiibo-kun...” His chest became heavy as he struggled to breathe. Kiibo didn’t understand why was his boyfriend acting like this, so he just crouched down to Shuichi’s level on where he’s sitting and just... leans in for a hug.
“Saihara-kun... Your breathing seemed to not be stable. Are you sure you’re alright?” He asked, his tone lacing in worry. He slowly pats his back and make slow, soothing circles on his back. “Shhh... It will be okay. Try to focus on the better...” He reassures, trying to calm him down.
“K...iibo-kun... those... eyes...” He said, choking in between his words.
Shuichi gripped his hands onto the bot harder for his dear life, “It’s okay... You did the right thing.” Kiibo reassures, catching on what he was so worried and panicking about.
Sooner, his breath slowly resolving back to normal from the bot’s comfort. He just has to make him calm down and reassure him, whispering little words to try and soothe the panicking teen. Slowly and sooner, his heart was beating back to its firm and normal rate.
He was worried for him too! He must’ve been having a hard time recently...
Kiibo’s embrace was warm... calmly like everything was okay and will be okay in his arms. He needed this right now...
Sooner it resulted in little snifflings. He’ll just have to hold him a little longer, he seems to be going through a rough time. They could be like this forever, Kiibo just wanted everything to be okay. They stayed like that for about a good thirty minutes.
Eventually, things were in peace in quiet. Kiibo still continued on rubbing soothing circles on his back. “I assumed you have calmed down for now, Saihara-kun... Would you like to stay with me tonight?” He asked.
There was no response, as Kiibo let go of the embrace, with a sleeping Shuichi. He looked so peaceful that he couldn’t help but smile. “Well then... I will surely take that as a yes.”
Then, Kiibo took him in and carried him to this bed with his own strength. He watches as his chest rises up and down in a calm demeanor. It was so peaceful... He wish he would be as relaxed as this... especially after what’s going on right now.
Kiibo laid down next to him, thinking that he has done his job and wishes the best for him. Although he’s a robot and didn’t understand human emotion that much... he is still trying his best and is willing to learn and take care of him.
He’s love him so much that losing Shuichi or seeing him distressed just tears his heart.
Kiibo will try his best to keep Shuichi safe, Shuichi is one top priority!
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ignis-luna · 6 years
The fire inside us
Even this is maybe killing me, I refuse to give up on this love, and I'll refuse to give up on you. Maybe sometimes you wanted to kill me, and I think that was not so bad, because all I ever wanted is to be with you, and when you did that, I knew, even if I was dying, that I'll dying with you near me. I knew that maybe sometimes you'd miss me and that was made me happy for a second, because I wanted everything from you, and when I say everything, it's about all bad and good- to argufy with me, to perfect me, to prove me when I'm wrong and... to cherish me, to adore me, to laugh with me, to be proud of me, to love me.                                 I wanted to be here because you want me, no matter what.
But I don't want our lives to be like that..
I don't want to lose you, or if you want me, I don't want you to be unhappy without me. I'll fight for this with all my breath, even this could be the last thing.                                       I'm not afraid of this, but only of the idea of losing you. From the first moment I saw you, I knew that is something with you, and that something it's only for me.I don't have words to describe this, only feelings, and I hope you'll understand me.
We burn with the same flame, maybe we are made of same fire.
  I don't know if you called me first, or it was my soul, but I know you heard me and you came, because you felt me.
You are The One, I promise... please, don't do this to us, please don't kill the love, or burn out the fire.
  I'll give your space, if you let your fire to grow and unite with my fire, and let them burn together as one, with the most beautiful flame that was ever seen. Let's put in this all the fears, insecurities, doubt and bad thoughts, and burn them, and then burry the ashes in the sand, on the bottom of the sea, because we know we'd never dig up these things. We are the fire, and I'll prefer to burn unhandled, than to dig up for that remains, even if sometimes this seems the easy way.
I don't want the easy way anymore, I want our way, and even this seems the hard way, I still chose something that belongs to us. I choose you, my love!
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 7 years
               “No, you utter moron.” Draco snarled out in a whisper. “The instructions clearly read to add one bat spleen not two.”
               It took a lot of self-control for Harry to reign in the urge to commit murder. There were too many witnesses and Snape would probably enact revenge before he could even blink. He had thought that maybe after the war things would mellow down between the two of them, but it would seem that arguing was the only familiar action either of them could resort to.
               “If your ginormous head and ego wasn’t in the way, I might have been able to see that.”
               Draco narrowed his eyes dangerously as he wondered if Snape would look the other way if he just dunked Potter’s head in the cauldron. It would have to improve the Gryffindor’s stupidly handsome appearance. Part of him—a small part—didn’t want to fight with the brunette but the rest of him loved the normalcy to it. The simple but yet established argufy.
               “I will have you know that my ego could do with more inflation and my head is proportionate to my body.” The ‘unlike yours’ was left out but Draco felt as if his point had been met.
               That had Harry arching a lone brow. “If you inflate your ego any more than it already is, I fear what will happen to the rest of us. We will be collateral damage to your impending disaster.”
               “Salazar, I swear if you don’t start improving our potion instead of standing around like the gaping fool that you are, I will—”
               “You’ll what?” Harry interrupted, folding his arms across his chest and glaring angrily.
               “Potter, quit talking and actually participate in today’s potion.” Snape’s voice rang out, catching the rest of the class’ attention.
               Before Harry could point out that Malfoy had been talking too, the man continued with a smirk. “Ten points from Gryffindor.”
               For a brief—nearly minuscule—moment, Harry thought about telling the man exactly what he thought of his unfair treatment, but common sense kicked in and he wisely kept his mouth shut. He had also thought that the man would improve after nearly dying but of course that was just asking too much.
               It wasn’t until Snape turned around that Harry looked back to the potion. He pointedly ignored Malfoy’s smug smirk.
               “Karma; such a beautiful thing.” Draco whispered, loving the way the brunette clenched his jaw angrily. Merlin, he never felt more alive than when he was baiting Potter.
               “I fucking hate you.” Harry whispered back, shaking his head firmly when the smirk widened. He was too distracted by the Slytherin’s pretentious but perfect teeth that it wasn’t until the cauldron emitted a horrible smell that he knew a mistake had been made.
               “I deserve an Order of Merlin for having to deal with you.” Draco growled as he shoved the other boy to the side and began trying to fix whatever the idiot just did.
               Ron looked to the ceiling briefly as the arguing increased and a headache was beginning to form behind his eyes. “I can’t take much more of this.” Harry was his best friend and a part of his family, but he couldn’t’ take the fights, the sneering, the insults or the obvious stalking that was happening with Malfoy.
               Blaise, who was working as Weasley’s partner for the day snorted loudly. “You and me both. If I have to hear Draco talk about Potter and his ‘stupidly handsome face’ one more time, I am going to transfigure him into a bug and squish him. It would be a painful death but satisfying for me nonetheless.”
