#aroace!din my beloved
shinyskywalker 11 days
happy pride month to gray aroace din djarin (my beloved)
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darlin-djarin 1 year
what are your favourite Din Djarin headcanons? :D
ok so i'm a BIG deaf din truther. that boy is deaf, no doubt. he uses his helmet as an aid and he's learned tusken sign language from the armorer (who i've fully accepted as a tusken raider or something similar). he can read lips, but whenever he takes the helmet off, he can't hear much of anything, which is why he's so confused when the imperial started talking to him, etc etc. i have another huge post about deaf din and all of that stuff, so i'm not gonna go into it, but deaf din is something i hold so dear and close to my heart.
i also definitely think he's autistic, in some way. i've talked about it a lot with some of my autistic and neurodivergent mutuals and we've all come to the conclusion that he's definitely neurodivergent. a lot of people, i've noticed, have found comfort in his character and personality because they relate to him a lot on that sort of level. his mannerisms and his interactions with other people is something a lot of autistic people can relate to, and i think that's wonderful!
another headcanon i personally enjoy is the aroace one. he may or may not seek out romantic or sexual attractions, sure, but i think the most important thing in his life is grogu, and he doesn't really have time to settle down with someone else. even though i enjoy him in certain ships and whatnot, i still thoroughly believe that din should just stay as just a father to grogu, and romance isn't and shouldn't be a main point in the show.
i also love trans/nb din!! whether he's transmasc or gnc or whatever, i like the idea of din, and mandalorians in general, initiating absolute genderfuckery. mandalorians are very gender inclusive and completely neutral. mando'a doesn't have gendered pronouns or terms. i think mandalorians' concepts of gender and gender roles are very fluid, and don't hold a lot of meaning. for some reason, favloni made the women in s3 have y-visors and men have t-visors which is the stupidest fucking thing i've ever seen. like. what. and anyway, i think din and other mandos would be super ambiguous with their gender anyway, not caring how they present because it doesn't matter. there's this little concept me and a mutual enjoy (to poke a lil fun at favloni) that whenever din feels a little more femme, he switches his helmet from a t-visor into a y-visor LMFAOO 馃槶 anyway, trans/gnc din my beloved
i think one of the last of my fav headcanons would be that din is very arab coded- indigenous as well. i know i project a lot as an arab onto other characters but just something about din gives me the idea that he'd be a very good equivalent to an arab indigenous man, palestinian maybe. the idea is just very comforting to me, even if people don't really agree. i draw a lot of comparisons between his culture and religion to my culture and religion, which is where i guess the headcanon came from. still, it's one of my favorite headcanons that i love to stick by whenever i can
THANK YOU so much for asking me!! din djarin is just my guy 馃馃 i love him so much and i love talking about him, esp about his culture and character. so glad you asked!
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elthadriel 1 year
Hello, for the ship it game, can I ask about codywolffe, bobadin and jedistormpilot?
Surprising pretty much everyone including myself I don't really codywolffe. I'll read it if I really like the author, but I don't look it out.
Why don鈥檛 you ship it?
I cannot stress enough how much I am a contrary, petty asshole. Soon after joining the fandom I saw a lot of "Wolffe is growly and very sexually aggressive" and went actually, Wolffe is aroace. And now here we are.
What would have made you like it?
Less exposure to fandom probably.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
There's a lot I like about codywolffe. I've read stuff with them I like a lot. All the Commander ships have a fun space to play in from having known each other for a long time and the positives and negatives that come with that.
bobadin was kind of the ship that got me into the fandom in first place
What made you ship it?
The same thing that makes me ship almost everything in the fandom: canon being like, look, here's a relationship which we will hint at having interesting potential, shame we're never going to touch on any of it.
Some of their stuff in mando season 2 had some really good groundwork and I wanted to see more (and then the monkey paw curled a finger and we got tbobf and I wanted to see less)
What are your favourite things about the ship?
Fun with identity. There's so much fun space to play in with what being Mandalorian means to each of them, what their armour means. Din's helmet is more his face than his face is, while Boba literally has his father's face and armour. There's so much good shit there
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I really don't like Boba being portrayed as the biggest dom who has ever dommed, which is a recurring theme. Boba topping and/or domming is fine, but not when it's a personality trait.
jedistormpilot my beloved. You deserved better.
What made you ship it?
I watched those movies.
But nah, for real, Finn and Poe had chemistry all over the place and I genuinely wanted Finn/Rey to be where the movies went. Those movies, for all their faults, had what a lot of star wars lacks, which is characters who actually seem to like each other and have good on screen chemistry (until they didn't but we don't talk about tros).