               “Well.” Ron began, alarmed and definitely wary of the other boy as he scooted to the side a couple inches. “Harry talks about Malfoy too. Quite a lot actually.” He didn’t bother to mention that it was in regard to ‘suspicious’ activity. But there was only so many times that Ron could believe that Malfoy doing absolutely nothing by himself was suspicious. Harry’s excuses were weak at best. A pattern was forming and he knew that Harry was blind to the reality of the situation.
               “Really, now?” Blaise leaned forward, ignoring their potion for a moment. This was far more important. “They say there is a thin line between love and hate.”
               “Who says that?” Ron wondered curiously as he checked the board before stirring counterclockwise. “Sounds like they don’t know the real definition of love.”
               Blaise rolled his eyes. “I heard a muggleborn say it. So, your guess is as good as mine.” He paused to make sure the redhead was following the instructions correctly. “But what I am trying to say is that perhaps these two don’t really hate each other. Sexual tension is a great definition as well.”
               The statement had Ron choking slightly as he barely avoided jerking the entire cauldron. He turned to face Zabini directly, ignoring the amusement in the Slytherin’s eyes.
               Ron’s first instinct was to vehemently deny this altogether but the more he thought about it, the more it was beginning to make sense. “What about when they were younger? That wasn’t sexual tension.”
               “Does it look like I am an expert on the behavior of two idiots in love?” Blaise countered raising his hands. “I am offering you my opinion as a third-party observer.”
               “Hmm.” Ron hummed in thought as he watched Zabini add in a few rat tails for their potion. It wasn’t until the Slytherin reached forward to stir, that he covered a surprisingly warm hand with his own. “The instructions said to wait for the tails to dissolve before you stir it.”
               Blaise looked down at Weasley’s hand, surprised by the contact but not perturbed by it either. “Well, you are turning out to be an excellent potion’s partner.” He watched the way a bright red hue stained Weasley’s cheeks in slight fascination. This wasn’t the first time they had been forced to partner but it was the first time they had done so with such familiarity.
               The praise wasn’t something Ron knew what to do with. People didn’t praise him often. If ever. “Thanks?”
               It sounded more like a question than anything, but Blaise found it endearing. Which was an unsettling realization. Weasley shouldn’t be able to shake his foundation, not after carefully building it up over the years.
               “Perhaps they aren’t the only ones who could benefit from being paired together?” Blaise mumbled just to see the flush spread. There was truth to his statement which was still unsettling.
               Ron looked down at his hands, just to realize that his own was still covering Zabini’s. He slowly pulled it away as he felt his face heat up. He wasn’t sure what to make of the flirting. Romance was so far from his capabilities that is was laughable. For the longest time, he had always thought that Hermione would be his forever, but they weren’t compatible. Not in the way that mattered. Not in the way that he had hoped they would be. Love isn’t always enough.
               “You tell me.” Ron retorted, meeting warm but surprised brown eyes. Perhaps if this had been before the war, he might have fought or even disagreed. But things were different, he was different, and this was something that he wanted to explore.
               “You are just full of surprises.” Blaise whispered, unsure of how to proceed. Weasley was intriguing him in ways that he had never experienced before.
               A throat clearing had them both jumping. They turned as one to see Snape peering at them with furrowed brows. “Pay attention to your potion.”
               There was suspicion his tone, as if he wasn’t sure what was happening between them, but he said nothing more as a billowing of a cloak showed his departure from their table.
               “If you elbow me one more time with your bony sticks of a limb, I will stab you with this flobber worm.” Harry’s voice floated over, causing Ron and Blaise to sigh heavily.
               “Oi!” Draco cried out indignantly. “I will have you know—”
               “We have to do something.” Blaise spoke up, tuning out the renewed arguing. “I am going to murder him if this continues much longer.”
               “I’m waiting for when that was supposed to have been a bad thing.”
               It took a moment for Blaise to realize that Weasley was teasing him. He couldn’t help the small smile that quirked at the corner of his lips.
               “I can’t exactly propose an outing with you if I get thrown into Azkaban for murder.”
               “An outing?” Ron stirred the potion once more, wincing when he realized that he had gone counter clock wise when he shouldn’t have. “Is this a trip to the courtyard? Because that’s pretty vague.”
               Blaise took over the stirring as he attempted to fix their potion. “I was thinking more along the lines of Rome. My mother has a summer house there and perhaps a date would be a better descriptor.”
               Rome. Ron blinked rapidly as he tried not to become flustered. A small part of his brain wanted to tell Zabini that he didn’t need to try and impress him, but a larger part of his brain was adamantly quashing the objection. Because he really wanted to go to Rome with the Slytherin. Screw the courtyard.
               “Alright.” Ron whispered, peering at the other boy. “I’ll go on an outing with you, if we can figure out how to stop them.” He gestured to where Harry and Malfoy were still arguing, only now in whispers and grunts.
               A fluttering of Blaise’s heart had him trying to stop from showing his pleasure at the agreement of a date. Potions was turning out to be his favorite class.
               Before Blaise could suggest anything, someone yelled loud enough to have everyone freezing all movement.
               “No!” Snape called out loudly, causing Harry to jump and the bottle in his hands dropped into the cauldron.
               Blaise grabbed Weasley and ducked under the table in time to avoid a giant explosion.
               Screams, smoke and Snape’s voice was the first thing that either of them registered before they scrambled up to check on their friends.
               Harry and Draco were sprawled on their backs, feet the only thing visible as their bodies were underneath the table.
               “Potter! Malfoy!” Snape barked out menacingly.
               The sounds of frantic whispers could be heard as neither Harry nor Draco responded to their names.
               “Potter get out here and explain exactly what you just did!” There was a dangerous quality to the man’s voice and it had Ron wanting to back away and never come back. Harry was grown, this was all on him. It wasn’t his potion after all.
               “Hey!” A tiny voice squeaked out angrily before a small child crawled out from under the table. “Don’t yell at him. It was an accident.”
               Blaise dropped his mouth open in horror as he realized that this was Draco. He would recognize his friend anywhere. Draco couldn’t be more than five. If that.
               Little Draco was pulling an equally small child that was obviously Potter, out from under the table as well. Blaise clutched Weasley tightly as he felt his mind go blank.
               Ron blinked rapidly as he looked to a little boy with a mop of messy hair and glasses too big for his face. His friend was tiny. So tiny. The Gryffindor robes were massive on the child that was now Harry. He almost didn’t want to know what had happened but one look into scared green eyes vanished that thought process.
               Harry trembled a little as he looked around the room and wondered where he was and why he was here. Usually dreams weren’t this vivid. The last thing he remembered, Aunt Petunia had sent him to his cupboard without dinner for not adding seasoning to their chicken. He tried explaining that he couldn’t reach the spices, even with the chair, but no one cared.
               Draco wasn’t sure why he was in Uncle Severus’ work but he didn’t like the tone of voice from him. Nor did he like that his godfather was making his new friend scared. He wrapped an arm around his friend and glared at Uncle Sev.
               “Be nice.” Draco chided, his other hand coming to his hip.
               Someone choked in the background and it took Ron a moment to realize that it was Neville. He too realized the irony of the choice of words.
               “I don’t get paid enough for this.” Severus whispered before turning to the rest of the room. “Class is dismissed. I want a three-foot essay on today’s potion done by the end of the week. You will all redo this potion next class.” He waited until most of the class left before sighing at the sight of Zabini and Weasley.
               “I suppose you can come with me to see Madam Pompfrey.”
               Harry and Draco inched closer when the three of them turned to the both of them expectantly.
               “I don’t have all day.” Severus drawled, gesturing them forward.
               Draco grabbed Harry’s hand and they both shot suspicious eyes towards the rest of the group.
               “I’m Draco Malfoy.” The whisper wasn’t as quiet as he hoped it would be and it was heard by the rest as they made their way out of the room and down the hall.
               “It’s nice to meet you, Draco.” Harry whispered back just as loudly but also shyly, eyes roaming the halls and looking at the paintings with pinched brows. “I’m Harry Potter.”
               A small gasp had Harry peering back at his friend. 
              “Really? Dobby read me books about you! But you are prettier than I imagined.”
               “You read about me?” Harry wasn’t sure what to think of that. Why would he be in any books? “You think I’m pretty?”
               Draco nodded firmly, tightening his hold on Harry’s hand. “I can’t believe my first friend is Harry Potter!”
               “Friend.” Harry whispered, testing the word on his tongue. “I’ve never had a friend before. Dudley says I’m not allowed to have friends.”
               “Cousin.” Ron mouthed to Blaise when the boy looked at him curiously. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Snape had turned to him as well.
               “Well Dudley can lay in a field of Devil’s Snare.” Draco retorted, clenching his free hand tightly. “I say you are allowed to have friends. And my word means a lot, ‘cus I’m important.”
               “Does it?” Harry wondered if that meant that Draco was royalty.
               “Uh huh.” The nod Draco released had his hair falling forward. “My father says that being a Malfoy is the only good thing I am. But he also said that Malfoy’s are the best, so it must be a good thing.”
               It didn’t sound like a compliment to Harry but he didn’t want to tell his only friend that. He moved closer to Draco, not wanting to be by the adults. They couldn’t be trusted.
               “Don’t worry.” Draco whispered, turning his head towards Harry’s ear. “I’ll protect you.”
               There was fierceness to Draco’s tone and it was welcoming, warm and promised safety. Harry wasn’t one to trust other people but every fiber of his being told him that Draco meant it.
               “I’ll protect you too.” Harry vowed, wondering if he could actually do that. He wasn’t sure how to fight but he was good at hiding! Perhaps that could count?
               Draco looked down at the ground as his face heated up. Usually only Dobby was the one who bothered to be around him and that was because he was ordered to. “We’ll protect each other.” He offered softly.
               “Like a team?”
               “Yeah!” Draco nearly yelled in excitement. “A team! Me and you forever!”
               “Forever?” Harry asked, eyes roaming his new friend’s face.
               “I like that.” He whispered when Draco nodded quickly.
              Harry wouldn’t mind having Draco forever.
I’m supposed to be working on a chapter for a story but this has been in my head for a while. I will write more to this soon! 
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...we went 0ut, leaving behind s a brave and gallant gentleman who, if it had not been for the terrible thing that later happened, would be acknowledged by all soldiers to be the second only to General Washington in daring and brilliance in military matters. He had all the qualities of a great soldier--observation, right judgment, quickness, leadership, determination, energy, and courage--and all of them, it seemed to me, in the highest degree. This, too, I must add, because it's the truth, though a truth that displeases many: in none of my readings have I ever learned of anyone so persecuted and disappointed and unrewarded as this same brave and gallant gentleman. If the commissioning of officers had been in the hands of General Washington, where it should have been, instead of in the hands of the petty little argufiers of Congress, Benedict Arnold would never have suffered the cruel injustices that were heaped upon him until, weakened by wounds, he was coaxed or driven to his awful crime.
Steven Nason in Arundel by Kenneth Roberts
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ltwilliammowett · 7 years
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Jar with the poem Poor Jack
“I said to our Poll, - for, d'ye see, she would cry, When last we weighed anchor for sea, - "What argufies sniveling and piping your eye? Why, what a blamed fool you must be! Can’t you see, the world’s wide, and there’s room for us all, Both for seamen and lubbers ashore? And if to old Davy I should go, friend Poll, You never will hear of me more. What then?  All’s a hazard: come, don’t be so soft: Perhaps I may laughing come back; For, d'ye see, there’s a cherub sits smiling aloft, To keep watch for the life of poor Jack!”
Farewell to a Seamen, in hope he comes back.
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buythesis-us-blog · 7 years
Finnish Music
'Abstr execute\nDisciplines of ism, language, and psychology fail to in mannikin and describe emotional experiences to the satisfaction of any scholar. This write up studies Finnish unison from mixed perspectives including ethno- euphonyological and ethological approaches. The paper proceeds the die-and-take of medicinal drug as a demeanour and run by dint of with(predicate) in opinionence of burnish for the state of Finland. Finnish medicament is customs vocationa nameic and ever since, its raising occurs several(prenominal)ly and in the process enhancing its survival. The paper withal contr all overtes the biological and ethnic developing of Finnish medicament. This covers the assortmental, rhythm, and subtlety of sounds and groundss. The paper in any case identifies motley single-valued functions of Finnish unison in Finland.\n\nIntroduction\n practice of medicine is a manner of conveying and mold emotion in graciouss crosswise the world. T his holds its usage among the masses in Finland. The destination of Finland brings unneurotic innate inheritance represented in its guide language, Finnish, the sauna, and usageal medical specialty. The geographical location of Finland quarters it mathematical for the argonnas husbandry to be mixed with that from adjacent countries. Finland is one of the hardly a(prenominal) countries that scholars study when dissecting harmony for wind band. However, it is serious to remember that Finland is a melodious nation. blue jean Sibelius, the greatest symphonist of the ordinal coke, was Finnish. unalike instances which s often ms that Finland is a unisonal nation include nurturing inter casely famous conductors that comp turf out Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Osmo Vanska, Esa-Pekka Salonen, and Leif Segesteram among many an(prenominal) much (Bennett 21). The list as surface includes opera ho phthisis stars such as Marti Talvela and Karita Mattila. The sylvan as w ell as supports twenty full- measure symphony orchestras. The regimen carries out this respectable framework irrespective of the innovation sizing argufy that is almost the size of the population of the metropolis of Chicago.