What are your favourite things about the ship?
I think all the wildly different backgrounds bring in a lot of potential for angst and humour. I like characters meeting in wartime having to figure out if they still work post-war.
Also, all of them ending up taking Poe's last name delights me.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I was never in the fandom enough to know what is an unpopular opinion for them. I like them starting out as V shaped with Finn in the middle and Rey and Poe slowly developing a relationship. Is that unpopular? I have no idea.
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reluctant-mandalore 2 years
Ranking my top 10 favourite Star Wars characters because I can and none of you can stop me:
1) Din Djarin. Sir I am in love with you and I also want to steal your gender.
2) Fennec Shand. My wife.聽
3) Wolffe. Best clone. Not up for debate.聽
4) Boba Fett. I would literally do anything for you.
5) kanan Jarrus. Best Jedi every. I will die on that hill. 聽
6) Reva Sevander. I support woman鈥檚 wrongs, but also I think she deserves a hug and some tea after everything.
7) Leia Organa. Adored you from the first moment I saw you on screen, even before I was ever an actual Star Wars fan. Forever one of the best and coolest characters in the franchise.
8) Finn. He deserved so much better than what he got. We were deprived of Jedi Finn.
9) Echo. My beloved. You went through so much and deserve only happiness.
10) Obi Wan Kenobi. Mr bi aroace icon sir.
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taags-old-account 2 years
I felt bored. So I'm making one of those intro posts. But it's just me rambling.
So hi. I'm TAAG (She/Her). I throw every possible interest of mine into a single blog and everybody just has to deal with it or unfollow me.
So far, no unfollows so I think I'm doing good.
I'll try to tag triggers, but I might mess up, call me out if I do!
I might also come off as rude or indifferent, once again, call me out, and I'll see my best to fix it.
In this blog, I accept everybody. Unless you are like an asshole, TERF, or pedo, or something just nasty.
I'm also Canadian, don't call me out on this one. I know how to spell the American 'favorite' but I don't because I was raised with the 'u'.
Occasionally I'll mention that I write stuff. I have an insane amount of WIPS, a bunch of AUs, and a healthy dose of writers block.
I'll probably never post much of it because my writing isn't all that great.
I'm just here to talk about my niche interests.
Said interests include the following:
(under the cut because I am nice)
- The Marvel Cinematic Universe. I'm neutral towards what I watch, and I don't really spread hate. But my favourite characters are Yelena, Kate (I don't ship them Yelena is aroace come on people), Tony, Loki, Scott, and Matt Murdock despite me never watching Daredevil.
- Tales Of Arcadia. My beloved, like a third of the content on this blog, is this fandom. Reblogs or my own posts. You might see something of mine if you scroll through the popular posts tag, some of my shitposts ended up being funny. My favourite characters are Douxie, Jim, Aja, Steve and Krel.
- Voltron. I watched it in the year of our lord 2021, and just a disclaimer, no I'm not an asshole, I didn't learn and then become interested in this hellfire of a show till last year. My favourite character is Lotor because I'm a simp for long-haired villains.
- Star Wars, more specifically the Mandalorian. I crave the found family dynamic and I got it with that show. My favourite character is obviously Din. But I'm not one of the... how do you even describe it... fans.
- MCYT. Before you run screaming and crying and call me a Dream stan I can say somewhat relieved that I have not watched the DSMP. Mainly because it feels very inaccessible and my time is important. Also, the plot is batshit insane, and I watched Hermitcraft Season 8 and Empires. I also watched Last Life.
- Avatar: The Last Airbender. Also found it in 2021 (I discovered a lot of things that year). Nothing much to say, I occasionally reblog something about it, but not much. It's always on the backburner of my mind though. My favourite characters are Azula and Sokka, Sokkla would be my only ship. like ever. Even then I wouldn't care if I read them as friends.
- HTTYD. I watched this shit when I was 7 and never looked back. These movies broke my heart then mended it back together with a beautiful soundtrack, sarcasm, and friendship. Which is basically what I crave in life now, (also a dragon). No need to list favourite characters, you guys already know it's Hiccup and Toothless.
- Lord Of The Rings. Discovered near the end of the year in 2021. I've only watched the movies and I'm kind of afraid to touch the books. But I will occasionally reblog things about it, if it strikes my mind to do so.
- PJO/HOO/etc. Yes, I had a mythology phase in middle school. This is how I got it. My favourite characters are Magnus, Sadie, and Percy.
That's all for now, if I think of something else to add, I will! Have a nice day!
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