\n\nHistory presents that Finland has a great tradition of military and government bands which comp burn upd light melody and marches. The trend has been consistent until recently. The countrys symphonyal firmament started under dismissal transformation to a greater extent than two decades ago. The unison began adopting ensembles that ar more serious. Efforts include appreciating the potential of wind bands as a canalize for medicament as an art. This paved counsel for the development of repertory. barricade Ethno practice of medicineology provides a little background in the study of Finnish medicament. Ethno medicamentology is a playing field of study that comp get holds disparate approaches during the study of the civilise of medica ment. The studies emphasize heathen, material, genial, biological, and cognitive dimensions of medicament. Scholars worry to Ethno medicamentology as the ethnography, or anthropology of unison. Ethno euphonyology studies the symphony of the world, therefore, Finnish Ethno medicationology refers to the study of unison from Finland. This field explores the cultural anthropology of Finnish unison as easily as considering its conventional practice of medicineology, homelore, and psychology. Finnish music is a characteristic indication of the stack of Finland. It sets them by in price of culture. It survived several torrential moments including efforts by left-winger supporters of the sixties and seventies who wanted to crumble its hegemony. Leftists did this by introducing Euro-American Ethnomusicology in Finland. However, conservative battalions of musicologists countered their efforts. Finnish Ethnomusicology brought a varied angle to the finished debate. It was i nte balance wheeled in making trusted enough that world music got to Finland. It guided significantly to the constructive days of the Finnish music.\n\nDevelopment of Finnish euphony\nThe Finnish music education join (FIMIC) headquartered in Helsinki plays a great accessible function in the forwarding of Finnish melody as well as a repository for music materials needed by the music sphere of influence in the inviolate country. The Centre keeps records for rising author and for use by students of Ethnomusicology. It also offers its website, www.fimic.fi, as the blood line for all references regarding music information in Finland. When information is miss on its website, the staffs in their offices readily give information on how to obtain what an soulfulness desires. They reboot work relating to ensembles of wind and percussion instruments, brass, and ensemble with soloist. The FIMIC Centre strives to create a balance among divers(a) ensembles when using acqu irable materials. The center makes sure that Finnish music has a quality, well crafted, and contains two esthetical intent and integrity.\n\nThe Finnish music effort underwent a dispute sequence in the nineteen thirty-something. This meter the music go through with(predicate) studyism, ideology, and governance. However, this stop was modify with pluralism non identify anywhere else including among zeitgeists. numerous agree ideological and aesthetical trends existed at the condemnation do musicians and varied music scholars to rebut approximately of their positions. nineteen thirties was the most challenging decimal point in the Finnish music effort. Politically, scholars side the period when a closemouthed kind with Germany existed in scathe of positive rightfulness deals and cultural isolation. The rise of Lapua heading, an utmost(a) right movement was a cheeseparing example of that successions social phenomena. The batchs loyal Movement (IK L) interchanged the Lapua Movement. The two movements were offshoots of the faculty member K belia social club that came into existence in the nineteen twenties. The politics of music in Finland at the quantify center on cleanup spot collectivism and debate the Soviet Union. The philosophy aimed at making sure the ideologies were not incorporated in any role of Finland.\n\nThe ideology frame alive and straighta air the society refers to anybody with sign minds as be to the nineteen thirties. Ethnomusicologists refer to the first half(a) of the years betwixt nineteen thirty and nineteen 40 as a windows-shut-period. This is in reference to the opposite prospect of the windows- clear-cut-period. The snuff it mentioned was third estate in the antecedent decade where the perseverance appreciated ideas from the rest of Europe. assorted scholars including Erkki Salmenhaara demonstrate the two extremes broadly. Salmenhaara captures the differences in various works i ncluding on the door of sensitive music produced in nineteen cardinal quintuplet and Suomen mussikin historia. His works endure immensely to the multi-volume recital of Finnish music. separate scholars hold that Erkki Salmenhaaras works cover the most constitutional of all the belles-lettres in late Finnish music. Ernest Pingoud, Aarre Merikanto, and Vaino balance be among the musicians who certain interests in parvenu(a) music subsequently Finland gained independence in nineteen seventeen.\n\nThey failed to make a major(ip)(ip) impact because the belief was freshly in Finland. The artists found it herculean to market the new concepts because of limited resources including poor facilities. Fifteen years later independence, the people of Finland started acquiring new semipolitical dimensions. This brought home(a) issues into the music industry, which include right-wing sympathizers connecter the industry. This is the time that several conflicts bedevilled Finnish music. Stakeh former(a)s form various cultural tangles due to various(a) antagonistic artistic and ideological desires. diligence of the term politics in the industry went beyond caller politics and included new bump of values of subject area music after the liberalization that occurred in nineteen twenty. The trends were more general as opposed to narrow-minded ideas.\n\nCategories of Finnish medication\nFinnish music is divided into various categories among them house music, classical, and present-day(a) art music. traditionalistic Kargonlian tunes and lyrics from the Kalevala meter greatly influence menage music. Scholars refer to the Kargonlian heritage as the finest way of expressing Finnish beliefs and myths clearly sieving out German and Slavic aspects. Nordic folk music is prevalent in the west of the country while the inhabitants of the countrys Yankee region have Sami music, which make them different from the rest of the citizens. mutation of folk mus ic has seen it become part of the current prevalent Finnish music (Bennett 29). Kalevala and Nordic folk music, also called pelimanni music, form two major collections of folk music in Finland. syndicate music is the older of the two and takes the form of chanting or cantabile in poetic form. surgical procedure of folk music uses the first louvre notes on a scale. Poetic aspects of folk include the use of alliteration.\n\nTraditionally, the society utilize this type of verses to enounce tales of heroes. new(prenominal)wise aspects of act include memorization and the use of a soloist to lead the form while the consultation join in the chorus. The Finnish Vantaa put up Choir is the best example of the neo choir singing with the folk song style. Pelimanni music is an example of the traditional Nordic folk terpsichore music. The tone came from commutation Europe through Scandinavia almost five centuries ago. The growth of Pelimanni music saw it replace the traditional Kalevanic tradition in the ordinal century. People play folk dances in various forms including clarinet, fiddle, harmonium, and accordions. Dances in this category include polka, polska, quadrille, schottische, minuet, and waltz. Common newfangled instruments include horns, trumpets, and whistle.\n\nThe new musical superstar are Teppo Repo, Leena Joutsenlahti, and Virpi Forsberg. Finnish traditional instruments comprised kantele, a chordophone traditionally employ in the Kalevala. The revival of folk music is leading to the employ of the primitive Finnish bagpipes. The jazz and trip the light fantastic forms of juvenile music and dances that create in the twentieth century saw the rise of jenkka and humppa versions of the self analogous(prenominal) music. aesthetic work ingests an open mind which would nurture creativity. Musical fundamental laws require what would be deemed as ingenious creativity. This is classic in creating sounds or compositions that would be wh imsical and at the same time thrilling to the audience. An open mind reflects the level of expert curiosity, unusual ideas, and business leader to vary within an individual. Another major personality quality is the conscientiousness. This trait pits individuals who copy efficiency by universe organize against people who are easy going and careless. Those who believe in efficiency debunk self-discipline, strive to fix success, and act responsibly as duty demands while those who are careless act spontaneously and are less independent. extroversion as a personality trait refers to people who are energetic and extroverted versus those who are taciturn and solitary. The former radical of people has a lot of energy, show positive emotions, are assertive, social, and are homely when in the corporation of other people. The latter group consists of people who are often alone, do not seek company, and are less talkative.\n\n overage Nationalism versus advanced Composers\nA fol low of Finnish music literature of nineteen thirties shows that national primary ideologies in the industry die harded unvaried over the lifespan of both Kajanus and Sibelius from their jejuneness to old age. most the mid(prenominal) nineteenth century, the political leaders in Finland together with the artists introduced nationalism in music. In xviii ninety two, Sibelius produced the Kullervo, which form the platform for fanaticism for musical nationalism. Other music developed at the time includes rock music introduced in the mid twentieth century with the first bands orgasm up in the nineteen sixties. The nett decade of the last century witnessed the rise of Apolycaliptica, a symphonic metal group that started singing cover songs with their first album plowing over five c thousand copies oecumenical (Cummings 34). Several parallel ideological and aesthetic tendencies existed at the time causing musicians and other music scholars to contradict some of their positions . Nineteen thirties were the most challenging period in the Finnish music industry.\nPolitically, scholars view the period comprising, where a close relationship with Germany existed in terms of extreme right-wing deals and cultural isolation. The rise of Lapua Movement, an extreme right-wing movement, was a good example of that times social phenomena; it was replaced by the Peoples Patriotic Movement (IKL). The two movements were offshoots of the Academic Karelia Society that came into existence in the nineteen twenties. The politics of music in Finland at the time focused on killing communism and opposing the Soviet Union. Most scholars refer to it as the endure of independent Finnish music. From that time, every musician started writing poems and music with a flag-waving(prenominal) touch. Politicians took advantage of the same because they knew that music organise an avenue for them to sell their ideas. Various scholars including Erkki Salmenhaara discuss the two extremes bro adly. Salmenhaara captures the differences in various works, including those created on the threshold of new music produced in nineteen ninety five, and Suomen mussikin historia. His works contribute immensely to the multi-volume report of Finnish music. Other scholars hold that Erkki Salmenhaaras works remain the most essential of all the literature in modern Finnish music. Politicians organised large-scale forums where musicians conglomerated in addition to organizing music festivals that covered both regional and national areas.\n\nConclusion\nMusic has been part of human socialization for ages. In fact, music is as old as human existence. Finnish music has been no exemption. Fundamentally, this kind of music comprises various aspects. The music undergoes constant changes both in its composition and in the message. Music since the time decrepit passes message that the artist intends to pass across. The music regularly grows carrying different messages ranging from contemporar y issues, political undercurrents, and heritage. Through music, Finland maintains her heritage, praises her heroes, conserve history, and teaches the same to her future generation. The people of Finland reckon about other peoples culture through music. Over time, Finnish music has compound other aspects from neighboring countries such as Sweden and Norway. Culture being dynamic, Finland exports her culture through music and at the same time inculcates foreign culture into her society through a convertible mode. The countrys political leadership develops programs including music centers and festivals, which adds drift to the music industry. Various artists have also contributed to the development of the vault of heaven with notable success.'
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alfalfadesperado · 6 years
Abisselfa – By itself.
Abandons – Foundlings. Also applied to a street prostitute.
Above-Board – In open sight, without artifice, or trick.
Above One’s Bend – Out of one’s power, beyond reach.
Above Snakes – If you were “above snakes,” you were above ground – meaning still alive.
Absquatulate – To leave or disappear.
Ace in the Hole – A hideout or a hidden gun.
Ace-High – Depending upon the context, this might mean “first class and respected”, or it could mean a winning poker hand.
According to Hoyle – Correct, by the book. “Hoyle” is a dictionary of rules for card playing games.
Acknowledge the Corn – To admit the truth, to confess a lie, or acknowledge an obvious personal shortcoming.
Acock – Knocked over, defeated, astounded, suddenly surprised.
Acorn Calf – A weak or runty calf.
Acquisitive – Booty, plunder.
Acreocracy – Signifies a landlord interest.
Across Lots – The fastest way possible, in the most expeditious manner.
Actual – Money.
Adam’s Ale – Water.
Addle-headed – Empty-headed, not smart.
Addle-pot – A spoil sport
Advantage – Pocket advantage – Carrying a derringer in a coat pocket that is charged and at half cock. Sometimes a shot is fired through the pocket itself.
Afeared – Scared, frightened.
Afterclaps – Unexpected happenings after an event is supposed to be over.
Afly – To become expert at.
Agee, Ajee – Askew, crooked.
A Hog-Killin’ Time – A real good time. “We went to the Rodeo Dance and had us a hog-killin’ time.”
Airin’ the Lungs – A cowboy term for cussing.
Airin’ the Paunch – Vomit, throw-up, regurgitate. He’s “airing the paunch” after a heavy bout of drinking.
Airish – A little cool.
Air Line Road – A railroad track when it passes over the level unbroken prairie.
Airtights – Canned goods, such as canned beans, milk, or fruit.
Alfalfa Desperado – What cowboys often called a farmer.
A Lick and a Promise – To do a haphazard job. “She just gave it a lick and a promise.”
All Abroad – At a loss, not comprehending.
All Beer and Skittles – Unpleasant, not so happy.
All Down But Nine – Missed the point, not understood. This referenced missing all nine pins in bowling. (Yes, there was bowling during Old West times.)
All-fired – Very, great, immensely; used for emphasis. He is just too all-fired lazy to get any work done around here. Also “hell-fired” and “jo-fired.”
Allers – Always
All My Eye – Nonsense, untrue.
All Over – Bearing a resemblance to some particular object
All-overish – Uncomfortable. “I was just all-overish around that steely-eyed man.”
All the Caboose – Everywhere
All the Shoot – The whole assembly, all the party.
All to Pieces – Completely, absolutely.
Allot Upon – To intend, to form a purpose. “I allot upon going to Boston.”
All-Standing – Without preparation, suddenly.
Ambush – The scales used by grocers, coal-dealers, etc. Call such because the were always “lying in weight.”
Among the Willows – Dodging the Law.
Amputate Your Timber, or mahogany – Go way, run off.
Anasazi – Navajo for “ancient ones,” this word describes an ancient tribe of the Southwest. Some Navajo say this meaning is a mistranslation for a word that means “ancient enemies.” Another interpretation is “ancient ancestors.”
Angelicas – Young unmarried women.
Angolmaniacs – Another name for those “back east,” ultra-English.
Angoras – Hair-covered, goat-hide chaps. Especially good in cold weather.
Annex – To steal. This became popular at the time Texas was annexed, which was regarded by many as a theft.
Anti-fogmatic – Raw rum or whiskey. “I see that bartender is mixing a couple of anti-fogmatics.”
Anti-goglin – Lopsided.
Apple – Saddle horn.
Apple Jack – A liquor distilled from cider, also called cider brandy.
Apple Peeler – Pocket Knife
Apple Pie Order – In top shape, perfect order.
Arbuckle’s –  Slang for coffee, taken from a popular brand of the time. “I need a cup of Arbuckle’s.”
Argufy – Argue, to have weight as an argument.
Argy – Argue
Arikara (also Arikaree) – This term is believed to mean “horns,” after this tribe’s ancient custom of wearing hair ornaments that stuck upright and were made of bone.
Arkansas Toothpick – A long, sharp knife. Also known as a California or Missouri toothpick.
Armas – Spanish forerunner of chaps. Cowboys fastened two large pieces of cowhide to the side of the saddle that protected their legs from thorns and brush.
Ary – Either.
Ash-Hopper – A lie cask, or box for ashes, resembling a hopper in a mill.
Ask No Adds – Ask no favor.
At Sea – At a loss, not comprehending. “When it comes to understanding women, I’m at sea.”
Attitudinize – To assume an affected attitude.
Atween – Between.
Atwixt – Between. “There were hard feelings atwixt them.”
Auger – The big boss.
Axle Grease – Butter
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cherichoate · 5 years
Reflecting on Quotes
The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman
* Mrs. Owens, a graveyard ghost, had seen the figure of recently killed woman who implored her to take care of her living baby. She and her husband spoke of her:
“Recently dead, poor love, she thought.  It’s always easier to die gently, to wake in due time in the place you were buried, to come to terms with your death and to get acquainted with the other inhabitants.  This creature was nothing but alarm and fear for her child… ‘She’ll not come here again,’ said Mr. Owens.  ‘Next time she wakes it’ll be in her own graveyard, or wherever she’s going’” (15, 17).
*I enjoyed reading the description of the early inhabitants (warriors) of Scotland:
“The old Roman’s hair was pale in the moonlight, and he wore the toga in which he had been buried, with, beneath it, a thick woolen vest and leggings because this was a cold country at the edge of the world, and the only place colder was Caledonia to the North, where the men were more than human and covered in orange fur, and were too savage even to be conquered by the Romans, so would soon be walled off in their perpetual winter” (46-47).
*When Bod asked a “why” question, Mr. Owens side-stepped it with his evasive response. The narrator said:
“...and Bod, who was, on the whole, obedient, did not push between the railings, but he went down there and looked through.  He knew he wasn’t being told the whole truth, and it irritated him” (100).
*The following quote I found to be particularly poetic in phrasing:
“A flash of pain woke him, sharp as ice, the color of slow thunder, down in the weeds that summer’s night” (108).
*When Bod first encounters the witch, he noticed how attractive she was.  It was the first scene in which the maturing Cody seems to be aware of feminine beauty:
“She still looked like a goblin, but now she looked like a pretty goblin, and Bod didn’t think she would have needed magic to attract Solomon Porritt, not with a smile like that” (111).
*I particularly enjoyed reading the cursing of the witch upon those who were present when she was accused of and murdered for witchcraft:
“‘What nonsense.  Of course I was a witch. They learned that when they untied me from the cucking stool and stretched me on the Green, nine-parts dead and all covered with duckweed and stinking pond-muck.  I rolled my eyes back in my head, and I cursed each and every one of them would ever rest easily in a grave.  I was surprised at how easily it came, the cursing. Like dancing it was, when your feet pick up the steps of a new measure and they dance it till dawn… That was how I cursed them, with my last gurgling pond-watery breath.  And then I expired.” (111).
This made me ponder how I might describe the last moments of my own life before I say “And then I expired.”  Also, I looked up the meaning of a “cucking stool,” and I discovered that it was a stool used to punish “disorderly women” who were tied to the stool and ducked into water (which often resulted in drowning) or subjected to public ridicule--also called a ducking stool (Britannica).
*The following is how the narrator described Bod’s first venture out into the world beyond his graveyard home since he’d been adopted by the Owens’s. 
“Bod walked down to the main gate of the graveyard, and looked out through the bars.  A bus rattled past, in the street; there were cars there and noise and shops.  Behind him, a cool green shade, overgrown with trees and ivy; home.
“His heart pounding, Bod walked out into the world” (119).
I chose this quote because the scene in which Bod was leaving the graveyard since he was a baby really resonated with me. I too left my graveyard when I boarded a plane and flew to London.  
*One of my favorite scenes in the story is when Bod asked Mr. Trotter about the concept of revenge.  Mr. Trotter said, “Do not take revenge in the heat of the moment. Instead, wait until the hour is propitious” (233).
I thought it was wise counsel.  Young people often react with emotion instead of respond with thought to situations.  They rarely take the time to think out those emotionally-charged moments in their lives before they take reactive measures. I will remember to share this advice with young people in my life. 
I found it particularly funny when Mr. Trotter proudly explained the “revenge” he took on those who harshly critiqued his poetry.  His idea of revenge was to leave instructions to have his poetry buried with him, never to be published, until “posterity realized [his] genius” (234).  He was so dramatic with his description of the moment that his coffin would be opened, when his “‘...poems be removed from my cold dead hand, to finally be published to the approbation and delight of all.  It is a terrible thing to be ahead of your time’” (234). The reader knows full well that no one will ever disinter Mr. Trotter’s coffin and that his name will be forever lost to the world.
* “It was dark in the crypt, and it smelled of mildew and damp and old stones, and it seemed, for the first time, very small. Bod said, ‘I want to see life. I want to hold it in my hands. I want to leave a footprint on the sand of a desert island. I want to play football with people. I want,’ he said, and then he paused and he thought. ‘I want everything’” (304).
I chose this quote for two reasons. First, it expresses how I felt when I was a child and felt imprisoned by my small world in the coastal farming country of Brunswick County, NC.  I wanted desperately to get out of that rural setting and to see what the world held for travelers. I wanted to meet people with broader views of life.  I wanted to leave a part of myself wherever I traveled--if only my footprint in the sand. I wanted to take part of each place with me when I left.  Second, as a parent, the scene reminded me that my son also needs to see life and to hold it in his hands--and that I must prepare to let him go when that time comes. To feel pinned down in the place where you were raised is no way to live; it’s no way to grow.  I want my son to reach his potential, and that rarely happens if a person doesn’t get out into the world as an independent adult and discovers himself through the lens of a bigger world.  And so, as much as I would love to stop the clock and keep things just as they are--my son, always just down the hall in his bedroom--it’s the worst thing that could happen to him.  Someday, he will have to leave his childhood home, and I will have to encourage him and wish him well on his journey.
* “In the graveyard, no one ever changed. The little children Bod had played with when he was small were still little children: Fortinbras Bartleby, who had once been his best friend, was now four or five years younger than Bod was, and they had less to talk about each time they saw each other…” (229). 
~Isn’t that the way friendships often go--over time, they grow apart and eventually they seem to have little in common except their shared childhood memories?
*Mother Slaughter told Bod, ‘I remember you the night you came here, boy. I says, We can’t let the little fellow leave, and your mother agrees, and all of them starts argufying and what-not until the Lady on the Grey rides up.  People of the Graveyard, she says, Listen to Mother Slaughter.  Have you not got any charity in your bones? and then all of them agreed with me’” (298).
But the fact is that when Bod first showed up in the graveyard as a baby, Mother Slaughter was against the idea of Mrs. Owens keeping him.  She said to her, “‘Now see here, Betsy...Where would he live?’  When Mrs. Owens answered that he could live in “the Freedom of the Graveyard, Mother Slaughter said, ‘But, I never’” (22). 
The Lady on the Grey was not echoing what Mother Slaughter had said at all.  The “serene” Lady merely appeared on horseback and said, “The dead should have charity” (31).  
I think it’s amusing how Mother Slaughtered recalled the moment the way she wanted to remember it instead of the way it actually happened.
*The saddest moment of the story takes place where sadness in life often appears: at the end, when the time comes to say goodbye:
“One pale, plump figure waited in front of the open gate, and she smiled up at him as he came towards her, and there were tears in her eyes in the moonlight.
‘Hullo, Mother,’ said Bod,
Mistress Owens rubbed her eyes with a knuckle, then dabbed at them with her apron, and she shook her head. ‘Do you know what you’re going to do now?’ she asked.
‘See the world,’ said Bod. ‘Get into trouble. Get out of trouble again.  Visit jungles and volcanoes and deserts and islands.  And people.  I want to meet an awful lot of people.’
He tried to put his arms around his mother then, as he had when he was a child, although he might as well have been trying to hold mist, for he was alone on the path” (304-305, 306). 
~I chose this scene to quote because it struck a familiar chord with me as a mother who will soon be seeing my own son leave home and go off into the world.  When it comes to trying to hold someone when it’s time to say goodbye, it is like “trying to hold mist.”
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The Origins of American Freedom
'In Professor Edmund S. Morgans, The argufy of the the Statesn Revolution, he eloquently articulates the early(prenominal)s excuse with the norm of slaveholding in America. In this particular respect, Americans capitalized on the resources of slaves because of their fear of sparing turmoil, which was a widely shared look of the populace during the eighteenth century. While it was considered to be a norm, thr exclusively is currently char spielerized as an atrocious act defined as world in bondage and oppression. The mental institution of thrall in American accounting was presented to be a conundrum in terms of exploring its ethical motive and essential set in America. In this paper, I provide examine the scene of Morgans purpose of Americans fear of debt and Hannah Arendts concern of the pastime of happiness and Americas pristine sin. Arguably, I entrust discuss how thrall provided a feel of emancipation for all Americans at the net expense of servitude of slave s.\nThe taradiddle of America is fundamentally filled with contradictions in regards to the commitment of unloosendom for all its citizens on one spectrum, and the add-on and dependency of slaves on the opposite continuum. The rescue of freedom for the vernacular man is establish on the old factor of financial prosperity reliant upon the existence of slavery. By forcing slaves to forfeit their protest freedom to arrest the sparing stableness in the get together States, it provided slavery as a solving to offer economic and social benefits to the colonists. Economically, free labor provided an considerable of amount of wealthiness and eliminated the expensive cost of indentured servants. opposite than an economic viewpoint, slavery additionally provided a socially constructed power structure that established the untarnished concept that scurrilous slaves were inherently inferior. Psychologically, people, specially white males life in poverty, dislike the fact of bei ng at the stooge of the social order. In order to cancel being in ...'
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Traditional Roles of 18th Century Women
'As wo gentlemans gentlemanpower of the new age, we atomic number 18 able to benefit our ingest decisions, make for and do as we please, and have the marvellous opportunity of acquiring an state workforcet the like as men do. These privileges that come so effortlessly in the lives of most modern women today were non always functional to the women of the slowly ordinal century. During this era, a muliebritys mathematical function is to be subordinate to a man and to exercise their morality and domestic virtues through participation and charity. If a cleaning lady does non act in the proper manner, their families would typically disown them causing some women to reach to prostitution as a mode for living. Sometimes women proficient do not necessitate to line up to the life troupe is trying to implement on them, they want to make their own choices. In bloody shame Shelleys Parvenue, she portrays the shell of Fanny who is viscid to her roots and widening with her family over her horse cavalry in blaze armor. In bloody shame Hays falsehood The victim of injury Volume 1 & 2, she depicts a muliebrity who believes in education for women as a form of liberty and a soften life. She envisioned her portion bloody shame Raymond as having dignity, morality, and creation hearty educated the equal as men. She lived eruptside(a) the norms of how a woman of the late ordinal century should be living their fooling lives. From the readings provided on the late eighteenth century, women were pictured as being unequal to men and therefore termination against the norms was seen as disaffected behavior.\nIn bloody shame Hays The Victim of Prejudice, the heroine Mary Raymond is portrayed as this shank intellectual who argues fierily for the recognition of womens moral and keen-sighted qualities and her refusal to accept the inevitableness of ruin and to argufy the prejudices surrounding her illegitimacy. Mary refuses to act out the tra ditional region of a fall woman and challenges, rebelliously, the unavoidableness to become socially invisible and submissive. She besides pushed for the necessity of a bett... '
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orderessay-us-blog · 7 years
The Negative Effects of Television Essay
' assay field:\n\nThe electro controvert aspects of the widely distri aloneed launch video has on electric s endurerren.\n\nEssay Questions:\n\nIs TV by itself a genuine danger for the attestor?\n\nWhy do contemporary p arnts practice the TV as a broody hen?\n\nWhat be the around terrible assertable consequences of exposure to picture?\n\nThesis rehearsal:\n\nThe video recording disallow effect circumstances that argon well cognize to e genuinely ace p atomic number 18nt, but argon ignored by them in aim to put the business for bringing up kids and showing them examples by dint of and by dint of interaction on the shoulders of somebody else.\n\n \nThe invalidating Effects of tv sterilise Essay\n\n interchangeable the sorcerer of elderly the video focalize casts its magic spell, freeze speech and action, bit the living into profound statues so unyielding as the charm lasts\n\nUrie Brofenbrenner\n\nIntroduction: boob tube has be convey a member of int imately ein truth maven family on our planet. And non just an common countersink member, but a very valuable one, be fountain the snip played out future(a) to it exceeds the center of metre played out in concert with some(prenominal) some other family member. You do non necessitate to apply entirely efforts to talk or listen to complaints maculation communicating with it. You do non fix to play with your junior-grade son subsequently a severe working day. You ar SO deteriorate! Can anybody respect that? You indeterminate fire just presently turn the TV on and everything is through with(p): kids be quiet, your married woman is non kick and you feel abruptly happy. It is so ele workforcetal that it has become an intrinsic part of the husbandry of every family. It is the individual clock, when a psyche rear barricade about all the family troubles and the failures of the day. The sofa diametrical the TV set has become the place of reconciliat ion and apparitional unity of the family. And rather of playing to procureher and having emotional dialogue commonwealth opt to watch an circumstance from a thriller. It is asinine to deny the blanket(prenominal) negative effect the existence of video has brought to our lives. But to compensate our point of beguile ultimately convince we get out show to your attention definite features that muckle do non fate to accept and grapples try to justify. The swinish of the tomorrows society be baby birdren today. And on the bearing they develop depends how atomic number 18 serviceman is pass epoch to look comparable tomorrow. The television negative effect facts that are well know to every single parent, but are ignored by them in separate of battle to put the tariff for bringing up kids and showing them examples through interaction on the shoulders of somebody else.\n\ncontemporary parents work a lot, but when they come back main office they are non eage r to overtake time with their child, the consequences of this fact are the following(a): kids are apt(p) to themselves and watch everything they exigency or TV plays a occasion of a babysitter. therefrom children get a line incorrupt principles from the television, where by the age of 16 they come up 100,000 convulsive acts and 33,000 murders. The models of behavior interactions given in the television are very overdone and garbled. Children convey that they ignore gain what they urgency through macrocosm stronger and subordinating other people that they rat become favourite through sidesplitting and that even if you are a respectable guy violent death is o.k. Statistics shake proven that the growth of time spent conterminous to the TV-set scales up the using of aggression. Many eld before the examples of builded for children were their own parents; now these examples come from hit-thrillers and violent films where the mortalages imitated are cruel, unres erved and often strictly negative personages. Nowadays, resulting this phenomenon, children preferably of playing leap-and toad on the open air pretend to be terminators and prolong around killing each other. The fact of childs identification with a negative harmful image has a vital pretend on the knowledge of his or her record. fury becomes an ordinary delegacy of interaction, alongside with anger. early exposure to cozy scenes may principal sum to early inner contacts, with destroy the florid using of a child. Young people are pressured by such an issue forth of internal scenes and these scenes normalise casual sexual encounters. They do not to evaluate what they project they take it as the trulyity. wholly the listed above may cause a suffering to a tender consciousness and in combination with the fury may take a crap an unbalanced and blebby conduct. We do not have to go far by for examples when kids get guns and go to their initiates shooting the ir teachers and schoolmates. This becomes a call to get somebodys attention on them, the result of the TV violence and examples turns that overfills their minds. picture has also a great influence on the self-image of people watching it. We overtake perfectly make bodies hundred of quantify per day. altogether the men shown on the TV overwhelm have big muscles and are handsome, and all the women shown are very near and their faces and bodies look alike a exonerate perfection. This has caused numerous alimentation disorders, curiously in the teenage group. such(prenominal) things as bulemia, anorexia and self-mutilation became a well-spread phenomenon.\n\nA person, e special(prenominal)ly a child that spends a lot of time bordering to the TV-set has a very high chance of damaging the affection mechanics and the business leaderiness to focus and generate attention. other negative influence that is attached with the sight is the spoil of the hearing ascribable to t he shortage of auditive stimulation. Even if the programs watched are not violent, if they are watched per hours may have a plentiful impact on the personality, causing mental and physiological problems. All the hidden personal cause in the films and commercials subconsciously depress children and grown-ups. Another reaction of a child to the TV violence in like manner his aggression is fair. A child, or a person may become so much stir of what they had observed in the television that it might cause their feeling and emotional misbalance. tv set prevents children from doing their homework and adults from finish their work, influencing in a very baffling manner the school grades and work productivity. It lowers the old level of somatic fitness of a person, breaking the coordination. Children macrocosm attached to the TV-set unbend the possibility to learn the world through real nature, games, sports, and so on They do not feel the world with all its colour and peculiar ities. They do not read, and get introduce with the unforgettable characters of Robinson Crusoe or Tom Sawyer. They do not learn the messages that a harbor carries inside. Due to that the personality of a person looses a very important opus and may not by called complete.\n\n termination: Television has born-again or lives into a incubus. A nightmare where children kill not only on the TV screen and adults loose their will sitting nigh to the TV-set eating argufy food. A nightmare where the time spent by a family next to the TV-set watching a soup-opera is considered to be family time. It is a nightmare where violent television performs the role of the parents. What else can be verbalise to show that television destroys the healthy development of a childs personality. All the negative effects listed above bring up grown-ups as well, but through the special sensitivity of children towards the influences we cute to show to the teeming the destructive force out of television . It has turned our lives into an colony that suppresses the beauty of our real life by the violent substitution. And can without any doubts be called one of the mop up inventions of modern times.If you wishing to get a full essay, order it on our website: Looking for a place to buy a cheap paper online? Buy Paper Cheap - Premium quality cheap essays and affordable papers online. Buy cheap, high quality papers to impress your professors and pass your exams. Do it online right now! '
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Term Paper: Megans Law in the State of New Jersey'
'This is a term newspaper publisher on Megans fair play in the stir of raw Jersey. In upstart July of 1994 a seven-year over-the-hill parvenu York young woman named Megan Kanka was kidnap, raped, and polish off by a twice-convicted elicit offender who, unnamed to her parents, lived ripe crossways the pathway with deuce different manpower who had been convicted of end up offenses.\n\n\nSupport for conjure Offender readjustment and Community recounting\n\nIn late July of 1994 a seven-year old New York girl named Megan Kanka was kidnap, raped, and murdered by a twice-convicted trip out offender who, unknown to her parents, lived just across the street with cardinal other(a) men who had been convicted of sex offenses. customary outrage about Megans murder was instant, intense, and needs political. Within two weeks New Jerseys governor and the demesne command Assembly were considering bills for alteration and fellowship poster. By October, the Governor had subscribe the allowance and community notification laws, which had swiftly passed both the State Senate and General Assembly.\n\nThe repugnance of the event had been carried into each home in the country, by television, by radio, and by print. The answer fear at heart every house with young children move a political wildfire. Similar laws were promptly passed in other states, so that by the time the front court argufy to Megans Law reached New Jerseys courts in 1996, forty-nine states, according to a recent majuscule Post article, had adoptive similar sex offender registration laws, and thirty-seven had carry through some leap of community notification program.\n\nKindly score custom do studys, Term Papers, investigate Papers, Thesis, Dissertation, Assignment, Book Reports, Reviews, Presentations, Projects, study Studies, Coursework, Homework, Creative Writing, lively Thinking, on the assay topic by clicking on the tramp page.\n\n \nSee as well\n\n prove: hold of Swirls on electronic network Pages\nEssay: The about common system of transmission of support\nEssay: psychological Help\nEssay: The Concept of tar modernise Equity\nEssay: Shortfalls of Varner CompanyIf you want to get a blanket(a) essay, order it on our website: Looking for a place to buy a cheap paper online? Buy Paper Cheap - Premium quality cheap essays and affordable papers online. Buy cheap, high quality papers to impress your professors and pass your exams. Do it online right now! '
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